2013-01-08 Council minutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. OATH OF OFFICE — MAYOR SANDRA KREBSBACH AND COUNCILMEMBERS MIKE POVOLNY AND STEVE NORTON City Administrator Justin Miller administered the Oath of Office for Councilmembers Mike Povolny and Steve Norton. DESIGNATION OF 2013 ACTING MAYOR Mayor Krebsbach being unable to attend, City Administrator Justin Miller recommended that item 8a) Designation of 2013 Acting Mayor be moved to item 1. Councilmember Duggan made the motion, seconded by Councilmember Povolny. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Krebsbach) City Administrator Justin Miller explained that traditionally each year the City Council selects someone to be Acting Mayor, at the discretion of the Council. Councilmember Povolny nominated Councilmember Liz Petschel as 2013 Acting Mayor. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Krebsbach) CALL TO ORDER Acting Mayor Petschel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present: Councilmembers Duggan, Povolny, Petschel, and Norton. Mayor Krebsbach was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. January 8, 2013 Mendota Heights City Council Page 1 AGENDA ADOPTION Acting Mayor Petschel presented the agenda for adoption. Councilmember Povolny moved adoption of the revised agenda. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Krebsbach) CONSENT CALENDAR Acting Mayor Petschel presented the consent calendar and explained the procedure for discussion and approval. Councilmember Povolny moved approval of the consent calendar as presented and authorization for execution of any necessary documents contained therein, pulling items D) Approval of Fire Marshal Position Reclassification and H) Approval of Park and Recreation Department Reorganization. a. Acknowledgement of December 18, 2012 City Council Minutes b. Acknowledgement of December 26, 2012 Planning Commission Minutes c. Approval of Resolution 2013 -01 Reappointing Advisory Commission Members d. Approval of Fire Marshal Position Reclassification e. Approval of Resolution 2013 -02 Approving a Lot Line Adjustment at 1698 Dodd Road f. Approval of 2013 Finance Administrative Items g. Approval of Contract to Provide Meeting Minutes Services h. Approval of Park and Recreation Department Reorganization i. Approval of Resolution 2013 -03 Establishing the 2013 Fee Schedule j. Designation of Official Newspaper k. Approval of Final Payment for Mendota Heights Road and Diane Road Improvements 1. Authorization to Replace Garage Door at Public Works Garage in. Receipt of December 2012 Building Activity Report n. Approval of Claims List Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 ( Krebsbach) PULLED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS D) APPROVAL OF FIRE MARSHAL POSITION RECLASSIFICATION Councilmember Duggan mentioned that he had spoken with staff regarding the Fire Marshal Position Reclassification description, specifically Page 18, Item 3 Essential Duties, which reads "meets with residents and business owners as requested for a variety of reasons ". Councilmember Duggan requested that it state "as requested for various fire safety related reasons ". January 8, 2013 Mendota Heights City Council Page 2 There being no objections by staff, Councilmember Duggan moved Adoption of the Fire Marshal Position Reclassification as amended. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Krebsbach) H) APPROVAL OF PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION Councilmember Duggan commented that this request is asking the Council to consider the creation of a new full-time position by combining two part-time positions, Recreation Programmer and Clubhouse Manager. Councilmember Duggan explained that his concern is the $17,000 increase in costs. A concern raised by a resident was that the Recreation Program Coordinator draft position does not include any accountability and he questioned what the city would be gaining by the increased expenditure. Councilmember Duggan suggested that Council accept the proposal to unite the two positions going forward but then, perhaps at the next Council meeting, a review of the Recreation Program Coordinator draft position description be undertaken so as to include accountabilities. He asked staff to clarify who can apply for this new proposed position, where would it be advertised, and what would be the deadline for applications. Acting Mayor Petschel commented that she has also received e-mails and a phone call in regards to this. It is her belief that many of the problems in the past have been due to the fact that there was not a full- time person directing things at the golf course. Councilmember Duggan expressed his concern over the additional expenditure and that the Par 3 Golf Course seems to be getting precedence over the Recreation Program. Councilmember Duggan explained that in relation to organizational structure and to get the City where it has someone running all of these programs on a full-time basis, which he supports, he believes there should be accountabilities in the description. He requested that staff explain where this opening would be advertised and what the deadlines would be. City Administrator Justin Miller replied that, if approved by Council, the posting of this position would begin on January 9, 2013 and continue for two weeks. The posting would be advertised in the City's normal outlet, the League of Minnesota Cities, and since this is a recreation type position it would be posted through the Minnesota Parks and Recreation Association to try and cast as wide of a net as possible. Depending on how many applications are received staff would review and set up interviews by the end of January or the beginning of February. The goal is to have someone start in mid-February. As for accountabilities, City Administrator Miller commented that these would not necessarily be listed in a job description, assuming that the Council is referring to goals. Goals would be of a side agreement that the City would implement with the new person, especially since goals would typically change from year to year. January 8, 2013 Mendota Heights City Council Page 3 Councilmember Duggan also expressed his concern that staff may be approaching an area — trying to make the golf course profitable — that they are not trained for nor are legally allowed to do. He assumed that the goals and accountabilities could be discussed during the interview process. He suggested, in light of the economy and the numbers of unemployed, that staff consider advertising in the local newspapers and on the City web -site; that a member of the Parks and Recreation Board be a part of the interviewing team; and that a work session be held before the next council meeting to discuss the job description. Staff recommended that the actions requested be approved to prevent any delays in Parks and Recreation programming and possible resulting difficulties. Councilmember Duggan explained that he is not looking at any significant policy changes but more for clarifiers. City Administrator Miller stated that should Council approve the request this evening and authorize staff to begin the posting; staff and Council could meet again next week to go over more details in the job description. Councilmember Duggan wished to make it clear that a part-time position is being eliminated; however, the new full -time position could be applied for by anyone. He also wanted to know if it would be permissible for that part-time employee to speak to the Council. Acting Mayor Petschel expressed her desire that the focus remain on the action items recommended by staff. City Attorney Tami Diehm commented that, like any agenda item, the Council has the ability to recognize members from the public who may be in attendance to address the topic. City Administrator Justin Miller reminded the Council that the topic under discussion is position related and not personal. Staff has been looking at this at an organizational level and has based their decisions on the needs of the organization and not on any specific person in either position. Ms. Barb Kasai., 565 W. Marie, is a thirty -seven year resident of Mendota Heights, as well as a retired employee of the Parks & Recreation department from the City of West St. Paul. She also does part-time work in Mendota Heights by chaperoning trips and volunteering for various city - sponsored activities. She expressed her belief that one person would not be able to handle all of the things that are in the job description. Expecting one person to handle this position will cause something to suffer, whether it would be the golf course or the programs. She also does not believe that the monetary increase is well spent tax dollars. Councilmember Norton asked for clarification that Ms. Kasai believes that the amount of duties that are put forth in the job description are perhaps too much for one full -tune position to handle. Ms. Kasal confirmed this. Councilmember Norton commented that two part -time positions that do not account for all of that time would not be able to accomplish all of those duties either. Ms. Kasal replied that there would need to be seasonal staff to fill in, which both positions currently do. Acting Mayor Petschel pointed out that the City is not looking at the Par 3 as a source of income for the City. However, what is needed at the Par 3 is accountability and oversight. However, they also don't want it to become a drain on the city's economy. January 8, 2013 Mendota Heights City Council Page 4 Ms. Teresa Gangelhoff, Recreational Programmer for the City of Mendota Heights, gave a hand-out outlining a suggestion that she has and a highlight of some of the things that she has done in her job for the last eleven years. She understands this has been a tough decision but she echoes what was said by Ms. Kasal. Ms. Jamie Witte, daughter of Ms. Gangelhoff and an employee of Patterson Companies in Mendota Heights, commented that the job posting is focused on golf course management; however, that person would also be riding on a bus with kids. She believes a closer look at the comparison on the seasonal position and what that means for that person in the off season is needed. She also feels that the city should take into consideration the programs that have been built for the children and what would happen if those programs began to suffer. Councilmember Duggan summarized the points he heard made by the residents: • Grant writing, which is not mentioned in the job posting • Awards • Expansion of programs Councilmember Duggan restated his concerns, clarifying that he is in favor of combining the positions but there needs to be oversight over the next year to ensure that what was desired is being accomplished and to ensure the extra expenditure is worthwhile. Councilmember Duggan moved to Approve the Recreation Program Coordinator position and authorize staff to advertise for the position with suggested changes and with the City Council oversight going forward in relation to the unknown accountabilities. Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion. Acting Mayor Petschel commented she agrees with going ahead with the recommendation to eliminate the two part-time positions and create the new full-time position with this job description with the understanding that, within the next week or so, there may need to be some clarification of accountabilities. Councilmember Duggan noted that he only moved to approve the third part of staff s recommendation. Having misunderstood in thinking that the motion was for all three recommendations, Councilmember Povolny recanted his seconding of the motion. Councilmember Povolny moved Approval to Eliminate the Recreation Programmer position and separate the employee currently serving in that position, effective January 22, 2013; Eliminate the part- time clubhouse manager position; Approve the Full Time Recreation Program Coordinator position and authorize staff to advertise for the position with suggested changes and with the City Council oversight going forward in relation to the unknown accountabilities. Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion. Acting Mayor Petschel stated again this position is open to anyone to apply for; fully recognizing the skills of Ms. Gangelhoff and her contributions. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Krebsbach) January 8, 2013 Mendota Heights City Council Page 5 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS B) APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE COMMISSIONS City Administrator Justin Miller explained that periodically the City needs to appoint representatives of elected and non-elected to outside commissions. Two of those are up for appointments at this time: NDC4 (Cable Commission): One councilmember and one citizen representative are required for a two year term (2013-2014) Current Representation: Councihnember Duggan and Mickey Kieffer Dakota Communications Center: One primary and one alternate (both elected officials) are required for a two year term (2013-2014) Current Representation: Councilmember Duggan (primary) and Councilmember Povolny (alternate) All of the current appointees have indicated interest in continuing to serve on these respective commissions. Councilmember Povolny moved Approval of Appointments to Outside Commissions as Recommended. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Krebsbach) COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Duggan commented that some received a memo from Dakota County regarding a Mendota/Lebanon Hills Greenway. This includes Mendota Heights between Apache and Aztec and those residents have been concerned with the CDA land that is between them. Councilmember Duggan requested City Engineer John Mazzitello note on a map where that is. He also mentioned that the meeting is next week, which would be posted on the city's web-site and elsewhere. City Engineer John Mazzitello explained that the area referred to is an alternate alignment for the new Dakota County Greenways Initiative, which is to develop a trail network that is an off-road network. Currently preponderance of the trails is adjacent to a traveled roadway. Dakota County is going through an effort, using federal grant money, to develop trails that are not associated with traveled roadways. One of the alignments they are proposing as an alternative is from the end of Apache, up the CDA property, to the comer of Mendota Plaza; which is county-owned, undeveloped property at this time. There are some other alignments shown in the greenway plan, such as the trail through the Mendota Plaza. He recalled that as a part of the PUD agreement, there were some easements recorded with the plat for a future trail that runs along the creek through Mendota Plaza. That too is part of the greenways initiative. January 8, 2013 Mendota Heights City Council Page 6 The upcoming meeting concerns the North Urban Regional Trail from Warrior Drive to the corner of Charlton and Marie in West St. Paul. This trail currently runs along Highway 110, which is adjacent to a very busy high -speed traveled roadway. The county is looking at alignment alternatives both in the north/south and in the east /west, to bring the North Urban Regional Trail off of roadways as much as possible. So the focus of the public meeting is on that specific portion of the greenways initiative. However, it is a county -wide program and the full map can be found on the Dakota County web page under their Parks link [http: / /www.co.dakota.mn.us]. Acting Mayor Petschel asked if the county were to put this portion of the greenway through that area, would it mean, for those residents who have the CDA property behind them, that there would be less likely for something to be built there. City Engineer Mazzitello replied that traditionally when there is a recreational use on a piece of property, such as a trail or a park, once that is established as a recreational use there are federal codes that make it very difficult for that land to be developed in the future. That is not to say it cannot be, but it makes it more difficult. Acting Mayor Petschel also asked should this project develop, who would maintain it. City Engineer Mazzitello replied it would be in the form of an agreement between the host city and the county. Acting Mayor Petschel stated that this is like another unfunded mandate. It would be hoped that the city would have more assistance in maintaining a larger trail system. Councilmember Povolny brought up his concerns of walkers using Delaware, south of Highway 110 to Mendota Heights Road. City Engineer Mazzitello acknowledged this concern. There are some severe engineering challenges to adding a trail to that portion of Delaware. This summer the county will be adding guardrails to both sides of Delaware because of the grade drop off. Additional comments on the condition of trails were said and areas for improvement were mentioned. Councilmember Duggan asked for an update on the deer hunt and coyote hunt. Councilmember Povolny asked for confirmation that there has been a cougar siting in Mendota Heights. City Administrator Miller replied that a siting has been recorded. In response to Councilmember Duggan's request, City Administrator Miller mentioned that the latest deer hunt report is on the city's web -site. Councilmember Duggan read an e -mail he received about coaching. Councilmember Norton stated that he is happy to be of service to the citizens of Mendota Heights and to be a part of this body. He is very excited for the four years to come. Acting Mayor Petschel expressed her congratulations to Councilmember Povolny and Councilmember Norton for their election to the Council. She is looking forward to this New Year and everything that the Council will accomplish. Councilmember Povolny stated he is happy to be working on the Council for the next four years, is excited to work with Councilmember Norton who is new, and with the other three that he has worked with in the past. January 8, 2013 Mendota Heights City Council Page 7 ADJOURN Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn. Councilmember Norton seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Absent: 1 (Krebsbach) Acting Mayor Petschel adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. ATTEST: Lorri S ith City Clerk Januaty 8, 2013 Mendota Heights City Council Page 8