2022-08-16 City Council MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights,
Minnesota was held at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota,
Mayor Levine called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilors Duggan, Mazzitello, and Miller, were
also present. Councilor Paper was absent due to COVID.
Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Levine presented the agenda for adoption. Councilor Mazzitello moved adoption of the agenda.
Councilor Miller seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Mayor Levine presented the
consent calendar and explained the
for discussion and
Councilor Mazzitello moved
approval of the consent calendar as
pulling items C, G,
and H.
a. Approval of August 3, 2022 City Council Minutes
b. Acknowledge July 12, 2022 Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes
e. Resolution 2022 63 & 2022 64 Ordering the Prepafatim; of FpRsil�ility Repei4s for Victoria curve
d. Resolution 2022-62 Authorize Sale of Fleet Vehicle — 2013 Ford Explorer
e. Approve Purchase Order for Tree Removals
f. Authorize the Posting for a Communications Coordinator
g. Aeoept Firefighter Resignations lrom the Mendota Heights Fire Departme
hielmvwle g c-thee Time Pmr 3 AnHffleial Depp t
i. Approve Massage Therapist License — Sarah Nelson
j. Approve Resolution 2022-65 Approving an Administrative (Minor Development) MRCCA Permit
to 1065 Douglas Road — Jessica & Zachary Shaheen (Planning Case No. 2022-18)
k. Approve July 2022 Building Activity Report
1. Approval of Claims List
Councilor Miller seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Councilor Mazzitello stated that in talking to neighbors there was concern on the Emerson corridor related
to speed and the sharp blind curves. He hoped that striping, signing or other things could be included in
the feasibility report that would make drivers aware of those conditions in the road.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that staff is aware of those issues. He noted that one possibility
would be to have pedestrian trails on the sides of the road with double yellow striping for vehicles. He
stated that there are elements being reviewed to enhance safety for both pedestrians and vehicles. He
commented that the radar speed signs are effective, and he would propose to add them in this area to
address speed.
Councilor Mazzitello moved to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 2022-63 & 2022-64 ORDERING THE
Councilor Miller seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Mayor Levine thanked Dan Willems
noting that
worked with him as he was a member of the Relief
Association. She also thanked Mike
Winters for
service as well.
Councilor Miller commented that Mike Winters was a member of his squad for many years and his family
conditions changed in recent years with the addition of three children. He stated that Mr. Winters is also
a full-time firefighter for Egan, and it was becoming difficult to manage a call percentage that he felt he
needed to in order to be in good standing with the Mendota Heights department. He commented that Mr.
Winters set high standards for himself, and they will continue to work with him on mutual aid calls. He
commented that Captain Willems is one of his closest friends in the department and he will be missed.
He stated that Captain Willems was instrumental in specking out the UTV that the department uses. He
commented that Captain Willems purchased a home in Stillwater and therefore it would be difficult for
him to continue to serve. He commented that Captain Willems is also a full-time firefighter for South
Metro and therefore they will continue to see him on mutual aid calls as well. He noted that while those
individuals will be missed, he is encouraged by the new recruits that are beginning with the department.
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Councilor Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Mayor Levine commented that it is
great to see
the Par 3 continue to
be successful. She thanked the
individuals that are supporting the course
and using
the public amenity.
She commented that it is always
great to see when revenue is up, and
are down.
Councilor Mazzitello moved to aclmowledge THE JUNE PAR 3 FINANCIAL REPORT.
Councilor Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
No one from the public wished to be heard.
No items scheduled.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek explained that the Council was being asked to receive a presentation
on the Dakota County Regional Roadway System Visioning Study and consider approval of Resolution
Erin Laberee, Dakota County Transportation Director, stated that the Regional Roadway System
Visioning Study update has been completed. She identified the study area and reviewed the background
JoNette Kuhnau, Kimley-Horn, commented that the full final report was included in the Council packet
and explained that she would focus on updates to the final recommendations based on the feedback from
the cities within the study area. She stated that there are 16 recommended roadway improvements and
highlighted a new recommendation that was added for Delaware Avenue as well as multimodal
transportation recommendations. She explained that the recommendations within this report are focused
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at a system level and does not preclude agencies from evaluating or implementing localized improvement
where there is an identified need. She reviewed the traffic capacity 2040 visioning baseline and the version
that includes the recommendations. She stated that they have shared the final report with all four cities
and are requesting adoption of the recommendations, after which it would be presented to the County
Board for adoption in September.
Councilor Mazzitello commented that this is an excellent report and like the engagement with residents to
gather input. He referenced the TH 149 corridor and noted that there are not identified improvements in
the plan. He asked if a statement could be added to the motion from this Council about potential spot
improvements on the TH 149 corridor as that is an area of concern for Mendota Heights residents.
Ms. Laberee confirmed that would be appropriate.
Councilor Duggan commented that he focused on 149 and 62 as that impacts Mendota Heights whereas
the other portions of the study focus on other communities, although he recognizes the interconnectivity.
He commented that he does not have a sense that those impacts are addressed in the report. He agreed
with the suggestion of Councilor Mazzitello in relation to the additional language from 149. He
commented that as Mendota Plaza grows with additional housing units, that will make a significant
contribution to traffic in that area. He stated that he would like to see some consideration to taking a
stronger and more in depth look at those two areas.
Ms. Kuhnau stated that the study does have two recommendations on 62. She stated that what they have
seen on congestion on that roadway is that it is focused on the intersections at Dodd Road and Delaware.
She stated that as development occurs, the amount of traffic increase on Dodd Road is not as significant
as what would be to Delaware. She stated that the statement she referenced about localized improvements
was meant to address local intersections and this study did not look at residential intersections with County
or State roads but that does not mean there will not be needs at those intersections. She stated that MnDOT
and the City may need to address that intersection, but it is not included in this system study.
Councilor Duggan agreed with Councilor Mazzitello that the additional statement should be added to a
motion. He stated that he was also surprised to see the traffic projection numbers were lower in this update
than in the original study.
Ms. Laberee stated that she believes that MnDOT will be looking at the intersection at Dodd Road and
Ms. Kuhnau explained that the forecasts that were done as part of the 2010 study used information from
the region that anticipated more aggressive growth than what actually developed. She explained that
informs how they look forward to anticipate future growth. She used the example of multi -story office
buildings were lesser dense commercial buildings were constructed, and single-family homes being
constructed versus multi -family housing.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that he met with MnDOT today. He stated that the City
developed a committee to look at the intersection. He noted that this is a Dakota County study that focuses
on high level elements of the regional system. He did not believe that adding a statement related to the
149 and 62 intersection would add value as that intersection is already identified as a deficiency in the
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study. He noted that in his conversations with MnDOT today they are ready to talk about potential
improvements for 62 and Dodd Road. He stated that they will focus on this intersection at a local level
with MnDOT.
Mayor Levine commented that this study does not look no of 62 and therefore it is odd that the study
cuts the community in half She encouraged the County to remember that people continue to travel north.
She commented that there was a great engagement process and because the Mendota Heights community
engaged, they were able to get the Dodd Road and Delaware Avenue intersections included. She thanked
the residents that participated and were able to bring those issues to light. She commented that she is
pleased with this study and asked if there are plans to look north.
Ms. Laberee stated that this study is a look at future needs and dependent on when development occurs
and the impact from traffic is realized. She stated that once that occurs, they will have more engagement
with the cities that would have impact from those improvements. She commented that there is not a plan
to look north at this time.
Mayor Levine commented that she is concerned with the walkability of 62 and Dodd as well as the
elevated crosswalk. She commented on the walkability of the Plaza and Market Square and therefore
would want to see pedestrian needs incorporated as well.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that Dakota County is doing a separate study for pedestrians
involving the Dodd Road intersection. He provided a grammatical suggestion for the draft resolution.
Councilor Mazzitello moved to approve RESOLUTION 2022-61 DISCUSSING THE REGIONAL
TH 62,
Councilor Duggan seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Assistant City Adminishator Kelly Torkelson stated that the City Council approved a new City volunteer
policy and established an official City volunteer program in April. She provided an update regarding the
process of the program and on Adopt -A -Park programs.
Councilor Duggan asked if the portal item has been launched.
Assistant City Administrator Kelly Torkelson confirmed that all those items have been launched and
provided details on how volunteers would use that portal that is found on the City website.
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Councilor Duggan asked if the new City website would make it easier for users to find the information
they are looking for.
Assistant City Administrator Kelly Torkelson confirmed that the intent of the website update is to make
things easier for users.
Councilor Miller stated that he loves this ideas and think they are great. He stated that he likes the
Volunteers in the Park concept as there is a group of devoted residents and this would provide an
opportunity for them to continue in an updated way. He commented that these volunteer programs are
good for those that participate and those that benefit from those efforts.
Councilor Mazzitello commented on the volunteerism of the Rogers Lake Homeowners Association and
was happy to see that being formalized and recognized.
Mayor Levine commented that she ran into a new group of volunteers this past weekend at the Parks
Celebration and also noticed at Mendota Days. She thanked the residents that are participating in the
volunteer programs and hoped that the interest sustains and grows over time. She was excited to see the
portal active and interest from the community. She was also excited to see the updating of the website to
make it more user friendly.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence provided background information on the case and
stated that the City Council is asked to consider proposed renovation work at the Civic Center baseball
Councilor Duggan commented that in the past there were discussions about expansion of the City Hall
campus and would suggest that if this is approved there be a condition that the design of a potential
expansion cannot disturb or break up the fields.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that at this time the City has not chosen what the impacts
would be for the campus and therefore the consultant is looking at a multitude of options. He noted that
if there is an expansion to the west there could be short-term or long-term impacts to the fields, depending
on what the City decides to do.
Duggan noted that it would then seem that potential impacts could impact this improvement to
the fields which is a concern.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek confirmed that is a concern.
Councilor Duggan commented that concern should be raised with the consultant and wanted it expressed
to the consultant that the fields should not be impacted.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that without knowing what the impacts would be, it should be
kept in mind that the expansion to City Hall would be multi -million dollar while the improvement to the
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field would have a minimal cost in comparison. He confirmed that an expansion to the west was requested
as an option.
Councilor Duggan commented that the family would like the sign to be updated that identifies the field.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek confirmed that staff would look at that.
Mayor Levine commented that she is very concerned with the timing of this as this was not included on
the 2022 maintenance plan, therefore she was surprised to see a $30,000 item proposed from the general
fund right before they consider budgeting for the next year. She commented that she is not even aware
whether this is the most important maintenance item to complete. She asked why this item was brought
to the Council today.
Public Works Director Ryan
Ruzek stated that
staff originally
believed that this project would
be similar
in scale to the Mendakota project to repair the
lip work which
had a cost of $5,000 or $6,000.
He stated
that after review of the field
by professionals,
drainage issues
were identified as well that are
needed to
correct the field. He stated
that this is one of
the top -class fields in the city and is ranked
highly for
reservations by users.
Mayor Levine commented that $30,000 is a lot of money to spend on one f eld that has not been budgeted.
She asked if due diligence has been completed and whether a smaller scale has been considered. She
commented that the Police station is in major disrepair, and they are in the process of developing plans
for the expansion of the campus. She commented that dirt storage has a huge cost and therefore nearby
locations are most convenient for cost savings. She stated that the most logical place to store dirt is next
to the construction site. She stated that if the architect is limited by not being able to use the field, that
could result in the remodeling costing more. She asked if the field is usable and whether the repairs could
wait. She asked why this was not budgeted for 2022.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek agreed that trucking dirt is not cheap and therefore keeping materials
onsite that will be reused results in a major cost savings. He confirmed that moving dirt could easily
exceed $30,000. He stated that the City could push this improvement to 2023, which would provide a
larger window for contractors but that could impact the season. He stated that they could also ask the
contractor to not begin the work until July to have minimal impacts to the field. He noted that hopefully
by that time some of the answers for the Civic Center campus may be answered.
Mayor Levine commented that people will be upset if these improvements happen only to be covered in
Councilor Mazzitello asked the playability of the field and how much these repairs would impact the
usability of the field for users.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence commented that this field is very desired continues to
be requested by users, therefore it is playable. She stated that this goes back to the discussion at the
worksession where there are multiple things that could use work, but they could also wait and go back for
bids in 2023.
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Councilor Mazzitello commented that it would seem that fall is the best time to do this work as it least
impacts the usability of the field.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence confirmed that spring and summer seasons use the
field through July. She commented that MHAA does use the field for fall ball as well and has requested
that the repairs be delayed until the fall to continue use for the season.
Councilor Mazzitello stated that he is confused about the potential impact to the ball field due to the Civic
Center campus renovations as there is a solar array between the two. He asked if the solar array would be
relocated or whether the ball field would be utilized for material storage.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that if an expansion is aimed to the west, the solar array would
likely be taken offline during the construction season and would then be converted to the roof.
Councilor Mazzitello commented that is but one alternative the architect will be looking at, which does
not mean the solar array is going to be moved to the roof. He stated that multiple alternatives will be
reviewed during this process.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that the Fire Department did take its solar array offline during
construction, which just added one year to the lease.
Councilor Mazzitello commented that during the worksession with MHAA they discussed lifecycle
maintenance of the park facilities where those amenities should be on a schedule similar to other
infrastructure. He stated that maybe this improvement would have happened if the City had that type of
program. He commented that the field has been in this condition for a while and asked if the improvement
could be delayed another year in order to continue on in the budgeting discussions and potential park
maintenance funding.
Councilor Miller commented that he is not in favor of deferred maintenance on things that need to get fix
when they need to get fixed but is equally not in favor of spending money when they do not need to in the
moment. He stated that he cannot sign off on this because while it is a need, there is a plan and budget
that needs to be adhered to. He did not believe that approving this would be in good stewardship of tax
dollars and instead believed that this should be included in the budgeting for 2023 to make it work in
concert with the potential renovations at City Hall.
City Administrator
Jacobson stated that perhaps this
is added to the list for the budgeting
worksession, noting
that the
worksession tomorrow will focus on
Councilor Miller seconded the motion.
Further discussion: Councilor Miller stated that he does support the project, just not in the mamier
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Councilor Mazzitello agreed that these improvements are needed but it should be done right.
Mayor Levine stated that the Council agrees that maintenance is necessary but there needs to be a plan, as
was discussed in the worksession prior to tonight's meeting. She commented that there is going to be a
renewed cooperation between MHAA and the City engineering department to develop that maintenance
plan for the fields and park facilities.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence provided brief background on this item and noted that
the City Council is asked to determine the next steps for the 2022-2023 warming house season at
Wentworth Park.
Councilor Mazzitello commented that he has apprehension about demolishing the warming house without
a plan for replacement. He asked if staff has looked at using public works staff to make repairs to the
existing warming house to use it for one more season rather than renting a trailer.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence replied that public works staff has done work on this
warming house building the last few years. She stated that the benches have collapsed with people sitting
on them. She stated that the warming house has not been opened and staffed for the past few years.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek commented that with the number• of rodents and critters that have
made their way through the building, he believed it would be wisest to remove the building. He stated
that the Park and Recreation Commission did tour Wentworth Park and recommended removal of the
Councilor Mazzitello commented that he believes that this will place more emphasis on the replacement
of the building during the budgeting discussions. He stated that he slept in a portable trailer of that nature
in Afghanistan with two others.
Mayor Levine commented that although Councilor Paper was not able to attend tonight, he did provide
input to staff.
City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson commented that Council Paper echoed the comments of Councilor
Mazzitello. He did not believe the building should be torn down without a plan for replacements and
believed that the aesthetics could be improved for very little money. He commented that a cost of $4,000
per year would add up quickly if a new building is not constructed.
Councilor Duggan asked if the proposed temporary shelter would be ADA compliant.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence replied that the trailer would not be 100 percent ADA
compliant, but it would not have to be because it would be a temporary structure.
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Councilor Mazzitello asked if the term "haul away" was related to the demolition of the warning house
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence confirmed that the demolished materials would be
removed from the site and the intent would be to use the temporary trailer for this winter season only with
the trailer then removed from the site. She stated that it is the intention of staff to have a new warming
house building for the 2023-2024 season.
Councilor Duggan asked if the demolition cost includes removal of the demolished materials.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence confirmed that is included in the cost.
Councilor Duggan referenced the statement in the staffreport that if the trailer is not authorized, staff does
not intend to use the existing warming house for the upcoming winter season and asked why.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence replied that as she previously stated there are birds
living in the building, therefore from a safety perspective they do not believe it is safe for residents to
Councilor Duggan asked if staff has looked into the cost to remove those critters.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence confirmed that she could look into that cost.
Councilor Duggan commented that whatever the action, he believes there should be a not to exceed dollar
amount included.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence stated that staff can obtain a cost to remove the birds,
but they would need a decision in the next few weeks in order to secure a trailer in time for the winter
Councilor Duggan asked if the decision could be made at the next Council meeting.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith
stated that the trailer rental
company was requesting
an answer by the following morning to ensure
would be a trailer available.
She stated that she could
not guarantee a trailer would be available
after that
time, but staff could do their
Councilor Duggan believed there were additional questions to be answered.
Councilor Miller stated that his comments to the previous item also apply to this item. He commented
that he does take the comments of staff to heart as this appears to be more of a safety issue than the field.
He stated that he is cautious to demolish the building until there is a real game plan for the new building.
He commented that the lack of a plan gives him pause. He stated that if there is not a plan the City would
be mooring itself to a long-term lease which would add up quickly. He suggested that the warming house
not be staffed this year and they put more effort into a long-term plan rather than nickel and diming this.
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City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson noted that the Wentworth warming house is on the agenda for the
budget worksession the following night.
Councilor Mazzitello asked if the Building Official could look at the structure to determine if it is safe.
He noted that if it is determined to not be safe, he would not want it to remain.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek commented that he could get that opinion but no that it would not
meet current code because of the time it was built. He asked the expectations of the Council as to what
repairs would be. He noted that with addressing indoor and outdoor repairs it could easily add up to
Mayor Levine recognized there is reluctance to move forward and remove a building without a plan in
place. She noted that this item was slated to be completed in the 2022 budget. She commented that
proposed project had a bid cost of $1,000,000 which made it an easy decision for the Council to reject the
bid. She stated that there were improvements that were able to be made at Wentworth including the paving
of the hockey rink which will result in better ice conditions and more use. She stated that she agrees that
they cannot go ahead without a plan but stated that there is a plan that is reasonable. She stated that she
would like to delay this decision for two weeks and in that time, she would like to have a solid quote so
the Council can commit to the warming house construction in 2023. She stated that if they can commit to
the project in 2023, she would support the use of a temporary trailer for this winter season.
Councilor Mazzitello moved to table this item to the next meeting.
Councilor Duggan seconded the motion.
Further discussion: Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek noted that because there are five Tuesdays in
August, the next meeting would not occur for three weeks.
Councilor Mazzitello referenced the relatively low cost proposed and asked if that cost would require
Council approval. He asked if staff would be able to proceed if there is direction provided at the
worksession to move forward with the trailer rental.
Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence confirmed that cost does not require Council approval
and that staff could move forward with the trailer rental if that is the direction from the Council at the
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that projects should be looked at a whole and should not be
broken up into segments.
Councilor Mazzitello stated that if there is consensus from the Council, the trailer rental could occur
following the worksession so that opportunity is not lost, and the Council could approve the remainder of
the project as a whole at the next Council meeting.
Levine commented that only the
trailer rental
would be temporary as the remainder of the costs
be part of the new warming house
process regardless.
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Councilor Miller commented that he is hesitant to cormnit when the ultimate cost for a warming house is
unknown. He stated that if a responsible alternative can be developed that works for the community and
budget, he would support that.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek noted that even if the trailer were rented for 100 years, it still would
not be half the cost of the rejected warming house bid.
Mayor Levine asked the cost to purchase this type of trailer.
Councilor Mazzitello commented that it is a good temporary structure, but not to be used permanently.
Mayor Levine commented that there are prefabricated structures that are built on slab that are good
structures. She stated that if they remove the bathroom component it will significantly reduce the cost.
City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson stated that this item will be discussed at the worksession the following
night and the Council can discuss the type of amenities that should be included in a warming house. She
recognized that the previous direction was based off the specifications of the DNR grant to include
classroom space and bathrooms. She stated that Friendly Hills and Marie both have warming houses that
have been redone and those models could be considered. She noted that a trailer model could also be
considered. She recognized that the scale of the warming house will be reduced, and that discussion will
occur the following night.
Mayor Levine commented that it would be helpful to have some preliminary numbers.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that in 2018 the typical warming house model in 2018 had a
cost of 1)40,000 whereas the prefabricated structure had a cost of $100,000. He stated that the bathrooms
will be the big -ticket cost. He confirmed that bathrooms are not included in the other warming houses.
Mayor Levine stated that the Parks and Recreation Commission did recommend this temporary structure
with a unanimous vote.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson announced upcoming community events and activities.
Councilor Duggan expressed excitement over the upcoming Rockin Hollywoods concert. He expressed
thanks to staff for the recent Parks Celebration events. He commented that school is opening and
encouraged drives to be on alert for students. He believed the City should be branded as the little city that
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Councilor Miller commented that fall sports have started and the area cross country teams are running on
the roads and asked drivers to be alert.
Councilor Mazzuello commented that what was once a one afternoon event is now a weekend long event
and expressed appreciation to staff and the residents that participate. He enjoyed the food truck event and
different offerings. He reminded residents that traffic is a regional issue and while there are local items
that can impact traffic, larger issues are often caused by the larger region.
Mayor Levine thanked staff for the successful Parks Celebration events. She also acknowledged and
congratulated Senator Matt Kline who is a Mendota Heights resident that was recently recognized as a
Legislator of Distinction for 2022 by the League of Minnesota Cities. She stated that today was the last
day to file for office in the City of Mendota Heights. She commented that democracy requires people to
be active and urged residents to get to know the candidates and advocate for what they believe is right.
She commented that the community values disagreement without being disagreeable. She asked that
everyone vote on November 8"
Councilor Duggan moved to adjourn.
Councilor Mazzitello seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Mayor Levine adjourned the meeting at 7:47 p.m.
Stephanie Levine
Christine Lusian
City Clerk
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