01 21 2025 City Council Work Session MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the City Council Work Session Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Mayor Levine called the work session to order at 4:30 p.m. Councilmembers Lorberbaum, Maczko, Mazzitello and Paper were also present. CLOSED SESSION CITY ADMINISTRATOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION The mayor stated that the meeting was being closed as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, section 13D.05, Subd. 3(a) to conduct the performance evaluation of the city administrator Cheryl Jacobson. A motion to close the meeting was made by Councihnember Mazzitello, seconded by Councihnember Paper. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Levine called the closed session to order at 4:30 p.m. Councihnembers Lorberbaum, Maczko, Mazzitello, and Paper, were also present. City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson was also present. CALL BACK TO ORDER AND ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Councilor Paper, seconded by Councilor Mazzitello, to adjourn the closed meeting and return the City Council Work Session in city council chambers. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Levine called the work session to order at 5:11 p.m. Councihnembers Lorberbaum, Maczko, Mazzitello, and Paper, were also present. Others present included City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson, Assistant City Administrator Kelly Torkelson, Finance Director Kristen Schabacker, Pazk and Recreation Director/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence, Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek, Assistant City Engineer Lucas Ritchie, Community Development Manager Sarah Madden, Natural Resources Director Krista Spreiter, and City Clerk Nancy Bauer. RIVER TO REIVER GREENWAY UPDATE Also, in attendance were Mike Adams Senior Project Manager Dakota County Parks and William Bauer, PE. SEH, Inc. Page 1 City Council Work Session 01212025 Mr. Adams gave a and description of the scope of work for the proposed new trail in Valley Park from Marie Avenue to Lilydale Road. Proposed improvements include a 10 foot to 12400t bituminous trail with a three-foot mowed edge on either side of the trail, a 15400t wayside rest, and habitat preservation. The two southern bridges in the corridor need to be replaced. The consultants recommended that northern bridge be salvaged to replace the bridge one of the southern bridges. By relocating the bridge there would be a cost savings of $50,000 to $60,000. The other two bridges would be replaced with new bridges. The trail grade presents some challenges for construction that the consultants aze assessing. The goal is to minimize the existing trail grades to maintain existing high value trees along the trail. The trail standards for Dakota County are a 5% or less grade. There are currently grades on the trail at 15%. The lower the grade, the lower the impact to the surrounding natural resources. Mr. Bauer discussed the design elements of the trail project. There aze multiple options for slopes included in the project. Slope would determine if there were additional fence or fall protection needs. The consultants previewed two preliminary design options. These proposals would still require the removal of some significant trees. Mr. Bauer reviewed the proposed project timeline with project bidding beginning in Febmary 2025 through project completion in Fall of 2026. The City Council duetted staff to recommend one of the proposals for City Council consideration. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Councilor Paper, seconded by Councilor Mazzitello to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. The meeting adjourned to a public reception for retiring Fire Chief Dave Dreelan. ATTEST: St hanie B. evine, Mayor Nan y Bau , City Clerk Page 2 City Council Work Session 01212025