ARC 07-13-2021 Joint Meeting MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION JOINT MEETING MINUTES CITIES OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS AND EAGAN EAGAN CITY HALL JULY 13, 2021 A joint meeting of the Airports Relations Commissions of the Cities of Mendota Heights and Eagan was held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, in Eagan City Hall. 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Chair Michael Johnson of the Eagan ARC called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. Eagan ARC members in attendance included: Michael Johnson, Jeff Spartz, William Raker, and Louis Lundberg. The following Mendota Heights commissioners were present: Chair Gina Norling, David Sloan, William Dunn, Kevin Byrnes, Arvind Sharma, and Jeff Hamiel. Absent (Excused): Jim Neuharth. Eagan staff present: Assistant City Administrator Dianne Miller Mendota Heights staff present: City Administrator Mark McNeill MAC staff present: Dana Nelson, Brad Juffers, Brian Ryks 2. Introductions The individuals present introduced themselves. 3. Presentation—State of the Airport MAC Executive Director Brian Ryks discussed the current state of the MSP airport and the impacts of COVID on airport operations. He said that they had made efforts to retain employees as much as possible, and so had lost only about 50 of the original compliment of 650 pre-COVID employees. He reported that the Airport had received $158 million in CARES Federal assistance, and another $118 million in American Rescue Plan funds. Passenger flights have picked up since Memorial Day, and were currently at 72% of 2019 numbers. Parking was at 60% of pre-pandemic totals, and international flights were at 40%. He discussed CDC issues and cleanliness. Ryks also stated that one of the biggest challenges was obtaining enough employees—there were currently 400 openings for concession workers alone. 5. Updates on Current Efforts Eagan Chair Johnson reported that they were keeping an eye on Runway 17, now that flight volumes were increasing. He said that Eagan had been approached on the Consent Decree, along with Minneapolis and Richfield. That was being considered for an extension, rather than a sunsetting. He also said that they were looking at their strategic goals, and that those would be reported to their City Council. Chair Norling of Mendota Heights said that the Mendota Heights ARC was working to align its strategic goals with the City’s strategic planning goals. She suggested that the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of each ARC should meet jointly at the end of this year so that an agenda for the next joint meeting could be set. Chair Johnson agreed that that might avoid possible duplication of efforts. 6. Other Business There was no other business presented. 7. Adjourn Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:25 PM. Minutes Taken By: Mark McNeill, City Administrator