02 18 2025 City Council Work Session MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the City Council Work Session Tuesday, February 18, 2024 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session of the Mendota Heights City Council was held at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota, CALL TO ORDER Mayor Levine called the work session to order at 6:00 pm. Councilors Lorberbaum, Maczko (arrived 6:06 pm), and Mazzitello. Councilor Paper was absent. Others present included: City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson, Kelly Torkelson Assistant City Administrator, Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek, Finance Director Kristen Schabacker, Natural Resources Coordinator Krista Spreiter, Community Development Manager Sarah Madden, Park and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence, and City Clerk Nancy Bauer. Dakota County Principal Planner Lil Leatham, Dakota County Parks Director Niki Geisler, and Leslie Pilgram were also in the audience. DAKOTA COUNTY PARKS 2025 VISION PLAN M. Lawrence reported that the Dakota County Parks 2050 Vision Plan was being presented tonight by Dakota County staff. L. Leatham presented a PowerPoint presentation and stated that this 2050 Dakota County Parks Vision Plan updates the existing 2030 Dakota County Parks Vision Plan. The process began in the spring of 2024 with research and community engagement. One of the plan strategies is to improve nature -based recreation access for all Dakota County residents. In the spring of 2025, Dakota County will begin public review of the draft plan and solicit community engagement before going to the County Board for adoption. The previous plan set the foundation for the greenway vision. The 2030 plan vision was "Great Places, Protected Places, Connected Places" and the new plan proposes an updated vision of "Nature Protected, Community Reflected, All Are Connected". "Nature protected" refers to natural resources management, "community reflected" refers to the people that are being served, and "all are connected" has a lot of different meanings. N. Geisler reported that the vision plan is a long-term plan that is meant to be aspirational and inspire the Dakota County team and community. Mayor Levine asked how Dakota County and the City of Mendota Heights can work together to achieve the goals in the plan. L. Leatham responded that goal number 11 is to seek values based on mission -driven partnerships. February 18, 2025, Mendota Heights City Council Work Session Minutes Page - I Dakota County staff emphasized the County's priority to invest in and maintain existing park infrastructure before expanding and adding to the park system. They shared that Dakota County is looking at partnering with cities for parks. R. Ruzek reported that he is meeting with Dakota County to discuss maintenance (plowing and mowing) of the Valley Park trail. L. Leatham stated that goal eight is to locate new park units close to people or to protect community open space and recreation assets. Strategies for discussion include 1) new search areas to locate new parks and greenways close to people 2) expand greenway collaborative to partner with cities for more nature -based recreation along greenways, and 3) community trail loops. A map showed the park service area gaps and greenway service area gaps. Three park search areas were shown on a map. One was to fill a park service gap in the northeast area of Dakota County along the Mississippi River, one was in the west area of Dakota County in the LakevilleBumsville area, and the last one was along the Minnesota River. The County identified gaps through conversations with cities and identified likely candidates for improvements. One of the identified areas for improvement is in Mendota Heights along the bluffs of the Minnesota River in the Fort Snelling area. This area could include a cultural district because in the area are the Faribault House, Sibley House, Oheyawahi, and Big Rivers Trail Head, The County is also looking at greenway search areas with two goals - to make the northem part of Dakota County greenway network finer and add greenways in the southern part of Dakota County. Two of the greenway corridors in the plan touch Mendota Heights. The plan includes a proposed expansion of existing trails in northern Dakota County and is looking to make regional funding available to cities where there are key gaps. Dakota County would also include natural resources elements in the projects. N. Geisler stated that the greenways in the previous Park System Plan shaped the greenway program for the 200-mile vision of the County Board. Currently, 50 miles of trails have been constructed. There is support from the Dakota County Board for search areas to add greenway trails. Councilor Maczko asked if Dakota County had talked to MnDOT regarding a trail along Highway 13 when they were working on the slope. N. Geisler responded that they had not. R. Ruzek stated it would be a challenging corridor and Highway 13 is scoped for a mill and overlay in 2030. L. Leatham said if greenways were brought into the system there would be along -range plan created, and it would be done in collaboration with the cities and then a feasibility study would be done. The second approach to improving the expansion of the greenway collaborative is to partner with cities for more nature -based activities and facilities in city parks along the greenways. The February 18, 2025, Mendota Heights City Council Work Session Minutes page - 2 County could provide fishing piers, overlooks, and nature play areas. The County would help fund the facilities, but it would remain in the city's parks and the city would construct and maintain. Mayor Levine suggested the rehabilitation of the picnic shelter in Valley Park. It is in good condition, but it needs a new roof and paint. It is next to the greenway. N. Geisler said this is a good time to mention this and would bring it back to the greenway staff to discuss further. L. Leatham stated that the last strategy is to support community trails. This would be a Dakota County and city partnership to connect residents to greenways with local trails. The Board indicated there would be potential for political and technical support through studies and grant writing from Dakota County. L. Leatham stated the next steps are February and March will be the development of the draft vision plan documents, April to May will be the time for public review and in July it is anticipated the plan will be adopted by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners. If there are any comments March 7 is the preferred deadline for comments. Councilor Mazzitello asked if there are opportunities for partnership with Dakota County to add natural open spaces around redevelopment areas. N. Geisler said that the County would like to have those conservations. Councilor Maczko stated he has been impressed with Dakota County, the trail system and being sensitive to nature. A partnership does make sense. Valley Park could be a trailhead. He appreciated how Dakota County has done strategic planning. He is looking forward to the tunnel under Highway 62. Councilor Lorberbaum said she felt good about what she heard and thanked Dakota County staff. Mayor Levine stated in the park search area plan that Lilydale, Mendota, and Mendota Heights have an incredible historical area. This would be a perfect partnership opportunity to make it a cohesive project. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm. u / v St iainiaM. Levine, Mayor ATTEST: Nancy Bauer, City Clerk February 18, 2025, Mendota Heights City Council Work Session Minutes Page - 3