September 13, 2017
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at Mendota Heights City Hall.
1. Call to Order
Chair David Sloan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
2. Roll Call
The following commissioners were present: David Sloan, Sally Lorberbaum, William Dunn,
Arvind Sharma, Jim Neuharth, Gina Norling and Kevin Byrnes.
Absent: None
Guest Present: Scott Norling
Also present: City Administrator Mark McNeill, Assistant City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson
3. Approval of Agenda.
There were no additions or corrections.
4. Approval of Minutes
Approval of Minutes August 9, 2017 Meeting
Motion by Norling/Second by Neuharth to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2017 ARC
meeting, with a noted correction of the date in the heading. Motion carried 6-0;
Lorberbaum abstained.
5. Unfinished and New Business
a. Follow-up from August Norling Presentation –12L Departure Noise Abatement
Chair Sloan reported that he, Ms. Jacobson, and Mr. McNeill had met on September
8th with Chad Leqve and Dana Nelson to review the proposal which had been
created by Scott and Commissioner Norling. He reported that they were advised to
have NOC Representative Jay Miller forward the information to Dana Nelson, and
request that it be considered for the 2018 NOC Workplan. Ms. Nelson said that
there were 17 similar requests which were considered for the 2017 Workplan.
It was determined that Councilor Miller would be invited to meet with the Norlings,
City staff, and Chair Sloan to be informed about the proposal. October 11th was
suggested as a possible date.
Commission Lorberbaum noted a verbiage change needed on the second to the last
slide of the presentation…”this could lead to increased use of the existing flight
Motion/second Norling/Dunn to bring the proposal to NOC Representative Miller,
with the change as noted. Motion carried 7-0.
b. Update on Meeting with MAC Staff of Sept 8, 2017
In addition to the above, it was reported that the Fairskies group of noise advocates
is pursuing a 55 dbl footprint to be designated by the MAC.
c. Aitport Operational Statistics
i. Operational Charts—Commissioner Sharma noted that operations in June
actually went down 1.5%, which was the first decline in months.
Commissioner Neuharth questions why 12L was above the Upper Control
Limit? Chair Sloan suggested waiting until the NOC meeting the following
week, where an explanation might be heard.
ii. Complaint Information—Ms. Jacobson review on-line information, and
compared the format to the previous line graphs. It was determined that the
revised look was easier to follow, but that it would be better to have the
chart dates which the City could report in chronological order. Ms. Jacobson
agreed to make the change.
iii. Turboprop Information. Turboprop charts were reviewed. Commissioners
Sharma and Dunn questioned whether the reporting was the same—those
showed only 56 planes for the entire month. Commissioner Neuharth
volunteered to follow-up with Brad Juffer of MAC.
iv. Noise Monitor Charts
Review of the Noise Monitor charts was tabled until the next meeting.
6. Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports/Correspondence
The August 21, 2017 MAC Board meeting; the July 19, 2017 NOC Meeting; the Technical
Advisors Report; the Eagan/MH Departure Corridor Analysis Report; and Crossing in the
Corridor Analysis were reviewed.
7. Upcoming Meeting
There was discussion about whether to go to a meeting every other month, or stay with the
monthly. It was determined that keeping it monthly was easier to plan for. Therefore,
approximately two weeks in advance of the meeting, a notice would be sent by staff to
inquire whether there was business to consider. If there was nothing pressing, the Chair
and City Administrator could choose to cancel the ensuing meeting.
It was suggested that our state legislators should be invited to the January meeting.
8. Public Comments
There were no members of the public present.
9. Commissioner Comments
No additional comments were made.
10. Adjourn
Motion by Dunn/Second by Lorberbaum to adjourn at 8:37 PM. Motion carried 5-0
Minutes Taken By:
Cheryl Jacobson, Assistant City Administrator