ARC 6-3-2021 Work Session MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
JUNE 3, 2021
A work session meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on
Thursday, June 3, 2021 in the City Council Chambers of Mendota Heights City Hall.
1. Call to Order/Roll Call
Chair Gina Norling called the meeting to order at 5:59 pm. The following commissioners were
present: Gina Norling, David Sloan, William Dunn, Kevin Byrnes, Arvind Sharma, Jim
Neuharth, and Jeff Hamiel.
2. Strategic Planning Session
Chair Norling said that the purpose of the work session was to share the Commissioner’s future
state scenario, and brainstorm how the ARC should operate according to the City Code. She
invited ideas from the Commissioners and discussion followed.
Norling said that she would like to charter an initiative to mitigate the City’s air noise exposure,
and mitigate air noise where possible. She thought that it could be done by neighborhoods.
Byrnes said that we should take advantage of people moving into or remodeling in the 65 dB DNL
area. Realtors could be educated, and that the city could be doing more on prevention. Dunn
agreed, but felt that the education should come through the City Council. He felt that the City
could educate new residents.
Hamiel said that over the years MAC had insulated 17,000 homes at a cost of $500 million. He
said that he would be worried about scaring people away who were considering a move to
Mendota Heights. He was concerned about Mendota Heights getting a bad reputation for airport
noise. He did agree that there are better window options, even for those homes outside of the
65 DNL contour.
Sloan stated that he hadn’t checked airport noise prior to moving into the Copperfield
neighborhood in 1989, but that noise was a problem. He said they had organized their own
neighborhood ARC. In later years, the city organized what is now the ARC. In his current Augusta
Shores neighborhood, the construction and insultation is better. He said that his HOA might be
able to talk more about noise as a welcoming committee topic.
Neuharth said that we need to give a history whenever we educate; the noise has improved over
the years. One area to improve communications is regarding military planes, so that people know
that the City can’t control those. Sharma agreed that military planes are a major source of noise.
He suggested having the National Guard speak at a community celebration. McNeill suggested
social media as a communications tool regarding military planes, as well as turbo props and
remodeling information.
Sharma said Westchester, NY, has an option for residents to be called back after registering a
complaint. He said that maybe the ARC could do that for Mendota Heights callers. That way,
people would feel like they have been heard.
Hamiel noted concern about the impact of projected growth in airport usage, and what impact
that growth would have on vehicular traffic patterns in neighboring communities. The forecasts
show growth to 48 million airport users in 2030, and 54 million in 2035. He was concerned about
TH 62 becoming a freeway due to increased airport usage.
Norling then asked about next steps. Discussed were ideas such as keeping track of data; creating
near term goals; enhancing city services; looking at the ARC Rules of Order; maintaining and
improving City assets (including intangibles like websites and processes); encouraging and
supporting parks; and conserving Natural Resources.
Norling said that she would map what had been discussed at this session, and would send it out
for comments.
Norling said that she wanted to make certain that Mendota Heights receives no more than its fair
share of airport noise. Sloan said that ARC is more advisory than the other two city commissions,
and that complaints are an important part with which it has to deal. Neuharth cautioned against
creating unrealistic expectations. Byrnes said that we can’t change the planes, but maybe we
can change people complaints and expectations.
3. Adjournment
Chair Norling adjourned the work session meeting at 7:25 pm.
Minutes Taken By:
Mark McNeill, City Administrator