2012-12-08 City Council minutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights,
Mayor Krebsbach called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present:
Councilmembers Duggan, Povolny, Petschel, and Vitelli.
Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Krebsbach presented the agenda for adoption. Councilmember Duggan moved adoption of the
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Mayor Krebsbach read the proclamation declaring December 18, 2012 as "Jack Vitelli Day ".
Councilmember Vitelli served on the Mendota Heights City Council for three terms, a total of twelve
years. During that time, he also served on designated sub - committees for the Mendota Heights Par 3,
the Village of Mendota Heights, Mendota Heights Plaza, as well as serving on the Mendota Heights
Planning Commission prior to his election to the City Council. Councilmember Vitelli has chosen to
retire from City Council service effective at the end of 2012.
Councilmember Povolny moved to accept the proclamation declaring December 18, 2012 as "Jack
Vitelli Day" in the City of Mendota Heights.
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Abstain: 1 ( Vitelli)
The public is invited to join the City Council on Tuesday, December 18 at 5:30 p.m. for a reception at
City Hall honoring Councilmember Jack Vitelli.
Mayor Krebsbach presented the consent calendar and explained the procedure for discussion and
approval. Councilmember Duggan moved approval of the consent calendar as presented and
authorization for execution of any necessary documents contained therein, pulling items B)
Acknowledgement of November 27, 2012 Planning Commission Minutes, F) Receipt of November
Building Activity Report, and P) Approval of 2013 City Commission Appointment Process.
a. Acknowledgement of November 20, 2012 City Council Minutes
b. Acknowledgement of November 27, 2012 Planning Commission Minutes
c. Approve Cancellation of December 12th Airport Relations Commission Meeting
d. Approval of Sign Permit for 1444 Northland Drive — Dungarvin
e. Approval of Sign Permit for 745 South Plaza Drive — White Pines Senior Living
f. Receipt of November Building Activity Report
g. Approval of Purchase of Public Works Wheel Loader
h. Approval of Publication of Summary Ordinance 444 (Commercial Property Maintenance Code)
i. Approval of Master Subscriber Agreement JPA for Minnesota Court Data Services for
Governmental Agencies
j. Approval of Master Subscriber Agreement JPA Amendment for "FAST Access" Court Records System
k. Appointment of Prosecuting Attorneys
1. Appointment of Representative to the Dakota County Domestic Preparedness Committee
m. Approval of Consent of Easement Holder Agreement for a Utility Easement at 744 Woodridge Drive
n. Approval of Increased Municipal Bond Coverage
o. Approval of Hiring Seasonal Ice Rink Attendants
p. Approval of 2013 City Commission Appointment Process
q. Certification of Delinquent Sewer and Weed Removal Bills
r. Approval of Contractors List
s. Approval of Claims List
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek explained the revised set of minutes for the November
27, 2012 Planning Commission meeting.
Councilmember Duggan moved to approve the revised November 27, 2012 Planning Commission
Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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Councilmember Duggan explained, for the benefit of the community, that the City of Mendota Heights
is doing exceptionally well. The activity report shows for year -to -date November 2012 versus 2011,
Mendota Heights is almost double in relation to valuations of buildings, constructions, and remodels
from $18M plus to $34M plus. There was also a significant increase over 2010.
Councilmember Duggan expressed his desire for everyone to know that the City of Mendota Heights is a
great place to live, stay, work, and play.
Councilmember Duggan moved to accept the November Building Activity Report.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Jake Sedlacek reported that the City of Mendota Heights has three advisory commissions, which serve
the City Council. They are the Planning Commission, the Airport Relations Commission, and the Parks
and Recreation Commission. All of the commissions are filled with volunteers who agree to serve three
year terms. Currently, the seated commissioners who are eligible for reappointment are as follows:
Planning Commission: Ansis Viksnins and Litton Field, Jr.
Airport Relations Commission: Sally Lorberbaum and William Dunn
Parks and Recreation Commission: Stephanie Levine and Michael Toth
In addition, there is one full three year term that will be open on the Planning Commission as Steve
Norton will be joining the City Council in January 2013.
To fill the openings, city staff will publicize the opening on the Planning Commission and send letters
asking the current commissioners who are eligible for reappointment if they would like to be
reappointed. Mayor Krebsbach explained that the Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation
Commission have term limits of three. A commissioner can sit out a year and then reapply. There are
no term limits for the Airport Relations Commission.
Councilmember Duggan asked if descriptions of the commission positions are available on the web -site,
with the dates and times of the commission meetings. Sedlacek replied that the information would be
available on the website.
Councilmember Duggan moved to approve the 2013 City Commission Appointment Process.
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
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There were no public comments.
Mayor Krebsbach explained that the proposed 2013 budget and levy were discussed at length in
September and prior to that, the Council had a workshop session in August. Finance Director Kristen
Schabacker guided the Council through the proposed 2013 budget and levy. In September, the
preliminary budget and levy were approved and certified to Dakota County. In mid- November, Dakota
County sent notices to the residents regarding the proposed property taxes. City staff received two calls
from concerned citizens about their decreased valuation but increased property taxes. There has been
one change to the preliminary budget which was to update the Metropolitan Council charges for sewer
service. That change does not impact the levy.
Finance Director Schabacker reviewed the proposed city tax rate which represents a 3.99% increase over
2012. The total 2013 budget was proposed at $11,212,628. The 2013 taxable market valuation totals
$1,609,451,367, representing a decrease of 3.5% over 2012. The proposed city tax rate equals 34.478 %,
compared to 32.057% for 2012. It was noted that the average home value decreased approximately
4.39% in 2013 when compared to 2012.
Councilmember Duggan asked if the increase in the IT budget was related to DCC. Finance Director
Schabacker replied that she did not believe so. She believes some of it is related to further
implementation of the Laserfiche software.
Councilmember Duggan asked, under "Elections ", if the $20,000 that has been budgeted in 2013 is for
the anticipated purchase of new equipment. Schabacker replied that is correct.
Councilmember Povolny stated he believes the proposed budget and levy looks good and he understands
Councilmember Petschel stated the taxes proposed for 2013 are based on the home valuations from the
prior year. She felt the public should be made aware of this. Schabacker explained that the total
valuation decrease this year was less than it was the year before.
Councilmember Petschel also asked about the possibility of the City looking at refinancing to reduce the
debt load going into the future. Schabacker replied that the City's financial advisor does take a look at
that quarterly and advises the City accordingly.
Mayor Krebsbach stated that the City saved approximately $96,000 in interest this year with its bond
rating. Schabacker stated that the city did a refunding last year, which reduced the interest rates on three
different issues and the city received a favorable interest rate on the bonds issued this year.
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Mayor Krebsbach also commented that as home values go down, the tax rate goes up to enable the city
to generate the same revenue. However, the City Council has tried to keep the levy increase below 4%.
There being no more questions from the Council and no questions from the public, Councilmember
Vitelli moved to close the public hearing.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Duggan moved to accept and adopt the 2013 Budget and Levy.
Councilmember Vitelli seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek explained this request was for an LED sign to be
located at 2030 Dodd Road, the BP Station. The site has a pylon sign that is currently an existing non-
conforming sign due to its height and location. The applicants are planning on replacing the pylon sign
with a monument sign. The subject of the variance request was the portion of the sign that is LED,
which is currently prohibited by city code. Staff has interpreted that code to be that any sign in the City
of Mendota Heights, no one should be able to see the source of light. This sign would be a light
emitting diode so it would be pretty clear that the source of light could be seen.
The applicant was heard at the Planning Commission meeting in November. The Commission was in
support for the concept of a sign but struggled with finding the practical difficulty. The thought was that
this sign allows for better visibility and has changeable text, which would be easier to change than the
current sign, but it is not necessarily a major change to the use.
The Planning Commission recommended denial of the variance but also, in a unique step, directed staff
to bring forward some form of language to amend the code to allow this type of sign. Mayor Krebsbach
asked what process the Planning Commission recommended. Sedlacek replied that the Planning
Commission felt the sign itself was a reasonable request but that the current law did not allow it. They
proposed an amendment to the code.
Mayor Krebsbach explained that the city does not allow any digital signage. The challenge has always
been to move forward but not lose what the city has aesthetically. Mayor Krebsbach asked City
Attorney Tami Diehm to comment before the floor was opened for discussion. City Attorney Diehm
stated that it is staff s recommendation that the variance be denied and staff come back with an
amendment to the City Code.
Mayor Krebsbach asked Attorney Diehm if it be possible to restrict digital signage only to gas stations.
Diehm replied she feels staff can come back to the Council with a proposal that would restrict it to very
limited narrow situations, like a gas station sign with only a couple of characters.
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Councilmember Povolny commented that he believes the Council should look at the ordinance and try to
correct it. He stated that LED lights are energy efficient and Mendota Heights needs to move forward
and go where technology is going.
Councilmember Petschel stated this is where technology is going and it is a greener technology. She
believes that staff could craft something that would make this doable without exposing the city to
rampant LED signs everywhere.
Councilmember Vitelli commented that the request is for a sign that changes possibly once per day,
twice at most. They are not talking about opening the door to moving digital messages. The ordinance
could be modified to allow a gas station price sign to exist and with perhaps a definition of candle
power. It could be limited to gas stations and as other potential uses open up, the Council and staff
could modify the ordinance as needed.
Councilmember Duggan stated the variance language changed a few years ago. He stated that
technology has changed dramatically so that the concept of LED lights has improved. The majority of
the signs in Mendota Plaza and the Village of Mendota Heights are LED or variations of it.
Councilmember Duggan challenged the wording of the ordinance as being outdated as it was written
over forty years ago.
Councilmember Povolny asked if the LED lights in the proposed sign would be brighter during the day
and then dimmed at night. Mr. Shawn Hoffman, 2030 Dodd Road, representing the BP station, replied
in the affirmative.
Mr. Hoffman gave a presentation outlining the current sign situation and why it was non - compliant and
the reasons for the new signage. He explained the safety issues with the current sign, especially in the
winter. He reviewed the language of the current ordinance, explaining that the LED sign does not
violate the ordinance but acknowledged that the ordinance is open to interpretation. He explained that
the actual light bulbs cannot be seen and are energy efficient. He requested the Council approve the
Councilmember Vitelli moved to approve Planning Case 2012 -32, Variance Request for an LED Sign —
Mendota Heights BP with the addition of Item 7, A Static Display That Could Be Changed Two or
Fewer Times per Day, and with the addition of Item 8, the LED Sign Could Be Dimmed in the Dark
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Mayor Krebsbach asked Mr. Hoffman what the hours of operation are. Mr. Hoffman stated that the gas
station hours are 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and after 11:00 p.m. the sign would be turned off.
Mayor Krebsbach asked City Attorney Diehm to explain what the repercussions would be if the motion
were to be approved. City Attorney Diehm answered that as outlined in Planner Grittman's report, it is
the Council's obligation to weigh all of the facts and determine whether or not the Council finds
evidence of a hardship or practical difficulties. Regardless of what the Council decides on the variance
they may want to relook at the ordinance and direct staff to move forward with an ordinance
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Mayor Krebsbach asked what would be the precedence going forward if Council grants the variance.
City Attorney Diehm replied that every variance application needs to be reviewed on its merits so while
the Council may look at their prior actions to give guidance; it is really up to the Council to weigh the
facts and circumstances of each case.
Councilmember Petschel commented that this request be approved with the understanding that Council
review the sign ordinance.
There being no other discussions, Mayor Krebsbach called for the vote.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek stated Mike and Theresa Hueg have requested a
variance and a conditional use permit on behalf of Hella Mears to develop a single family home on an
existing lot within the Somerset View addition, legally described as Lots 9 through 12, Block 7,
Somerset View. This application is unique in that there is an existing platted lot and existing platted
right -of -way.
City code requires that for any developed lot there should be one hundred feet of frontage on an
improved right -of -way. The existing lot does have right -of -way, being Somerset Road and Burr Oak
Avenue, neither of which has been improved at this point. The request for a variance is to allow for the
construction of a single family home on the lot without frontage on an improved right of way. The
second part of their request will be a license to utilize the unimproved right of way to access the
residence. Staff recognizes there are a number of alternatives for access which were reviewed with the
Councilmember Duggan asked for clarification that staff's preference is to develop one of the rights -of-
way. Sedlacek confiinied that this is correct. Councilmember Duggan asked who establishes rights -of-
way and why are they established. Sedlacek replied that this plat is originally from 1939. At that time it
was laid out as a development plan for the area. What makes it unique is the fact that one property
owner purchased quite a few of those parcels and ended up combining them. The resulting rights -of-
way that are there now have simply been existing on the records.
Councilmember Duggan stated that he believes everyone is in support of the house being built on the lot.
The question is how to access it. It is his understanding that a lot needs to have access to an improved
right -of -way. He continued by saying that granting a variance should not be based on financial
Councilmember Duggan also explained that with the proposed access to the property, it would create a
fifth curb cut in less than sixty feet. There would be five driveways in sixty feet, on a curve, on the
bottom of a fairly steep hill coming from Delaware onto this area. He did not believe that is the right
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Councilmember Vitelli stated that he believes the Council should first focus on the variance to allow a
single family home to be built without improved street frontage on an undeveloped lot. If the Council
would allow that, then any developer could come in and plat fourteen lots and not have any access; not
meet the foot frontage requirement.
Based on this understanding, Councilmember Vitelli moved to deny Planning Case 2012 -33, Variance to
Construct a Single Family Home Without Improved Street Frontage at 1170 Dodd Road — Mike and
Theresa Hueg.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Mayor Krebsbach commented that Council approved a licensed driveway off of Wagon Wheel and
asked what the difference was between that approval and this. Sedlacek replied that Gregory Quehl
requested a license for 953 Wagon Wheel Trail. Mr. Quehl had more than one hundred feet of frontage
on a right -of -way and he could have put his driveway out to that street, but it would have had a greater
impact on wetland. Therefore, he requested a license to come down an existing right -of -way. If the city
should ever rescind that right he would have ample room on an improved right -of -way.
Mr. Mike Hueg stated that he would like to build a single family home close to his parent's home so he
can take care of them. He and his wife currently live in Lakeville and have a twenty -five to thirty
minute commute every time they come to help his parents.
He stated the right -of -way license that was granted on Wagon Wheel was an accommodation. He has
been working with staff for over four years to try to get back to the property in question. He has been
told that flag lots and shared driveways are not acceptable. He was guided in the direction to go for a
license to utilize the right -of -way to get to the property.
Mr. Hueg stated that he has agreed with staff to adhere to the thirty foot setbacks from both sides,
Somerset and the rear Burr Oak, for future development should they ever be further developed. He also
agreed to adhere to the current garage door standard; one single door and one double door. He would
also adhere to the direction of the city engineer to bring in main water and sewer to the property line
under the road / driveway he would like to put in.
Mr. Hueg explained that he is not opposed to have a road put in; however, the neighbors have raised
concerns about the increase in traffic, the mature trees that would be lost, and the watershed and
drainage issues. He also understands that whoever benefits from that improved right -of -way bares some
of the construction costs.
Mayor Krebsbach asked what the status is of the unimproved Burr Oak Road right of way. Sedlacek
replied that 3 Dorset Road does currently utilize the right -of -way and that the construction permit for use
of that driveway was issued in 2005 when Dorset Road was reconstructed. They do not have a license to
use that right -of -way. The Miller and Henry properties are also both within that right -of -way and there
is additional landscaping and other features that are included within that right -of -way.
Mayor Krebsbach asked if the Huegs could put in a public street to their property. Sedlacek replied that
they could construct a full street. City Engineer John Mazzitello stated that the City would very likely
require building the road to the standard that Mears and Dorset are currently built to, which is twenty -
eight feet wide with curb and gutter.
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Mayor Krebsbach asked if there would be a shared assessment for the building of that road. City
Engineer Mazzitello replied that with past developments of this nature, typically the construction of the
road would not happen but for the development. Therefore, the developer would bear the cost of the
entire road.
Councilmember Duggan asked if any future improvements would be assessed to all of the benefiting
property owners at that time. City Engineer Mazzitello stated that any action the city would take once
the developed road is in place would be assessed across all the benefiting property owners.
City Administrator Justin Miller stated that if a road came off of Burr Oak that the Kirby's access, and
then in thirty years the city had to reconstruct that road, if the assessment policy at that time says that
driveways would trigger an assessment, then they would be assessed for their portion at that time. If the
Huegs were to build a road for their project, it would be solely at the Hueg's cost because it would be at
their direction and not a city initiated project.
Mayor Krebsbach asked if there were any options for a private street. Assistant Administrator Sedlacek
replied that staff would recommend against that.
Councilmember Vitelli stated that another possibility is access from Mears and locate the home on the
south end of the lot. Another possibility is, since the applicant is really the property owner facing Dodd,
the house could be located anywhere on the lot and a driveway could be created off the applicant's land.
Mayor Krebsbach replied that Council and staff have spoken against shared driveways, although they
are not illegal. She asked City Engineer Mazzitello to speak to the possibility of coming off of Dodd via
a shared driveway. City Engineer Mazzitello stated that without the one hundred feet of improved right-
of-way, the variance would still be needed regardless of an access point.
Councilmember Petschel stated that her concern is there is already a water runoff problem. City
Engineer Mazzitello confirmed that adding more imperious surface always increases the amount of
drainage that has to be dealt with. At the Dorset / Burr Oak intersection, there is a thirty foot drop from
Delaware, which does bring a large quantity and a high velocity of water as it comes down the hill. The
existing driveway curb cuts are insufficient to contain the storm water within Dorsett Road and it flows
into the Burr Oak right-of-way at the bottom of the hill. In 2006, staff installed a rain garden in the Burr
Oak right-of-way to compensate for this drainage. The current configuration of catch basins on Dorset
and the rain garden in the Burr Oak right-of-way would not adequately address stoun water runoff if
additional impervious surface were added. The design of any additional impervious surface would have
to account for additional runoff.
Mr. Larry Koll, 2 Dorset Road, stated that he has been a resident of Mendota Heights for forty-two
years, seventeen of those years at 2 Dorset Road. He believes it is very difficult to grant a variance
without considering where the access is from. He is opposed to the Council granting a variance that has
the access as presented. He believes the area has many access points and there is the sharp turn on
Dorset which is a safety issue.
Ms. Mary Kirby, 3 Dorset Road, stated that she has no objection to the home being built. Their concern
is with the access. She does not understand how they can build a street without coming before the
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Council. City Administrator Justin Miller stated that the street would need to be developed to city
standards, which would be reviewed by staff. City Engineer Mazzitello stated that it is his
understanding that they could build a street and not have the issue of a driveway license; the reason
being that when the subdivision was platted, it was the intention to have developed city streets within
these rights -of -way.
Mr. Art Miller, 1 Dorset Road, stated that he has been in the neighborhood for forty -nine years and has
seen the water come down Dorset Road and into the basement of 3 Dorset Road. He has seen the water
come down off of Beebe onto his property and he is thankful for the rain garden. He had his garage
destroyed by the water coming off of Beebe. There are probably six to seven trees in the area that have
been there since he has been there. He asked if the fire department looked at what they would have to
do to get into that property if the road came in that direction. He believes the best option would be for
the property owner to come in off of Somerset. However, coming in off of Somerset would require Mr.
Hueg's father to cross the right -of -way twice. Mr. Miller made additional comments in opposition of
the installation of a road.
Mayor Krebsbach asked if emergency vehicles would need a turnaround or would they just need to be
able to reach his house. City Engineer Mazzitello answered that staff would need a facility for fire
engines, police vehicles, and snow plows to turn around.
Mr. Hueg commented that if he chose to put a road in, some trees would be lost. He also went back to
his original point; if it is not permissible for him to be in the right -of -way, it should not be permissible
for others to be in the right -of -way. He expressed his desire to collaborate and cooperate with all of the
neighbors to come up with the best solution for all.
Mayor Krebsbach asked if the variance request is denied what other actions would need to take place
this evening. City Administrator Miller replied that Council would still need to consider the conditional
use permit because the applicant could still build the house if he chose to build the road.
There being no more questions or discussion on the request for variance, Mayor Krebsbach called for
the vote.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 1 (Mayor Krebsbach)
Mayor Krebsbach stated that her opposition was that she has walked the land and feels this is the least
intrusive. If licenses are being granted and there is a precedent of a license on that driveway, it would be
in keeping with that.
Councilmember Petschel moved for approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the Construction of a
Garage Greater than 1,200 Square Feet for the undeveloped parcel described as Lots 9 to 12, Block 7,
Somerset View.
Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion.
Councilmember Duggan asked if the conditional use penuit request should not be brought with the
request to build the house. City Administrator Justin Miller replied that, as with any planning case, there
is a timeline that the Council needs to follow or it is deemed approved by default. The conditional use
permit does meet all of the code requirements.
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There being no further discussion or questions, Mayor Krebsbach called for the vote.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Assistant to the City Administrator Jake Sedlacek explained that there were two requests for licenses;
one being from Mr. and Mrs. Hueg and the other from Mr. and Mrs. Kirby. Since the variance was
denied in the previous action, the license request for Hueg is no longer under consideration.
Sedlacek continued by stating, in regards to the request for license from the Kirby's, staff was not
entirely comfortable with the request. At this time, staff would recommend tabling that so they can
finalize the language in the license and the City Attorney can review the document.
Councilmember Petschel moved to delay decision on the Kirby license until staff is comfortable and
Counsel Diehm is comfortable bringing language before the Council for either approval or denial.
Councilmember Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Mayor Krebsbach explained that the Council met in closed session earlier this evening for a
performance review of City Administrator Justin Miller, who started with the City on December 28,
2011. It was determined at that time that his official review would happen in December, at the close of
almost a full year.
Mayor Krebsbach reported that it was a very favorable review. The action Council would take would be
to accept the review, give a two percent wage increase, and City Administrator Miller would no longer
be considered as being on probation.
Councilmember Duggan moved that this City Council, having performed an annual administrative
review of Justin Miller, and finding his work to be extremely satisfactory, commend him and move to
change his status from probationary to full -time, and granting a two percent wage increase.
Councilmember Povolny seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Councilmember Povolny commented that he had fun at the tree lighting ceremony at The Village. It
was interesting to see how Mendota Heights is changing; a lot of young people were in attendance. He
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also commented that Councilmember Vitelli will be lighting the tree at Mendota Plaza at 6:00 p.m. on
Thursday, December 6.
Councilmember Duggan expressed his disappointment that he was unable to attend the tree lighting
ceremony at The Village.
Councilmember Petschel commented that the University of St. Thomas football team will be playing the
University of Wisconsin — Oshkosh at O'Shaughnessy Stadium at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 8.
They are playing for the right to go to Salem, Virginia to be in the fmals for the Division III National
Football Championship. She also wanted to recognize Luke and Logan Marks who graduated from St.
Thomas Academy and live in Mendota Heights. They now attend St. Thomas University. Luke is a
freshman and Logan is the tight end for the University of St. Thomas football team.
Councilmember Petschel also commented on the feedback received from the most recent group of
residents who went through the Mendota Heights —West St. Paul Citizens Police Academy. Having done
this with Councilmember Duggan, she shared in their enthusiasm and encouraged any interested citizen
to sign up for the academy. It is one of the most fun and challenging things that is done in Mendota
Mayor Krebsbach expressed her appreciation to all of the residents for their comments during the
meeting. The Councilmembers like to have residents at the council meetings. She also thanked Finance
Director Kristen Schabacker for the very concise, thorough, and easy -to- understand presentation on the
budget and levy.
Councilmember Vitelli moved to adjourn the City Council meeting.
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Mayor Krebsbach adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m.
andra Krebsbach
Lorri Smith
City Clerk
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