Pk 05-09-2023 Work SessionCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Work Session May 9, 2023 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session of the Parks and Recreation Commission, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, MN 55118. CALL TO ORDER Chair Jaffrey Blanks called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Commissioners Michelle Muller, Michael Toth, Tica Hanson and Jo Schifsky were also present. Commissioners Stephanie Meyer and Dan Sherer were absent. City staff present included Meredith Lawrence, Parks and Recreation Manager, Ryan Ruzek, Public Works Director and Kelly Torkelson, Assistant City Administrator. QR CODE SIGNAGE WITHIN PARKS DISCUSSION Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence briefly reviewed the item with the commissioners and provided a summary of the last discussion of this item at the April Commission meeting. Assistant City Administrator Torkelson provided an overview of the website and showed the commissioners the new maintenance form that staff had designed at their request. The commissioners reviewed the various Parks and Recreation website pages and discussed which page they would want the QR code to go to. The Commissioners determined although they desired park specific signs and website information, they would move forward with universal signage and information as part of the 2023 trial program. The Commissioners asked Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence to get quotes on the costs for the signs in order for them to determine the sign locations at the June meeting. Assistant City Administrator Torkelson agreed to prepare a final sign design for the commission to review at their June meeting as well. REVIEW OF PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence introduced the City’s newly designed Parks Capital Improvement Plan/Asset Management Plan. The Commissioners discussed its purpose and the different funding options in relation to the projects. Staff presented to the commissioners a description of the proposed FY2024 projects and advised the commissioners they will need to likely cut or push off some of the projects as there are budget constraints. In addition, the Commissioners will be asked to approve their FY2024 budget requests at their June meeting. The Commissioners reviewed the FY2024 projects and discussed which projects were of most importance. Chair Blanks asked Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence to prepare an exercise for the commissioners to each provide staff with their prioritized list of the FY2024 projects prior to the June meeting. The commission adjourned the meeting at 9:04pm. Minutes Taken By: Meredith Lawrence Parks and Recreation Manager