2024-06-14 Friday NewsCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Friday News, June 14 City of Ma/sota Heights sent this bulletin at 061141202412:57 PM CDT Having trou ble view! ng this call il? View it as a web page �.� TY OF 1 1 i MENDOTA HEIGHTS ,r Juneteenth JUNE 19 IN CITY HALL CLOSED ••%,%W:••. • *a. City Hall Closed on Juneteenth In rekMalinn MJuneteenm, City Nikes are closed Sidereal June 19. Valley Park Eagle Scout Pollinator Planting Project ad Smuoay June A. more Man added to V-fey Pa MemOnal pollinator reddent Hannah e Valley Pate. Eagle Scout So ao ter nt Rby pla TNEeau cOmpktW her Eagle Smut Service pm} i by planning af pollinator passe In Valley Stio along mass just sands of Me 0(Jge[hosingmMa one of move lave Oemnes. and lam Thep H7266 old h lid ate volunteers more Nan 1al In flmvers, add e, and sedges. The project MII help aeato ImpamM pollnator haEitat In Valey Feed entl Me000ta Heignls. Victoria Curve Raingarden Planting Last week, communlly Wunteem Including the Dakota County Master General aid ICI Mmeowrrers pranted mare than 800 plants and small In Me dM mM surpasses along VIMI[a Curve, including City Hall and the Rob Jacob Congregation. Riergasens are gardens that are designed to Capture and hem reform mrbff pan lawns rams, snee6 and Other Impetuous suRaces. Strom ender runoff firm Mesa areas Open caries polludents such as oil, grease and heavy menals. as well as grass clippings. leaves and lean care ehemlcals. These polludaMs would oMerwlse end up In our surface waters, and In this case Me MealsslMI Rhrer. The raingasen pajed was part of Me VIGtOna Curve Sheen Impavemenh project that began In 2023. Thank you to everyone miss made Mal arpRd WssMle! Tree of the Month: Pogoda Dogwood The Pagodaommose ke %may is as callall, compMduous tree sidearms ogae in Me (15�25 beer) M tgood It is r small, compact understory tree walltees Nat to6 ripawl survsnayADS, also ao w211 d Nil sun up rob boons edited day Igpl. It has a unique branching "Hem tnM form nOmOrtal tiers, whit simples, alternate. twideres war leave. Clusters of white flwrers bknm In spnp, Meeting bhmeMes and other MllnMM. and Its belles amacl many NM scenes. The Pagoda DOaWo]0's nal rang Mcluhlas most ache eastern United States, aid makes uplessdan 19sateetheecanapyNMendaa Heights. Leem More Night to Unite 2024 Each year on Me hTua dayMat might in August the Clry of Mandate Heghe hosts Night On Unite, a summer evening deMcaNetacalah.,Ipand srengthenlngthe commitment NIGHTmUNITE! M a sate community. Neighbors joining TiMeNa For residents. Me a an appare lly to Out together a wghbarhoor celedal turn on Me sent porch lights, gather with neghbas aid Mends, get to know One another, catch up on dings, play same games anti the kids, enjoy a kw ha-ofFMeydll 2vomes and WIM a senseofcommundy Night to onus zpW Is Tuesday, Aug. B. NeghMmwN representatives are asked to regkter MNr Night to Untie events by July 22, SO members athe Pollee. Fire and Ambulance aervrce can stop by to vent Reeler your MghbOm]M event todayl Fresh Air Fridays Photo Challenge Are you panapatrng in From or Fridays Mhs summers Snap a photo of the ways in which you are making weepy changes to make a pos0ive impact on the environment and enter to racer m a gut Call filled with items to help You embrace sustalnsmi y at homel Still need to take the sepe2 Join dozens 0resiceas "0 have Sunday made a commitment by signing up belay Weekly Crime Report a I The Mendota Heghis Police oegamnent "des a weepy list a Insert taut g place In our community HblMcal crime repor5 are anisibe in nut Lasatsche embryo system. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Coffee with the Council June 1a; 10 a.m. Par 3 Community Clubhouse Join Counal Members Maultelb and Lod um for a casual mn"mMon over CORce. Tour de Rec Tuesdays 1:30-2:30 p.m. Join us for thus see wrekly acing throughout the summer �1 at tocamns Mophout the Clry' Juts 18-ONdoor Story Time W Thompson County Park June 25 -Recycling Crafts at Garlough Elementary school Music in the Park: All Good Company `lk 1 I41 Wan•eaay, June 26; a p.m. ` ' Market square Park 1 Join Mendota Heights Pans and Re maWn on whom; WMnM ayh niNsthesummNw MuSc Intut Parkat Market Square Pa 'Banhlsml[V lurefamilyfrr music Assal rot everyone. oonT foged your Mom chi AI Deed Compaq 6 a ROCK Mom COIIMion ISO by Mlnnearollsbased trust Rob stOk . A typeol shod will weave mgeMerAmenama though evp1m2sry jams' Then set lust induces musrt such as Mary Janes Last Dance, Fehln' in the Dark, Tre Joker, Ventura Highway, and more' 4th of July Fireworks Mendakota Park Celebrate Independence Day whh remarks al dusk PUBLIC MEETINGS Schedule Crry Council Work session June 18:5 pm. Car Council Mating June 18, T phe Planning Commission Meeting June 25: ] p m. Meetings take place at City Hall, changes wemendations are naked an msndoMMightsmn.gom0alendar. How to Watch Watch online or on nemaM at bwnMuare.NM2bsbeaming; or on cable television: City Courtin ffPMnnlng Commisshos OR 18n88 Rg Airport Relations NOW meanings televised), Natusl Resources B Pars and Recreattoo Commssion'. Ch. 151850 RD Field meeting a8snaas and minutes at MandOMHeghaMN.gov/AgendaC*Msr. gOVOELIVERyp