2013-01-24 Council Workshop minutes-goalsettingCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Council Workshop Held Tuesday, January 24, 2013 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a workshop of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 1:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Krebsbach called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. The following members were present: Councilmembers Duggan, Norton, Povolny, Petschel. Also in attendance: City Administrator Justin Miller and City Clerk Lorri Smith. INTRODUCTION OF ITEMS / WORKSHOP PROCESS DISCUSSION Mayor Krebsbach encouraged the members to discuss their ideas for the 2013 goals of the Council. It was suggested by Councihnember Petschel that the airport should always be at least one goal of the Council each year. She updated the members on airport issues and recommended that a letter from Mayor Krebsbach be sent to our legislators stating the City's concerns regarding potential legislation regarding the Noise Oversight Committee. Council member Duggan stated that the City's aging population is a concern and recommended that concern for housing developments for the elderly be included in a goal. Petschel stated that youth should also be a concern and the city should look at appealing to both groups. Mayor Krebsbach recommended the Council identify an area of the city to focus on for corning up with a concept plan for development. She stated the City needs to be proactive in our approach for development. It was recommended that the Council members review a map of potential areas for development within the city at the May Council workshop. Mayor Krebsbach recommended that the goal stated in the packet cover memo be adopted, which states the following: Conservatively manage the city's finances to establish a robust tax base while providing for the long -term financial stability of the city. The Council will continue to discuss their goals at a Council workshop in May. PUBLIC SAFETY SOCIAL HOST ORDINANCE It was the consensus of the Councilmembers to wait and see if the State legislature takes action this year on enacting a statute governing the majority of the offenses covered by a potential new ordinance before pursuing a Social Host ordinance for the city. TOBACCO ORDINANCE UPDATE The Council members directed city staff to recommend language to update the current tobacco ordinance to regulate the new products on the market. ADDRESS NEEDS FOR NEW FIRE TRUCK The need for a new fire truck was discussed. Members expressed concern for establishing a more equitable bidding process. The Council members would like to see the cost of fixing the current truck compared with the costs associated with purchasing a new truck. City staff will work with a Council subcommittee of Norton and Povolny to discuss the fire department's need for replacing a fire truck. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AT HIGHWAY 110 AND DELAWARE The need for an unproved pedestrian crossing at Highway 110 and Delaware was discussed. It was noted there is no sidewalk along Delaware, south of Highway 110, to connect the crossing to. It was also noted that this would be a Dakota County project. STREETLIGHTS AT MAJOR INTERSECTIONS The need for more streetlights at major intersections was discussed. It was noted that this is usually initiated by a citizen petition. No further action is needed. DELAWARE PARKING RESTRICTIONS NORTH OF DODD ROAD The parking restrictions along Delaware, north of Dodd Road, were discussed. It was noted that the current parking restrictions are good for the city maintenance crews and the police department. By consensus, there are no changes recommended. CELL TOWER COVERAGE The lack of cell phone coverage in certain areas of the city was discussed. It was noted that citizens can purchase a booster to improve on coverage at their residence. No further action will be taken. PUBLIC WORKS MASTER PLAN FOR PONDS AND WETLANDS The Council noted that they would like to receive more education on the management of ponds and wetlands. They expressed the need to stay up to date on this issue and desire to have a plan for rotating the maintenance of the storm water ponds and assessing the costs. They stated they would like to receive a realistic financial picture of what is involved in maintaining the ponds and wetlands. It was the consensus of the Councilmembers that they would like to begin the process for maintaining the storm water ponds by completing a small portion of them in the next budget cycle. EMERALD ASH BORER MONITORING The Council was in agreement that the trees that are found to be infested should be removed. OWNERSHIP STATUS OF WATER SYSTEM The Councilmembers were in agreement that a detailed cost benefit analysis, looking at long term numbers, should be completed, to give the Council more detail on this. They would like to know what the water system is worth to the city. EXCESS RIGHT -OF -WAY VACATION The Councilmembers discussed the liability associated with the City owning excess right -of -way. They discussed the pros and cons to vacation of these unused rights -of -way that have no value to the city. They were in consensus that each vacation will be discussed on a case -by -case basis for consideration. January 24, 2013 Mendota Heights Council Workshop Page 2 ORGANIZED COLLECTION The members discussed the pros and cons of having organized trash collection in the city. It was the consensus of the members that neighborhoods have the option of organizing their own trash hauling with one hauler if they prefer. No further discussion is needed on this issue. STREET PROJECT FINANCING It was the consensus of the members to discuss and update the Street Reconstruction Policy after the completion of the reconstruction program, which is scheduled for 2015. PLANNING RE-EVALUATION OF GARAGE DOOR ZONING CODE The Council discussed the need for re-evaluating the current city code regarding the number of garage doors allowed on one residence. The Council requested that staff work with a Council subcommittee of Norton and Povolny to recommend amendments to the City Code. RE-EVALUATION OF SIGN CODE The Council discussed the need for re-evaluating the current city code regarding lighting for signage. They felt there is a need to modernize the language to allow LED lighting. The Council requested that staff work on updating the language and bring the revisions back to the May Council workshop. STREAMLINING OF APPLICATION / PERMITTING PROCESSES The process for issuing city permits or a license was discussed. It was noted that some permitting processes can be streamlined if the applicant meets all of the required criteria. It was the consensus of the Council that if the City Council cannot deny a permit, then there is no need for it to come before them and the process can be streamlined by staff. INDEPENDENT SENIOR LIVING OPTIONS It was noted by the Councilmembers that one of the goals of the Council should be to increase independent living options for seniors in the community. This goal will be discussed in further detail at the May Council workshop. UPDATE ON AUGUSTA SHORES II DEVELOPMENT Staff reported on the Augusta Shores II development, stating that the developer does not anticipate starting the project in 2013. PARKS AND RECREATION LIGHTS AT MENDAKOTA FIELDS The members discussed adding field lighting to two ball fields at Mendakota Park to meet the demand for baseball and softball fields. The Special Parks Fund's limited balance was discussed. It was the consensus of the members to not pursue the additional ball field lighting at this time. MHAA CITY LIAISON / SIBLEY FIELD UTILIZATION The members discussed the relationship with Mendota Heights Athletic Association and their use of Sibley field. Administrator Miller stated that he has been meeting with the Sibley High School Athletic Director and the representatives from M1-IAA to discuss and clarify the current agreement. City staff will continue to work with the two organizations to ensure Mendota Heights' youth have access to athletic programs and resources. January 24, 2013 Mendota Heights Council Workshop Page 3 PUBLIC OUTDOOR ART No discussion. TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS An update of the five year Trail Improvement and Maintenance Plan was presented to the members. The plan is currently being reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The plan will prioritize maintenance and improvement projects based on need and funds available. The Councilmembers directed staff to continue working on the plan. PLAYGROUND UPDATES An update on playground upgrades was given to the members. It was the consensus of the members that the Parks and Recreation Commission should direct the Council on upgrades to city playgrounds. The members discussed the funding source and the need to find additional funds for the needed upgrades. HALLOWEEN BONFIRE UPDATE The location for the annual Halloween bonfire was discussed. The City will use the current location which is between the mall and South Plaza Drive until the property is developed. The bonfire will be kept to a smaller scale. EXPANDED PARK AND RECREATION OFFERINGS The recent reorganization of the recreation staff was discussed. Once a full time recreation coordinator is hired, then the programs offered will be evaluated. FINANCE FORMALIZE CONSULTANT SELECTION AND RETENTION PROCESS The members discussed developing a formal Request for Proposals process for consultant services, such as for city attorneys, auditor, and city planning services. It was the consensus of the members to develop a formal process for soliciting proposals for these services, starting in 2013 for city attorneys and city planner. LOWER TAXES / BUDGET DIRECTION The members were given data comparing Mendota Heights' tax rate with other cities in Dakota County, and other cities of similar size in the metro area. The Council members discussed the upcoming budget year and setting budget goals to give staff direction for planning for the 2014 budget year. COMPENSATION STUDY Administrator Miller updated the Council on the need for a compensation study to be completed to analyze the city's compensation plan to evaluate for internal and external equity. The Councilmembers were in agreement that the study should be included in the 2014 budget discussions.. ADDRESSING FORECLOSED HOMES The members were given an update on the foreclosures in Mendota Heights and Dakota County. No discussion was held. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES There was discussion on several opportunities for economic development of potential sites. Councilmember Duggan stated that the City Council should have criteria in place in order to consider economic development opportunities. This will be discussed further at the May Council workshop. January 24, 2013 Mendota Heights Council Workshop Page 4 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMCUNITY VISIONING / CITIZEN SURVEY The members discussed updating the current vision statement, developing a resident survey, and developing a formal goals list by having a strategic planning meeting in May. The Councilmembers were in consensus they need to have a purpose and understand what they want to accomplish by conducting a community survey. Council members will pass along their ideas for questions for a community survey to Administrator Miller before the May planning meeting. The use of a meeting facilitator for the May meeting was discussed. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOPS The Councilmembers discussed having regularly scheduled workshops, either once per month or once per quarter. It was the consensus of the members to have regularly scheduled workshop meetings once per quarter. If there is no business, then the meeting will be cancelled. WELCOME WAGON PACKAGE FOR NEW HOMEOWNERS The Council discussed beginning a process of a Welcome Wagon, to welcome new residents into the city. Staff was directed to put together a small package to send to new residents, including a welcome letter from the Mayor, the current Heights Highlights, and a list of frequently asked questions /answers. BETTER EDUCATED CITIZENRY No discussion or action was taken. SPRING CLEAN -UP / HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PARTNERSHIP The annual spring clean -up event was discussed. Staff was directed to contact Bridging, Inc. to see if they would like to be present at the event to take away some of the items turned in by the residents. LIAISON BETWEEN CITY AND ISD 197 / MENDOTA / LILYDALE The members briefly discussed appointing a liaison to meet with the School District and the cities of Mendota and Lilydale to enhance communications. No action was taken. CITY COUNCIL / COMMISSION JOINT MEETINGS The Councilmembers discussed having the City Council meet with the City Commissions. It was the consensus that the Council should meet with the Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission individually in the near future. ELECTRONIC PACKETS / IPAD USE The Councilmembers discussed purchasing IPad's for use at Council meetings, in lieu of receiving paper packets. It was the consensus of the members that they would each be responsible for purchasing their own equipment if they prefer to use electronic meeting packets. ADJOURN Mayor Krebsbach adjourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m. ATTEST: Lorri Smith, City Clerk January 24, 2013 Mendota Heights Council Workshop a Krebsbach, or Page 5