2010-11-02 City Council minutesNovember 2, 2010
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Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 8:30 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota
Heights, Minnesota.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Abstain: 1 (Huber)
Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. The
following members were present: Councilmembers Duggan,
Krebsbach, Schneeman and Vitelli.
Council, the audience and staff recited the Pledge of
Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of the agenda as
revised to remove Item 8a, Case No. 10 -30, Daniel and Jodi
Saltzman, 1921 Glenhill Road, critical area permit, which was
withdrawn by the applicant.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved approval of the minutes of
the regular meeting held on October 19, 2010, as
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the consent
calendar as presented, pulling item 6e for further discussion,
and authorization for execution of any necessary documents
contained therein.
a. Acknowledgement of the Minutes from the October 26,
2010 Planning Commission Meeting
b. Acknowledgement of the October 2010 Building Activity
c. Approval of Change Orders on Garage Floor Coating
Project at the Fire Hall
d. Approval of Tobacco Licenses
e. Approval of Seasonal Staff Pay Matrix
f. Approval of Seasonal Skating Instructor Job Posting and
Position Description
Approval of Employment of Seasonal Hires
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
November 2, 2010
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h. Adoption of Resolution No. 10 -90: "RESOLUTION
i. Approval of Contractors List, dated October 28, 2010
j. Approval of the List of Claims, dated November 2,
2010, totaling $768,940.14
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
With regard to Item 6c, Councilmember Duggan noted the
change orders are only 4.3% over the initial estimate, which is
very reasonable, based on the weather issues that were
Councilmember Duggan asked to comment on item 6e and
noted the increase for instructors was 1% for Steps 1, 2 and 3,
and even less for other positions. He stated that maybe more
time should be allowed to discuss with staff the impact to next
year's budget if the percentage is increased slightly.
Councilmember Schneeman stated staff has done a good job
of setting pay rates and she does not want to second guess
their recommendations.
Councilmember Krebsbach concurred and noted the part-time
pay scale was considered in order to make the Par 3 come out
for administration.
Councilmember Vitelli moved approval of seasonal staff pay
matrix as presented.
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Larry Craighead, former Parks and Recreation Commissioner,
stated he had served on the Parks and Recreation Commission
for eleven years and stepped down two years ago but
remained very interested in the city's trails. He stated he had
noticed this past summer that trails were not being well
maintained, asphalt was splitting and not being patched, and
weeds within the trails were not being removed. Mr.
Craighead noted that in past years, the city had been
asphalting one mile of trail per year. He stated he called City
Administrator McKnight about the trail budget who had
indicated that the 2009 budget included a trail maintenance
budget of $45,000; however, the 2010 budget had only $5,000
and the 2011 budget includes only $5,000. Mr. Craighead
stated he thinks the budget should contain enough money to
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adequately maintain the trails and continue to pave one mile
each year. He asked what can be done to include additional
money in the 2011 budget for the maintenance of the city's
20+ miles of trail to assure weed control, crack filling, and to
repave one mile a year?
Mayor Huber thanked Mr. Craighead for his comments and
stated he had not focused on the 2010 trail budget but knew
the history has been that trail funding is inconsistent.
Public Works Director /City Engineer Mazzitello explained
that as part of reconstruction and rehabilitation projects, the
city has incorporated trails into the bond sales for those
projects to repair the more degraded trail sections. He stated
that due in large part to the concerns expressed by Mr.
Craighead, staff has scheduled a meeting to review the trail
system with the goal of drafting something akin to the city's
streets plan that identifies the condition of trail sections,
scheduling the worst sections first, scope of repair, cost
estimates, and then staff will work with Mr. McKnight on
Mayor Huber noted that staff had prepared an exhaustive
document for the city's streets, which will be an excellent
document to aid with future planning. He agreed that a
similar document for the city's trails would be very helpful
with planning trail projects and budgeting.
Mr. Mazzitello explained that the city has a number of funding
sources for streets but funding is more limited with trail
projects. However, the first step will be to develop a
prioritized list of trail projects.
Mayor Huber stated the city's trails get a lot of use and some
trails are older and in need of maintenance.
Mr. Craighead stated the 2011 budget has $5,000 for trails,
which would cover the cost for snow plowing but probably
not maintenance. He stated his support for a program that is
more in -depth by including pavement conditions, weed
removal, and brush removal. He offered to attend the meeting
with staff to provide input, if needed. Mr. Mazzitello stated
that Mr. Boland from public works will attend the staff
meeting to address maintenance needs and he will also bring
Mr. Craighead's issues forward.
CASE NO. 10 -30
CASE NO. 10 -31
November 2, 2010
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Councilmember Schneeman stated she was at the Inver Wood
Golf Course on Friday and had stepped out of the cart onto a
bituminous path that was torn up and dangerous. She stated
her appreciation to Mr. Craighead for his comments.
This item was withdrawn at the applicant's request.
It was noted that Richard Nelson, the applicant, was not in
attendance. Mr. Nelson has applied for a wetland permit
to install a fence in the rear yard of his property at 796
Havenview Court. The wetlands ordinance requires that any
land alteration or construction within 100 feet of a designated
wetland requires a wetland permit approving the construction
to assure activity does not negatively impact the water quality
or function of the wetland. The engineering staff
recommended the area between the fence and wetland remain
in native plantings and landscaping.
The Planning Commission put a number of conditions on their
approval recommendation, which are listed in the council
packet. Those conditions include:
1. The area between the, fence and wetland edge remain as a
buffer area with native vegetation; and
2. The applicant shall receive a fence building permit prior
to installation of the fence.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated the proposed fence is vinyl
which does not blend in and the neighbors had disagreed with
the application. She suggested a fence made of a different
Councilmember Duggan noted there are many vinyl fences in
Mendota Heights and property owners have the right to select
the fence type and color they desire. He stated that he had
wondered about suggesting a fence that is black in color and
less visible but the council cannot dictate the color of a
resident's fence. He indicated that he would be reluctant to
vote against the application because someone on the council
does not like the fence material or color. In addition, this
location is not within the critical area.
Councilmember Vitelli agreed with Councilmember Duggan
that the city had no legal basis to tell one resident they cannot
put in a fence that exists elsewhere in the city. In addition, the
council cannot dictate color.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CASE NO. 10 -32
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Councilmember Vitelli moved adoption of Resolution No. 10-
Councilmember Schneeman seconded the motion.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated the council has discussed
vinyl fences before and has record of placing conditions on
vinyl fences. Mr. Sedlacek explained there is no requirement
on the type of fence materials except in critical
areas where the ordinance requires wrought iron or natural
Mr. Sedlacek presented the application of Robert and
Katherine Thompson for a critical area permit to allow the
installation of a fence within the rear yard of their property
at 979 Caren Road. The property is within the Mississippi
River Critical Area so construction of a fence requires a
critical area permit and use of natural material. Mr. Sedlacek
displayed a site plan and pointed out the location of the
proposed fence along the west property line to the rear yard
area. The applicant proposes a cedar -style fence
approximately four feet high with three inch slats and one inch
spacing between slats, which meets the city's 30% openness
requirement. No comments were made at the public hearing.
The Planning Commission put a condition on their approval
recommendation, which is listed in the council packet. That
condition is:
. The fence shall meet the regulations established in Section
12 -1D -6, including the 30% open design requirement.
Councilmember Duggan stated he called the fence
manufacturer with his concern that the proposed four inch
slats with one inch spacing did not meet the city's requirement
for opacity. The manufacturer had indicated they were still
working with the applicant and had changed the design to
three inch slats with one inch spacing, which met the standard.
Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of Resolution No.
Councilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
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Mr. Sedlacek advised that, unfortunately, a commercial
building permit was issued that was not first presented to the
city council and there were some unresolved issues with the
development agreement. The permit was issued on Monday,
staff issued a stop order on Wednesday, and is working with
the developer.
Mr. Sedlacek displayed a site plan depicting the existing Phase
I office buildings within the Waters Drive planned unit
development (PUD), location of the vacant parcel, and
requested building on the northwestern edge of the parcel. He
advised the single building would be two office condos at
2253 and 2263 Waters Drive and is the same as presented in
the 2004 PUD.
He advised that the unresolved issues in the development
agreement include: the final parking lot wear course, official
transfer of property ownership, abandoning plans for Phase II
because it was not desirable to Council, and completion
deadline for the 2253 and 2263 Waters Drive building. Staff
recommended approval of the building permit for 2253 and
2263 Waters Drive as it fits with the previously approved
PUD and that the council authorize staff to work with the
developer to draft an amended development agreement for
consideration at its November 16, 2010, meeting.
Councilmember Duggan asked if the map section marked
vacant is Phase II of the overall development? Mr. Sedlacek
displayed an image of the subject site and outlined the Phase I
area and location of the last two buildings, noting that one
building is under consideration tonight. Councilmember
Duggan asked if consideration is for the permanent
abandonment of Phase II? Mr. Sedlacek explained that the
city was to work with the State to turn back the Waters Drive
right -of -way but that fell through. At this point, the developer
does not intend to pursue Phase II.
Councilmember Duggan asked if staff has talked with the city
attorney regarding properly documenting transfer of
ownership? Mr. Sedlacek explained staff has seen documents
that meet the development agreement and will make a
recommendation on it at the next meeting.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked about the ownership history
of this property?
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Dave Pokorney, representing DDK Construction, stated the
original owner was Klingelhutz Development, which changed
from three partners to one. The property had a mortgage that
was acquired by Duff Investments and Duff Investments
foreclosed on the mortgage and obtained title by deed in lieu
of foreclosure. Now DDK Construction is in the process of
purchasing the lot being built on from Duff Investments.
DDK Construction will construct the building and sell it to the
two end users of the property.
Mr. Pokorney explained Phase II was always contingent upon
the city and Mn /DOT working out an agreement on the right -
of -way but that did not occur so they agree that Phase II will
go away. He explained that today outlot A is owned by Duff
Investments and would be deeded to the business association
and retained as open space.
Councilmember Schneeman asked if code enforcement staff
recommends approval of the building permit? Mr. Sedlacek
answered in the affirmative. Mayor Huber reviewed the
recommended conditions of approval.
Councilmember Duggan asked if outlot A should be addressed
in the conditions? Mr. Sedlacek noted that is a private
property matter.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved to authorize staff to work
with representatives of Duff Investments to amend the
developer's agreement for Waters Drive Business Park
Planned Unit Development as follows.
Abandon plans for Phase II development.
1. Set July 1, 2011, for completion of the 2253 and 2263
Waters Drive building.
2. Require that wear course of asphalt be completed on or
before June 15, 2001.
3. Properly document transfer of ownership
This amendment shall be prepared for council review at their
November 16, 2010, meeting.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan moved to authorize the building
permit for 2253 and 2263 Waters Drive.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
November 2, 2010
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COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Schneeman wished all good luck in tonight's
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Nancy Ba
Acting City Clerk
Prepared by Carla Wirth, Recording Secretary
Mr. McKnight reminded the council of the canvassing
meeting on Friday, November 5, 2010, at 4:30 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilmember Duggan moved to adjourn the meeting.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Time of Adjournment 9 16 p.m.
John J. Hu