03 21 13 JTF03/20/13 The Mendota Heights Police Department Support Staff Kim Henning Susan Donovan Trista Miller Becky Pentel Police Officers Jerry Murphy Scott Patrick John Larrive Bobby Lambert Tanner Spicer Todd Rosse Chad Willson Jeff VonFeldt Steven Meyer Denise Urmann Michael Shepard Peyton Fleming School Resource Officer Jennifer Fordham Investigations Mario Reyes Chad Willson Sergeants Neil Garlock Brian Convery Eric Petersen Reserves Randy Pentel Jarrod Spicer Jim Knox Jeff Parker George Castillo Chaplains Frances Cuenca Joel Detlefsen Lynn Liberman Butch Millett Sue Plucker John Snider David Wick Chief Mike Aschenbrener Community Blood Drive The Mendota Heights MOMS Club is hosting a community blood drive this Saturday, 3/23 from 9:30 am -2:30 pm at 1841 Walsh Lane. The Red Cross is very short on their blood supply and really needs our help! If this is a good opportunity for you to help replenish the blood supply, sign up at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtPpBdNM4A- fdHN1WUVJeFM2Nm5MbER6a3IxVWVteXc#gid=0. Limited spots available. DWI Wednesday 1301 hours While on routine patrol, Officer Meyer, clocked a car approaching him at over 100 mph on Hwy 110. The vehicle slowed to around 90 as it got closer to the stoplights; Officer Meyer caught up to it and attempted a traffic stop by activating his lights, then the spotlight, finally a siren. The vehicle did slow down, but had a hard time stopping (probably because he was also observed fumbling to get his seatbelt on). The driver was approached and asked to provide ID and insurance. The address was not current and neither was his insurance. It was immediately evident that he had been drinking; after unsuccessfully completing the SFST’s, he failed the PBT with a .015 reading. He was placed under arrest and a search of the vehicle was conducted. A marijuana pipe was found in the vehicle console, but when the trunk was checked, the odor of marijuana was quite strong, but no other contraband found. After consenting to a breath test, which showed a .15 reading, he received a citation and a trip to jail to be booked for DWI and possession of drug paraphernalia. Assault Thursday 1838 hours Received report from a group home of an altercation between patient and staff. Staff reported subject had become distressed and began to lash out with fists, ultimately throwing a coffee mug at him. Photos of injuries were obtained, citation was issued to the offender, a health and welfare hold was placed on him and he was taken to the hospital. Theft of Gas Thursday 1902 hours Officer Todd Rosse responded to a gas station on report of yet another gas theft report. Reporting party stated the vehicle had a plate covering the actual plate and could not get a good read on it. Inactive. “Just the Facts” The latest news from the Mendota Heights Police Department 03/20/13 Snack Thief Thursday 2336 hours Officer Spicer spied a vehicle parked across two parking spots at a gas station, door wide open. The driver exited the store and got into the car When Officer Spicer approached him, he was greeted by the strong smell of alcohol (not the topical stuff, either). The driver had trouble retrieving his wallet. Officer Spicer started asking if he had been drinking, and he said he had stopped a couple of hours ago. Prior to starting the sobriety testing, Officer Spicer asked the gent if he had trouble with his eyes. The man replied, “I stole some stuff from the store” and promptly produced numerous snack items from his jacket sleeve. He did fail his tests and was not allowed to drive, especially once marijuana was also found in his jacket. He was cited and given a ride to detox. Domestic Friday 2208 hours Officers were dispatched to a familiar residence for a verbal domestic in progress. Upon arrival, Sgt Eric Petersen & Officer Todd Rosse found an intoxicated mother arguing with her son. The son requested the intoxicated mother leave as she was causing trouble and his young son was in the home. The mother became irate that the son would have called the cops. She made a valiant effort to resist arrest, but her inebriation put her off balance and she was “helped” into some handcuffs. No charges; taken to Ramsey Detox for a sobriety nap. DAS/No Insurance/Marijuana Sunday 0027 hours While on routine patrol, Officer Spicer ran a check on a vehicle and saw the driver was suspended. Upon stopping the vehicle, the driver stated he was not aware he was suspended, but he did know there was no current insurance on the vehicle. Since the passenger was also unable to drive, he called for a tow and then searched the vehicle. Marijuana was found in both the front and back seats, but the passenger claimed ownership of it all. Both were issued their citations and taken to a gas station to await their ride. DWI Sunday 0231 hours A bit later, still on patrol, Officer Tanner Spicer observed a vehicle approaching his location quickly, clocked at 80 mph (again on Hwy 110). While catching up, he watched the vehicle go back and forth across the lanes, crossing fog lines and hugging the shoulder. This driver also took a while to stop, but finally pulled over. Officer Spicer noted red, watery eyes and fresh aroma of alcohol and began testing him. The driver had some trouble standing, but said he had only had “a couple.” He started some of the sobriety tests, then simply asked if he could stop, as he didn’t think he’d do very well. After testing of .178, that was probably a wise idea. He was arrested, the vehicle was searched and drug paraphernalia was found there. He was brought to MHPD for processing and consented to the testing process, ultimately providing a urine sample. He was taken to DC Jail for book and release; charges pending test results. DWI Monday 2317 hours Officer Denise Urmann stopped a vehicle leaving the parking lot of a local bar when the vehicle turned onto the shoulder, and continued driving on the shoulder – thru an 03/20/13 intersection and onto a turn lane. Upon stopping the driver, the scent of alcohol wafted out and after providing valid ID and insurance, he began his sobriety tests. The female passenger was evidently not in any shape to drive either. He failed all of his sobriety tests including the PBT, reading at .015; he was arrested and taken to MHPD for processing; she was dropped off at White Castle by Officer Steve Meyer. The implied consent advisory caused some issues when determined he wanted to consult an attorney. He reviewed the directories, but his own cell phone was dead. He then requested to speak with his grandpa, an “ex-FBI agent.” He eventually decided he simply wanted to be booked and refused to take a test. Officer Urmann complied, and booked him at DC Jail on a 3rd Deg DWI/Test Refusal. Scammed Again Monday 1411 hours Sergeant Garlock responded to a party in the lobby reporting he had been a victim of a scam. Evidently, he had supposedly been a Publisher’s Clearing House winner, but had cashed their check for a payment, but then forward money via a third party in order to receive prizes. He sent it in and cashed the check they provided but the next day the bank notified him the check had been worthless and he was out over $6000. They called with another reason to request more money, but he realized by then it was a scam and ceased communications. Suspicious Person Wednesday 1700 hours Officer Mike Shepard was informed about a caller concerned that someone has been going thru her mailbox. Evidently the mailbox is frequently ajar, which is strange since it doesn’t easily open. Today she observed a white Ford Escape pulling up to mailboxes in her neighborhood, opening and closing mailboxes. She was able to give some helpful suspect and vehicle information; info forwarded to investigations and to patrol. DAC/Warrant Thursday 1447 hours While working a Dakota County Speed Saturation, Officer Urmann ran the plate on a vehicle which came back as a cancelled owner; the misdemeanor warrant for driving without a DL also appeared. Upon stopping the vehicle, the owner was the driver and the correct party. Along with his other issues, he was also unable to provide insurance. He was cited and given a ride to DC Jail to settle up on that warrant. Thefts from Vehicles current! Lock it up! Car prowlers have been sifting thru vehicles again and toward the end of week we have seen some activity with theft from vehicle or attempted thefts. Lock your car and remove temptations from your vehicles. Have a great weekend! Kim & Trista