SEPTEMBER 13, 2022
The September meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held
on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve.
1. Call to Order – Chair Bob Klepperich called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call – The following Commissioners were present: Chair Bob Klepperich,
Commissioners: Jaffrey Blanks, Stephanie Meyer, and Michelle Muller; absent: Commissioner
Patrick Cotter, Amy Smith, and Dan Sherer. Student Representative: Meg Murphy. Staff
present: Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence, Recreation Program Coordinator
Matt Colwell, and Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
4. Approval of Agenda
Motion Blanks/second Meyer to approve the agenda. AYES 4: NAYS 0
5.a Approval of Minutes from August 4, 2022 Park Tour Meeting
Motion Blanks/second Muller to approve the minutes of the August 4, 2022 Parks and
Recreation Commission Park Tour Meeting.
Further discussion: Commissioner Meyer referenced the tour of Rogers Lake Park where two
members of the public mentioned exploring the idea of having QR code signs to solicit feedback
from park users. She asked that the statement be added to the minutes.
5.b Approval of Minutes from August 10, 2022 Regular Meeting
Motion Blanks/second Muller to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2022 Parks and
Recreation Commission Regular Meeting. AYES 4: NAYS 0
6. Citizen Comment Period (for items not on the agenda)
7. Acknowledgement of Reports
Chair Klepperich read the titles of the three updates (Par 3, Recreation, and Park Improvement
Updates) and polled the Commissioners for questions.
7.a Par 3 Update
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence provided an update on recent course
aeration and senior golf passes, which will be discussed at the November meeting. She stated
that staff is still awaiting delivery of the three pieces of equipment that had been ordered. She
advised of a recent award the course received for its rebranding efforts. She also provided a
brief overview of the July financial report.
Commissioner Blanks asked if there is an estimation on when the course would close.
Ms. Lawrence replied that would be weather dependent.
Chair Klepperich congratulated staff for another award. He asked the effect of the lack of
moisture on the golf course.
Ms. Lawrence stated that it has been an interesting two years with the drought, but the irrigation
system has been running properly which has helped the efforts.
Commissioner Muller asked if there are staffing changes from summer to fall.
Ms. Lawrence stated that the maintenance crew remains the same and the clubhouse staff has
remained constant as well.
7.b Recreation Update
Recreation Program Coordinator Colwell provided a summary of the Parks Celebration
weekend events.
Commissioner Meyer commented that the Parks Celebration was well done and a lot of fun.
She asked if staff has considered not holding the event the same weekend at the Dakota
County fair and other municipal celebrations.
Mr. Colwell replied that staff has discussed alternative dates, but the consensus has been to
stay with this date as the event is for Mendota Heights residents.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence stated that West Saint Paul is changing their
event to June, so staff has scheduled the 2023 event for the same weekend.
Commissioner Meyer stated that she would like staff to consider not holding the event the
weekend of the County fair. She asked if there is assistance needed for the Trick or Teeing
Mr. Colwell replied that they have made a few tweaks to the event this year and there is a
formal volunteer recruitment system, noting that Commission members are more than welcome
to volunteer at the event.
Commissioner Meyer stated that she would be happy to volunteer.
Student Representative Murphy asked if teens could volunteer.
Mr. Colwell confirmed that teens would be welcome to volunteer as well.
7.c Parks Improvement Update
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence provided an update on park improvement
projects. She stated that the City Council did review the requested capital improvements from
the Parks Commission and highlighted the projects that were included in the preliminary 2023
budget. She stated that the City Council denied the Civic Center field project for this fall and
instead included that project in the 2023 preliminary budget. She stated that the scope of the
Wentworth warming house was reduced and included in the 2023 preliminary budget, and the
temporary trailer has been approved for the 2022-2023 season. She also provided an overview
of the special parks fund balance as well as pending projects.
Commissioner Muller thanked staff for presenting the Civic Center field projects. She believed
the project had been budgeted for in the amount of $5,000 but noted that the project did come in
with a higher estimated cost.
Ms. Lawrence did not believe any funds had been budgeted for that project for 2022.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that there is a line item for general park maintenance
and supplies that could have allocated $5,000 but there was not a specific line item for that
Commissioner Muller commented that it seemed that some dirt was brought to the site.
Mr. Ruzek replied that some improvements were made to the field, but he has not heard from
MHAA whether that was favorable.
Commissioner Muller stated that she thought it was clear that Civic Center would not move
forward due to the plans and potential reconstruction of City Hall and the Police Station. She
stated that the dugouts were also approved so that seems confusing.
Mr. Ruzek replied that any potential improvements to City Hall would be known before the end
of the baseball season and therefore the field improvements could occur after the summer
season. He stated that if there were conflicts between the projects, they would reconsider
whether the Civic Center field project should occur. He noted that the dugout project would still
move forward and if those needed to be relocated, that could be done.
Motion Blanks/second Meyer to acknowledge the staff reports. AYES 4: NAYS 0
8. New Business
8.a Ivy Hills Park Tennis Backboard Request
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence stated that on August 2nd staff was
contacted by a resident who was interested in the process of installing a backboard at the tennis
courts at Ivy Hills. She noted that another neighbor also made a similar request. She noted
that the residents do live adjacent to the park. She stated that notices were mailed to
households abutting the park boundary on August 15th soliciting input. She provided
background information on tennis backboards, noting that there is one at Marie Park. She
stated that since the Marie Park backboard was installed in 2015 there have only been two
complaints. She noted that the noise generated would be similar to other park activities such as
basketball or even less than pickleball. She estimated a cost of about $2,500 and believed the
project could be eligible for funding through the special parks fund. She provided the two public
comments that have been received in addition to the two requests from residents.
Commissioner Blanks asked if any negative feedback has been received from residents.
Ms. Lawrence stated that it did not appear the email comment was in favor of the request.
Commissioner Muller stated that when reading the email, it appeared that the resident would
prefer the funds to be spent in a different manner (maintenance) but explained that these funds
would come from a different source.
Commissioner Meyer asked where the backboard would be and where the sound would be
directed. She stated that the resident that emailed asked if it could be placed near the
basketball court but did not believe that would be an option.
Ms. Lawrence stated that the backboard location would be up for discussion. She believed that
placement near the parking lot would be a benefit. She stated that the backboard would need to
be within the fence and stated that she would not recommend placing it between the courts as
that could prevent use of both courts. She stated that she would recommend the parking lot
Mr. Ruzek confirmed that the parking lot side would be the furthest from homes but was unsure
if the sound is generated from the front or back.
Commissioner Meyer stated that it would seem that the board could be moved.
Ms. Lawrence confirmed that the backboard could be moved within the court if needed.
Commissioner Blanks asked if there would be data available from the manufacturer about how
far the sound travels.
Ms. Lawrence replied that she did not see anything, but staff could try to get more information is
that is desired. She noted that this would be a spring 2023 project, therefore there is not an
urgency in the decision.
Chair Klepperich commented that there is a home to the north on the hill, which would be the
side furthest from the parking lot. He was unsure where the property owner opposed lives.
Mr. Ruzek confirmed that the resident that emailed does live in that home to the north.
Commissioner Meyer acknowledged that she might be opposed if she lived in that home but
had no idea the noise level that is generated.
Commissioner Muller commented that it was noted as similar to the noise from basketball and
noted that her family has a basketball hoop in their driveway and do not receive complaints from
neighbors. She stated that it is a reasonable noise in a residential and/or park area.
Commissioner Meyer asked if there were other requests in addition to the original request from
the resident.
Ms. Lawrence confirmed that there was a request from a resident that brought this forward and
identified the location of that home. She noted that another resident also made a similar
Commissioner Muller stated that perhaps the decision is delayed until more members of the
Commission are present.
Motion Blanks/second Muller to table the request until more information is received related to
the potential noise and until more Commission members are present for the discussion.
Further discussion: Commissioner Meyer stated that she would go with Ms. Lawrence on a
Friday to measure the noise levels from using the backboard.
8.b Demographics Presentation
Chair Klepperich stated that this information was requested by the Commission and urged the
Commission to think about how this information can be tied to the parks and recreation strategic
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence stated that when the request was made to
staff there was not specific information requested so if there is additional data requested, staff
could bring that back at a later date. She explained that knowing the demographics of the
community will help to plan for the needs of the community and could help to target programing
to those demographics as well. She reviewed the strengths and weaknesses that were
identified through the planning process the Commission underwent last year. She reviewed the
different demographics with the Commission. She also reviewed the goals for the future of
Mendota Heights parks and recreation that were identified in the planning process.
Chair Klepperich thanked staff for presenting that information, recognizing that it may take some
time to digest all that data, and this could come back for additional discussion in the future. He
commented that the bike and pedestrian plan staff is working on fits well with the demographic
Commissioner Muller agreed noting that she often uses the trail system for her own recreation
but also uses other recreation amenities in the community with her children.
Commissioner Meyer stated that she had similar thoughts as parents use the parks with their
children, therefore it is not just the youth using those facilities designed for children. She stated
that she would be interested in the median ages for some of the other communities (Sunfish
Lake, Mendota, and Lilydale) as that could provide partnership opportunities for seniors and
active adults in the same way the City partners with other communities on youth programing.
She agreed with attempting to plan ahead, acknowledging that it can be difficult to predict what
will happen in 20 years, and noting that those projections did seem to fit the community. She
stated that it could be helpful to overlap the demographics onto a map to identify any gaps in
services that may exist for different user groups.
Commissioner Muller commented that all of the data was specific to Mendota Heights, with the
exception of the ISD information which includes students from other communities.
Ms. Lawrence agreed that is a good point as even though the schools are located in Mendota
Heights, there are students from other communities attending those schools. She stated that
the athletic association has kids that participate from other communities and therefore those
kids are using the City facilities. She noted that the City also benefits from the amenities founds
in other communities, such as the splashpad at Harmon Park. She noted that the poverty level
data was specific to Mendota Heights, which was a surprise to her. She stated that could tie
into the free and reduced lunch data.
Commissioner Muller noted that could also be seniors on a fixed income.
Ms. Lawrence agreed and noted that would be an opportunity to look at the programing that
could be provided for that demographic that may not have the means to go to Lifetime Fitness
or drive to a senior center in another community.
Commissioner Blanks appreciated this data as he believes it will help in the community
engagement meetings.
Commissioner Meyer asked if there is a way to find out more specific information on the poverty
level data, such as household size.
Ms. Lawrence provided more details on how the federal poverty level is calculated. She agreed
that having more information could better understand where the need is, and even if that
information could be demographically located to determine gaps that may exist in different areas
of the community.
Commissioner Meyer stated that perhaps there could be an opportunity offer free and reduced
programing for seniors in addition to youth.
Ms. Lawrence noted that perhaps offering programing in a park location would also benefit
those that have a barrier to traveling to a location.
Chair Klepperich acknowledged the plan of the City to do more long-range planning, noting that
he gets a bit cautious about planning further than 15 years as it can become unpredictable after
that. He thanked City staff for gathering this information and the Commission for its input. He
noted that this can come back for further discussion in a few months.
9. Unfinished Business
9.a Community Engagement Outreach Update
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence stated that a template was included in the
packet to be used for engagement meetings. She stated that staff would like the Commission
members to provide an update to the Commission following their engagement event and
provide their notes to staff. She stated that staff would then compile that information to review
with the Commission later this year to assist in creating a task list for 2023.
Chair Klepperich commented that he conducted an engagement meeting at the dog park with
Commissioner Meyer. He stated that all the comments made were positive, including a
comment that the staff mowing the grass was friendly and respectful of the people and animals.
The users also appreciated the tree trimming that was done to improve the security of vehicles
for users of the park.
Commissioner Meyer stated that one of the most helpful things for a metric to provide to staff
would be to tally numbers, such as the number of people attending and the number of those that
were Mendota Heights residents. She commented that 15 people attended and only four were
Mendota Heights residents. She stated that all the comments were positive, and everyone
loves the dog park. She stated that the park does get muddy at times because of the rolling
terrain. She stated that a few comments were made in general about the parks as a whole that
they appreciate the balance between amenities and affordable taxes. She stated that the only
suggestion received was related to a regular maintenance schedule for the portable toilets and
there is a preference for the larger size.
Ms. Lawrence noted that all of the parks are required to have the handicap accessible portable
toilet and they are cleaned once per week.
Commissioner Meyer noted that a comment was made that sometimes the locks on those doors
are not working and perhaps that could be mentioned to the cleaning crew. She stated that
people also liked the separation between big and little dogs.
Commissioner Muller commented that it is back to school season so she can begin to meet with
the PTA organizations.
Commissioner Blanks stated that the rotary meeting is scheduled for October 5 and the PTA
meeting is scheduled for October 10.
9.b Park and Recreation Strategic Planning Update
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence stated that she will be reaching out to the
Commission to schedule a worksession for future planning. She noted that she will also be
scheduling a joint meeting with the Natural Resources Commission and this Commission to
discuss the link between natural resources and parks. She reported that the volunteer program
is running and stated that they would love to have teen volunteers at events as well.
10. Staff Announcements
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence shared the following announcements:
• Opening of the Dakota County Big River shelter this Saturday from 3 to 6 p.m.
• Two Rivers High School will be hosting a movie night Saturday
• There will be a Makers Market on Saturday, September 24
• Engagement is still open for the bike ped plan
• The City is now looking for warming house staff for the upcoming season
• Other events can be found on the City’s website
11. Student Representative Update
Student Representative Murphy stated that she would be interested in information on teen
volunteer opportunities and will focus on that for the future.
12. Commission Comments and Park Updates
Commissioner Blanks
• Activity is slowing down at the parks, but they are still busy with people walking their
dogs and riding bikes
• Encouraged residents to spend time outside while the weather is still nice
Commissioner Muller
• Rogers Lake continues to be an active park
• Kensington is typically a quite park but did notice three or four trees removed
• A resident was happy with the lilacs that are coming in where brush was previously
removed at Kensington
Commissioner Meyer
• The parks remain busy, and people are enjoying the lights for pickleball
• Hopes to attend the Dakota County open house event this weekend
• There is a small portion of trail that goes toward Victoria Highlands Park which has an
awkward 90-degree angle that could be considered in the bike ped plan
Chair Klepperich
• Thanks Student Representative Murphy for her participation
• Thanks to staff for their participation and the background information provided to the
• Acknowledged a donation from MHAA for the pitching mound at Victoria Highlands
• Commented on the budget process and appreciation for the items from the Commission
that were included in the preliminary budget
• Asked that users of the trails be cautious of other users
13. Adjourn
Motion Blanks/Second Muller to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM
Minutes drafted by:
Amanda Staple
TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.