2008-04-15 City Council minutesApril 15, 2008
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota
Heights, Minnesota.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Abstention: 1 (Councilmember Duggan)
Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 7:30
p.m. The following members were present:
Councilmembers Duggan, Krebsbach, Schneeman
and Vitelli.
Mayor Huber introduced Cub Scout Pack 198, who
presented the flag and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of the
revised agenda as presented. Councilmember
Krebsbach seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved to approve the
minutes of April 1, 2008 as presented.
Commissioner Schneeman seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the
consent calendar as presented, pulling items c, d,
and j, and authorization for execution of any
necessary documents contained therein.
Acknowledgement of Mendota Heights Fire
Department March 2008 Monthly Report.
Acknowledgement of Minutes from the March
12, 2008 Airport Relations Commission.
Acknowledgement of the Minutes from the
April 8, 2008 Parks and Recreation Commission
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
April 15, 2008
Page 2
d. Acceptance of the Workers Compensation
Insurance Renewal.
e. Authorization for the Mayor to Sign Contract
for GASB 34 Implementation Assistance.
f. Approval of Hiring Process / Job Description
for Accounting Clerk.
g. Approval of Altered ARC Meeting Dates.
h. Approval for Sign Permit for 2360 Pilot Knob
Road, Suite #300, Workflow Ones'
i. Adoption of Resolution No. 08-21, "A
j. Adoption of Resolution No. 08-22, "A
k. Adoption of Resolution No. 08-23, "A
NO. 200802)."
1. Approval of the List of Contractors, dated April
10, 2008.
m. Approval of the List of Claims, dated April 15,
2008, totaling $156,087.39.
Councilmember Duggan referred to Item i. and said
that Linders will be locating the garden center in a
different location this year.
Councilmember Duggan made a slight correction on
the proposed Resolution No. 08-23 and said that the
sentence should say that there be an execution of
contracts, not contractors. Ms. McDermott said she
made that correction after the packets went out.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan asked to have Item c
pulled and referred to Page 6 of the Parks and
April 15, 2008
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Recreation Commission minutes and said that the
County is considering having the trail run through
Mendota Plaza. Councilmember Krebsbach asked
if Staff would provide any minutes from meetings
that talk about this to allow the Council to further
prepare for upcoming talks about Mendota Plaza
redevelopment. Public Works Director Sue
McDermott said Dakota County is currently
preparing a letter that will be sent to City
Administrator Jim Danielson to discuss this topic.
Also, Mr. Singer will be at the Planning
Commission meeting next week to talk about this.
Councilmember Krebsbach said she would be
happy to be a part of the discussions.
Councilmember Kresbach referred to Page 4 which
talks about landscaping along Highway 110.
Councihnember Krebsbach said this is one of the
last pieces to be landscaped and would like to see if
landscaped from Delaware Avenue to Highway 13
as this will improve the city, and make the
downtown area a much more pleasant environment.
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of the
Minutes of the April 8, 2008 Parks and Recreation
Commission Meeting.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Mayor Huber asked Finance Director Kristen
Schabacker to talk about the Workers'
Compensation Insurance (item d).
Ms. Schabacker said the policy renews on May 1
and typically, the City has chosen a retro premium,
which means the premiums are based on the City's
experiences. Ms. Schabacker said the 2007/2008
year had a lot of claims. Ms. Schabacker said she
needs a decision from the Council if they want to
remain with the retro premium, or a different
premium package.
Mayor Huber asked Mr. Schabacker to offer her
opinion. Ms. Schabacker said she would
recommend staying with the retro and if the City
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
April 15, 2008
Page 4
continues to have high claims this year, it would
make more sense to switch to a different plan.
Councilmember Schneeman said she would trust the
recommendation of Ms. Schabacker.
Councilmember Vitelli moved to accept the
Retrospective Rates Premium Option with the
minimum factor of .615% and the maximum factor
of 1.30% for the Workers' Compensation renewal
and accept the Accident Plan for Volunteers Basic
Premium of $1,143 for the renewal period.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked to have Item j
pulled and said the City received $402.47 that was
facilitated by Ms. Marsha Knuth, on behalf of the
Friendly Hills Civic Association, Inc. This
association no longer has formal officers and has
not met in many years, and has decided to donate
the balance in their account to be used for park
improvements in the Friendly Hills Park.
Councilmember Duggan moved to approve
Resolution No. 08 -22, "A RESOLUTION
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Mayor Huber said the Council has always talked
about how proud they are of the Police Department,
and asked Police Chief Mike Aschenbrener to make
this presentation.
Chief Aschenbrener presented the Medal of Honor
to Police Officer Jeffory VonFeldt. Chief
Achenbrener thanked all the other police officers
for their assistance in helping Officer VonFeldt
rescue a person from a vehicle fire.
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Chief Aschenbrener reviewed the rescue and shared
a photo of the vehicle, and stated that based on the
recommendations of Sergeant Brian Convery,
Officer Denise Urmann, and Fire Chief John
Maczko it is recommended that Officer Jeffory
VonFeldt be award the Medal of Honor.
Mayor Huber presented the plague to Officer
VonFeldt, who in turn thanked all members of the
Police Department and the Fire Department for their
help and support.
Ms. McDermott said the purpose of this public
hearing is to determine if the City wants to move
forward with the plans and specifications for the
street rehabilitation project in the Somerset Park
and Evergreen Knoll neighborhoods.
Ms. McDermott said a neighborhood meeting was
recently held with 8 residents in attendance.
Ms. McDermott said it is typical each year to do a
mil and overlay project which consists of milling
the edge of the pavement next to the gutter and
placing a 2 inch overlay over the top of the existing
pavement. The streets in this neighborhood are in
desperate need of repairs, and staff feels this project
would enhance the neighborhood. In addition to
fixing the surface of the street, any broken curb and
gutter will be repaired.
Ms. McDermott said the cost of the project is
estimated at $531,204. The construction cost is
about $443,670 and the remainder of the indirect
costs for engineering is about $88,534. Funding
sources per the City's assessment policy will put
50% of the cost to the residents (bituminous
surfacing). Concrete curb and gutter will be paid
out of the general tax levy along with the remainder
50 %.
Ms. McDermott said all properties that access these
streets will be assessed on a per unit basis. The
assessable street costs are $327,410 and one half of
that, $153,705, would be divided up by 150 units
for an estimate of $1,091 per unit.
April 15, 2008
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Ms. McDermott reviewed the construction schedule
and said the plans and specifications will be coming
back to the Council in May for approval and
authorization to bid. Ms. McDermott said bids will
be opened in May and award the contract in June,
giving the contractor the entire summer to complete
this project, however, it is anticipated this will only
take a month. The assessment hearing will be held
in the fall after the project is completed. At that
time, adjustments can be made to calculations of
Staff recommends moving forward, approving
preparation of plans and specifications.
Councilmember Kresbach asked if, based on the
drop in construction, the City will anticipate a lower
bid. Ms. McDermott said that was not taken into
account when working the numbers, but as open
bids carne in on the 2008 Street Reconstruction
project, they were about $200,000 less than the
engineer's estimates. Ms. McDermott said the City
could see a lower price.
Mayor Huber asked how the assessments will be
looked at for the Par 3 golf course. Ms. McDermott
said she believes they will have to be looked at
differently, and suggested a formula to see how
many "units" could be placed along the frontage of
this property, and charge assessments accordingly.
Mayor Huber opened the public hearing and asked
for questions and comments from the audience.
Mr. Steve Antonello, 825 Deer Trail Point, said his
main concern is the quality of the work as the last
time the streets were redone, the contractor did an
awful job. Mr. Antonello said he does not mind
paying the assessment, and wants a contractor that
is not necessarily the low bidder, but one that does a
good job. Mr. Antonello said that the materials
used the last time were splattered on the concrete
gutters and he would like to see that cleaned up.
Mayor Huber spoke about the process that had been
done, and that the City would not do that again.
The residents were not assessed for this work.
April 15, 2008
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Ms. McDermott said she will work with the
residents to look at the curb and gutter damage.
Mr. John Hartman, 812 Deer Trail Point, said he
had a concern that when the Deer Trail Point and
Deer Trail Court were constructed, Wachtler was
already paved. Mr. Hartman said when the sewer
was connected, particularly at Deer Trail Court and
Wachtler, the street had to be tom up and was never
appropriately repaired. There are a lot of sinkholes
and attention needs to be paid to that area. Ms.
McDermott said in areas such as this, more work is
done by digging up the asphalt and regarding the
Mr. Greg Quehl, 762 Evergreen Knoll, said the
former milling occurred along the curb and not in
the center of the street. Ms. McDermott said that
was correct. Mr. Quehl said he is concerned about
the elevation around the manholes. Ms. McDermott
explained how manholes areas were constructed,
and Mr. Danielson said they need to make sure the
manhole areas are done appropriately to avoid snow
plowing problems.
Mr. Quehl said he is concerned about all the
landscaping done along Highway 35 and it looks
nice at first, but afterward, are neglected.
Mr. Don Peterson, 790 Evergreen Knoll, said he is
in support of this project.
Councilmember Vitelli moved to close the public
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of
Resolution No. 08 -24, "A RESOLUTION
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
April 15, 2008
Page 8
BID AWARD: HIDDEN CREEK SEWER Ms. McDermott said Staff received a request from
SEWER AND WATER EXTENSION the residents at 1698 Dodd Road for a sewer and
water main extension through the Hidden Creek
development. Ms. McDeunott said the City
received four proposals to do this work. The low
bid was received from Gartzke Construction in the
amount of $48,350 and staff would like to proceed
with construction. The property owners have
signed a waiver of appeal of special assessments
and are aware that they will be paying
approximately $33,000 for this work. The
remainder of the cost of the work would be assessed
to homeowners in the area as they connect to that
line. Staff has already received interest expressed
by one other homeowner in that area.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Staff recommends awarding the bid to Gartzke
Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of
Resolution No. 08 -25, "A RESOLUTION
(PROJECT NO. 2008-12)."
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek
reviewed the Annual Report for 2007 for the Par 3
Golf Course. Mr. Sedlacek said staff had hoped for
a $30,000 net revenue over expenditures and the
course has done well with $38,000.
Mr. Sedlacek said operations are administered as an
enterprise fund which is overseen by the City
Administrator. Mr. Sedlacek reviewed the fee
structure and talked about tee times and schedules.
Mayor Huber commended Mr. Sedlacek on the
good work.
Councilmember Schneeman said there was never a
policy and procedure manual before and asked if
April 15, 2008
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one can now be obtained at City Hall. Mr. Sedlacek
said that was correct.
Councilmember Duggan said he had a conversation
with the former sports director of Sibley High
School and talked about the possibility of providing
more opportunities for children, i.e., providing
lower rates, family packs, and other money saving
Councilmember Krebsbach asked if the schedules
were posted on the website. Mr. Sedlacek said they
were not, but staff will work on putting this
information on the website.
Councilmember Schneeman said Councilmember
Duggan'. s comments should be forwarded to
Richard Spicer and his committee.
Councilmember Vitelli complimented Mr. Sedlacek
on an excellent report and emphasized to the
residents that the golf course profited $38,000.
Councilmember Vitelli said he suggested the Policy
and Procedures and was glad to see this put together
so quickly. Councilmember Vitelli said he is
confident that that cash management was handled
properly. Councilmember Vitelli asked if the profit
will go into a fund to pay for future maintenance.
Ms. Schabacker said the Par 3 is set up with its own
business type fund and all activities are separate
from the City's activities.
Councilmember Duggan referred to the City's logo
on the golf ball that is shown on the cover of the
Annual Report, and suggested the City invest in
promotional items to sell at the golf course.
FIRE TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Fire Chief John Maczko and Training Coordinator
Dave Dreelan explained the process and purpose of
live bums in vacant homes used for training of their
firefighters. Chief Maczko said Dodge Nature
Center currently has two homes that they have
offered to the Fire Department to use as training
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Chief Maczko said there is a third home on
Delaware that is available, this one not being
associated with the Dodge Nature Center.
These burns are done mostly internally and the
home will then be destroyed in the usual manner.
Chief Maczko said the fire department had
previously been doing their training in Burnsville,
which is costly and takes their trucks and
firefighters out of the city for a considerable period
of tune.
Chief Maczko and Officer Dreelan explained how
they go door to door to the neighbors to let them
know what is going on. At any time there is
opposition by neighbors, the burns will not take
Permits must be obtained by the DNR and the
Pollution Control Agency and that work in currently
in progress.
Councilmember Schneeman said the fire
department previously burned a home on
Wentworth and no one even knew this was going
Councilmember Vitelli said he supports this
Mayor Huber said he has no problem with this, but
had some concerns about the home on Delaware,
and asked if the neighbors were spoken to about
this. Officer Dreelan said they have not done that
yet, as there are still some issues with the removal
of asbestos. Officer Dreelan said the practice is to
send out letters signed by him and the Fire Chief,
and take these letters door to door, answering
questions as he goes along. Officer Dreelan said
this fire drill is all predicated on the wind
conditions. If any of the neighbors are planning
outside events, such as family barbeques, then the
drill will be postponed.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
April 15, 2008
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Mayor Huber asked which neighbors will be
notified. Officer Dreelan explained which homes
would be notified, and said notice goes out to
anyone he believes will be affected. Residents are
left with cell phone numbers to contact with any
other concerns and questions.
Councihnember Krebsbach asked that the Council
be informed of any resident that is in opposition.
Chief Maczko said the fire department does not
want to bring bad public relations to the fire
department because of this and it has worked out
well in the past. Officer Dreelan said the neighbors
are invited to come and watch the fire fighters if
they so desire.
Councilmember Krebsbach said there was a recent
fire on Culligan Lane, where she lives.
Councilmember Krebsbach said the fire department
did an outstanding job and kept the fire to a
minimum. Councilmember Krebsbach said she
would like to note at this point that Kathryn Conley
is the one who spotted the fire. Councilmember
Krebsbach said the neighbors felt very protected
from the fire which is a very important aspect of the
Councilmember Vitelli moved to approve the fire
burn training as presented.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Councilmember Schneeman said she recently
received agendas for 27 local government meetings
and school district meetings, and out of the 27
meetings, only 3 started at 7:30 p.m.
Councilmember Schneeman recommended that the
City Council change its meeting starting time to
7:00 p.m. Councilmember Schneeman said many
of the staff members live quite a distance from the
city and therefore do not go home before the
Councilmember Duggan said the meetings are a
way for the public to attend. Councilmember
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Duggan said he is not against the earlier start, but a
lot of residents are professionals that may have
challenges to get to the City Hall on time.
Mayor Huber said there are also times when
children are in the audience, and can't stay late
when the meetings run late.
Councilmember Schneeman said there have been
many times the meetings have gone past 10:30 pm,
and a lot of people also have babysitters.
Councilmember Krebsbach suggested the City get
some press coverage and not make a decision
tonight in case residents object.
Councilmember Schneeman said she would like to
make this decision tonight and have notice of the
change put in the Highlites.
Mayor Huber suggested that when staff puts
applications on the agenda, in the order that they
normally do, and check with the first applicant on
the agenda and ask if they will make the 7:00 start
time, and if not, put them further down the line of
the agenda.
Councilmember Duggan said someone should also
ask the Cable Commission if they can have a person
available at that time. Mr. Danielson said he thinks
they would be fine with this.
Councihneinber Vitelli moved adoption of
Resolution No. 08 -26, `RESOLUTION
starting time of the City Council meetings to 7:00
p.m., beginning on July 1.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Huber said he will not be present at the first
meeting in June.
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Mayor Huber said the Mendota Heights Annual
Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 3
from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Mr. Sedlacek said
residents need to have proper ID and there is a
nominal fee. Residents looking to dispose of
hazardous materials will be directed to go the
Dakota County Eco Site.
Mayor Huber said he had the pleasure of making a
presentation at a symposium at the University of
Minnesota put on by the School of Design. Mayor
Huber said he was asked to make a presentation on
the City's role of preserving Pilot Knob. Mayor
Huber thanked Staff for their assistance in preparing
for this meeting, and said this was an extremely
touching outpouring of warmth and appreciation
from the people in attendance that day on what the
community did. Mayor Huber said he had people
from Canada and Nova Scotia approach him and
say how proud they are that the City of Mendota
Heights did what they did.
Councilmember Vitelli spoke about his recent ride
along with the Police Department, and was very
impressed by the skills and knowledge that the
police officers have in dealing with all kinds of
situations. Councilmember Vitelli talked about the
computer systems in the squad cars and how
officers can quickly access information.
Councilmember Schneeman said the tennis courts
are open.
Councilmember Krebsbach suggested that a letter
be sent acknowledging Kathryn Conley for the early
detection of the fire on Culligan Lane. Mayor
Huber asked Staff to prepare the letter.
Councilmember Duggan said he as he was out and
about the city, he noticed people cleaning up and is
pleased that this is being done.
Councilmember Duggan said Bob Kowalski is
working with Blaine Kuhns and the Great
Mississippi River Wine and Dining Rendezvous on
September 7th.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
April 15, 2008
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There being no further business to come before the
Council, Councilmember Krebsbach moved to
adjourn the meeting.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Time of Adjournment 9:00 p.m.
Rebecca Shaffer
Recording Secretary
John J. Hube