2024-05-10 Friday NewsCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Friday News, May 10 Cmv ofMembers Neg02 sent MIS bulletin at DS/10/202412:50 PM CDT Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a web page OF iv1ENDOTA HEIGHTS Join us for Touch-A-Truckl May it 10 a.m.omoon Mmdaketa Pan. from miss this opporWnlry br residents of all ages to get up - Mae, aunt, lnhoe and learn about large alulprent used In Clry opearthe s-Isamong snow paws, polke cars am We bucks. Rogers Lake Skate Park Ribbon Cutting On May 22 at 5 p in, the City will nose a ddMn pull event add olntially reopen Me newly -upgraded Rogers lake Skate Park - a renovation gm1A9 bier Grew ygnldram mummul Input as well as Interest horn slating enthuMaffi Nmughout We regm. A popular a rbac u m for youth In Me commundy and t,eyolp, the Side Park amendy Spaces a Constructive ouaet for energy autV and wool interdngn. Arq soon, the Rogers Lake skate Park will Once agaln become a d)namlc hub of ad" and bye n worn the commodity. prompting well pass and comroumy small for many years fo come. Join Us May 221 Pollinator -Friendly Landscaping POHII maybe our planets mostecobjiWlry and eformonfingly important group of animal. They are a wcJal link l0 every lemsinal ecosystem in the vvng1 and are responsible M Me Pollan n and tMrerore Me prMoagn of monimem t,2C0 MMerentfm] soda. One Mute bggesl MOerences you can make in protecting our pollinators 5 MIM YOU 40 in Our own IaMatore The greatest Mail to nature palllnarors are the use of Pesticides and diminishing habitat This summer make a consul to making your lands Ape a May space for pollinam ay loam MOM Snap a Photo and You Could wine The Cary is hearmang for Photos from Manama Heights that highlight our mnmatment to poi I Inatots MmughoM Ire mod of May. in cekbralpn of Pollinator Avareness Ml A aPollFa r-FMndly Community Me CayenmuWj all car Mends ighlcommunitymemGastodecam mm pollalwbr-MeMN M sarwhne padaces SUCH as damping the use M resslkges, ago painting and Preserving polllnalor hstand such as began Pollinator Plane, btts, and shmM. Other Pascal Include avopkg puny gwrering plants that have been treated sMh syslemac inxdacpes, and leaving leaves, stems, and plants tnrpgnmll the winter ago Ary Sol m pmvpe Msgng MaMlal. YOU on wan a Pollinator Ch WSW by shoera4ng a polllnamr-MeMg landscape a gacOce In mrtFmmunlay Just submit photo in a dared message to the City via Face book Supplearam mail wdmp off"ur photo at Cily Hall, or wall your Photo to City sent. Be sure fo mond your name and corms information with your pnotowhen submitting a photo by mall or In-penem, Fans are available at City Hal. Weed of the Month: Leafy Spurge Ltefy Spurge is an MnOxcous pairs that Ina dames and open grass lanes, and qusy Produces ma W cos. It speaals both by sent as well as mMomes. It on be tow: b glazing amount, ant can cause skin email in humans. It can goals to Hal feet tall and tws smooth singular. Wares vie has green -yes rem Mat Mmm begInnbg In May Leafy Spurge Is on Water Wise Challenge The water was Challenge is a"no y wmpeti4wl celween aYWs In Dakota Counry to see who An he Me most comer ease .• Cities wM the most participation Win and will he reocynazed by the oakmb Com y Ward of Cmmmisspnens. Po your pan M use less water and help Mendota Hall Y®ry:.^?RI {yAiS Win Me Small Take Me will pule Plearge and Sam simple ways you An save waMn and money Weekly Crime Report r I There s no come repal for Nus week, watch la a Mpwttk recap GoFriday, May 1T. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Music in the Park: The Legendary ` le Percolators wa5nesday, May 15; 6 p.m. r Market Square Pal aA Join Mendob Heights Pates and Rechatpn on vanous Wednesday evenings this summer for Meson the Park at Market Bquare Pahl Bands will leaMne many friendly mi sort foreveryane. Don't forget yourman [pulp The Legendary Percolato¢ song let Includes muskhdm the Ws, Tos, 8os and 9051 Popular bands May cover Include LynyN Spared Van MormsM. Beatles. Steve Miller Band. Coffee, Cribbage and Cards May 16; 5-10 a.m. I/again• Par a Community Clubhouse a Ages 55e, pin tithe inn- no experience Rgultt011M I• vent l hx Out registration l required; click hem as register. Spring Pickleball Tournament May 16; 9:.W a.m. Marie Park Register or the Mendota Heights Sglrg Plcdeball mumament At blast one team member mud M a Metduta Heghts nesida t, famous An by any paring Ot gender and age. Coffee with the Council May 19; 9 a.m. Market Square Park Join CWMA Memwm fa a usual Crowe onOVef fORtt_ Adult Walking Group Sbnb May Ra; 9 a.m. Join this group everyoMer Thursday, forawalkalnund 1 Men" Heights. Regast2noo as hoe, and location Information will de shares with those Who egistef click here to register /Glendon 10Lal4rIa1Oki ILl10 Pollce OMcer FUII-Toe. Non Exempt -S)T,0a1 W - Slfbi MAnnuaay PUBLIC MEETINGS Schedule Parks and ReereaYon Commission Meeting May 10; Capon Ampon Relations Commission Melted May 15: 6 pm. City Council work "Seen May21,5pm. Cody Council Meeting May 21. T p.m, Planning Commission M bn9 May 25; ] pm. Meetings take place at Clry Hall; changes or Ancelawns are noted at mend opheightsmr 4ovlCatendar. How to Watch Waleh online Of on Gel des Mwnsquam.WM bMt ming: Or on Able rekvispn: • City Councn& Planning CMIMRSIM: Ch.1079e NO • AIPon Real Natural meetings Mlevlall Natural Resources B Para and Recreation Commission: Ch. 191959 HO Find meeting agendas and minutes at Mendo i-eighlMNgonlAgendaCenter. [gOVDELIVERY93