01172025 Friday NewsCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Friday News,Jan. iT GtyofMeaw'or Heghts sent Mkaullttln at 01117/202512:28Pel 1 Having trouble viewing this email? Viever it as a web page 1 1 i NDOTA HEIGHTS lyeMI I I III LU I I ILII KING, JR. DAY In MnwM Mahn LuNer ling. Jr, Day. Clay Her accused Monday Jan 20 Frozen Fun Fest 2025 �0�I idih Drift miss Me annual writer ceko2lbm YkdSMon Hunt e"�r��gF run • EST Monday, Feb. 3; 9 a.m. Colotlng Contest Monday, Feb. 3, 9 am. Ice III Poly Friday, Feb, 1: 5d DO. French, Has Park Puzzle Comps on' Smumay, Feb. 8: 9 a in 2 p in Wmersel EkmeM School Loam W late Fish SaNNay, Feb. 8: 2-0p in Rogers take Park c0 wan me Council Sunday. Feb. 9. S-10 a.m. Par 3 Community Clubhouse Aeglstrmion required Volunteers Needed Help our at tee Frozen Fun Fast Ice BKKk PaNyl Volunteers are needed for. • SmvShce Trail: WOManspetlrewalmllon, Men mid ewer in hedixllh crackly Msnwnlges and putlltg Nemdn, Men palMihem In Ian dlreNon W Me luinrery • HHimChoho Chocolate Tent Help make am save hN UccdMMWspeed teN[IpanS. Click Hereon Volunteer Planting for Winter Wildlife In com 3MMes duch as a5, binds and Omer animals Mai do not mgnte grow for feW and shelter In Me surrounding trees am anmbs. when you mink about spacers to pats in put bndricape Ths spring, consider times and shrubs thin proMde kW and SMlter for annex wegfne. aw Ctwoser I evMgnen species such as iM Miss Spruce(Rowe grawl AtMn (True suspension. or CummOn Juniper(Junlpnus commurlat that prwpe Greet and attract hams such as nWMMhes am grouse, among of en. They ado serre well as add asses and seeming. PNm Iree3 and SMOMS thin keep met renew throughout the winter, prowdeng 8n important food souse for Mons and Other Mldltte. Native shl such a calmer (Sex mdkcn), 5" ChOkeheny (Attack MV8WaMB) and AmedWn ngn birth cnnceny (vlhWnum Naphom), as gall as trees such as Crabapple (Manus sp ( and! Mwmaln Ash (SOrOus amNKBMt keep omit Carnes wall into appear These VeM 8nd shol all SS l spMa of Over-wimeMg Nms Including cedar wanNtgs American rMiS(nd all mga ), WNdab, and many mqM as wal as other wild life Tundra Swans at Rogers Lake Turdre Seam nave oMR again dlyAv Me open water a y of Rogers Lake, created by the among process. If you stop to are the swans: • Glve mend plenty INspace, Tundra Swans area protected sprep'aeaeral dip daleet Do nMfeed Tundransmy SS ns wa', broad ad area omfcM nmcesgned rormem can he ha ml 1. mUng. pay mereisdo poste yommireintrc areawnere me aeratorM openang: pay aieMbn to posted weeding sgm. Now Hiring PaMS and RSCrt n Intern Full-Tme, Non Exempt -$1675-$1750 Hourly HIRING Seasonal Golf Course Clubhouse Mal Pad Time Nor-Eumpt-siQW-$1ay5 Hourly - Pad-Tme NmrExampt-$16 ]5-$1] 50 Hourly Apply Today Weekly Crime HMM Report ota XegM1b rI® The MendInOurcemunity prohistaical Co Ile re IncYJendbking prace In Our community Vkw historical crime reports. Adaptive Recreation Bowling League WWftW yS. Jan .29-Marts 19. 5 Jul D Or AMAMVZ yy ConCom Cana. S. St Paul 4CAAAiIOH 4a' Me Click ham to registar by Jan. 22 lU 0.11 [a Ji l i i 1l6 [eT.7 Schedule city council wing Session Jan. 21. 5 p On. Cat Council Moon Jan. 21, ] p in Planning Commission Mewing Jan. 28:2 Dm. MreWgs rage piece at Clry Hall', changes or Cum l@0os are nded at mendo helghMmnyovICalendan. How to Watch Watch online or on barrel at bmsauam.WM swaming:M No cable eventual • City CAuneil& Planning Cgrprivi M: Ch.1WU HD • Ahport ReWom bekH moorings recall Natural Resounes&Forks and Recreation Commission: Ch. tNWF HD Find meeting agenda and minutes at MendMHelghMMN.90VIAgendaCe r. 901"M vmacy whey I Catie s e"we I Help