June 8, 2016
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on
Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at Mendota Heights City Hall.
Chair David Sloan called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
The following commissioners were present: David Sloan, William Dunn, Arvind Sharma, Gina
Norling, Sally Lorberbaum, and Jim Neuharth. Absent (excused) was Kevin Byrnes.
Also present: NOC Alternate Representative Jill Smith, City Administrator Mark McNeill, and
Public Works Director John Mazzitello.
Approval of Minutes
Neuharth and Norling noted a couple of typographical corrections that were needed, and
incorrect name spellings for Dunn and Norling. Motion Dunn, second Neuharth, to adopt the
minutes of the April ARC meeting, with corrections as noted. Motion carried 6-0.
It was stated that the May meeting had been cancelled, and therefore, there were no minutes
Unfinished and New Business
4.a Airport Overlay Zoning District. Mazzitello reported that the ARC had recommended using
the 2005 noise overlay boundaries for the City’s zoning district. That had been reviewed by the
Planning Commission, which approved the recommendation, after adding the phrase ”or then
current” to the language change. He said that the City Council adopted the changes as
recommended at its May 5th meeting.
In response to a question from Smith about MAC controlling local land use, Mazzitello
responded that MAC had no say in local zoning codes, except regarding structural height
4.b Commissioner Norling Request. Norling said that the 2004 12L operations numbers were
the last year before the addition of the third runway. The addition of 17/35 initially caused a
drop in the number of takeoffs impacting Mendota Heights. However, since then the number of
operations on Runway 17/35 have rebounded to pre-runway figures. She said that implementing
a two mile delay (to a point 3.5 miles from the airport) before turns deviations could be made
would reduce the noise impact on Mendota Heights. She had brought this up at the March Open
House. She felt that there should be a departure modification study to determine if any other
neighborhoods to the south and east of the airport should be included.
It was determined that MAC staffer Brad Juffers should be asked to address this and respond
when he comes to visit the ARC in July. He would also be asked whether the abatement
procedure is horizontal, rather than vertical.
4.c MAC Quarterly Public Input Meeting. Mazzitello reported on this meeting, which had been
held on April 27th.
4.d Future Meetings. McNeill said that the Brian Ryks, the new CEO of MAC, and MAC Brad
Juffers had been invited to speak at a joint meeting with the Eagan ARC. The joint meeting was
to be held July 13th. However, earlier that day, McNeill was notified that Mr. Ryks is unable to
attend in July. However, Mr. Juffers will still be able to speak at that meeting. In addition to the
crossing in the corridor issue, he will also address the Eagan/Mendota Heights issue with early
morning turbo-prop flights.
It was determined that September 14th would be the new joint meeting date with Eagan’s ARC.
The ARC agreed that the joint meeting should be televised.
4.e.1 Operational Charts This was presented by Neuharth, who said that two of the reports were
above the upper control limits. He said that 12R was significantly over—the highest since 2009.
He also spoke to the turbo prop noise issue, which will be addressed by the MAC staffer in July.
4.e.11 Complainant Charts. Lorberbaum reported nothing unusual.
4.e.111 Noise Monitor Charts. Norling reported on the three noise monitoring locations in
Mendota Heights. She said that 5 AM seems to be the new start time.
5.a. Review of the April 24 NOC Meeting. McNeill and Smith reviewed the discussion items at
the most recent NOC meeting. They reported that two of the agenda items were relevant to
Mendota Heights—the Eagan /Mendota Heights crossing in the corridor report, and a discussion
of turbo prop airplanes. Those topics will be discussed at the July meeting.
5.b MAC Board Meeting Review. Sharma reported on the April 18th MAC Board Meeting. He
reviewed the new flights, including the possibility of adding low cost provider Norwegian Air.
He also spoke about the Graves Hotel which is currently under construction. He said that the
target date for that to be open is the 2017 Super Bowl.
Public Comments
There were no members of the public present.
Commissioner Comments
Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Airport Relations Commission will be July 13, 2016.
Neuharth made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dunn at 7:56 PM. Motion carried 6-0.
Minutes Taken By:
Mark McNeill,
City Administrator