SEPTEMBER 16, 2020
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on
Wednesday, September 16, 2020, in the City Council Chambers at Mendota Heights City Hall.
1. Call to Order
Chair Sloan called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
2. Roll Call
The following commissioners were present in the City Council Chambers: David Sloan, Gina
Norling, William Dunn, Kevin Byrnes, and Arvind Sharma.
Commissioner Sally Lorberbaum participated remotely via electronic means.
Absent: Commissioner Jim Neuharth
Also present: Assistant City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson. City Administrator Mark McNeill
participated remotely via electronic means.
3. Election of Officers
Byrnes made a motion to have the existing officers for 2019 (David Sloan as Chair, and Sally
Lorberbaum as Vice-Chair) remain through the remainder of 2020, and that the elections be
revisited in 2021. Second by Dunn. Motion carried 6-0
4. Presentations
5. Approval of Minutes
Consideration was made of the Minutes of the November 13, 2019 Meeting. No corrections
were offered. Motion Lorberbaum, second by Dunn to approve as submitted. Motion
carried 6-0
6. Public Comments—There were no members of the public who wished to comment.
7. Unfinished and New Business
a. MSP Operations—Departures from Runway 12L—Norling reported that she has
been working from home and has noticed an increase in air traffic. When she
investigated in July, she noted that 12R is not being used, and was told that it was
due to maintenance being done on that runway. She recommended that we contact
the FAA and ask it to initiate a practice that when only one (12) runway is available,
only flights with certain headings should be directed to go over Mendota Heights.
She asked that the ARC brainstorm ways to have runways 12R or 17 used more.
Jacobson said that at the NOC meeting held earlier in the day, it was reported that
the boarding gates which were being used affected which runway was assigned.
Sharma said that the number of operations has increased from its low in March, and
seems to be at 25% of what it had been. This is consistent with what is being seen
nationally. Jacobson added that given the decrease in operations, runway 17 is not
being used and the FAA has reverted to the RUS which prioritizes use of 12L and
Lorberbaum asked if the overall number of flights is reduced, and was the number of
flights coming off 12L less than it was a year ago; she thought that it was. Dunn
compared flight numbers from August and May. Norling again stated that when
runways are limited, that there should be a discussion on headings to be used.
Chair Sloan asked what was to be accomplished by this discussion. He felt that Brad
Juffers of MAC should be invited to the November meeting to present, and
questioned whether or not the change is a blip, or what can be expected over the
next five years. He and Dunn didn’t think the numbers are worse than what they
have been previously. Lorberbaum said that this was an issue of fairness—even if
the number of flights coming off 12L is reduced, it should still be fair and
b. Update on Eagan Flight Procedure Change—Jacobson reviewed the day’s prior
discussion at the NOC, regarding Eagan’s request for changes, and the FAA’s
response. She said that the FAA rep had reported that they cannot test for impacts
until traffic returns to at least 80% of pre-COVID volumes. The FAA rep had said that
if the results of the change were “de minimus”, the FAA would not approve the
change. However, the rep didn’t identify what that would be.
c. Flight Procedures Change Request Guidelines—Jacobson reviewed a form which
has been drafted for use by MAC, for people who are asking for flight procedure
change requests. She felt that it is a starting point and that it would provide some
transparency. Minneapolis didn’t like it, and felt that it was a barrier and unfriendly.
Brad Juffers revised the language for the MAC staff to use i.e., NOC “criteria” were
now “considerations”. The NOC had voted 11-1 to adopt its use, with Minneapolis
voting in the negative.
d. Review of Airport Operational Statistics
i. Complaint Information-- Lorberbaum noted that the number of complaints
were down, but so were the volumes of flights.
ii. Runway Use—In the absence of Jim Neuharth, Byrnes reviewed. There were
no comments.
iii. Turboprop Charts—Turbo prop complaints were down. Dunn noted that
because of the reduction in overall flights, the turbo props didn’t need to turn
as quickly to get out of the way of commercial jet traffic.
iv. Noise Monitor Charts. Dunn said that there were no noise events in Mendota
Heights, but that a single C-130 might have triggered reports from three
monitoring stations.
e. MAC Meeting. Sharma reviewed a presentation which had been discussed at the
most recent MAC meeting; it was a Board Air Service Update dated August 17, 2020.
The study had looked at the impacts of COVID on air operations, and that in March,
use of MSP was down 95%. Air traffic has since grown, but now has plateaued at
about 25% of normal. That is about what is being seen on-average nationally. The
study showed that previously slowdowns led to an increase in the number of low
cost carriers, and that it is expected that business travel will continue to be hurt.
Almost all international travel is now shut down. In summary, he said that the study
predicted that recovery will be slow and uneven, and that it will take years to fully
8. Adjourn
There being no further business, Chair Sloan adjourned the meeting at 7:03 PM
Minutes Taken By:
Mark McNeill
City Administrator
City of Mendota Heights