01102025 Friday Newsr7
Friday News, Jan. 10
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The 2025 City Council
At Jan. ] City Coundl moddi g, reelected Mayor
Stephanie Level and Coul Member Joel Paper, along
win neaty2lepsuxl Council Membef Ann Mal were
swam In for free parent ten of serve¢.
Together with caunul Members Salty LmOerHum and John
MWelM, these 2slbents make Up the Citys 2025 City
Congratulations and Wank you for your 0 "ton to Me
Mendota Helms cammunllyl
PiFured from Top to aonom: First CRY Courttll meearg m
2W5, Mayor Stephanie Levine evening in: COuned
Member John Mar9m several In: Cwrvil member Mid!
Padirswearing in.
Using Plant Identification Applications
Pram Identification tops far your phone or Monte device are
a IMW rood to help gUdMy ldenuty Iwaslve plants (as well
as nattiest when you are on We go There are several plant
10 ape ava labile. Some arebetter Wan OWers tar
Meinfying eenMn types Of oan s Or alias. FMexamom, Mt all pwh app5 wk gWd br
Identifying aquatic plants.
Here are same tips Mat wing nelpyou get a more accurate resunwnen u%g plant
Identification sops:
• Tryouts¢ ldinerentapp WfiWMichmfts stforyourpurposes.
• Take good plwlm. Keep We background! Rem of mherhbfec6 if Ptsslbk,add
look for good Ighkng, Held We pMM against a mild background wen as a piece 0
For aquatic pants, IfyOu tan take safety the gantcN CurM1e water, this Increases
• Uploadmuniplephoks.
• Ensure your device's location settings are accumte.
• Look Wsely at all suggested species and when in doubt, do some additional
research or consult an expen. There are some great had books out there Mat you
:a use W check aonce you get back home (or carry one with you).
pmmry perch Indonesia to the MN DepadmentofAgMal at RepodaAestto
ensure a¢uraryana hdp monilOriwasive specks,
some pogular plant mentifi w apple:
BugwV]dAWS(MNDadam 11ent OlAgrot Wne)
NMu l
Viking Lakes Event Noise
Vilknear Lakes isa ca Highway
ear We he GladdeM HgMxay a9C and bead Rd. m
Eagan The beveleproenl featufes a beMinalon winue
m nnlfaiS
year -hound!
uemeyeinmmlilxWNllvens,ss dilgapaeAvaV I K Ili G
aemisirg walks.
Because Viking Lakes lies Moody at the border of Eagan L A N E S
and Mendota Height$, sound from thew oul events Can
be heard thy Mendota Heights RSAenis. AMosphenc Factors Such as wind sided and
directpn and thermal gradients in the air, cause large differences N sound Rammiosion
and affect We volume at whkh events are heard within the City
If you hear sounds Iron an event and would like m determine the source, a Calendar W
events MMng place M Viking Lakes can be found online.
NOM: There IS a Planned flMWO Sshow at Viking Lakes on Friday, Jan. 17.
Now Hiring
Fares and Recreation Intend WE E
FUI4Tme, NM Exempt -$1675-$17 N Hall HIRING
seasonal Golf Course Maintenance Worker
Patti Non -Exempt -$16 75-$17 50 Hourly
Weekly Crime Report a 1
The Mendota Neighs Police Department provides a weekly list or
Incwents asking place In our community view historical ehme nations.
Coffee with the Council
Jan. 11: a an.
"'a Gtnr
c=wrsar neer coaee.
Frozen Fun Fest !
Feb. 34,=5 I�i�
Dann miss We annual weeklong event, reatunrg cOmes6MIEN
events. Ice fishing and morel CRIMERIMM
Parks and Recreation Commission Work Session
Jan 14 6.30 p.m.
Alrpt FeMliOns Commission seating
Jan. 15: 6 p in
Cm Council WOm Session
Jan 21: 5 p in
CM/ Council Ideal
Jan. 2117 p rn
Meetings Cake place at City Hall: changes or c mpandatpns are hated
at menaolaneigntsmingovlCalenaar.
How to Watch
Wal online or on demand M mwnsquare.tvNrebsheaming: won tale television:
• City COurcJl a Planning Communion: Ch. 1879I HG
• AlMoh Relalons beted meMWgs televised), NaWMI Rescmces 6 Parks and
HsperionC MISSpn: Ch. 1M MHC
Find mF na agenda$ and MiOuMS at MendW HeigMSMN.goylAgendaCamar.
v.... V Polley I cw5e pat .... t I Help