2024-06-21 Friday NewsCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Friday News, June 21 City or MenCOG Heights sent this bulletin at OW2V202412:41 PN CDT Having troubl e viewing this email? View it as a web page �.� CITY OF 1 1 i MENDOTA HEIGHTS Officer John Larrive is retiring after 29 years of dedicated service! PkaY Pin us, TM1UMW,, June 27 Roth 24 pm, N US City Hak Courcll Cxar m. for a pi recepbal t0 home Cl rIa as he retires alter 29 years of xn as Our wmmunhy My worts Crime elgress wM John means to our cepanMM and W the communMUS he ftry SO pkaae atop Ey art thank him yournal FISHING CM1 IM Park MCCartlty Mendota Heights Wetland Health -a Evaluation Program The WNmdHealth E tion Program PAHEP) engages chosen PIUMto help mormir wetlands In their commurair Oy mbd9 enebNe and vegetation Sapling throughout the 9 eel gs nto evaluate £a* W a 8Mh health The sort then used by say am count) p? Am and d - k 1 help track am manage i vrenams will as Nh Impacts due to Mind use changes N a ate Wg The ANEPLL wall cortme to monitor Copcemeld Pond wetland. which has men mmxoRd M IM WXEP pdSmm since 1998. This year me team whit also he Sappho Pagel Pond wNNm Us the mondonng program. Pagel POW was Sugge w as a nwMOnrig Sne by several readenis Nat better the "no as war as try City Blau Both waled MSes are MN Oepamrem M Nis mil RssOurcesinNR) I MMM,, meaning Ivey are under the WW UASA Of Me ON . The Chy would law to thank all OI Me WHEP MSM mmtRrs who have wlunte to mmltar two of our we Ms In Mendom Height A year. The City has mmxorm 10 welMms wi lln Mamma XeghM Santa IM Stan Anthe WXEP groffil and hass U years of we16W dal. Team leader Oamy Tatham Use Veen nnnitIXng Sir 1aof those yells. Than it you A all M our MpMala Xegt ASH EP vol untal Volunteer Opportunity: Pollinator Planting at Rogers Lake Park Junerid : &s P.M. Ro9Ms Lake Pam Sign Join City staff In panting mtive pollinator plants and Si men Around Me Mm,iLNRPepslantIde ngsureW s, ur appmMlaie attire, Inclmirg gamming thHl Plane ensure me you mmenWW edema the of inmlar .yen wear Or and ing wN y0U has isen cleaned W gevem IM sgeN of inva9ve specks. Hand rowels and Mhtt(mkx111 be prwgm. Nightto Ue He 2024 �LppW Eamyear onme He Tu Night Linda aAugust Summer Tingty 11 Mendota to outs WSLS and trartm arecommmOp dedkaledmarnmettlngandnlerlglhmmgtammmmnmem NIGHTIDde7 T masalmmmunlry Nei91ed51onkC,gede For reagents has a an opportunity t0 put trgeNera reghbomwtl wkbramn. wen on the Sent porch lights, gamer with neighbors and friends, get to know one another, aim upon things. fray sane games wM IM MS, thirty a raw rabnthal MWa am Wma sense of wmmunlly Night Una 20M is Season, Aug. S. Neighborhood replesemaWes are asked to replsler their NgM W Umle events My July 22. so members of Me Potice. Fire and Ammlarce servke an a" tyro visit "Met your negh email event today! Fresh Air Fridays Photo Challenge Are you mngpatmg In Fresh Air Firan this zummM Snap Phi of the ways In winch you art making weekly changes to make a posNve impact on Me environment and enter to hal aSir basket Mkd wM Sams to map you emir sustammly at hmlel Sri need to take Me Madge? Join dozens Of residents who have already made a mmmitmenl by signing up today Weekly Crime Report n� The Mendmag pace in our eommunity mkmUIeff awPkry HW Or vallabW taking paw In Ourwmmunity em(tticaH come imparts am avanabIN n Irk Laumcxe arcmve system MARK YOUR CALENDAR Tour de Rec Tuesdays 1:30R:30 P.M. Ain us lee this free wccMy activity throughout the summer, el at Patin d NmlgM1nthe Cry! Junal Ra cling Cnilsat CaMugh ElemenUry 6choel Jury S - yam and Field games at Mennol ENmentary RhoM Music in the Park: All Good Company WMI'' nemay, June 26; 6 p.m. me" square Pam � Am Mendota Heights Pairs am necreatlan on variousaA W mnOnay HYnNgs this slimmer for Music in the Pam at Market SeWHall B e Haewill Islands ftWm Purely friendly impow Sir everYm=. Dour Wget rout lain main f Ad Good COmPN 6 a I MUSIC Cdk 1mn kd by MinnmptiS-mwd Shia Rm SWINGS A lypkal show WHO weave kgHMrPmemana through exploratory)arse Their sal US Includes musk such as Mary JareS Last Dance, FNM1InIn the Dark The Adis V Wm Highway. and MOMI 4th of July Fireworks MonMko Pam CekOmM Ina"menta OdywitnflHWms a dusk Cliff Timm Memorial Fishing Derby July 18; 4-1 p.m. R"g Lake Bring your link one down to the fishing pier to cash the big Oikl All pfforce tS RCSIve a more. Children Made be accompa ]ty an adun, regbMr the child only. Stocks and beverages Provided, and one luckypNtl Mwlllwln a Minnesota Lnetlme Fishing Lkenw RrylSVallonowulea Mend W HtlphhMN.govlRprslr. PUBLIC MEETINGS Schedule Planning Commission Meeting June 25: ] p in City Caumll Meeting Jury 2; I pm. Palms add San n Commission M"bng JurI6 30 p in Nalmi Raaoumm Commission Meeting Jury 10.6 p am Meetings MISS Data at Cry Hall; marges mameHalOm are holm at mend WaxsightnmnsinuCilanaar. How to Watch Watch online or on demand at b nsquam.Wl bUmameng; or an able television'. • " C0Umn 8 Planning COmm49w: Ch. I af1N No • Aimed Reallom (Sala meetings televised). Naluml Resources 8 Pams and RecoeatiOn CCmmladmin Ch. 15MB HC Find meeting agendas and minutes at MendMaHelghlsMN.govlAgandaCoMar. g(AIDELIVERYP e rowv m n I olio Sun emem I MI,