2024-05-24 Friday NewsCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Friday News, May 24 City of MmaMa Heights sent this EulleNn at 05/24/202412:11 AN MT Having marble viewing t his email? View it as a web page CITP OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS For j MEMORIAL DAY CITY HALL CLOSED MONDAY, MAY 27 jel City Hall Is closed Mornay, May 221n honor Memorul Day Let us never Nget the brave InaMauals cons gave melr Yves for our heenom. Creating Pollinator Pathways in Your Own Backyard By Hannan Total & Dan Thaeau Al there, Mendota Hell l am Hannah TWeau, Me city Natural Resources Commssm S nl RepeseMa ,In this Iovey PollinworAwareness MmN, I'm hereto tell you about dmerent things my holy vp I have Icon Wing to make our yam a raven for polbmaton nM IUM1em4 hummingbirds. and pees. Stamm In 201 we maw nM Omamwwi plants ilk¢ �- tergammaround Mehouse tospruceit up. Vie Me bulls -----------� vignettist games also mkn 4mrs plans WilinMm town. like reapDeM bushes, stlawYnks, W a sour Mery tree. We get to enjoy the Oohs W the polllnamrsNOa WN PonO. Ges. an0 as simple snacks. I'm Dan Thldeau, I'm Hannah's aaa. In M20 M immindea our eons or Ms Wlllnator- meMry plants in our yam Mh support hen Me Lawns to Legumes program. including a al take and a we lam The bee Man adds a Nn element nor yam. It blooms puryk and smells like)Ewen and Martin. Md it's really easy to maintain. The there lawn gets is W rple Bowers hen chyme ale sell -heed. The Nyme produces its herby, satiny smell wren you walk on it The plants are so Wnse that wee0s Job I come through. Tree thyme ale self -hem are a low groundow rand Win t need W he cln every, week PM Owes love a. In 202l, we added a min gaMn to0urtonlyard l patiklpatM In Me Mlnnesma WaRr SUMms progam, Ourfumiy dasgre0 and built a rain games are me gojram helped us buy pollnator-Memory plains Nat are In Me gam m like cutelYrner, anise ryssop, mN nam master, and dome gmum, we nave also seen adding trees W oM yam. We LLsualy gMlnese Nrougn Ne clry's annual lnepmpnm. Trsyearvremd plant Wgw andsetwcebenytrees.BOMaregreatM WIIInmm Xcel Energy Walking Tours Chow a needHeights weel Enemg l Energy inn W conducting nMURl gas line inspections in uydaM. Mendota and Mcleod ore a. %col Energy Tooke ears and ca skee to hwelar addinMpNemoorsullengas lines, IIasW servke tons kamng up ed equip a equipment, and business gas like that izing busy srecislaN teraigenL we Own IhemTygas Inesme may require mainntenance m repair. These routine surveys are credal W ensuring safely, Me0111ry, an0 elMentgas xrvkefor MCMora Heights, Dnmg Mesa msltattans, OOW employees and Oriental R will ere many MnwMM They wall be missing smey wells and carrying cadal Xce Eragy MenMkatkn. To vMly a vwnxr on or wound your proceny is an Xce grergy employee or dwww r, IMease Wntac+ %cel Energy Cuzlamer Care at 8C08954999. Tree Canopy Program As a Time City, Mendota Heights Is pan as naps=a MonWmerdainalegrowtreeco ,,Treesare MomsW abeom the sound of o-ame W 40%and keep neghboRgMs seven to nine degrees coed They also produce energy casts up to 25%ale Increase prospect, values. Green space has been proven W improve moral health and absorb cartoon aaxine in the atmosphere. And time sake rMuces sirvm rmnoe, erosion and water ponutron, white provldmg nahitat and MW for vnwli e In the 2024 budget, City leaders reserved $25,0W to launch a Tree Candy "ram Intended to: • Mngate the essoftree canopy In Mendotl Height due to Enomi Ass corer • committee W the tree GWpy in EmironmenMl JustlCe Areas • Reduce Me hem Islam effect In high emperature areas Residents and commercial prrpeMuwnerswM quality for the pastrami Tree Canopy common In 2024 can purchase trees M a subsldMM host Patikilants recNve a omgimentaryslRwnsunation, treere'-wnmmMm.mikyma irgandtreedNivery,as well as NM1servke fall mulching am Owed wateMg, with awmerlrg mg and lore prolecein for ongoing maintenance. One More Week to Snap a Photo for a Chance to Win I The Clry Is wareling for Proms than Mendota Heights the highlight our canmundiffs commNnem to Wlllnabn m rougMm the M M Of May, In IXkmafgll Of Pollinator Awareness Month. You an inn a Polltnmm OIR liel by eWwcavlg a ablator -Meg Opossums or pal In Our commumy Just submit a photo m a dirM message to Me city the Facehook or Insagnm, mail a drop of your photo MCity Hall, marketing your phmo to Gry Sbfthe sure tacoo InMd on with your photo when Submitting a photo by cu avoided at City Hall. Weekly Crime Report of TIre Memai police DepartmentM prowaas aeust taking place In our mmunty. Historical crime reWrts,are ylMM in the LHrfieM1e arshl system. � MARK YOUR CALENDAR Music in the Park: Alligationskr:� w nesear. May D: 6 p.m.MaAH Square PaAMaJoi MendotadSqua HPaMS P8M58m RQCreBlan On VBMYsWednesday a enlngs M5 summerb r Musk In me PaM1 al wriket Square Pam Eands vall fea'm Moly!deny music for everyonetons forget put lean chain {y Alhgations is a sown blues Mm Pei 50scumnl day Mines songs Min ground Their song list Intsudes musk man Ray Chaties, B B. tong, Rolling Stones also rare. Officer Scott Patrick Memorial 5K June l; 9a.m. Art� 2n024 MaAM Square Park goal 9MM_%�` nY isslhe 1nuaOm l cttScotl Palrlck MenorMl SK RunnVMs to Menem Special Olympics Minnesota ale Northern Dakota County Ommor the YMav Ribbon mtmarur xunnraen Residue Way or Mal your calendar and ce Mae threw on me taaNapanisl Tour de Rec r Tuesdays b 1:ao-21 p.m. Join us for m6 rare weeklyacdvlty tnrougMm the sum her, , at locamm MrougMm the City: June 11 - Fishing at Roper Lain Pars Jura to- OWW MOry Tme at Mocura nCon my Pad June 1b-internal CMM at 0211Ou9M EMmennry Mind PUBLIC MEETINGS Schedule Phoning Commission Mesons May 28, i pm. City Council elements June a, ] pm. Palms and Feenatlon Commission Mewing June 11, 6:30 pm. Realm) Re MS COMTISSMn Meeting June 12; 6 p M. Mce4ngs lake place at City Hall changes or cancellations are holm M MendMwJdh WMngbvmahendar. How to Watch waled course or on demand at tewnsquan.Nlwebetrtaminp: or on Cable teMVRMn: • Clry Counce& Panning Cnnmisslon' Ch. IW98 HD • Alrom Relation(selM meetings relevant), Natural Repeaters &Paft and Rwrvmon Commission'. Ch. IMN Ho Find meaning agendas and minutes H MendoMHelghMMN.90VIAgendaCenWr. gOVOELIVERYW mi save I cane sutemmt I lino