2022-12-01 Park and Rec Work Session MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Work Session December 1, 2022 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session of the Parks and Recreation Commission, City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota was held at 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, MN 55118. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bob Klepperich called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. Commissioners Amy Smith, Michelle Muller, Dan Sherer (left at 7:28pm), Jaffrey Blanks and Stephanie Meyer were also present. City staff present included Meredith Lawrence, Parks and Recreation Manager, Ryan Ruzek, Public Works Director and Cheryl Jacobson, City Administrator. Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence stated that the goal of the work session is for staff to be made aware of the commission’s strategic planning initiative priorities for 2023. REVIEW DEMOGRAPHICS Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence briefly reviewed the city’s basic population demographics that were presented at the September commission meeting. The commissioners discussed the demographics and their impact on operations, infrastructure, and Mendota Heights parks and recreation programming in the future. REVIEW COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EFFORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence provided the commissioners with the documentation that was received from the commissioners, based on their commission-lead initiative to conduct community engagement. The Commissioners discussed the results and the desire to continue community engagement in 2023. RE-MANEUVERING EXERCISE Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence lead the commissioners through a re-maneuvering exercise. Commissioners each shared their thoughts in regards to the city’s parks and recreation accomplishments, in-progress projects, and barriers/setbacks from the last year and a half. Staff and the commissioners discussed how this SWOT analysis will impact the 2023 work plan priorities. PRACTICAL VISIONING EXERCISE Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence lead the commissioners through a practical visioning exercise. Commissioners each shared their 2023 priorities in regards to the seven initiatives listed in their strategic plan: 1. Sustainable source of funding for Parks and Recreation 2. A leading community with invested partners 3. Greater connection to the natural environment 4. A safe, connected, walkable and bikeable community 5. Vibrant and diverse community programming 6. Active recreational facilities for all ages 7. Effective two-way communication with an informed community Parks and Recreation Manager Lawrence thanked the commissioners for their time and insight. She noted that staff will begin compiling the information into a Draft 2023 Parks and Recreation Work Plan to be reviewed by the commissioners at their January, 2023 meeting. The commission adjourned the meeting at 7:48pm. Minutes Taken By: Meredith Lawrence Parks and Recreation Manager