01 21 2025 City Council MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights,
Minnesota was held at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota,
Mayor Levine called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilors Lorberbaum, Paper, Mazzitello, and
Maczko, were also present.
Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Former Fire Chief Dave Dreelan thanked the past and current City Council members, members of City
staff, members of public safety, and the residents commenting that it has been an honor and privilege to
serve the community. He thanked his wife and daughters for their continuous support throughout his
career. He recognized the great work that Fire Chief Dan Johnson has done throughout his career and
congratulated him on the new position.
The ceremonial Oath of Office and badge pinning for Fire Chief Dan Johnson were completed.
Fire Chief Dan Johnson thanked everyone for the opportunity to continue to serve the community that he
has served for the past nine years. He commented on the history of the Mendota Heights Township and
Mendota Heights fire department and its Chiefs. He recognized the service of Councilor Maczko as Fire
Chief and now as a member of the City Council. He stated that to be in the position of Chief is an honor
and he finds difficulty in finding the right words to describe. He appreciated the history and mission
statement of the department, which will continue to be guides in his position as they look forward to and
continue to provide the excellent services needed by the community.
Councilor Paper welcomed Fire Chief Dan Johnson to the position.
Councilor Maczko commented that he cannot think of anyone with more passion for fire service than Fire
Chief Dan Johnson, noting his true sense of community service and commitment to the community. He
stated that the department is in good hands and will continue forward in a strong manner. He thanked Fire
Chief Dan Johnson for his service and congratulated him.
Councilor Lorberbaum
recognized all the Chiefs
have previously served, noting that Fire Chief Dave
Dreelan will be missed.
She welcomed the new
Councilor Mazzitello thanked former Fire Chief Dave Dreelan, recognizing the things he has
accomplished in his tenure. He congratulated new Fire Chief Dan Johnson and stated that he possesses
the skills to fill the shoes of that position well. He recognized the spirit of public service which drives
them to do what they do and congratulated the new Chief.
Mayor Levine echoed the comments made by other Council members. She recognized that this type of
service requires the support of their families. She stated that Fire Chief Dan Johnson and his wife are a
dynamic duo in the fire department. She stated that the fire department is the soul of the city, and they are
proud of their fire department. She expressed gratitude for the service the department provides to the
community and thanked former Fire Chief Dave Dreelan and new Fire Chief Dan Johnson,
Mayor Levine presented the agenda for adoption. Councilor Mazzitello moved adoption of the agenda.
Councilor Paper seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
No one from the public wished to be heard.
Mayor Levine presented the consent agenda
and explained the
for discussion and approval.
Councilor Lorberbaum moved approval of the
consent agenda as
pulling item C.
a. Approval of January 7, 2025, City Council Minutes
bI Approve the City of Mendota Heights Fleet Safety Policy
d. Approve Cooperative Agreement with Tree Trust for the 2025 Tree Canopy Program
e. Acceptance of Minnesota Chiefs of Police Foundation Grant
f. Acknowledge October, November, and December 2024 Fire Synopses
g. Approve Massage Therapist License
h. Approve November 2024 Treasurer's Report
i. Approve a Letter of Support for MuDOT Slope Stability Study on Highway 13
j. Authorize Master Services Agreement with I & S Group, Inc (ISG)
k. Approval of Claims List
Councilor Mazzitello seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Janrary 21, 2015, Mendota Heiglr7s City Camrci! Page 2 oJ22
Mayor Levine commented that there
is an opportunity for
a student to serve
this summer in a natural
resources internship. She commented
on the valuable work
experience that can
be gained.
Councilor Mazzitello seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
No items scheduled.
No items scheduled.
Mayor Levine reported that the City Council accepted applications for four open positions on various
commissions and interviews were held on January 91. She stated that the Council was grateful for the
robust applicant pool that expressed interest in serving on the advisory commissions. She welcomed the
four new members who will be joining the Planning Commission, Park Commission, and Natural
Resources Commission,
Councilor Lorberbaum moved to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2025-06 APPOINTING CITY
Councilor Mazzitello seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Assistant City Engineer Lucas Ritchie provided a brief background on this item. The Council was being
asked to consider a proposal from GoodPointe Technology to collect and provide pavement ratings.
Maczko asked for
on the
length of roadway, which was mentioned as 72 miles, but
noted that
the proposal from
65 miles.
Engineer Lucas Ritchie stated
that the proposal does include a few less miles because of
were recently reconstructed or
are in progress.
Janeiary 21, 2025, Merrdola Heights Crty Council page 3 of 11
Councilor Maczko thanked staff for their work on this as it has been his priority to have data to develop a
plan. He stated that this is an unbudgeted item and believes that the City needs to follow its budget. He
recognized that there will be times when there are unknown costs or emergencies that arise and must be
dealt with. He commented that he strongly supports this item but is concerned that this would deviate
from the budget.
Assistant City Engineer Lucas Ritchies e s is not approved, it would be included as a 20M
budget request. He explained that originally staff believed that this could be done internally, but have
discovered that is not feasible and a third party would be needed. He explained that this data could assist
in making decisions for 2025 projects and planning for the future. He recognized that this is an unbudgeted
request, but staff do see the need and benefit to have this information today, however, staff would be able
to function without the data if this were delayed for one year.
Councilor Paper asked for more information on how the data is gathered.
Assistant City Engineer Lucas Ritchie stated that various methods can be used to gather that data, noring
that this consultant would drive a vehicle with a camera on the bottom and would use Al to analyze that
Councilor Paper recognized the initial software cost but asked why there would be an ongoing cost for the
Assistant City Engineer Lucas
Ritchie replied that he was only
requesting aone-year
subscription. He
commented that staff would review whether the software
be beneficial
in the future.
Councilor Paper asked if there is feedback from other communities that have used GoodPointe.
City Engineer Lucas
Ritchie replied that
other communities have used this software with solid
and Mendota Heights
has used this in the
Councilor Lorberbaum commented on the dilemmas they have had in previous cases with experts with
different opinions and believed that this information would be helpful to guide them in making the right
decision. She stated that while she agrees with Councilor Maczko's point of view on the budget, she
believes this needs to be done.
Councilor Mazzitello stated that he is glad the City is doing this again, noting that it should be done
periodically to keep up on the data. He stated that this is an opportune time to get this done as the Council
will be doing a review of the street reconstruction and assessment policy and it would be great to have
accurate data as they enter into that discussion. He asked that this be a budgeted request in the future,
whether that it be a street line item or its own budget request.
Councilor Mazzitello moved to approve PROPOSAL FROM GOODPOIN'TE TECHNOLOGY TO
Councilor Maczko seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Janaary 27, 2025, Mendota Heights City Council Page 4 of 22
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden provided a brief background on this item. The Council
was being asked to provide comments to staff, and no formal action is required tonight.
Councilor Paper asked how it would be decided who gets the license if multiple applications are received.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that the statute does not specify how a city
would accept retail registrations. She stated that the OCM could approve multiple locations for a license
and that the retail application is the last step. She stated that the City Attorney has recommended a first
come first serve process for complete applications. She explained that the City would know ahead of time
if a business is going to apply because zoning verification is part of the State process before retail
registration occurs.
Councilor Paper asked and received confirmation that the first step would be for the applicant to receive
a license from the State and work out details on their desired location, which would include a zoning
confirmation prior to submission to the City for a retail license.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden stated that the City will be a part of the State's zoning
review, and through that step staff would know who is in the licensing pipeline. She stated that if an
applicant were operating efficiently, they would have a lease in place prior to the State license. She
commented that she could be alerted that three different applicants are coming down the pipeline, but she
would not know who the first applicant would be until the completed application is received by the City.
Councilor Paper commented that there would then be a chance that three different companies could go
through the necessary steps, have all their paperwork in line, and then would need to fight it out to have
their application as the first received.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden stated that if there were multiple applicants, there
would also be multiple applicants for the Conditional Use Permit (CUP), therefore there would be some
foresight to knowing if multiple CUP requests are received. She stated that she has received inquiries but
not an exorbitant amount. She stated that if there is a lot of interest, and the City desires, that cap could
be increased from one retail business.
Councilor Lorberbaum asked if the Council has agreed to the first come first serve method.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that the intent for this meeting is to gain that
input from the Council. She stated that staff recommends a first come first serve basis but the decision is
of the Council as that is not specified within statute. She stated that if the Council provides direction to
follow a different review path, she would amend the language to include that method of review.
Councilor Lorberbaum recognized that new regulations were released today and asked if the intention is
for staff to review that and then determine if additional amendments will be necessary and if so, asked if
that would be brought back before the Council.
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Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that she did a preliminary review and most of
the draft rules apply to the entirety of adult -use cannabis, providing some examples. She stated that the
local control section of the draft rules is very similar to what had been provided through the draft guide.
She confirmed that she would continue to provide updates to the Council as new information is released.
Councilor Lorberbaum asked why staff would recommend the first come first serve method of review.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that recommendations were developed in
discussions with the City Attorney as to what criteria would be considered if there were multiple
applications. She stated that the applications would be almost identical and therefore was unsure of what
basis a comparison decision would be made of.
Councilor Maczko stated that is where his biggest concern is as not all businesses are created equally. He
recognized that the first come first serve basis gets the City out of having to make a decision, but that also
takes away the ability for the City to determine if the business would be a good fit. He used the scenario
that a business is approved and asked if their license continues to be extended if they do not lose their
license. He asked what type of protection the City would have from having to allow an unwanted business.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that the process was designed by the State for
the cities to have less picking and choosing options when it comes to retailers for cannabis businesses.
She stated that the license would be continuous as long as the license and registration continue to be
renewed. She provided examples of items that could cause a license to be revoked and noted that a
business could also choose to leave to go to another community. She stated that if the Council desires a
different selection process, she can take that direction. She stated that the first choice of staff would be
the first come first serve basis and the second would be a lottery -based system. She stated that if the
Council desires a different review process, there would need to be clear criteria developed upon which a
review would be completed.
Councilor Maczko asked if any cities have developed that type of criteria for review and scoring.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden stated that she was not aware of any that had a selection
process when she reviewed draft ordinances this fall. She stated that the majority used first come first
serve, lottery, or a rolling application window timeline. She stated that many of the neighboring
communities have a larger population and therefore do not have the same limit of one retail business,
therefore there is not the same concern with multiple applications.
Councilor Mazzitello commented that the statement was made that if all requirements of the OCM are
met, the city must approve the registration, if all setback and other zoning requirements are met.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden commented on some additional requirements that
would need to be met prior to the registration being issued such as ensuring the property is up-to-date on
taxes and assessments and a lease is in place, if the building is not owned by the applicant.
Councilor Mazzitello commented that it is unfortunate that the OCM has limited what cities can and cannot
do. He stated that he agrees with the first complete application method as that follows the work the City
has done to remove language such as "the Council may" to remove the grey areas. He noted that the
January 2I, 2025, Mendota Heiglns City Codncil Page 6 of 22
ordinance states that these businesses would be allowed in the industrial zone as a conditional use and
asked if the same would be true for the business and mixed -use PUD districts.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that within the retail/business zones, the retail
use would also be conditionally allowed. She stated that the lower potency hemp retailers would be an
exception as those are already allowed today. She stated that this use is not listed within the mixed -use
PUD district.
Councilor Mazzitello asked for more information on the defmition of a temporary cannabis event
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that type of event is called out in the statute
and OCM guide as something that would be permitted through licensing, although she could not think of
a good description of what the event may look like. She stated that it could be considered similar to a
temporary liquor license.
Councilor Maczko asked if the City has to allow for temporary cannabis events.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that a local government cannot prohibit a
cannabis business license type from the community and that is one type of license. She stated that she can
gather more information on the events to provide more detail.
Councilor Maczko stated that he would be concerned that someone could rent Mendakota Park for a
temporary cannabis event and was unsure that is something the community would want.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden stated that there are performance standards for those
types of events and explained that the buffers in place would exclude the park from being a location.
Councilor Maczko asked for clarification on the language related to the number of businesses registered
within Dakota County and the statement that if that trigger is met, the City would not be required to license
additional businesses.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden explained that the statute includes a minimum number
of retailers based on population and if there are enough retail registrants county -wide to meet that
population threshold for the county, the City would not be required to register additional retail businesses
because the cap has been met through the county.
Councilor Maczko referenced the required buffers and asked if a GIS map could be created to identify
where these businesses could be located.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that the presentation did include a rough draft
of that map, noting that she would clean that up going forward.
Councilor Maczko noted language that references an application fee and asked if that should instead be a
registration fee.
Jonvary 21, 2025, Mendota Heiglns Ciry Council page 7 of 22
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden stated that she could modify that language to be more
consistent, clarifying that it is an application fee for business registration.
Councilor Maczko asked if something could be put into an ordinance to regulate something they do not
want the State to do. He commented that it seems odd to put something in the ordinance that tells the
State what it cannot do.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden replied that the sentence is within the draft rules,
statute, and model ordinance and therefore was included in the ordinance.
Councilor Paper asked if the
term "Indian
country" is
City Attorney Amy Schmidt
replied that is the correct
term as
defined in federal law
Councilor Paper stated that the first come first serve method seems strange. He commented that this is a
big decision as only one retail business will be allowed and was unsure that choosing the fastest applicant
is the right decision. He stated that he would want to choose an operator that will have success with the
least amount of difficulty and problems and that may not be the one that is quickest to the door.
City Attorney Amy Schmidt stated that it is the staff recommendation to use first come first serve because
there is only one allowed. She stated that all vetting is done at the state level, as that has been taken out
of the City's hands. She commented that this would be the most straightforward and objective way to
move forward.
Councilor Paper commented that a lottery would seem even more silly as that would be completely
random. He stated that if there is no ability to choose an applicant, then first come first serve would seem
to be the path forward.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated that while it is not ideal, she is leaning towards first come first serve.
Councilor Maczko stated that he has the same concerns as Councilor Paper with that method but also was
unsure of the criteria that could be used to make a decision without someone claiming the decision is
arbitrary. He agreed that the first come first serve would make sense at this point.
Mayor Levine stated that she also leans towards first come first serve as the State will do the job of vetting
the application. She stated that the City has its zoning in place and can issue citations for businesses that
fail to comply.
Community Development Manager Sarah Madden stated that she would place that into the draft for the
next review and will bring back additional information on temporary cannabis events.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence explained that the Council was
being asked to consider authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the playground
replacement at Ivy Hills Park.
Janxary 1!, 1025, Mendota Heights City Coeurcil Page 8 of 11
Councilor Paper referenced the statement that the neighborhood has requested a new playground and asked
for more information on the definition of neighborhood in that scenario.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that in this scenario it
is residents from this neighborhood and other neighborhoods. She stated that staff tend to receive calls a
few years out from planned replacement, noting that she is already receiving calls inquiring about Friendly
Hills playground.
Councilor Paper asked where the data came from that stated that one in five residents in that area are
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that information was
pulled from the US Census by the consultant as part of the Master Plan.
Councilor Paper asked if the census includes a question asking about disabilities and if the results were
then that one in five residents in that area are disabled. He asked how that compares to the rest of the
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence confirmed that question and
related result is part of the census. She commented that she did not have the list with her, noting it is part
of the final report. She noted that not all disabilities are visually seen.
Councilor Paper commented that is a big number and should be addressed for this community.
Councilor Mazzitello referenced the process and asked if three firms would be brought to the City Council
for selection and whether a staff recommendation would also be included at that April meeting.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the same process
was followed for Marie and Valley View Heights playgrounds. She stated that regardless of how many
applications are received, three will be chosen to move forward for public comments and a
recommendation will be made by the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated that it sounds like this proposal was developed in a worksession, that was
not televised, and was not reviewed at a formal Parks and Recreation Commission meeting.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the Parks and
Recreation Commission did not hold a regular meeting in January as it held a strategic planning workshop,
and video services were not available for that meeting. She stated that the Commission reviewed the entire
RFP, bad an hour-long discussion, and engaged with neighbors and playground subcommittee members.
She stated that the six members who were present supported this scope for the project, although it was not
a formal recommendation.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated that 20.6 disabled individuals seem skewed and asked if there is a diameter
of the area around the park that is considered.
January 2!, 2025, Mendota Heights City Coxnd! Page 9 of 22
Parks and
Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director
Meredith Lawrence explained that service
areas were
developed for each park as part of the Master
Plan process in order to decipher the census
Councilor Lorberbaum asked n wood chips, and fiber chips are both accessible and for more information
on those materials.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the desired
surfacing would be engineered wood fiber surfacing which is the standard in the City complexes with the
exception of Mendakota which has a combination of that material and poured in place surfacing. She
stated that the material meets ADA standards although acknowledging that it may not be easy to push a
wheelchair through that material. She explained that poured in place surfacing would add $80,000 to
$100,000 to the cost.
Councilor Lorberbawn asked and received confirmation that all existing benches could be retained and
asked if any of those are donated benches.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that those benches are
not donated and are the required two benches within the container to ensure proper supervision of children.
She stated that the benches could be reused by the vendor and if they were not reused in this instance the
City would retain those benches because they are in good shape.
Councilor Lorberbaum asked for more information on the durability of communication boards.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that those boards are
significantly durable and are becoming more common in playground structures. She did not have any
concerns and thought they would be a great addition to the parks.
Councilor Lorberbaum asked if the additional space that would be added would accommodate all the
desired features, specifically asking if this is a need versus a want.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that she is unsure of
the new spacing requirements for a new playground because each feature has a different buffer
requirement for safety. She stated that the size increase is requested to ensure the playground would have
the same number of features and would be comparable to other neighborhood playgrounds.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated that she has concern with the cost of $180,000. She asked if the size could
be reduced to save money if all aspects could be met.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence stated that is a decision for the
Council to make as the maximum budget is included in the RFP. She stated that in the past most proposals
are very near that budget number. She asked that the Council provide that input tonight on the budget to
ensure that they do not receive proposals that cannot move forward at that cost.
Councilor Lorberbaum commented that staff have done this before and have done it well. She asked how
the budget is determined.
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Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence explained that she reviews the
playgrounds that have been done in the past to review the cost, size, features, and anticipated price
Councilor Lorberbaum asked if the budget were reduced, would the vendors then try to find a way to
provide everything desired within that cost.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the goal in utilizing
this process is to put vendors in a position to compete with the most and best features possible to win the
contract. She stated that when the budget is set, the ask is then for the best proposal to be submitted that
meets that budget. She noted that features can be listed as alternates, noting they have done that in the
past for shade structures. She stated that the larger the budget, the better result the playground would be.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated that perhaps everything desired could be provided for $160,000.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the City may not
receive proposals if the vendors do not feel the desired features could be provided.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated that if they ran at $160,000 and no proposals were received, that could be
increased to $180,000 but recognized that would mean the project would not move forward this year.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence confirmed that is correct. She
stated that the City respects the time of vendors, and she would not want to put proposals out with the
expectation that they would not move forward as that could impact the ability of the City to receive
proposals in the future.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated that she is concerned that there is a special parks fund that they like to keep
a minimum balance of $200,000. She stated that the current balance is $186,000 and an additional $20,000
would come from that account which will continue to lower the balance with no plan to increase that fund
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the City will likely
receive park dedication fees with the final At Home Apartments development. She stated that the special
parks fund is not a rainy -day fund and can only be used for new or enhanced features to a park. She
explained that the account cannot be used for emergency situations and was unsure that would be the
correct fund for rainy day situation. She stated that although $20,000 is a lot of money, that will not fix
the ongoing funding concern for parks noting that will be a larger discussion as part of the Master Plan
Councilor Lorberbaum asked if the $20,000 could come from another source as the special parks fund has
been used for good things in the past and she would prefer to keep the balance for unexpected things that
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that in discussions with
the Finance Director, the special parks fund was the recommendation for that $20,000, She stated that
staff could look at other funding sources but would not want to guarantee there would be another source.
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Councilor Lorberbaum asked if a proposal could be done for $180,000 without knowing where the
$20,000 would come from.
Parks and RecreatiowAssistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that would be a
decision of the Council. She stated that the budget could be set at $160,000, moving some features to bid
Councilor Maczko asked the number of residents that attended the Park Commission meeting.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the meeting was
not noticed by residents, but two residents were in attendance and noted that the playground was discussed
at the last meeting of the Homeowners Association.
Councilor Maczko stated that it would be helpful to have numbers on the number of complaints and
comments received. He stated that he was also shocked on the census data related to disability and
commented that it would be nice for the Council to know the service area and number of residents that
reside within that area. He stated that he is not big on the lifespan of 15-20 years as things last longer if
properly maintained. He asked for more information on the maintenance costs for the park.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that staff does not track
those expenses to that level of detail but is looking into software to track that information.
Councilor Maczko stated that it is cheaper to maintain then to replace but acknowledged the need for ADA
accessibility and commented that there should be ADA options within all of the parks. He asked if some
of this equipment is available on a State contract.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that in the past staff
used the State contract to purchase equipment, but noted that the City then pays what the contract says.
She stated that in this method, some vendors choose to sell the equipment cheaper in order to obtain the
Maczko stated that the State contract
pricing could help
the estimated
cost. He was
that if the budget number is released,
the vendor will get
as close
to that number
as possible.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence stated that to utilize the State
contract she would need a company to design where the features could be placed to meet the safety
requirement buffers and explained that it is not as easy as looking through a catalog to pull out pricing.
Councilor Maczko stated that if safety zones are a criteria, those zones should be readily available to create
an estimate. He stated that he does support community involvement and providing ADA compliance, but
commented that this is a large amount of money, and he wants to ensure it is spent wisely across the city
for the benefit of all residents. He stated that he heard a lot of generalities and not specifics.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence stated that if there is additional
information desired, the Council could request that information.
January 21, 2025, Mendota Heights City Council Page /2 of 22
Councilor Maczko asked if there could be numbers provided on the number of residents who have
requested this to be done. He stated that he would also like to see maintenance costs if that is a criteria
for replacement as the playground looks very usable.
Parks and Recreat10ss stant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that staff have been
internally discussing an asset management software that could track that data and related expenses. She
noted that may come forward as a budget request in 2026 as it would provide better data for all
infrastructure within the community. She stated that she receives about 150 emails most days and 25
phone calls each day, noting that she does not track those contacts and attempts to respond within 24 hours
of the contact. She stated that if the Council wants staff to track those contacts, she could do that but
cannot go back in time.
Councilor Maczko stated that the Council must defend their actions and decisions and that is hard to do
without data and information that can be shared. He stated that the $20,000 is unbudgeted and he does
have concern with that.
Councilor Mazzitello asked if an RFP could be issued without a maximum amount and how that could
impact responses.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that could be done.
She stated that the proposed process with a dollar amount is a common process used by many cities and
she has not seen that done without a dollar amount. She commented that in that scenario it would be
difficult to have fair community engagement as residents could gravitate towards the most expensive
Councilor Mazzitello acknowledged that the desire is to have a level playing field between the vendors.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence stated that vendors also
provide six photographs, which are chosen by the vendors. She stated that if there is a $140,000 proposal
and a $240,000 proposal, it would be assumed that residents would most likely choose the more expensive
option not knowing the impact on the tax base.
Councilor Mazzitello asked if a $160,000 maximum amount could be requested and then an additional
ask for the vendor to show what an additional $20,000 could result in.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the Council could
choose that path but asked how they would move forward with community engagement with two different
proposals and budgets. She stated that if that is the desire, she would prefer a bid alternate option.
Councilor Mazzitello asked if special park funds were used for the container expansion at Valley View
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence confirmed that to be true noting
that she also believed the special parks fund was used for the container expansion at Marie.
January 21, 202$ Mendota Heights City Couwcil Page 13 of 22
Councilor Mazzitello stated that there is $316,000 inbound to the special parks fund at some time in 2025.
He stated that there will need to be a larger policy discussion about providing a sustained funding source
for capital improvements to the parks. He noted that they have these discussions every year about
budgeted expenses and whether these funds should be allocated. He did not believe $20,000 to be a large
hit to the special parks fund. He commented that he is disabled and that if he lived within the survey zone,
he would be one of those 20 percent, noting that he is not in a wheelchair but is an over 50 percent disabled
veteran. He stated that he would count in those statistics and asked the Council to think of the age
demographics of the city, noting that Mendota Heights is one of the oldest age demographics.
Councilor Mazzitello moved to authorize THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP)
AMOUNT OF $180000.
Councilor Paper seconded the motion.
Further discussion: Mayor Levine referenced the anticipated lifespan of the playground of 15-20 years
and asked if, through RFP, the City could get a design that lasts 20-25 years.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that playgrounds are
built to last 15-20 years and there is not equipment that has a higher life expectancy than others. She
stated that the discussed asset management software would provide them with more data on the
maintenance expenses, but 15-20 years is the industry standard across the nation.
Mayor Levine believed that the Council should consider the asset management software in order to better
review the infrastructure maintenance costs and potentially extend the lifespan of equipment.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that she is unsure that
the software would make the equipment last longer but it would provide them with data that could assist
in prioritizing equipment and determining how long the equipment is kept in the park system before
Mayor Levine agreed that the program itself could not do that, but proper maintenance combined with
that program could assist in targeting maintenance needs. She stated that Ivy Hills is the neighborhood
park for the townhomes and Sylvandale/lvy Falls. She stated that Ivy Hills is a gem in the city and the
playground structure is somewhat smaller, but the green space is gorgeous. She stated that she would
support the container expansion, but the beauty of the park is the greenspace, mature trees, and large open
space. She stated that there is a very large group of residents that utilize that park. She noted that there
is a fully accessible park at Somerset Elementary which is a ten-minute walk from Ivy Hills. She stated
that it looks like the RFP includes a lot of swings, two of which are the platform and arch swing. She
asked that two belt swings be provided to allow for socialization. She stated that the platform swing makes
sense and while the arch swing is a cool feature, the park has trees that can be used for hammocks and
therefore questioned whether that feature is needed at this park. She stated that perhaps that is listed as
an alternate option. She stated that in community engagement they do provide options but believed that
with Rogers Lake they asked residents for input on features before they went out for bid. She stated that
there are a ton of teenagers in this area and there is nothing in the parks system for teens. She stated that
pull-up and push-up bars are items desired for teens. She asked if it would be assumed that the monkey
Jottnary 2!, 2025, Mendota Heights City Coancil Page /4 of 22
bars would be replaced with monkey bars. She referenced the desired features and stated that the direction
does not seem very physical, and she would prefer to see more options to ensure all kids feel included.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence stated that she did not see any
issue with having two belt swings and provided more background information on the discussion of the
subcommittee related to the must -have features. She stated that the student representative was part of the
process, and the arch swing was the item she requested as a teen. She stated that list of must -have features
is included in the RFP, noting that other features that vendors could provide are also included which
provides the opportunity for creativity. She stated that features can be moved to the must -have list, but
the more features that are required to have could increase the difficulty in meeting that list and related
safety zones.
Mayor Levine stated that she would like to see items such as those that test balance, and upper body
strength, and an item that spins.
Councilor Maczko stated that the RFP does not specify any of the demographics for the park area and
perhaps providing that information would be helpful in the proposed designs.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence explained that playgrounds are
built in two different safety standard features, 2-year-olds - 5-year-olds and 5-year-olds -12 years old
features, noting that those are typically located on opposite sides of the playground. She explained that
typically 25 percent of the features are for 2-year-olds -5-year-olds while the remaining 75 percent is for
5 years old -12 years old. She stated that while current demographics could be provided, demographics
will significantly change during the lifespan of the playground.
Mayor Levine stated that this community underserves the children with special needs, which is why ADA
accessibility is being included. She noted that teens are also underserved and while she appreciated the
input of one teen, she was unsure that represents the desire of all teens. She stated that perhaps the space
for the arch swing could be better used for other things that would serve teens. She asked where the
platform swing would be located.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence anticipated that the platform
swing would be nearest the entrance to prevent someone in a wheelchair from having to trek across the
playground for access. She explained that she does not like to get into too much detail with the RFP as
that takes away from the ability of the vendor to use their knowledge and expertise to design the best
Mayor Levine commented that the platform swing is separate, as was the arch swing, so that would mean
three different areas for swings within a small park. She stated that she is also concerned with the $205000
as that was not budgeted but recognized that the playground was budgeted two years ago and prices have
increased, so she can support the $180,000. She stated that perhaps the RFP is set at $160,000 with the
arch swing as a bid alternate. She also requested that other items be added that they would like to see to
include upper body strength, balance, and rotation items.
January 21, ?01$ Mendota Hergh�s Crty Council page 15 oJ22
Councilor Lorberbaum agreed with the comments of Mayor Levine and acknowledged that they want to
get this done this year but also want to get this right. She asked if changes could be made to the RPP in
the next two weeks and whether that would delay the project.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that staff can make
those changes, and it would delay the project but noted that she would want clarification on the attainable
information that is requested of staff.
Mayor Levine asked if the currently accessible swing would be retained.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that she is unsure if the
feature would remain at this park, but the equipment would be retained and could be moved to another
park which would expand accessibility at another park. She stated that reuse of that item is not required
in the RFP.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated that she would like to modify the motion with the hope that staff could bring
this back in two weeks. She stated that she would love for the budget to be $180,000 but is concerned
with that number and therefore would like to move forward at $160,000 with some amenities listed at
alternates that could bring the total to $180,000. She noted that the requested items by Mayor Levine
could also be listed relating to upper body, balance, and rotation.
Councilor Mazzitello stated if the direction is for staff to bring this back, there would not be a motion, and
the action would instead be to table this.
Councilor Paper stated that this park serves a significant area as people either use Ivy Hills, Somereset
Elementary, Cherokee Park, or Saint Joe's. He stated that this playground services a lot of residents and
therefore he does not have a concern with the proposed budget of $180,000 for an accessible park that
would service the needs of the neighborhood. He stated that the issue of parks funding is the problem of
the Council, not the parks. He stated that this is an opportunity to fund an item in the community and this
project has already been deferred. He commented that it is frustrating to continue to see these projects
ripped apart. He stated that he does not want to interfere with the creativity of the people who do this for
a living, recognizing that demographics in an area change over time and therefore the park should not be
designed just on current demographics. He stated that this seems to be a reasonable request and budget
for a park that serves a large population. He stated that they need to allow the opportunity for professionals
to provide their input and was unsure the Council is in the position to be dictating all these details.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated that she would recommend $160,000 with the alternate to go up to $180,000
in order to see both options.
Councilor Maczko stated that he does not necessarily disagree with Councilor Paper as there is a large
area served by this park but was unsure that the community had the opportunity to weigh in on what they
would like to see. He was unsure if he felt comfortable that the community input has been received on
the desired features. He stated that the budget for this was $160,000 and perhaps additional work is needed
by staff on the front end to ensure that budgets are realistic. He asked if this should go back to the Parks
Commission to determine if there should be amendments made to ensure that they meet the needs of the
community rather than just replacing something to say that was done.
January 11, ?025, Mendoza Heights City Coamcil Poge 16 of 21
Mayor Levine stated that she did not feel this was ready to move forward. She agreed that the Council
should not be making the granular decisions on specific equipment, but because of the way this moved
forward, they did not receive the input from the Parks Commission. She stated that if she were at the
worksession, she may feel very different. She hoped that the Parks Commission members would watch
this meeting to see this confusion and asked if the Council would support the Parks Commission to revisit
this discussion in a regular meeting so that the Council could then watch and make a more informed
decision. She asked that the motion be withdrawn and that this return to the Parks Commission.
Councilor Mazzitello asked if the Parks Commission would be meeting between now and February 4t1
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that the Parks and
Recreation Commission next meets on February 111. She stated that the topic can go back to the
Commission, but she would need clearer direction on what is being asked. She noted that the Commission
discussed the RFP for an hour to send this forward. She commented that discussion could be repeated on
camera but if there is specific information the Council wants to hear from the Commission, that should be
specified. She stated that she would not want the same conversation to be repeated for the sake of it being
televised to be back in this same situation with the Council. She noted that the subcommittee met for two
hours, the Parks Commission discussed the RFP for one hour, and this was the product that came forward.
She stated that the issuance of the RFP does not bind the City into accepting a proposal, noting that the
proposals could be rejected if the City did not like them although that would delay the project from
happening in 2025.
Councilor Mazzitello stated that given that there is not clear direction from the City Council, the work of
the subcommittee, and Parks Commission to propose this RFP, that there will be extensive public
engagement throughout this process, and concerns about elements within the RFP his motion stands. He
proposed to add amendments to the RFP to add Item G to the list of items that must be included to include
features that focus on spin, upper body strength, and balance.
Councilor Paper agreed to the amendment.
Councilor Lorberbaum asked and received confirmation that the budget would remain at $180,000 and
other than the amended language Councilor Mazzitello's motion would remain unchanged.
Councilor Maczko stated that he would be inclined to vote no. He believed that there is transparency in
having information for citizens to view. He believed there to be a time savings in pushing this back to the
Parks Commission, which would delay the project by one month rather than potentially rejecting RFPs.
He trusted that staff would know the safety areas and could gather data from the State contract to determine
what could be accommodated and then determine whether $160,000 or $180,000 would be the right
number. He stated that he would also prefer to hear the discussion of the Parks Commission and have that
discussion also available to the public.
Councilor Lorberbaum commented that she feels that this is rushed and taking more time now could save
time in the end.
January 11, 1025, Mettdom Heights City Council Page 17 of 12
Mayor Levine agreed that she would also lean towards voting no at this time. She stated that she would
like more information on the space that all the swings would take up and whether that would leave
sufficient space for the other desired items. She asked if there was discussion on what teens want,
recognizing the desire for one child to relax on a swing while others may want equipment to work out
with. She stated that since the cut -through was put in, this is the park that older kids can go to without
their parents. She stated that perhaps hammocks can be put on trees or additional trees could be planted
to accommodate hammocks.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence stated that she does not have
software to do playground design and would then need to pick a vendor on the State contract, hire that
contractor to do a design, and then use that for pricing. She stated that she also does not know the cost of
labor, demolition, and removal costs. She stated that she can let the Commission know they are reopening
this item for discussion with the intention to repeat the previous conversation that was had in the
conference room on television. She stated that she can provide direction to focus on teens, noting that a
large part of the previous discussion was focused on multi -generation and aging population. She stated
that it will be difficult to tell the Commission to have the same conversation they had, just on television.
She noted that the previous meeting was an open meeting.
Councilor Lorberbaum asked for a range of funds that would be needed to do that.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence stated that she is unsure of the
cost of that process. She stated that the City has followed this same process that she is proposing for the
last two playground replacement projects.
Councilor Maczko stated that staff brought up the State contractor and therefore he pictures that the
contract would include the price for different park features.
City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson stated that she has not reviewed the contract for playground
equipment but typically the contract identifies a vendor that can do the entire park and is not a shopping
list of individual items. She stated that you would select a vendor that develops a plan and proposal based
on State contract pricing. She stated that the State does the vetting and procurement process to select
vendors that meet those qualifications, and the contract is not a shopping list of items with prices. She
stated that if the City is using the State contract, the State has vetted the pricing and therefore the City
would not need to follow the RFP or bidding process.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence explained that through the
State contract, you provide the vendor with the features you would like, a design is developed, and the
vendor provides the cost. She explained that it is not a competitive bidding process. She stated that she
could do that, but it could delay the project by a few months.
City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson stated that about seven years ago the City did use the State contract,
and the Commission provided input on the vendor that they liked.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence confirmed that was done for
Wentworth and the community was not allowed to provide input through that process. She stated that this
process was chosen to allow community engagement.
January 2/, 202$ Mendota HeigGls City Council Page /8 of 22
Councilor Maczko stated that it would seem that this process could then be followed through the State
contract and a project could then be chosen from the vendors on the contract. He stated that he was
mistaken in his interpretation of what the State contract specified in terms of the details of item pricing.
He stated that if the City wants to competitively bid, that would be fine too, but did not believe that changes
the process of what is procured. He stated that he is unclear how the $160,000 was budgeted in the first
place and how that increased to $180,000,
Councilor Paper called the question.
Ayes: 2 (Paper and Mazzitello)
Nays: 3
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence stated that someone will need
to make a motion as to what the Council wants. She stated that if the Council wants this reopened by the
Parks Commission, she would want clear direction as she would not feel comfortable asking the
Commission to repeat their previous discussion simply for it to be on camera.
Mayor Levine recognized the intention of Councilor Maczko in his reference to the State contract, in order
to better determine the budget needed for the project. She recognized that each piece of equipment would
have a required footprint for safety and asked if it would be possible to get the must -haves and some of
the additional desired pieces for a certain price.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that while there are
catalogs for equipment, they do not typically include pricing. She stated that she can reach out to request
the cost of certain elements from a vendor.
Mayor Levine commented that she would like to see estimated pricing without hiring a vendor to do the
design. She stated that staff could then use the required buffer zones to determine the equipment that
could be within the allocated space and whether the budget would be accurate.
Councilor Lorberbaum stated
statement was made that
pricing was unknown, but staff have
created accurate budgets in the
asked what is different in
this scenario.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence replied that she typically uses
square footage and noted that prior projects have followed this same process to develop the scope and
RFP process. She stated that she does not know how much each item within the RFP costs and in the past,
this has remained pretty open-ended to allow the consultants to propose which features they would like to
include. She stated that she is not just picking a number out of the sky and that she does speak with other
cities to obtain recent costs for projects. She explained that she does not have software that tells her the
requirements for each piece of equipment, the cost of installation, the cost of engineered wood fiber, or
the cost of demolition and disposal. She stated that this is a price estimate based on staff s professional
opinion based on previous projects and other cities. She stated that she can call a vendor and get the cost
for a piece of equipment but that does not include the cost for installation and how many pieces can fit
within the container.
January 21, 2015, Mendo(n Heights City Council page 19 of 22
Councilor Maczko stated that he ran the numbers and asked if $41 per square foot would be an accurate
estimate of the cost for a playground.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence stated that Valley View
Heights was 3,000 square feet and included a shade structure. She believed that the cost was around
$120,000. She stated that the square footage cost will significantly change based on the features selected
for the playground. She stated that if this is not the path the Council wants to follow, involving community
engagement, she would then propose to go back to the old method using State contract where the Council
selects equipment it would like to see, and the vendor then provides the design and cost. She stated that
the change to this process was intended to incorporate the input of the public and that has been successful
not only in Mendota Heights but in other communities as well. She believed that it is important for the
community to be involved in the playground, but if the square footage cost or final cost is the most
important factor for the Council, then her recommendation would be to return to the State contract method.
Councilor Maczko believed
that Parks
and Recreation/Assistant
Public Works Director Meredith
Lawrence is missing the point.
He stated
that public engagement is
important and desired, but he wants
more information on how the
cost estimate is developed. He stated
that if the square footage is the best
method to determine the cost,
he is okay
with that but simply wants information on how the cost was
Mayor Levine stated that she understands the point of staff and the point of Councilor Maczko. She stated
that the process can be developed on price or could be developed based on features. She stated that in the
past they followed the price path but then developed a hybrid method where features were selected, and
the price was then developed. She stated that this method is purely based on the playground RFP, which
can cause discomfort for those who have not been involved in this process. She stated that for Marie, a
budget was provided to the vendors and the vendors then fill the concept with as much as they can for that
budget. She stated that staff has suggested $180,000. She recognized that the original budget was
$160,000 but that was developed two years ago and the additional $20,000 can be provided through the
special parks fund. She stated that the vendors will fill the container with the desired features and more
and no one is there to cheat the City. She stated that sometimes more things will be gained through this
process because it is competitive. She commented that this process works and has worked for Marie and
Valley View, therefore she wants to stay with this process because it does intensively engage the
community. She asked that Councilors Lorberbaum and Maczko support the budget of $180,000 with
additional specifications on the elements. She recognized that some larger items are proposed, and the
container may not support all the other items.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that he is on a popular vendor website right now and if they
select all the features, staff can try to fit all the items within the container size. He noted that some items
may need to become alternates if they cannot all fit and that information could be brought back to the
February 41h meeting. He stated that the Park Commission did its job in selecting these features and feel
that this park would fit with the needs and wants of the community. He commented that there will be
extensive community engagement, and this process has been successful.
Mayor Levine commented that she agrees that the process should remain the way it is.
Janemry 11, 1025, Mendota Heights City Council Page 20 of 22
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek noted that the vendor website does show pricing but that is in $5,000
increments so with eight features the price could be off by $40,000.
Mayor Levine stated that she would direct staff to complete additional research to ensure the
recommended design elements could fit within the container along with the additional elements that she
had recommended to address the teen population. She stated that if those items could not all fit, she would
want this to go back to the Parks Commission to prioritize the equipment.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that he will provide direction to his staff to do the estimate as
he described. He noted that if additional work is requested beyond that, he would estimate a cost of $2,500
for the assistance of a consultant.
Councilor Mazzitello asked and received confirmation that this would return to the Council then at the
February 41h meeting and would not go back before the Parks Commission.
Councilor Maczko commented that he would prefer this go back to the Parks Commission as that would
only then cause a delay of two additional weeks from February 41h as it could still come back to the second
Council meeting in February. He referenced the comment that this item was not noticed prior to the Parks
Commission discussion.
Parks and Recreation/Assistant Public Works Director Meredith Lawrence commented that the item was
on the agenda, which was posted and emailed which is why some residents chose to attend the meeting.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek commented that the Park Commission did email residents, and it was
noted that the playground was discussed at the Homeowners Association meeting the night before.
Councilor Mazzitello asked if the information shared and clarified changes the opinion of anyone on the
Council that this could move forward tonight. He stated that staff and the Parks Commission did their
jobs, the estimate is based on past projects noting that this estimate is off by $1 per square foot from Valley
View Heights.
Mayor Levine commented that her opinion is not changed and would want to ensure the right size
container is determined.
Councilor Lorberbaum seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: I (Mazzitello)
City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson announced upcoming community events and activities.
January 21, 202$ Mendota Heights City Council Page 21 of 22
Councilor Lorberbaum
thanked the
past Fire Chiefs and
wished the best to new Fire Chief Dan Johnson.
She recognized Martin
Luther King
Day which occurred
the previous day and shared a quote.
Councilor Maczko echoed the congratulations to Fire Chief Dan Johnson and thanked former Fire Chief
Dave Dreelan for his service. He expressed appreciation for the commitment that firefighters and police
provide, referencing the situation on the West Coast. He stated that earlier tonight there was a workshop
where the River to River Greenway project update was presented by the County. He believed that
information would have been helpful for residents in a regular meeting rather than in a workshop setting.
Councilor Mazzitello echoed the gratitude for the outgoing and incoming Fire Chief. He stated that the
community is fortunate to have people who selflessly serve the community with a sense of pride of
ownership. He stated that the River -to -River Greenway project will be presented at a regular meeting in
a few weeks. He also commemorated Martin Luther King Day and shared a quote.
Councilor Paper appreciated the professionalism of staff tonight, recognizing that this has been a long
Mayor Levine echoed the comments of the Council.
Councilor Mazzitello moved to adjourn.
Councilor Paper seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Mayor Levine adjourned the meeting at 10:37 p.m.
Step to 9. Levine
Nan y Bauer
January 17, 1025, Mendota Heigh/s City Council Page 11 of 11