2024-07-12 Friday Newsm Y MENDOTA HEIGHTS Friday News, July 12 Gry, Of Mendota HogMS Gent this bulletin at 071IW2024 02:10 PM COT Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a web page CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Zoning Code Update Public Hearing The Zoning Code Ujudgeklc#tlnnm 2022, ant after WnM nt dinuS41M ant review by the Planing COmmnslon. Cry Coral and Clry Ste,, the draft Orduana one map are mambo for me laid step In the pool prttess. A Pudw' Hal will W Mp at me Planning Commiwvn'a regular meaning an July 23. 2024 Legmnlrg at Z pm. Your Input Is valuabol Pkase van me Gy5 "MftIn revlex me mount amn m the Zoning Cape Update and Financial Zoning Map, then more your mougas about the documents by emallitg Cory Pad I mnmgceeuom@menaoMhelgMmmneO% Serve on the Parks Commission Mendota HegmsresMemsare invited air an q¢n Mendot MmeinM doll Ram invite UP amksbn. Thk Cwnmissbnaavlseslne ClryC UMMOn Ma m p Mlning to place and recredlon programs. The Cor OsvJn also mahs recommendations rdaang to had aryulsabrL development and Imprma ment of the our parts and recreaaorul hoboes and adu6es the CWnal an Me establishment Of bonbon thMe and regruling, tar me use ant management W city days;. Meeb'. Yo Tuesday M me nnN m A 630 p in. There Is currently me (1) Open seat, a mldlerm appointment many Jan. 31. aust Aspen House Community Forum `/ ) Jan cUwi county Par a Community rolum heft wapneseay. June M.6 p.m. M Hmasla Larry 131 Severn Ave. N. SO M SI. Paul. Leant about Aspen Hal a yoiM sparer kaled In Mand a Haghts. Nens Family Healing, in rprinesnip wet Dakota Courry oil present -bdale oMw ronowMW Slla syturthwal. MK MSanagresnonsaG tM4 nHWM YourlKab KWr shape Our moral For more lnlwmalbn, comad Suzanne Tu lac, SMIM annot ceglly Direda. SOIII T3z6orsumnno.t=N co.4akata.mn.us. Night to Unite 2024 p am year on me had Tuesday ngm n August me city of illl Mendota Hegnis real Night 10 Wok, a summer evening dMlcated to cekbla0ng and sirengther the commitment NIGHITt:jUNITE! to a sm mmmmly NeIgM.notion 7l For r gs m, tars 6 an oMrunry to puttudghl a MgnIIG1 CCMI On, turn W the Pont pacn Ights, draw we Mghmm am mems, get to Many one arataer, Man upon thngs. pry some W des with the MS. enjoy a few di Bell kvofles and Pula a sensedcommundy Night W unro MU Is Tumaay, Aug. 6. Neighborhood representatives all agree m f JBM taMf NgMm Untie events My Aug. 2, so m MROttMPliCe Fireand An IaMese eadslpu OymvHn. RegMa your temporal event Unocal Fresh Air Fridays Photo Challenge Are you pwUygmdm9 in Freon At Frtlays the Summary Snap a phtto M TO ways in whars you are raapng w y Menges to make a PSe Impaet on the emlmnmem. and enter m receive a get Msket MN Mn items to neip and embrace susMlreMlny M rromel Still need mUite Me Agmei Jon bxeB of residents "a have already made a mmnilment by All UP today Volunteer Pollinator Planting at Rogers Lake Park Sign (n Thursday June 27, Master GaMemm and community Wunlees Assistant Cloy end in Mapping moue rollInalor Maros and SarmM around the °ark sum at Rogers Lake Park The CM Conmuesm coy for apmnunmesm punt native plantstrees ana snmM wirmn CITY paM1ce and open spttes wilere opMnund aIM5. The landscaping In Cont M the Rogers Unite Pak sgn was In need of a Mresh. m the edsulg lanasaMng wit reg with most grasses, ibvers, and shrubs. Natlre plants offer many bereft including drought ant hN ralllmre, mycon mO and and matifaafon, ant nadMr for mihnamrs awomrMMMe. Tree of the Month: Northern Catalpa The Norinem Cal is a name moscuous tree species in tMBgnonahmlN 1l lsalargeoverstory tree(aOf/J teen monk weird rained suit but Can Am 1 mte ary saes, CadabllM among, ant mad San It has large. Mahe. parr IAWms In lam spring drougn eany summer. Old Can produce messy foe. Its laves are large and hean-sheal Than Noamm Catalpa§ nal rmg mdUaas the lower mtl t and throughout most ofine gout Unnea SYal It makes up MSS man 1960 the tred al n Mena Helik. Weed of the Month: Creeping Bellflower CrepWr llh erisasho ,,35'Mlperennlalwnnmany puVe Mil Shaped a a gargle spike, usually on just me we, dooming in missummer. Creeping ceunMver has anent IaKM=. taptM lai It is open spanM In placing and Open areas. It Is a prolific zttN producer. producing up Ws of 15.000 seeps per plant. Creeping Woman often trouble mask Pat and woodland Mges. It rot are tuberous marines, which maY%n mfumm hand -pull. Minnesma does have a nature belnbwer (Amenan SeIMWrtl or Canpanma aMe na), whom art be dffeMnbaied " NU ISM purge NM95 this grave on both sloes of the plat. To pr M tha spread IN this Imaslvc Tan OeslcoMd 5lo renna.'e srrell mruMtlons beforethry haou a cMrce to spread Small pureaMM an of fMmlandinertL andOoy and Mu tan Clams and area ism layers g bumnewspaperg.Mager WHOI COverM wen mPl and mubn. dry s0 cesmMMmhusing byngasYc MIIN muA remain mplttefor the entire . LargsWpu and Coen anceremove]. Large treMepwehaCadjung al In theMalaysian MAgndlveplants have gone urM.di i saW ono appyin awrablecondR ngreen mods Showman pnau r0 elmsam only aptly nMvoraolecrndnuns (Palm words. wet nd PIIxJOnaebo n tan roreasn. Weekly Crime Report r Im F The Mendota Heght Police Del'anmeM pmvines a Audi let of �3 mcamt Mining piece in our crmmuntry Hsmnral crime r sare aY UbM in Me taanfoho ambrva system. ZA FWAY011IM111illkade Tour de Rec IDndays 1:30:30 him, \ Jon us PaMile fe%reay aoWny throughout the Summer,A alloamn MMWhONlne Cily: f r JUIY 16-S°Iasb Pad at HaMOM PAM July 21-Speia lar snence M VhntwoM Pam Music in the Park: Buster Phalan `'' I' wmneway. July roc: 6 p.m. ` all most square Pam H Join Mencola Height Parks and Re mMn an vaMus AS Wednesday eMings this summer la MUM in and Pam Mamd Sguare Paml Bands will%a m mMly mundry music 1 for everyone 0011 target your lawn chain 121 ather Pretn penams MxK domiiat Month and Sues am rover ones. 3np Cut and sing aNwl Cliff Timm Memorial Fishing Derby Jury u: 4.7 Latin Pm. ROraR LAXe &Ing Your MCI dawn to the fshing per m atch the big Orel All peMid"i most a poise. ChlMfm must be accompanied IN an USA, negMer me ohm dry Socis and beverages provide, and tie IuI partol¢nl WII win a Mlnnesda L1Mfine Fog License.RdJ ten require: fMeoMReghbMN.govlRplsbr. Save the Date: Parks Celebration 2024 Mmiss mbannualCommunity Cbrefilled MSS thRaSMaMnMfhewlIaMil aaaKKK,...—iiipnFF SURR���rUUa�`!Wa Find dmal6 at MendOMHelgMMN.g WIPaksCelebMbOn. Primary Election Day Aug. 13 T Auto In.m. VOTE Towivolekmperson RNgy EMdm Day, vtnyyour assgned prmrct New Mn yer, dart are vatlng In ReiM<aM MMWLyvole MSt TMmasPU ". your newpr nd l3t Ml IS Fnenay Hills Elem My, wl6 ago theKK not PnxIM 5. A➢senice Man a taking Mace taw. You an remits an amended WIN mdne, or In pensm dilly Hal, Nth be sure of Muth your¢ pekd beIM by 6 p.m on Aug. 13, Find evdC hdd you need to Kmw about Me EMdpn at PUBLIC MEETINGS Schedule Car Council waksnop Jury 16, 5 p an cgcounellM ng July 16: Tp an Airport Relations Commission Juy1T:6pm. Nanning Commbslon July 23; ] pm. Meetings tare place at City Hall: Charges a amelMWm are Mica How to Watch WI airline or on demand at town NUMM.hlwebstm in Ing; or on able Mora inn: • City CourcOB Planning Canlms lm Ch. 181 No • AImCn Relations NmImeetings small Hal Rewurces B Parks and Recregon Commissbn: Ch. 16.T69HO Find meaning agendas and minds A MendotaHeightsMN.govlAgeneaCenbr. gOVDELIVERYP