02 04 2025 City Council MinutuesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Levine called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilors Lorberbaum, Paper, Mazzitello, and Maczko, were also present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Levine presented the agenda for adoption. Councilor Mazzitello moved adoption of the agenda. Councilor Paper seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PUBLIC COMMENTS David Hiner commented that the users of the dog park cherish the park and take care of it. He stated that there is an issue with people letting their large dogs in the small dog area, which creates many issues. He stated that the large dogs have already tom up the large dog area, which leads to them bringing their large dogs into the small dog area to create the same issues. There are holes in the water dishes in the small dog area. He noted that the large dog area has a low spot that holds water. He asked that the City complete some maintenance on the large dog area in the park and suggested the use of woodchips rather than grass in that area. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Levine presented the consent agenda and explained the procedure for discussion and approval. Councilor Lorberbaum moved approval of the consent agenda as presented. a. Approval of January 21, 2025, City Council Minutes b. Approval of January 21, 2025, Council Work Session Minutes c. Approve City Administrator's Performance Evaluation Summary d. Approve Out of Metro Travel Request for the City Administrator e. Approve the Promotion of Dave Perrault to Mendota Heights Police Officer f. Approve the Purchase of a Cold Planer for the Streets Department g. Authorize the Purchase of Street Light Poles h. Approve Tree Removal Contract i. Authorize the Issuance of a Request for Proposals for the Development of an ADA Transition Plan j. Authorize 2024 Audit Services Contract with BerganKDV k. Approve the Hiring of Recreation Facilities Coordinator 1. Authorize the Annual Firefighter Recruitment Process of up to Four Recruits for Mendota Heights Firefighters in, Authorize a Temporary Full -Time Equivalent Police Officer Position within the Mendota Heights Police Department n. Approve Ordinance 599 Amending City Code; Title 6, Chapter 4, Section 3 Revising "Seasonal Restrictions and Weight Limits Established" o. Authorize Professional Services Agreement with Full Circle Indigenous Planning and Design for the Oheyawahe/Pilot Knob Preservation Site Interpretive Design Project (Phase III) p. Approve December 2024 Treasurer's Report q. Approval of Claims List Councilor Mazzitello seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PRESENTATIONS No items scheduled. PUBLIC HEARING No items scheduled. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS A) RESOLUTION 2025-10 APPOINTMENTS TO CITY ADVISORY COMMISSIONS Mayor Levine reported that interviews were completed to select individuals to fill vacant positions and since that time two individuals who were selected were unable to accept the positions. She stated that two additional members were selected to serve on advisory commissions. Councilor Mazzitello moved to approve RESOLUTION 2025-10 APPOINTING CITY ADVISORY COMMISSION MEMBERS. Councilor Lorberbaum seconded the motion. Further discussion: Councilor Paper commented that it was nice that the City had a robust pool of candidates to choose from. Mayor Levine agreed and thanked the residents who continue to express interest in serving and those who volunteer their time to serve on a commission. February 4, 2025, Mendota Heights City Council Page 2 of IO Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 B) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS — IVY HILLS PARK PLAYGROUND Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence provided a brief background on this item which was tabled at the January 21s' meeting. The Council was being asked to authorize the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the playground replacement at Ivy Hills Park. Councilor Mazzitello asked if the RFP would still contain the desired budget so that vendors know the scope of which to work within. Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence confirmed that the RFP includes a not to exceed dollar amount. Councilor Mazzitello stated that in engineering, vendors are typically aware ofpotential project RFPs. He asked if vendors are aware that this RFP is going to be released. Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that she was contacted by three vendors last week who heard about the meeting, so they know it is coming. She stated that the City has nine or ten vendors that it would be contacting with the RFP. Councilor Maczko thanked staff for the update and additional information. He noticed that the ADA piece of equipment was changed to something more general and agreed that all parks should include an ADA- accessible item. He asked if the vendor is allowed to propose a piece of equipment outside of the container or whether all equipment would need to be contained within, noting that a merry-go-round is a large piece of equipment. Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the playground standards require that all features are included in the container to provide adequate use and fall zones along with required surfacing. Councilor Maczko asked if vendors could recommend the look of the container or whether that is specified by the City. Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the RFP includes a map, and vendors would submit their design through that. She stated that if modifications are desired, that could be done but noted that it is important to ensure consistency between the bids received. Councilor Maczko asked if there has been thought for the vendors to include an anticipated completion date. Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that it would be difficult to provide the desired completion date because of public engagement and the timing of meetings for final approval of the project. February 4, 2015, Mendoto Heighls City Council Page 3 of /0 Councilor Paper asked if the vendor would lock in the price if the project could not be completed this year Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence confirmed that would be a requirement. Mayor Levine asked if vendors recycle any of the equipment. Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that could be requested upon selection of a vendor. She stated that there are a lot of factors that go into the determination of whether the equipment could be reused. She was unsure that this playground would be a good candidate because it may not be compliant, or because of its age, but that decision would be left to the vendor. Councilor Lorberbaum moved to authorize THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT AT IVY HILLS PARK, Councilor Mazzitello seconded the motion. Further discussion: Councilor Lorberbaum commented on the nice job that staff did in responding to the comments from the Council at the last meeting. She stated that she was very concerned with the cost, as $160,000 had been budgeted but the anticipated budget proposed is $180,000, with $20,000 coming out of the special park fund. She also expressed concern with the balance of the special parks fund continuing to be lowered as there is no strong avenue to build that account back up. She noted that she has since learned that At Home Apartments is anticipating beginning construction in late summer or early fall, which may deposit $316,000 into the special parks fund with park dedication fees. She stated that with that information she is more comfortable spending the $20,000 from the special parks fund. Councilor Maczko stated that he does not like to see budgets exceeded and this request includes funds outside of the budgeted amount. He stated that he is not as concerned with using the special parks fund as it can only be used for certain things, such as park expansion. He stated that this would be a park expansion and therefore an eligible expense from the special parks fund. He stated that if there is a realignment of the container that makes the project work better, he will support providing that flexibility if it stays within the budget. He stated that perhaps the planned container area as shown and adding a statement that if the vendor believes a different alignment would be more efficient, he will support that creativity. Mayor Levine asked if Councilor Maczko was asking to amend the RFP. Councilor Maczko stated he was because the RFP does not state that the equipment must fit within the container. It could be added in paragraphs C or D of the RFP stating that the vendors have the flexibility to modify the container shape if they find it would be more efficient to accommodate the desired equipment and stay within the budget. Councilor Mazzitello complemented Councilor Lorberbaum on her analysis of the special parks fund. He stated that over $300,000 coming in 2025, added to the existing balance would provide a robust balance for the special parks fund. He stated that Councilor Maczko is also correct in that there are limits as to February 4, 20?S, Mendota Heights City Coenacil Page 4 of l0 how the special parks fund can be used. He stated that this project would add space and additional features and therefore would qualify. He supports the motion as stated. Councilor Paper commented that the City will need to decide how to fund parks projects moving forward and the special parks fund is not a savings account that does not have a required minimum balance. He stated that he would not feel bad about using the special parks fund for its intended purpose. He acknowledged that the City will need to find a better way to fund the account in the future as that is a discussion that continues to be pushed down the road. He stated that it sounds like if the container size/shape is changed that would also change the scope of the project and would mean that the vendors are not bidding on the same thing. Councilor Maczko stated that everyone would still bid off the same base project and the City is looking to gain the maximum value for the allocated funding. He stated that if the vendors have the option to configure the container in a better way, that should be allowed, and everyone would still be on the same playing field. Councilor Paper stated that if a redesign of the container is allowed, that would guide more dollars toward a larger container and site work rather than equipment. Councilor Maczko stated that would be left to the community as to what they like or do not like and this would allow the vendor to be more creative. Councilor Lorberbaum reviewed potential language to amend the RFP to provide the flexibility desired by Councilor Maczko. Councilor Maczko moved to amend the motion TO ADD TO THE RFP IN SECTION 3, LG, BALLET C TO READ VENDORS HAVE THE OPTION TO SHOW CREATIVITY IN RESPONSE TO THE CONTAINER'S CONTENTS AND/OR SHAPE, Mayor Levine seconded the motion. Further discussion of the amendment: Councilor Paper asked who would be responsible for the site work and dirt work. Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that is included in the scope of the project and therefore would be the responsibility of the contractor. She stated that the staff walked the site and proposed the container additions in these locations because of the location of underground infrastructure to the south. She stated that they could expand to the north but there is some grade change. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that he agrees with Councilor Maczko that providing that suggested flexibility would not create an unfair RFP process. He stated that if they wanted to change the shape, there could be additional expenses as a result of the site work. He stated that they could limit that expansion in a certain direction and not in another direction, but that could be clarified later and would not need to be part of the motion. February 4, 2025, Mendola Heights City Council Page S of 10 Councilor Lorberbaum stated she would accept the amendment if Councilor Mazzitello, who seconded the motion, agreed to the amendment. Councilor Mazzitello stated no that he did not accept the amendment. Councilor Mazzitello stated that in the staff analysis of the site it was determined that these were the most logical areas for site expansion. He asked if there would be additional tree removal and dirt work if the container were to expand in other areas and an estimate for those types of impacts. Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Duector Meredith Lawrence replied that there is a nice tree canopy, and she would not want to see any additional trees removed as part of the project. She stated that there would be room to expand to the north, but that would require some additional grading because of the slope change and may add to the container cost. She stated that staff could walk the site again and mark an out-of-bounds area to ensure the trees and infrastructure are not impacted. Councilor Mazzitello commented that he believes the container expansion proposed by staff is the most efficient way to capture the square footage. The existing playground container is 3,815 square feet and the proposed playground container is 4,472 square feet. He stated that changing the container shape in other ways would seem to add to the cost of the container expansion which would take away from the funds available for equipment. Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence added that the goal was also to square up the container and reuse the container to the extent possible to save costs. She stated that she does feel comfortable that a similar response will be received from vendors and would also support the flexibility suggested, if that is the desire of the Council. Councilor Maczko stated that he has not heard anyone say they are an expert in playground or park design and therefore would be interested in providing flexibility to vendors. He stated that residents, the park subcommittee, and the Parks and Recreation Commission would still make recommendations of what they would like best. Councilor Lorberbaum agreed that while it may not look efficient, she would not want to squelch creativity. She stated that if they do not like the shape or proposal, they do not have to choose that one. Mayor Levine called for a vote on the amendment to the motion TO ADD TO THE RFP IN SECTION 3, 1.G, BULLET C TO READ VENDORS HAVE THE OPTION TO SHOW CREATIVITY IN RESPONSE TO THE CONTAINER'S CONTENTS AND/OR SHAPE, Ayes: 3 Nays: 2 (Mazzitello and Levine) Mayor Levine called For a vote on the requested motion as amended to authorize THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT AT IVY HILLS PARK. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Febraary 4, 20?5, Mendom Heights Crry Coeurcl7 Page 6 of /0 C) RESOLUTION 2025-08 TO APPROVE LIMITED USE PERMIT #19174031 AND RESOLUTION 2025-09 TO APPROVE PLANS AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE FRIENDLY HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek provided a brief background on this item. The Council was being asked to consider the adoption of Resolution 2025-08 approving a Limited Use Permit for the trail facility along Decorah Lane and adopt Resolution 2025-09 approving the final plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Friendly Hills Neighborhood Improvements. Councilor Paper asked if staff have seen project pricing in other communities for the upcoming year. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that he has not heard of any bids coming in yet for spring. Councilor Mazzitello moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2025-08 ENTERING INTO A LIMITED USE PERMIT WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. Councilor Maczko seconded the motion. Further discussion: Councilor Mazzitello stated that one bid has been opened so far for this season at the County and the bid was eight percent lower than the estimate. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Councilor Mazzitello moved to approve RESOLUTION 2025-09 APPROVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE FRIENDLY HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO, 202407, Councilor Paper seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 D) RESOLUTION 2025-07 SUPPORTING DAKOTA COUNTY RIVER TO RIVER GREENWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO.30002 Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek provided a brief background on this item. The Council was being asked to consider Resolution 2025-07 supporting approval of the plans and specifications by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners to reconstruct the trail through Valley Park between Marie Avenue and Lilydale Road as part of the River to River Greenway. Councilor Maczko asked if the Bluff Circle connection, once completed, would become the City's responsibility or whether that would be part of the regional trail. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that the connection would remain aCity-owned trail. Mayor Levine asked if that trail for the Bluff Circle connection would be eight or ten feet wide. Febraary 4, 2015, Mendota Heights City Coancil Page 7 of /0 Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that the section would remain eight feet in width, noting that the trail width or alignment would not be changing it would simply receive a new lift of pavement. Councilor Maczko asked if the trails and bridges would support emergency vehicle access. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that the bridges would be wider than what currently exists and would be designed to support emergency vehicles. He stated that the base and pavement of the trails would also be adequate for those vehicles. He commented that ideally, bridge surfacing will also eliminate some of the accidents that require response. Councilor Lorberbaum stated that she likes the proposed slab by the pavilion. She asked if the tennis court would remain intact, recognizing that some trees would be lost. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that the curve in the trail around the tennis court would be softened. He stated that one corner of the court would be shaved off which would create a more standard tennis court. Councilor Paper commented that there is a sharp curve at the bottom of the hill in the north near Bluff Circle and asked if that would be changing. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that the City is limited by its trail easements. Councilor Paper asked if there would be room to make that a little wider, noting that vehicles and bicycles often go off the edge of the trail which creates a rut. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek commented that it is something staff could look at, to widen the trail around that curve. Councilor Paper referenced the concrete pad outside of the pavilion and asked who would be putting tables on that surface and whether those would be City tables. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that it is a City pavilion and would be City tables. He confirmed that the County would be providing the concrete expansion. Councilor Paper commented that the cutoff of the tennis court looks natural. Mayor Levine asked if the culvert is being replaced where ice is currently going over the trail. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that he was not aware of the overtopping but noted that the new culverts are of a larger diameter and should help with that situation. Mayor Levine referenced the pavilion and stated that she is happy with the additional pad and tables. She asked if a grill could be out there and whether the pavilion could be painted. She stated that she would prefer for Dakota County to take over the pavilion and put one of their pavilions in. February 4, 202$ Mendota Heights Ciry Council Page 8 of 10 Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that a grill could be installed by public works. He stated that the County has not expressed interest in taking over the pavilion as their structure. He stated that painting was not included in the 2025 budget but is on the list of needs. Councilor Mazzitello moved to approve RESOLUTION 2025-07 SUPPORTING THE RIVER TO RIVER GREENWAY IMPROVEMENTS, COUNTY PROJECT NO. 30002. Councilor Paper seconded the motion. Further discussion: Councilor Maczko commented that this is a fabulous improvement for the area, taking care of some of the grades and corners. He commented that this is a great amenity and something he is happy to see. Councilor Mazzitello stated that not only is this a great amenity, but it is also a great improvement from the first review 18 months ago. He thanked staff for their efforts and thanked the County for responding to the City's concerns. Councilor Lorberbaum thanked the County for the partnership. Mayor Levine stated that this project has been in development for some time with multiple iterations. She stated that while this may look simple, it has taken a lot of work and input to get to this point. She thanked the members of the public who continued to show up at meetings to provide input. She commented on the benefits that would be provided as a result of this project. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson announced upcoming community events and activities. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilor Lorberbaum stated that February is Black History Month and shared a related quote. She also thanked Dakota County for their work on the River to River Greenway improvements and stated it w be a good project for the City. Councilor Maczko encouraged residents to stay warm, noting the possibility of snow in the forecast as well. He noted the passing of community member Jim Losleben, who served on the City Council from 1973 to 1984 and was a lifelong resident of Mendota Heights. Councilor Paper commented that they are one day closer to spring. Councilor Mazzitello commented that there was a long meeting two weeks ago and they neglected to wish Mayor Levine a happy birthday. He wished her a happy birthday. He also shared a quote in honor of Black History Month, February 4, 202$ Mendota Heights City Council Page 9 of /0 Mayor Levine encouraged residents to participate in the activities for Frozen Fun Fest. Councilor Mazzueno moved to adjourn. Councilor Paper seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Mayor Levine adjourned the meeting at 8:36 p.m. Giw ✓ ✓ Stephanie B. Levine Mayor ATTEST: Noncy Bhuer City Clerk February 4, 1025, Mendota Heights City Council Pnge 10 of !0