NRC WS meeting minutes 12122022
NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Monday, December 12, 2022- 6:00 P.M.
Mendota Heights City Hall-Conference Room
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
Coordinator Spreiter called the roll. Commissioners present: Fahnhorst, McCaslin, Husbands,
Quick, Swank, Stein, Tupper. Student Representative Byrnes present. Commissioners absent:
None. Staff present: Natural Resources Coordinator Krista Spreiter and Assistant City
Administrator Kelly Torkelson.
3. New Business
a. 2023 Work Plan Discussion
Assistant City Administrator facilitated a SWOT analysis with the Natural Resources Commission.
The commission identified the following themes:
- Support from elected representatives
- Engaged community supportive of natural resources investment
- Natural Resources Management Plan
- Small city allows for agility and responsiveness to natural resources needs
- Mixed resources and wildlife, existing green space
- Limited community knowledge on issues and concerns
- Limited budget and resources to respond to needs
- Limited staff capacity to manage grants and projects
- New commission is still learning and gearing up
- Partnerships with cities, Dakota County and other agencies
- Mendota Heights as a Leader in Natural Resources
- Educating and Empowering residents
- Ordinance and Policy opportunities
- Coordination with other city commissions
- Invasive Species
- Climate Change
- Perception of optional investment in natural resources
- Some degraded natural areas
- Potential future reduction of investment
Coordinator Spreiter reviewed goals defined in previous work plan discussions to identify specific action
items the commission was interested in pertaining to each goal. The goals identified were:
1. Ordinance Policy and Development
2. Education and Outreach
3. Urban Forestry Awareness and Opportunities
4. Green Steps
5. Sustainability
4. Adjourn
Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities are available at least 120 hours in advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids. This may not, however, be possible on
short notice. Please contact City Administration at 651-452-1850.