2022-08-17 and 22 Council Work Session Agenda Packet CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA August 17, 2022  3:00-5:00pm CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS  1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights 1. Call to Order 2. Discussion of FY2023 Proposed Budget A. Overview B. Review of Proposed Budgets a. Streets/Parks/Sewer Utilities b. Storm Water/Street Light c. Engineering d. Recreation e. Par 3 f. Special Parks Fund g. Recycling C. Capital Improvement Plan D. Debt Service 3. Adjourn CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA August 22, 2022  6:15-8:15pm CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS  1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights 1. Call to Order 2. Continuation of Discussion of FY2023 Proposed Budget A. Departmental Reviews a. Fire/ Fire Relief b. Police/Emergency Preparedness c. Administration d. Information Technology e. City Council f. Elections g. Community Development/Code Enforcement h. City Hall B. Budget Improvement Package Funding 3. Adjourn Page 1 ____________________________________________________ City Council Budget Memo DATE: August 12, 2022 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Cheryl Jacobson, City Administrator Kristen Schabacker, Finance Director SUBJECT: FY2023 Draft Budget The city’s budget plays a critical role in communicating to elected officials, the community and employees the city’s plans for the use of its resources. Provided in the following packet is the proposed preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 2023. The budget document comprises both the annual operating budget and the capital improvement plan. Community Overview Population and Household Composition The US Census reported the 2020 population of Mendota Heights was 11,744, an increase of 6% from the 2010 US Census count. The median age of Mendota Heights is 47.5 years old with approximately 22% of the population 18 years and younger and 28% of the population 62 years and older. Mendota Heights Resident Population Pyramid—2020 American Communities Survey Page 2 Residential Property Values Property values are determined annually by the Dakota County Assessor’s Office. Countywide estimated average market values of residential homesteads increased by 16.95% and median taxable market values increased 19.21% from 2021 to 2022. The median taxable market value on a residential home in Mendota Heights increased 17.48% for 2022 to $513,350, as compared to $436,950 in 2021. The estimated average taxable market value for residential homesteads in Mendota Heights increased 16.47% from 2021 to 2022. The 2022 average estimated market value for Mendota Heights residential homesteads is $540,590. City Organization The city of Mendota Heights is a city of the third class (i.e. a population of more than 10,000, but not more than 20,000) and operates under the Statutory Plan A form of government. Under this form of government policy decisions are made by the city council and day-to-day administrative duties are delegated to the city administrator. City Council. The City Council is comprised of the mayor and four council members. City Advisory Commissions. The City has four advisory commissions –Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Airport Relations Commission and the recently added Natural Resources Commission. Each Commission has seven members who are appointed by the city council. City Staff. Not including seasonal workers and paid-on-call firefighters, the city has 49.45 full- time equivalent (FTEs) positions. City of Mendota Heights -Organizational Structure Page 3 Budget Overview Operating (General Fund) Budget The city’s operating budget is the budget used to finance the day-to-day operations and obligations of the city. The operating budget is also called the General Fund budget and is supported primarily by property taxes (i.e. the levy). The budget process is an ongoing function of city government. City staff begins preparing budget requests and proposals in June for the next fiscal year. The city’s fiscal year begins on January 1. In preparing the 2023 operating budget, staff were directed to keep existing levels of service the same as provided for in 2022. Additional items such as new pieces of equipment, major projects, additional staff, or new services are proposed as a budget improvement package (BIP). Staff kept the following in mind as they prepared department budget proposals: • City Council Strategic Priorities. At the beginning of 2021, the city council identified five strategic priority areas which provide direction for the development of the budget and allocation of resources. The city council’s strategic priorities are: • Enhance City Governance and Services • Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas • Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources • Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets • Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements • The city was successful in completing a number of studies and plans such as the recently approved Natural Resources Management Plan and the Park and Recreation Strategic Plan which may result in new or emerging programs and service areas or new or increased budget expenses and/or revenue. • The cost of doing business may be more expensive in 2023. Major unknowns at this time include the impact of inflation on operating expenses including items such as fuel and materials. Budget assumptions used in previous years such as a standard inflation rate of 3% might not be enough for 2023. Proposed Budget Notables • Par 3 Bonds. In 2007, voters approved a referendum authorizing the City to acquire and improve the Mendota Heights Par 3 Golf Course, by issuing $2,790,000 in General Obligation Bonds. The City’s annual debt service payments are provided through the annual budget and are levied property taxes. The final bond payment is due on February 1, 2023. The final levy amount included in the FY2022 budget was $178,745. After this year, the city will no longer levy for these payments. Page 4 • Code Enforcement. During the 2022 budget development process the position of Community Service Officer was eliminated. This position included code enforcement functions. Council asked to revisit this topic during this year’s process. • Position Requests. One new position is recommended in 2023, and would add an Assistant City Engineer. The position would add needed capacity to address increased workload coming from Natural Resources, Parks and the need to address the city’s aging infrastructure. • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). The proposed budget includes a COLA of 4% for all employees in 2023. In reviewing the current employee recruitment and retention market, staff is recommending the completion of compensation study to assess and understand market competitiveness and ready the city’s compensation plan for Minnesota pay equity reporting which is due in January, 2024. On the benefits side, a double digit increase to health insurance premiums is predicted. Staff is recommending a 5% increase to the city’s monthly contribution to employee health insurance increasing it from $1,730 to $1,815 per month for full-time employees. • ARPA Funds. The City received $1,239,588.42 in Federal American Rescue Plan Act funds in 2021 and 2022. Council authorized the use of $225,000 for the Ridge Place project, leaving a balance of $1,014,588.42. Rules and regulations regarding the use of funds are defined and administered by the Federal government and the council will be tasked with determining where to best spend these funds. Funds must be committed by 12/31/2024 and expended by 12/31/2026. Capital Fund – Capital Improvement Program The city adopts a five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that serves as the blueprint for the long-term physical improvements to city infrastructure, facilities and equipment. The current year CIP is approved as part of the annual budget. City Fund Balance Fund balance reserves are an important component in ensuring the overall financial health of a city. The Office of the State Auditor recommends that at year end, local governments maintain an unreserved fund balance in their general and special revenue funds of approximately 35-50% of fund operating revenues, or no less than 5 months of operating expenditures. While the bond rating agencies do not have recommended fund balance levels, rating agencies look favorably on larger fund balances (generally 75%), which protect against contingencies and cash flow needs. The city has held a Standard & Poor’s AAA bond rating since 2013. Page 5 The City established a citywide fund balance policy in 2010 and has updated it in subsequent years. Within this policy the following fund balance levels are recommended: • General Fund 75% • Water Revenue Fund $200,000 • Special Park Fund $200,000 • Civil Defense Fund 50% • Street Light District Fund 25% The City’s general fund balance increased to its highest point in the past five years, with a 12/31/2021 ending unassigned general fund balance of $10,995,660. For 2022, items to be paid from the general fund balance total $1,313,660, leaving a projected 12/31/2022 unassigned general fund balance of $9,682,121 or 88.48% of the 2023 expenditures. Budget Improvement Packages For FY2023, there are 36 proposed/requested budget improvement packages (BIPs) which are expenditures not otherwise provided for in the operating budget. Four are “must complete” requests because they have a safety and OSHA compliance requirement. Proposed BIP Notables: • Position request for an Assistant City Engineer $155,000 • Wentworth Warming House Replacement $500,000 • Rogers Lake Skate Park Renovation $225,000 • Transition to M365 $42,500 Proposed Property Tax Rate and Levy The total levy for 2023 is proposed to be $11,755,088 up 5.18% or $580,383 from 2022. The preliminary amount does not include any levy funded BIPs. 106%107%105% 114%118% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 General Fund -Fund Balance Summary City Fund Balance Policy= 75% State Auditor Range = 35-50% Page 6 For some context, below is a history of levy increases from the past five years: Year Levy Amount % Increase 2018 $8,591,146 7.52% 2019 $9,435,150 9.82% 2020 $10,048,724 6.50% 2021 $10,482,617 4.32% 2022 $11,194,705 6.79% Budget Adoption and Calendar The timeline for the preparation of the City’s 2023 budget is as follows: City Council Budget Work Sessions The city council has scheduled budget work sessions for the following: • August 17; 3-5:00 pm -Council Chambers • August 22; 6:15-8:15 pm – Council Chambers • August 23; 6:15-8:15 pm (if needed) -Council Chambers The city council will review the proposed budget with staff, who then adjusts the preliminary budget for any changes the council recommends. Budget workshops are open to the public. Proposed/Preliminary Property Tax Levy and Budget The first deadline in the budget process is the adoption of the 2023 preliminary property tax levy and preliminary budget, which must occur on or before September 30. For 2023, this approval will take place at the September 20 city council meeting. The adoption of the preliminary property tax levy sets the maximum amount permissible. After September 30, the amount may be decreased, but not increased, when the final certified 2023 levy is adopted. Public Meeting The City is required to hold a meeting at which the budget and levy will be discussed and the public allowed to speak. The meeting must be after November 24 and no later than December 28 and held at 6:00 pm or later. This meeting may be part of a regularly scheduled city council meeting. For 2023, this required meeting will take place at the December 6 city council meeting Certification of Final Property Tax Levy The City Council must certify the final payable 2023 property tax levy to Dakota County no later than December 28, 2022. The city council will adopt the final 2023 budget and final property tax levy at the December 6 city council meeting. TAX LEVY SUMMARY CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 2023 BUDGET TAX LEVY SUMMARY 2021 2022 2023 % CHANGE GENERAL FUND $8,009,068 $8,642,981 $9,201,628 6.46% EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 0.00% FIRE RELIEF $180,000 $207,000 $207,000 0.00% INFRASTRUCTURE/FACILITY RESERVE $0 $0 $0 0.00% EQUIPMENT RESERVE $0 $0 $0 0.00% LEGAL AND CONTINGENCY $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 0.00% GENERAL FUND LEVY $8,254,068 $8,914,981 $9,473,628 6.27% IMPROVEMENT BONDS $1,278,087 $1,224,954 $1,259,807 2.85% TAX ABATEMENT BONDS $0 $171,145 $173,615 1.44% FIRE STATION LEVY $624,173 $624,173 $623,543 -0.10% EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES - DUMP TRUCK $28,114 $27,707 $27,300 -1.47% EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES - FIRE TRUCK $0 $0 $132,195 100.00% TOTAL SPECIAL LEVY $1,930,374 $2,047,979 $2,216,460 8.23% MARKET VALUE REFERENDUM LEVY $245,175 $178,745 $0 -100.00% STREETLIGHT TAXING DISTRICT $53,000 $53,000 $85,000 60.38% TOTAL TAX LEVY $10,482,617 $11,194,705 $11,775,088 5.18% Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 1 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY GENERAL FUND FUND 01 DEPARTMENT 2020 ACTUAL 2021 ACTUAL 2022 Budget 2023 Budget % CHANGE CITY COUNCIL $33,679 $47,615 $48,406 $49,906 3.10% ADMINISTRATION $1,311,780 $1,286,930 $1,300,361 $1,365,825 5.03% ELECTIONS $119,043 $39,511 $112,413 $42,497 -62.20% IT $202,734 $163,564 $223,410 $226,475 1.37% POLICE $4,051,067 $4,227,883 $4,567,510 $4,852,973 6.25% FIRE $570,112 $545,753 $593,500 $653,863 10.17% CODE ENFORCEMENT $112,869 $119,439 $121,475 $135,389 11.45% PUBLIC WORKS-STREETS $1,049,319 $1,104,032 $1,263,986 $1,341,987 6.17% PUBLIC WORKS-PARKS $899,059 $875,215 $1,167,926 $1,281,600 9.73% RECREATION $25,580 $43,661 $98,900 $107,250 8.44% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $183,169 $201,932 $263,350 $225,468 -14.38% RECYCLING $24,143 $2,826 $31,600 $41,980 32.85% ENGINEERING $534,268 $550,923 $575,558 $611,799 6.30% TOTAL GENERAL FUND $9,116,822 $9,209,285 $10,368,395 $10,937,012 5.48% GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCY $13,436 $37,683 $40,000 $40,000 0.00% Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 2 GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY GENERAL FUND FUND 01 REVENUE SOURCE 2021 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET 2023 BUDGET % CHANGE TAXES CURRENT TAX LEVY $8,063,733 $8,009,068 $8,642,981 $9,201,628 6.46% LICENSES AND PERMITS CIGARETTE LICENSES $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 0.00% RUBBISH LICENSES $1,410 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 0.00% LIQUOR LICENSES $32,350 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 0.00% BUILDING PERMITS $501,170 $235,000 $235,000 $275,000 17.02% HEATING PERMITS $48,630 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 0.00% PLUMBING PERMITS $26,442 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 0.00% RIGHT OF WAY PERMITS $7,216 $15,000 $15,000 $7,500 -50.00% MASSAGE PERMITS $692 $1,000 $1,000 $750 -25.00% TOTAL LICENSES AND PERMITS $619,710 $329,200 $329,200 $361,450 9.80% FINES AND FORFEITS COURT FINES $91,839 $100,000 $100,000 $90,000 -10.00% FALSE ALARMS FINES $1,300 $3,000 $2,000 $1,500 -25.00% DOG IMPOUNDING $0 $300 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITS $93,139 $103,300 $102,000 $91,500 -10.29% CHARGES FOR SERVICES RECREATION PROGRAMS $26,512 $35,000 $35,000 $30,000 -14.29% PARK USE FEES $7,440 $5,500 $5,500 $7,500 36.36% FIELD USE FEES $10,461 $10,000 $10,000 $10,500 5.00% SOFTBALL LEAGUES $7,748 $10,000 $8,000 $7,750 -3.13% MAPS AND ORDINANCES $25 $0 $0 $0 0.00% SURCHARGES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% PLANNING FEES $18,450 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 0.00% FIRE CONTRACTS $171,143 $170,606 $184,466 $191,237 3.67% LILYDALE POLICING $296,856 $296,850 $248,350 $331,076 33.31% MENDOTA POLICING $67,662 $66,992 $48,328 $73,821 52.75% POLICE SECURITY (OFF DUTY OT) $13,875 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% STREET MAINT. CHARGES $1,550 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% ENGINEERING CHARGES $45,560 $40,000 $30,000 $40,000 33.33% FILING FEES $0 $0 $20 $0 -100.00% LEASE MAINTENANCE CHARGES $4,143 $4,000 $4,500 $4,000 -11.11% TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES $671,425 $664,948 $600,164 $721,884 20.28% Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 3 GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY INTERGOVERNMENTAL MSA MAINTENANCE $154,526 $150,000 $165,000 $175,000 6.06% POLICE STATE AID $174,659 $145,000 $180,000 $175,000 -2.78% SCHOOL RESOURCES OFFICER $110,492 $105,000 $105,000 $0 -100.00% FEDERAL AND STATE GRANTS $59,472 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 0.00% DAKOTA COUNTY GRANT $4,556 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% PERA AID $0 $9,070 $0 $0 0.00% PEACE OFFICER INSUR REIMBURSE $14,969 $10,000 $18,000 $15,000 -16.67% ELECTION REIMBURSEMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL $518,674 $469,070 $518,000 $415,000 -19.88% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE SUNDRY REVENUE $43,756 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 0.00% DONATIONS $47,914 $0 $0 $0 0.00% CELL TOWER REVENUE $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 $48,000 -31.43% INTEREST -$21,780 $30,000 $30,000 $20,000 -33.33% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $139,890 $105,000 $105,000 $73,000 -30.48% DAKOTA COUNTY WASTE MANAGEMENT $4,183 $23,500 $23,500 $25,000 6.38% TOTAL DAKOTA COUNTY $4,183 $23,500 $23,500 $25,000 6.38% OTHER REVENUE UNAPPROPRIATED FUND TRANSFER $47,550 $47,550 $47,550 $47,550 0.00% TOTAL OTHER REVENUE $47,550 $47,550 $47,550 $47,550 0.00% TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $10,158,304 $9,751,636 $10,368,395 $10,937,012 5.48% Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 4 STREETS DEPARTMENT 50 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE PW - STREETS 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $374,185 $393,206 $397,681 $414,876 4.32% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $7,349 $10,200 $22,375 $22,375 0.00% 4130 SALARIES-TEMPORARY $0 $4,635 $8,000 $8,000 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $100,563 $100,657 $110,858 $116,305 4.91% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $70,239 $71,120 $68,050 $71,455 5.00% 4134 PERA $25,331 $29,474 $31,504 $32,794 4.09% 4135 FICA $27,499 $31,560 $32,746 $34,062 4.02% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $605,166 $640,852 $671,214 $699,867 4.27% 4200 RENTALS AND LEASES $3,396 $3,060 $5,500 $5,500 0.00% 4210 TELEPHONE $3,496 $3,526 $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 4211 ELECTRICAL-STREET LIGHTS $21,795 $22,080 $22,500 $24,000 6.67% 4211 ELECTRICAL-PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE $1,814 $1,849 $3,000 $3,000 0.00% 4211 ELECTRICAL-TRAFFIC SIGNALS $3,314 $3,760 $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 4212 GAS SERVICE $2,831 $3,537 $5,000 $7,500 50.00% 4213 SOLAR LEASE $1,983 $2,072 $2,172 $2,270 4.51% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $1,937 $7,750 $5,000 $5,000 0.00% 4220 CITY ATTORNEY $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 4240 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS $243 $165 $500 $500 0.00% 4280 RUBBISH REMOVAL $2,135 $2,387 $2,500 $2,750 10.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $42,943 $50,186 $55,172 $59,520 7.88% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $461 $1,043 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 4305 OPERATING SUPPLIES $9,779 $13,190 $18,000 $18,000 0.00% 4306 RECRUITMENT COSTS $0 $0 $500 $500 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $0 $152 $50 $50 0.00% 4320 GAS AND OIL $18,204 $29,056 $30,000 $45,000 50.00% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIR $65,824 $45,841 $80,000 $80,000 0.00% 4331 MISC OFFICE/COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $1,226 $0 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% 4335 PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE $8,102 $10,016 $8,500 $8,500 0.00% CUSTODIAL SERVICES $200 $347 $1,000 $1,500 50.00% 4336 SNOW REMOVAL DAMAGE REPAIR $871 $1,186 $5,000 $5,000 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $104,667 $100,832 $145,550 $161,050 10.65% 4400 TRAINING $973 $3,575 $2,500 $7,500 200.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $0 $65 $300 $300 0.00% 4410 CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT $4,601 $5,257 $5,000 $5,500 10.00% 4415 MILEAGE AND AUTO ALLOWANCE $33 $0 $250 $250 0.00% 4420 STREET SIGNS AND POSTS $7,223 $4,778 $12,000 $12,000 0.00% 4421 SAND AND SALT $65,607 $53,160 $125,000 $125,000 0.00% 4422 STREET MAINTENANCE MATERIAL $35,787 $24,803 $40,000 $40,000 0.00% 4423 CRACK SEALING/CHIP SEALING $82,454 $98,417 $100,000 $100,000 0.00% 4424 STREET SWEEPING AND STRIPING $53,226 $46,707 $55,000 $70,000 27.27% 4425 WATER SERVICE-PUBLIC WORKS $349 $343 $500 $500 0.00% 4426 BONFIRE CLEAN UP $0 $0 $1,000 $0 -100.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $182 $45 $500 $500 0.00% 4500 TREE REMOVAL $43,630 $45,725 $50,000 $60,000 20.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $294,065 $282,874 $392,050 $421,550 7.52% CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 5 STREETS DEPARTMENT 50 4620 CAPITAL OUTLAY $2,478 $29,289 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $2,478 $29,289 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,049,319 $1,104,032 $1,263,986 $1,341,987 6.17% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED Bobcat Tool Cat (Parks/Streets)$31,500 Electric Pressure Washer (Parks/Streets/Sewe $3,333 HVAC for Welding (Parks/Streets/Sewer) $2,000 Spill Control Drum (Parks/Streets) $5,000 Pickup Truck (Streets) $52,000 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 6 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? OSHA Standard Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 7 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 8 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? OSHA Standard Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 9 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 10 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? OSHA Standard Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 11 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 12 X FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 13 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 14 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 15 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 16 PARKS DEPARTMENT 70 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE PW - PARKS 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $346,943 $379,264 $460,705 $486,690 5.64% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $16,034 $20,807 $15,000 $15,000 0.00% 4130 SALARIES-TEMPORARY $15,706 $27,038 $50,000 $50,000 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $96,754 $99,077 $128,089 $134,383 4.91% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $28,093 $28,445 $27,215 $28,575 5.00% 4134 PERA $30,795 $29,581 $35,678 $37,627 5.46% 4135 FICA $35,497 $35,196 $40,217 $42,205 4.94% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $569,821 $619,409 $756,904 $794,480 4.96% 4200 RENTALS AND LEASES $18,871 $21,078 $24,000 $29,000 20.83% 4210 TELEPHONE $3,845 $3,329 $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 4211 ELECTRICAL-PW/WARMING HOUSES $1,814 $1,892 $3,000 $3,500 16.67% 4211 ELECTRICAL-COMF. STAT./AERATOR $4,048 $4,933 $6,000 $6,000 0.00% 4212 GAS SERVICE $3,505 $4,239 $6,000 $8,000 33.33% 4213 SOLAR LEASE $1,983 $2,072 $2,172 $2,270 4.51% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY ATTORNEY $1,226 $2,022 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% TESTING/COMMISSION MINUTES $1,679 $0 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% NATURAL RESOURCES PLAN $58,878 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4240 LEGAL PUBLICATION $287 $354 $500 $500 0.00% 4268 OTHER CONTRACT SERVICES SIBLEY PARK MAINTENANCE $21,265 $0 $21,500 $0 -100.00% 4280 RUBBISH REMOVAL $1,826 $2,295 $2,500 $2,750 10.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $119,227 $42,214 $73,172 $59,520 -18.66% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,004 $881 $1,750 $1,750 0.00% 4305 OPERATING SUPPLIES $9,588 $10,181 $18,000 $18,000 0.00% 4306 RECRUITMENT COSTS $0 $0 $500 $500 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $121 $244 $150 $250 66.67% 4320 GAS AND OIL $10,386 $17,011 $17,500 $25,000 42.86% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE $21,779 $9,117 $46,500 $46,500 0.00% PARKS MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $48,469 $49,321 $60,000 $60,000 0.00% CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZER $2,303 $1,277 $14,000 $14,000 0.00% PARK MAINTENANCE COSTS $0 $14,119 $19,000 $31,000 63.16% ERADICATE INVASIVE PLANTS $34,122 $31,399 $40,000 $50,000 25.00% TOWN CENTRE LANDSCAPE MAINT.$3,000 $0 $9,000 $9,000 0.00% PILOT KNOB RESTORATION $7,828 $5,822 $11,000 $15,000 36.36% TREE SALE $0 $0 $0 $10,000 100.00% NATIVE PLANTINGS $0 $3,582 $10,000 $40,000 300.00% 4331 MISC OFFICE/COMPUTER EQUIP $1,766 $0 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% 4335 BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE $7,891 $9,864 $8,500 $8,500 0.00% CUSTODIAL SERVICES $200 $347 $1,000 $1,500 50.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $148,458 $153,164 $258,400 $332,500 28.68% 4400 TRAINING $7,236 $925 $7,000 $7,000 0.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $610 $450 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 4410 CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT $3,295 $3,138 $5,000 $5,500 10.00% 4415 MILEAGE AND AUTO ALLOWANCE $36 $324 $250 $400 60.00% 4425 WATER SERVICE PUBLIC WORKS $349 $343 $500 $500 0.00% PARKS $19,246 $24,924 $20,000 $25,000 25.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $1,039 $575 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 17 PARKS DEPARTMENT 70 4490 COMMISSIONER PER DIEM $1,350 $2,350 $4,200 $4,200 0.00% 4500 TREE REMOVAL $28,392 $27,398 $40,000 $50,000 25.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $61,553 $60,427 $79,450 $95,100 19.70% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $899,059 $875,215 $1,167,926 $1,281,600 9.73% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED Bobcat Tool Cat (Parks/Streets)$31,500 John Deere Gator (Parks)$24,000 HVAC for Welding (Parks/Streets/Sewer)$2,000 Spill Control Drum (Parks/Streets)$5,000 Pickup Truck (Parks)$52,000 Zero Turn Mower (Parks)$15,000 Electric Pressure Washer (Parks/Streets/Sewer) $3,333 Valencour Property Acquisition $25,000 Roots in the Ground $25,000 Oheyawahe Intrpretive Plan Phase II $10,000 Civic Center Foul Ball Fence $10,000 Wentworth Tennis Court Resurfacing $90,000 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 18 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 19 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 20 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 21 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 22 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 23 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 24 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 25 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 26 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 27 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 28 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 29 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 30 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 31 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 32 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 33 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 34 UTILITY FUND REVENUE SUMMARY UTILITY FUND FUND 15 REVENUES 2023 REVENUE SOURCE 2020 ACTUAL 2021 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET BUDGET % CHANGE SEWER RENTAL $2,313,851 $2,381,337 $2,178,802 $2,287,742 $2,287,742 0.00% SEWER PERMITS $1,289 $2,415 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% LILYDALE LIFT STATION MAINT. $2,500 $2,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,500 0.00% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME $6,327 $10,049 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% INTERST INCOME $10,898 -$677 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% UNAPPROPRIATED TRANSFER -$11,150 -$11,150 -$11,150 -$11,150 -$11,150 0.00% TOTAL UTILITY FUND REVENUE $2,323,716 $2,384,474 $2,192,152 $2,300,592 $2,300,592 0.00% Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 35 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 36 UTILITY FUND 15 DEPARTMENT 60 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE SEWER UTILITY 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $144,881 $154,948 $148,676 $155,874 4.84% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $318 $2,025 $5,000 $5,000 0.00% 4130 SALARIES-TEMPORARY $2,563 $5,016 $8,000 $8,000 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $22,360 $22,137 $39,236 $41,164 4.91% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $16,464 $16,671 $15,950 $16,750 5.02% 4134 PERA $8,209 $10,859 $11,526 $12,066 4.69% 4135 FICA $9,550 $12,155 $12,368 $12,919 4.46% 4139 OPEB -$1,665 $187 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $202,680 $223,997 $240,756 $251,773 4.58% 4200 RENTALS AND LEASES $1,820 $1,552 $7,000 $7,000 0.00% 4209 CITY HALL RENT $6,904 $6,904 $6,904 $6,904 0.00% 4210 TELEPHONE $8,112 $7,864 $8,000 $8,000 0.00% 4211 ELECTRIC SERVICE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE $1,814 $1,849 $3,000 $3,000 0.00% LIFT STATIONS $10,653 $12,603 $12,500 $15,000 20.00% 4212 GAS SERVICE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE $2,831 $2,501 $5,000 $7,500 50.00% LIFT STATIONS $1,038 $1,500 $1,500 $3,000 100.00% 4213 SOLAR LEASE $1,983 $2,072 $2,172 $2,270 4.51% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY ENGINEER $4,119 $5,814 $0 $0 0.00% CITY AUDIT $3,017 $3,000 $3,000 $3,500 16.67% TRAINING $0 $0 $500 $1,500 200.00% OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $14,748 $32,483 $15,000 $15,000 0.00% 4240 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS $199 $574 $250 $250 0.00% 4250 LIABILITY AND AUTO INSURANCE $9,528 $8,416 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% 4280 RUBBISH REMOVAL $1,826 $2,295 $2,500 $2,750 10.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $68,592 $89,428 $77,326 $85,674 10.80% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $754 $296 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% 4305 OPERATING SUPPLIES $8,752 $10,771 $15,000 $15,000 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $4,660 $4,347 $5,000 $5,500 10.00% 4320 GAS AND OIL $3,177 $4,159 $5,000 $7,500 50.00% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SEWER CLEANING/TELEVISING $43,218 $76,519 $62,000 $62,000 0.00% SEWER LINING $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 0.00% ROOT CHEMICALS $9,287 $7,079 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% HYDRANT MARKERS $462 $0 $750 $750 0.00% SOFTWARE SUPPORT $795 $795 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% LIFT STATIONS MAINTENANCE $0 $15,126 $15,000 $15,000 0.00% MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS $55,598 $31,419 $35,000 $35,000 0.00% 4331 FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT $1,226 $0 $1,200 $1,200 0.00% 4335 PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE $7,855 $4,929 $8,500 $8,500 0.00% CUSTODIAL SERVICES $200 $347 $1,000 $1,500 50.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $135,984 $155,787 $362,450 $365,950 0.97% CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 37 UTILITY FUND 15 DEPARTMENT 60 4400 TRAINING $324 $917 $2,500 $2,500 0.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $0 $0 $500 $500 0.00% 4410 CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT $859 $1,083 $1,250 $1,250 0.00% 4415 MILEAGE AND AUTO ALLOWANCE $12 $11 $250 $250 0.00% 4425 WATER SERVICE $349 $343 $350 $400 14.29% 4437 CREDIT CARD FEES $1,280 $1,838 $1,500 $2,000 33.33% 4449 MWCC CHARGES $1,387,527 $1,467,725 $1,471,365 $1,471,365 0.00% 4460 CONSTRUCTION COSTS $0 $137,544 $0 $0 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $4,765 $4,963 $5,000 $5,000 0.00% 4491 DEPRECIATION $200,911 $196,548 $200,000 $200,000 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $1,596,026 $1,810,972 $1,682,715 $1,683,265 0.03% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $30,590 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $30,590 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,033,872 $2,280,184 $2,363,247 $2,386,662 0.99% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED HVAC for Welding (Parks/Streets/Sewer) $2,000 Electric Pressure Washer (Parks/Streets/Se $3,333 Lift Station Cabinets $120,000 Sewer Camera $15,000 Gnerator Replacement $60,000 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 38 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 39 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 40 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 41 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 42 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 43 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 44 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 29 DEPARTMENT STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 29 REVENUES 2023 REVENUE SOURCE 2020 ACTUAL 2021 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET BUDGET % CHANGE STORM WATER UTILITY FEES $578,799 $582,537 $550,000 $550,000 $580,000 5.45% MISCELLANSOUS INCOME $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% INTEREST INCOME $5,053 -$1,557 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% UNAPPROPRIATED TRANSFER -$9,650 -$9,650 -$9,650 -$9,650 -$9,650 0.00% TOTAL STORM UTILITY FUND REVENUE $574,402 $571,330 $541,850 $541,850 $571,850 5.54% Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 45 STORM WATER UTILITY FUND 29 DEPARTMENT 29 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE STORM WATER UTILITY 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $22,827 $23,424 $23,946 $24,904 4.00% 4131 INSURANCE $4,093 $4,135 $6,436 $6,752 4.91% 4134 PERA $1,706 $1,750 $1,796 $1,868 4.01% 4135 FICA $1,725 $1,768 $1,832 $1,905 3.98% 4139 OPEB -$252 $55 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $30,099 $31,132 $34,010 $35,429 4.17% 4209 CITY HALL RENT $6,904 $6,904 $6,904 $6,904 0.00% 4214 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE $0 $200 $200 0.00% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY AUDIT $1,106 $1,100 $1,200 $1,200 0.00% WMO MEETINGS $6,000 $6,000 0.00% ENGINEERING FEES $5,015 $2,284 $35,000 $35,000 0.00% RAIN GARDEN DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION $11,196 $270 $35,000 $35,000 0.00% SURFACE WATER TREATMENT $7,320 $12,351 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $6,075 $57,419 $2,500 $2,500 0.00% 4240 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS $74 $0 $250 $250 0.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $37,690 $80,327 $97,054 $97,054 0.00% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $0 $0 $250 $250 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $27 $0 $25 $25 0.00% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIR $11,481 $190 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% 4337 STORM SEWER MAINTENANCE $32,208 $16,927 $50,000 $50,000 0.00% 4339 POND MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $43,716 $17,117 $60,275 $60,275 0.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $22,648 $23,548 $24,000 $27,500 14.58% 4460 CONSTRUCTION COSTS $41,603 $199,072 $0 $200,000 100.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $360 $881 $500 $500 0.00% 4491 DEPRECIATION $51,282 $54,444 $53,000 $55,000 3.77% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $115,894 $277,944 $77,500 $283,000 265.16% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $227,398 $406,521 $268,839 $475,758 76.97% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 46 STREETLIGHT MAINTENANCE FUND 28 DEPARTMENT 0 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4130 SALARIES-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4134 PERA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4135 FICA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4138 UNEMPLOYMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4211 ELECTRICAL SERVICES $14,947 $12,994 $17,500 $17,500 0.00% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $0 $0 $500 $500 0.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $14,947 $12,994 $18,000 $18,000 0.00% 4330 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $27,723 $16,653 $35,000 $35,000 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $27,723 $16,653 $35,000 $35,000 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4620 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $42,670 $29,647 $53,000 $53,000 0.00% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED Strretlight Cabinets 34,000$ Streetlight Poles 45,000$ LED Conversion 34,000$ CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 47 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 48 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 49 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 50 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 51 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 52 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 53 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 54 ENGINEERING FUND 5 DEPARTMENT 15 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE ENGINEERING 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $330,913 $337,975 $344,073 $362,478 5.35% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $5,774 $10,636 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% 4130 SALARIES-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $70,065 $71,359 $74,944 $78,626 4.91% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $7,540 $7,636 $7,305 $7,670 5.00% 4134 PERA $24,287 $25,692 $26,555 $27,936 5.20% 4135 FICA $26,352 $27,365 $27,852 $29,260 5.06% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $464,930 $480,664 $500,729 $525,970 5.04% 4200 RENTALS AND LEASES $730 $798 $900 $900 0.00% 4209 CITY HALL RENT $49,329 $49,329 $49,329 $49,329 0.00% 4210 TELEPHONE $658 $544 $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY AUDIT $3,520 $3,500 $3,750 $3,750 0.00% OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $0 $1,615 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% 4250 LIABILITY AND AUTO INSURANCE $10,048 $9,302 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $64,285 $65,088 $59,979 $59,979 0.00% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $777 $1,064 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% 4305 OPERATING SUPPLIES $700 $1,120 $1,200 $1,200 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $143 $168 $300 $300 0.00% 4320 GAS AND OIL $1,404 $1,830 $2,000 $3,000 50.00% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIR $1,411 $39 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% 4331 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE/COMPUTER EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $3,000 $5,000 66.67% TOTAL COMMODITIES $4,435 $4,222 $10,000 $13,000 30.00% 4400 TRAINING $302 $480 $2,500 $2,500 0.00% 4402 BOOKS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS $0 $0 $100 $100 0.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $0 $0 $500 $500 0.00% 4410 CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT $260 $101 $500 $500 0.00% 4415 MILEAGE AND AUTO ALLOWANCE $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $56 $369 $250 $250 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $618 $950 $4,850 $4,850 0.00% 4620 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $8,000 100.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $8,000 100.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $534,268 $550,923 $575,558 $611,799 6.30% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED Natural Resources Truck $52,000 Assitant City Engineer $155,000 CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 55 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 56 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 57 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 58 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 59 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 60 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 70 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE RECREATION RECREATION CIVICREC SOFTWARE $4,500 $0 $0 0.00% 4435 SOFTBALL LEAGUES $4,509 $5,096 $8,000 $8,000 0.00% 4435 TENNIS LESSONS $0 $3,692 $3,150 $3,500 11.11% 4435 SUMMER CONCERTS $6,598 $4,274 $25,000 $22,500 -10.00% WINTERFEST $0 $5,000 $6,000 20.00% FARMERS MARKET $0 $3,000 $0 -100.00% 4435 SAFETY CAMP $297 $838 $1,700 $1,700 0.00% 4435 SPECIAL EVENTS/PROGRAMMING $63 $2,154 $4,000 $6,500 62.50% 4435 TOUR DE REC $0 $55 $1,000 $500 -50.00% WORKOUTS IN THE PARK $0 $500 $500 0.00% CONTRACTED PROGRAMS $4,425 $6,792 $11,250 $11,250 0.00% SENIORS PROGRAMMING $0 $3,000 $4,500 50.00% 4435 PROGRAM SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT $3,003 $1,181 $3,500 $3,500 0.00% 4435 FIELD TRIPS $0 $200 $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 4435 SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAM $0 $1,500 $0 -100.00% 4435 RECREATION OFFICE SUPPLIES $66 $121 $550 $550 0.00% 4435 KIDS FISHING DERBY $986 $936 $1,750 $1,750 0.00% 4435 YOUTH AND STAFF SHIRTS $0 $834 $2,750 $3,250 18.18% 4435 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM $0 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% PARK CELEBRATION EVENTS $0 $8,038 $5,000 $9,000 80.00% MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS $0 $3,517 $6,000 $8,000 33.33% 4435 MISCELLANEOUS $0 $159 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 4436 ONLINE REGISTRATION FEES $1,132 $1,396 $2,250 $2,250 0.00% 4400 TRAINING/CONFERENCES $0 $1,380 $4,000 $6,500 62.50% 4400 MEMBERSHIPS/SUBSCRIPTIONS $0 $0 $0 $1,500 100.00% 4400 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT $0 $3,000 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL RECREATION CHARGES $25,580 $43,661 $98,900 $107,250 8.44% BUDGET IMPROVEMENT REQUESTS REQUESTED APPROVED CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 61 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 62 PAR THREE REVENUE SUMMARY PAR 3 REVENUES 2022 REVENUE SOURCE 2020 ACTUAL 2021 ACTUAL 2021 BUDGET 2022 BUDGET BUDGET % CHANGE GREEN FEES $150,063 $167,781 $100,000 $110,000 $150,000 36.36% RECREATION PROGRAMS $23,251 $49,488 $35,000 $40,000 $45,000 12.50% CONCESSIONS $0 $25,295 $19,000 $19,000 $22,500 18.42% SUNDRY REVENUE $195 $3,771 $0 $0 $0 0.00% INTEREST $420 -$188 $450 $450 $450 0.00% TOTAL PAR THREE FUND REVENUE $173,929 $246,148 $154,450 $169,450 $217,950 28.62% Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 63 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 64 PAR THREE FUND 45 DEPARTMENT 45 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE PAR 3 4110 SALARIES-ADMIN $21,612 $21,372 $25,807 $30,722 19.05% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME(HOLIDAY)$478 $1,599 $300 $300 0.00% 4110 SALARIES-CLUBHOUSE $20,528 $42,312 $34,000 $42,000 23.53% 4110 SALARIES - MAINTENANCE $18,106 $22,302 $22,000 $25,000 13.64% 4131 INSURANCE $6,653 $6,653 $6,851 $7,187 4.90% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $3,196 $3,238 $3,100 $3,255 5.00% 4134 PERA $2,344 $3,181 $4,486 $5,454 21.58% 4135 FICA $4,578 $6,594 $6,282 $7,498 19.36% 4138 UNEMPLOYMENT $106 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $77,602 $107,251 $102,826 $121,416 18.08% 4200 RENTALS AND LEASES $2,486 $5,282 $4,750 $6,000 26.32% 4210 TELEPHONE $3,589 $4,299 $4,000 $4,500 12.50% 4211 ELECTRIC SERVICE CLUBHOUSE $482 $589 $875 $875 0.00% MAINTENANCE $1,771 $2,630 $2,000 $2,750 37.50% 4212 GAS SERVICE $484 $614 $800 $1,200 50.00% 4213 SOLAR LEASE $1,826 $1,907 $2,000 $2,090 4.50% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY AUDIT $2,866 $2,850 $2,900 $2,990 3.10% SYSTEM INSPECTIONS $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% DEPT OF AG LICENSE $0 $25 $100 $100 0.00% 4250 LIABILITY AND AUTO INSURANCE $4,445 $4,253 $4,800 $4,800 0.00% 4268 CONTRACT SERVICES IRRIGATION SYSTEM SERVICES $0 $2,580 $4,500 $4,500 0.00% IRRIGATION SOFTWARE $0 $2,475 $2,550 $2,750 7.84% 4280 RUBBISH REMOVAL $459 $891 $800 $1,000 25.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $18,407 $28,395 $31,075 $34,555 11.20% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $276 $158 $600 $600 0.00% 4305 GOLF SUPPLIES $2,631 $2,310 $3,000 $3,000 0.00% 4310 CONCESSIONS $215 $5,170 $4,250 $5,250 23.53% 4320 GAS AND OIL $1,027 $1,664 $1,750 $2,600 48.57% 4330 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE GROUNDSKEEPING EQUIPMENT REPAIR $6,802 $10,619 $10,000 $12,000 20.00% REEL SHARPENING $0 $0 $2,000 $2,250 12.50% 4334 COURSE MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS $906 $1,783 $3,500 $3,500 0.00% CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZER $14,291 $17,349 $16,000 $20,000 25.00% IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR $4,242 $5,494 $5,000 $5,500 10.00% COURSE BEAUTIFICATION $351 $4,824 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% SOIL/SAND $550 $1,197 $1,000 $1,500 50.00% 4335 BUILDING MAINTENANCE $6,039 $4,582 $8,000 $8,000 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $37,330 $55,150 $57,100 $66,200 15.94% CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 65 PAR THREE FUND 45 DEPARTMENT 45 4400 TRAINING $0 $159 $1,000 $2,000 100.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $455 $255 $500 $500 0.00% 4410 CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT $64 $6,196 $1,750 $5,000 185.71% 4435 RECREATION PROGRAM SUPPLIES $0 $2,306 $0 $3,000 100.00% 4425 WATER SERVICE $288 $369 $480 $480 0.00% 4427 SEWER SERVICE $1,582 $1,582 $1,600 $1,600 0.00% 4436 ONLINE REGISTRATION FEE $1,055 $673 $1,475 $1,475 0.00% 4437 CREDIT CARD FEES $6,199 $6,207 $6,000 $6,500 8.33% 4480 CONTINGENCY $0 $3,500 $0 $0 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $2,097 $2,068 $2,250 $2,250 0.00% 4500 TREE REMOVAL $0 $909 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $11,740 $24,224 $16,555 $24,305 46.81% 4620 CAPITAL OUTLAY $48,526 $17,135 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $48,526 $17,135 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $193,604 $232,155 $207,556 $246,476 18.75% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED FENCE FOR FALL PROTECTION $5,000 ADA COMPLIANCE WORK $25,000 WINDOW REPLACEMENT CLUBHOUSE $8,750 HVAC REPLACEMENT $15,500 PATIO FURNITURE $11,000 CARPET REPLACEMENT $6,000 TEE TIME ONLINE SOFTWARE $8,000 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 66 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? OSHA Standard Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 67 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 68 1 FV2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST P • t/lt N Par 3 ADA Compliance Work to Entrance Sidewalk roJec em ame: __________________________________ _ Par 3 Meredith Lawrence Department: _______________ Prepared by: ________________ _ 1 7Department Priority Rank: # _____ of ____ _ SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: D Equipment D Program/Service � Study or Plan □ Staff □ Other: _c_o_n_st_r_u_c _ti _o _n _w_o _rk _______ _ Request Description: Describe what is being requested? It is recommended that a consultant completes a survey and design inspection of the sidewalk. From there work would be done to level and replace sidewalk panels as needed to make the building ADA compliant and safe for users. The consultant fees and labor costs are estimated at approximately $25,000. Budget Request Amount: $ _2_5 _,o _o _o _.o_o __ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFI CATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? � Yes □ No □ Unsure □Enhance City Governance and Services□Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas□Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources � Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets□Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? � Yes □ No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? � Yes □ No If yes, how and why is it critical? Staff has noticed there are safety hazards at the Par 3 on the entrance to the course. These issues were noted in a prior loss and prevention memo from the League of Minnesota Cities in 2007, but has never been addressed. If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? The Public Works Director and Senior Engineering Technician conducted a review of the sidewalk and determined it is not safe and may not be meeting ADA standards. They have recommended a consultant look at the facility's sidewalk to make recommendations on necessary changes. Necessary work would then be contracted out. Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 69 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 70 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 71 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 72 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 73 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 74 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 75 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 76 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 77 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 78 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 79 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 80 X SPECIAL PARK FUND FUND 10 DEPARTMENT 0 2019 2020 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE SPECIAL PARK 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4130 SALARIES-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4134 PERA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4135 FICA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4138 UNEMPLOYMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4220 CITY AUDIT $1,257 $1,250 $1,250 $1,290 3.20% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $25,000 $6,955 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $26,257 $8,205 $1,250 $1,290 3.20% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4460 ADJUSTABLE HOOPS $0 $0 $0 $5,000 100.00% 4460 CONSTRUCTION COSTS $3,814 $34,738 $5,000 $5,000 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $0 $1,470 $500 $500 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $3,814 $36,208 $5,500 $10,500 90.91% 4620 CAPITAL OUTLAY $54,818 $73,004 $442,500 $0 -100.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $54,818 $73,004 $442,500 $0 -100.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $84,889 $117,417 $449,250 $11,790 -97.38% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED WENTWORTH WARMING HOUSE $500,000 ROGERS LAKE SKATE PARK REDESIGN $225,000 VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS PLAYGROUND $75,000 ROGERS LAKE PICNIC SHELTER $100,000 CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 81 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 82 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 83 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 84 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 85 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 86 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 87 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 88 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 89 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 90 RECYCLING DEPARTMENT 85 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE RECYCLING 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4134 PERA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4135 FICA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4220 CLEAN UP DAY/RECYCLING SUPPLIES $4,134 $2,826 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% 4220 SHARED RECYCLING POSITION $16,626 $0 $20,000 $30,380 51.90% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $20,760 $2,826 $30,000 $40,380 34.60% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $0 $0 $500 $500 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $0 $0 $500 $500 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 4415 MILEAGE AND AUTO ALLOWANCE $0 $0 $100 $100 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $3,383 $0 $500 $500 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $3,383 $0 $600 $600 0.00% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $24,143 $2,826 $31,600 $41,980 32.85% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED NONE CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 91 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 92 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 93 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 94  2023 Budget Improvement Package (BIP) SummaryCapital Items Requested and RecommendedAmountDepreciation RequiredPower Tool Upgrade ‐ Fire21,000$              Spill Control Drums ‐ Public Works10,000$              Bobcat Toolcat ‐ Public Works63,000$              4,200$          Electric Pressure Washer ‐ Public Works6,667$                HVAC for Welding Area4,000$                Ford Pickup ‐ Streets52,000$              5,200$          Fors Pickup ‐ Parks52,000$              5,200$          John Deere Gator24,000$              2,400$          Zero Turn Mower ‐ Parks15,000$              1,500$          General Fund BalanceValencour Property Acquistion25,000$              Oheyawahe Interpretive Plan10,000$              12/31/202110,995,660$    Civic Center Foul Line Fencing Replacement10,000$              Capital Items to be paid out of fund balance 2022(1,313,539)$     **Warming House Replacement ‐ Wentworth Park500,000$            Skate Park Improvements225,000$            Wentworth Park Tennis Court Resurfacing90,000$              Valley View Heights Playground Replacement75,000$              Ending Balance9,682,121$      88.48%Rogers Lake Picninc Shelter100,000$            Assistant City Engineer155,000$            Cushion to 75% balance1,475,221$      Ford Truck Natural Resources52,000$              5,200$          Roots in the Ground ‐ Natural Resources25,000$              ** $200,000 of the capital items requested will be paid for from remaining proceeds from the Village lotsM36542,500$              Video Survelliance System10,000$              Cellular ImprovementsSpending 2023Depreciation23,700$              10,942,533$        0.758,206,900$     Fund Balance ThresholdTOTAL1,590,867$        23,700$        Capital Items Requested from Specific FundsAmountCity Hall Boilers63,000$              City Hall FundHVAC for Welding Area2,000$                Sewer Utility FundElectric Pressure Washer ‐ Public Works3,333$                Sewer Utility FundLift Station Generator Replacement ‐ Main Lift Station60,000$              Sewer Utility FundLift Station Panel Replacement ‐ St Thomas/Culligan120,000$            Sewer Utility FundSewer Camera15,000$              Sewer Utility FundStreet Light Control Cabinets34,000$              Street Light DistrictStreet Light LED Conversion34,000$              Street Light DistrictStreet Light Replacement Poles45,000$              Street Light DistrictPar 3 Fence ‐ Maintenance Building5,000$                Par 3Par 3 HVAC System15,500$              Par 3Par 3 Windows8,750$                Par 3Par 3 Sidewalk Work/ADA Compliance Work25,000$              Par 3Par 3 Patio Furniture Replacement11,000$              Par 3Par 3 Carpet Replacement6,000$                Par 3The highlighted items are OSHA required and will need to be completed in 2023.Capital Items Requested but not RecommendedAmountPar 3 Online Tee Sheet8,000$                Requests that have been moved to the levyProposed Budget FY2023 Page 95 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 96  2022‐2026 Capital Improvement PlanStreets20222023202420252026Carmen Lane/Dakota Drive/Waters Drive Reconstruction1,200,000$        CenterPoint/Commerce Rehabiltation2,240,500$        Sylvandale/Emerson Neighborhood Rehabilitation1,325,000$        Victoria Curve Reconstruction1,700,000$        Friendly Hills Neighborhood Rehabilitation (SPRWS Water Main)4,641,000$             Decorah/Wagon Wheel Realignment575,000$                 Delaware Reconstruction75,000$             250,000$                 420,000$                Wachtler/Sibley Memorial Roundabout8,000$                     Bunker Hills Neighborhood Rehabilitation1,275,000$            Mendota Heights Road Streets/Friendly Hills22,950,000$            Curleys Valley View1,200,000$        Tilsen Neighborhood1,200,000$        3,440,500$        3,100,000$        5,474,000$             4,645,000$            2,400,000$        Sanitary Sewer20222023202420252026Culligan/STA Lift Stations Pumps$55,000$55,000Main Lift Station ‐ Generator$60,000Lift Station Panel Replacement$120,000Sewer Camera$15,000Sanitary Sewer Trunk Main Reconstruction ‐ NW of Dodd/62315,000$           Annual Cleaning62,000$             62,000$             62,000$                   62,000$                  62,000$              Annual Lining200,000$           250,000$           250,000$                 250,000$                250,000$           577,000$           562,000$           367,000$                 312,000$               312,000$           Storm Sewer20222023202420252026Streambank Stabilization150,000$           100,000$           50,000$                   50,000$                  100,000$           Centre Point/Carmen Lane/Waters Dr/Dakota Dr122,000$           Victoria Curve Reconstruction50,000$             Sylvandale Neighborhood Rehabilitation50,000$             Friendly Hills Neighborhood Rehabilitation 200,000$                 MHR Streets/Friendly Hills 250,000$                  Delaware Reconstruction100,000$                Bunker Hills100,000$                Curly's/Valley View Rehabilitation50,000$              Tilsens Neighborhood Rehabilitation50,000$              Pond Maintenance120,000$           100,000$           100,000$                 100,000$                100,000$           392,000$           300,000$           350,000$                 400,000$               300,000$           Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 97  2022‐2026 Capital Improvement PlanParks/Trails20222023202420252026Friendly Hills Tennis Court Resurfacing25,000$             Covered Chainlink Dugouts ‐ Mendakota100,000$           Dog Park Table with ShadeTrail Markers and Mapping20,000$             Civic Center Foul Line Fencing Replacement10,000$             Mendakota Fencing/Maintenance50,000$                   Covered Dugouts ‐ Civic Center/Ivy Hills20,000$             20,000$                   Park Security ‐ Mendakota29,000$                   Baseball fencing ‐ Ivy Hills25,000$                   Roger's Lake Fishing Pier Maintenance15,000$                   Covered Dugouts ‐ Friendly Hills20,000$                   Park Security ‐ Rogers Lake33,650$                   Basketball Expansion ‐ Ivy Hills17,500$                   Warming House Replacement ‐ Wentworth Park500,000$           Skate Park Improvements225,000$           Wentworth Park Tennis Court Resurfacing90,000$             Valley View Heights Playground Replacement75,000$             Rogers Lake Picninc Shelter100,000$           Valencour Acquisition25,000$             Oheyaeahe Interpretive Plan10,000$             Mendakota Parking Lot and Trail Resurfacing275,000$                Valley Park Playground Remodel130,000$                Ivy Hills Playgound Remodel140,000$                Roger's Lake Playground Remodel140,000$                Playground Replacement ‐ Friendly Hills140,000$                Ivy Hills Backstop Replacement27,000$                  Kensington Soccer Field Fence Replacement120,000$                165,000$           1,035,000$        210,150$                 972,000$               ‐$                    Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 98  2022‐2026 Capital Improvement PlanCity Hall/Facilities20222023202420252026Police Dept Expansion/City Hall Remodel420,000$           5,000,000$             Council Chambers AV60,000$             City Website Upgrade60,000$             Salt Storage Facility (Public Works)250,000$           City Hall Boilers63,000$             HVAC for Welding Area ‐ Public Works6,000$                Parking Lot (Public Works)125,000$           125,000$                915,000$           69,000$             5,000,000$             125,000$               ‐$                    Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 99  2022‐2026 Capital Improvement PlanEquipment20222023202420252026John Deere Gator (Parks)22,250$             Plow Truck ‐ Mack (Streets)205,000$           Natural Resources Vehicle (Engineering)52,000$             Spill Control Drums ‐ Public Works10,000$             Electric Pressure Washer ‐ Public Works10,000$             John Deere Gator (Parks)24,000$             1 Ton Truck (Streets)52,000$             1 Ton Truck ‐ (Parks)52,000$             Zero Turn Mower ‐ Parks15,000$             Tool Cat ‐ (Streets/Parks) ‐ New to fleet63,000$             Power Tool Updgrade ‐ Fire21,000$             Engineering Vehicle (Engineering)30,000$                   Plow Truck ‐ Mack (Streets)220,000$                 3/4 Ton Pickup (Parks)60,000$                   Park & Recreation Vehicle30,000$                   Brush Chipper60,000$                   510 John Deere25,000$                  Loader150,000$                Parks Trailer10,000$                  3/4 Ton Pickup (Parks)60,000$                  Facility Vehicle30,000$              Squad Replacements (Police)35,000$                   35,000$                  35,000$              Ford Explorer (Police)26,947$             Replace Ladder 10 (Fire)950,000$           Police Radios55,800$             Thermal Imaging Scanner (Fire)21,000$             ATV (Fire)32,500$             Mobile Radios (Fire)70,000$             Utility Vehicle Upgrades (Fire)17,000$             Computer Equipment (Fire)12,000$             Par 3 Clubhouse Furniture3,500$                Par 3 Sand Pro Replacement15,000$             Par 3 Top Dresser55,000$             Par 3 Aerator Replacment26,000$             Par 3 Fence ‐ Maintenance Building5,000$                Par 3 HVAC System15,500$             Par 3 Windows8,750$                Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 100  2022‐2026 Capital Improvement PlanPar 3 Sidewalk Work/ADA Compliance Work25,000$             Par 3 Pation Furniture Replacement11,000$             Par 3 Carpet Replacement6,000$                Par 3 Online Tee Sheet8,000$                Par 3 Parking Lot Maintenance7,500$                    Par 3 Clubhouse Security System5,000$                     Par 3 Soffit/Fascia20,000$                   Par 3 Back Up Generator15,000$                   Par 3 Water Heater5,000$                    1,511,997$        378,250$           475,000$                 292,500$               65,000$              Streetlight20222023202420252026Cabinet Replacement$34,000$30,000 $30,000 $30,000LED Upgrades$34,000$40,000 $40,000Street Light Pole Replacement$45,000Pole Painting25,000$             25,000$                   25,000$                  25,000$              25,000$             113,000$           95,000$                   95,000$                  55,000$              Totals7,026,497$        5,557,250$        11,971,150$           6,841,500$            3,132,000$        Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 101  2022‐2026 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)Draft by Funding Year2022General LevyReservesBond SalesMSAAssessmentsSanitary SewerStorm SewerWaterSpecial ParkCity HallOtherReferendumTotalsCarmen Lane/Dakota Drive/Waters Drive Rehabilitation1,000,000$     200,000$        50,000$          1,250,000$     Centre Pointe Drive/Commerce Rehabilitation1,279,100$     400,000$        561,400$        72,000$          2,312,500$     Annual Cleaning62,000$              62,000$          Annual Lining200,000$            200,000$        Ridge Place Sewer Replacement315,000$            315,000$        IVC Streambank Stabilization150,000$        150,000$        Pond Maintenance120,000$        120,000$        Covered Dugouts ‐ Civic Center/Ivy Hills20,000$          20,000$          Covered Chainlink Dugouts ‐ Mendakota100,000$        100,000$        Trail Markers and Mapping20,000$          20,000$          Friendly Hills Tennis Court Resurfacing25,000$          25,000$          Council Chambers AV60,000$          60,000$          City Website Upgrade60,000$          60,000$          Police Dept Expansion/City Hall Remodel420,000$        420,000$        Material and Salt Storage Bins250,000$        250,000$        Public Works Parking Lot ‐ Rear125,000$        125,000$        John Deere Gator (Parks)22,250$          22,250$          Plow Truck ‐ Mack (Streets)205,000$        205,000$        Replace Ladder 10 (fire)950,000$        950,000$        Police Radios55,800$          55,800$          Thermal Imaging Scanner (Fire)21,000$          21,000$          ATV (Fire)32,500$          32,500$          Mobile Radios (Fire)70,000$          70,000$          Utility Vehicle Upgrades (Fire)17,000$          17,000$          Computer Equipment (Fire)12,000$          12,000$          Ford Explorer (Police)26,947$          26,947$          Par 3 Clubhouse Furniture3,500$             3,500$             Par 3 Sand Pro Replacement15,000$          15,000$          Par 3 Top Dresser55,000$          55,000$          Par 3 Aerator Replacment26,000$          26,000$          Street Light Pole Painting25,000$          25,000$          ‐$                 1,311,997$    2,279,100$    400,000$        761,400$        577,000$           392,000$        ‐$                 140,000$        ‐$                 1,165,000$    ‐$                 7,026,497$    Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 102  2022‐2026 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)Draft by Funding Year2023General LevyReservesBond SalesMSAAssessmentsSanitary SewerStorm SewerWaterSpecial ParkCity HallOtherReferendumTotalsVictoria Curve Reconstruction1,260,000$     400,000$        40,000$          50,000$          1,750,000$     Sylvandale/Emerson Rehabilitation888,200$        436,800$        50,000$          1,375,000$     Delaware Reconstruction75,000$          75,000$          Annual Cleaning62,000$              62,000$          Annual Lining250,000$            250,000$        Culligan Lift Station55,000$              55,000$          Main Lift Station ‐ Generator$60,00060,000$          Lift Station Panel Replacement$120,000120,000$        Sewer Camera$15,00015,000$          IVC Streambank Stabilization100,000$        100,000$        Pond Maintenance100,000$        100,000$        Civic Center Foul Line Fencing Replacement10,000$          10,000$          Warming House Replacement ‐ Wentworth Park500,000$        500,000$        Skate Park Improvements225,000$        225,000$        Wentworth Park Tennis Court Resurfacing90,000$          90,000$          Valley View Heights Playground Replacement75,000$          75,000$          Rogers Lake Picninc Shelter100,000$        100,000$        Valencour Acquisition25,000$          25,000$          Oheyaeahe Interpretive Plan10,000$          10,000$          City Hall Boilers63,000$          63,000$          HVAC for Welding Area ‐ Public Works6,000$             6,000$             Natural Resources Vehicle (Engineering)52,000$          52,000$          Spill Control Drums ‐ Public Works10,000$          10,000$          Electric Pressure Washer ‐ Public Works10,000$          10,000$          John Deere Gator (Parks)24,000$          24,000$          1 Ton Truck (Streets)52,000$          52,000$          1 Ton Truck (Streets)52,000$          52,000$          Zero Turn Mower ‐ Parks15,000$          15,000$          Tool Cat (Streets/Parks)63,000$          63,000$          Power Tool Updgrade ‐ Fire21,000$          21,000$          Par 3 Fence ‐ Maintenance Building5,000$             5,000$             Par 3 HVAC System15,500$          15,500$          Par 3 Windows8,750$             8,750$             Par 3 Sidewalk Work/ADA Compliance Work25,000$          25,000$          Par 3 Pation Furniture Replacement11,000$          11,000$          Par 3 Carpet Replacement6,000$             6,000$             Par 3 Online Tee Sheet8,000$             8,000$             Street Light Pole Replacement45,000$          45,000$          Cabinet Replacement34,000$          34,000$          LED Upgrades34,000$          34,000$          315,000$        ‐$                 2,148,200$    475,000$        476,800$        562,000$           300,000$        ‐$                 1,025,000$    63,000$          192,250$        ‐$                 5,557,250$    Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 103  2022‐2026 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)Draft by Funding Year2024General LevyReservesBond SalesMSAAssessmentsSanitary SewerStorm SewerWaterSpecial ParkCity HallOtherReferendumTotalsFriendly Hills Neighborhood Rehabilitation (SPRWS Water Main)1,772,800$     853,200$        200,000$        2,015,000$     4,841,000$     Decorah/Wagon Wheel Realignmnet75,000$          500,000$        575,000$        Delaware Reconstruction250,000$        250,000$        Wachtler/Sibley Memorial Roundabout8,000$             8,000$             St. Thomas Lift Station55,000$              55,000$          Annual Cleaning62,000$              62,000$          Annual Lining250,000$            250,000$        IVC Streambank Stabilization50,000$          50,000$          Pond Maintenance100,000$        100,000$        Covered Dugouts ‐ Friendly Hills20,000$          20,000$          Basketball Expansion ‐ Ivy Hills17,500$          17,500$          Park Security ‐ Rogers Lake33,650$          33,650$          City Hall Expansion/Remodel5,000,000$     5,000,000$     Plow Truck ‐ Mack (Streets)220,000$        220,000$        3/4 Ton Truck (Parks)60,000$          60,000$          Park & Recreation Vehicle30,000$          30,000$          Engineering Vehicle30,000$          30,000$          Brush Chipper60,000$          60,000$          Squad Replacements (police)35,000$          35,000$          Mendakota Fencing/Maintenance50,000$          50,000$          Covered Dugouts ‐ Civic Center/Ivy Hills20,000$          20,000$          Park Security ‐ Mendakota29,000$          29,000$          Baseball fencing ‐ Ivy Hills25,000$          25,000$          Roger's Lake Fishing Pier Maintenance15,000$          15,000$          Par 3 Clubhouse Security System5,000$             5,000$             Par 3 Soffit/Fascia20,000$          20,000$          Par 3 Back Up Generator15,000$          15,000$          Street Light Pole Painting25,000$          25,000$          Street Lighting LED Upgrades40,000$          40,000$          Street Lighting Cabinets30,000$          30,000$          560,000$        ‐$                 1,847,800$    758,000$        853,200$        367,000$           350,000$        2,015,000$    62,500$          ‐$                 5,157,650$    ‐$                 11,971,150$  Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 104  2022‐2026 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)Draft by Funding Year2025General LevyReservesBond SalesMSAAssessmentsSanitary SewerStorm SewerWaterSpecial ParkCity HallOtherReferendumTotalsBunker Hills Rehabilitation870,000$        405,000$        100,000$        1,375,000$     MHR Streets/Friendly Hills 21,950,000$     1,000,000$     50,000$          3,000,000$     Delaware Reconstruction420,000$        100,000$        520,000$        Annual Cleaning62,000$              62,000$          Annual Lining250,000$            250,000$        IVC Streambank Stabilization50,000$          50,000$          Pond Maintenance100,000$        100,000$        Mendakota Parking Lot and Trail Resurfacing275,000$        275,000$        Valley Park Playground Remodel130,000$        130,000$        Ivy Hills Playgound Remodel140,000$        140,000$        Roger's Lake Playground Remodel140,000$        140,000$        Playground Replacement ‐ Friendly Hills140,000$        140,000$        Ivy Hills Backstop Replacement27,000$          27,000$          Kensington Soccer Field Fence Replacement120,000$        120,000$        Public Works Parking Lot ‐ Front125,000$        125,000$        510 John Deere25,000$          25,000$          Loader150,000$        150,000$        Parks Trailer10,000$          10,000$          3/4 Ton Truck (Parks)60,000$          60,000$          Squad Replacements (police)35,000$          35,000$          Par 3 Water Heater5,000$             5,000$             Par 3 Parking Lot Maintenance7,500$             7,500$             Street Light Pole Painting25,000$          25,000$          Street Lighting LED Upgrades40,000$          40,000$          Street Lighting Cabinets30,000$          30,000$          557,000$        ‐$                 2,820,000$    420,000$        1,405,000$    312,000$           400,000$        ‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 102,500$        825,000$        6,841,500$    2026General LevyReservesBond SalesMSAAssessmentsSanitary SewerStorm SewerWaterSpecial ParkCity HallOtherReferendumTotalsCurleys Valley View705,000$        495,000$        50,000$          1,250,000$     Tilsen Neighborhood625,000$        575,000$        50,000$          1,250,000$     Annual Cleaning62,000$              62,000$          Annual Lining250,000$            250,000$        IVC Streambank Stabilization100,000$        100,000$        Pond Maintenance100,000$        100,000$        Facility Vehicle30,000$          30,000$          Squad Replacements (police)35,000$          35,000$          Street Light Pole Painting25,000$          25,000$          Street Lighting Cabinets30,000$          30,000$          65,000$          ‐$                 1,330,000$    ‐$                 1,070,000$    312,000$           300,000$        ‐$                 ‐$                 ‐$                 55,000$          ‐$                 3,132,000$    Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 105 DEBT SERVICE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 2022 BUDGET DEBT SUMMARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2021 LEVY 2022 LEVY 2023 LEVY END DATE 2012 $0 $0 $0 2/1/2032 2013 $123,661 $114,943 $0 2/1/2034 2014 Refunding $69,104 $63,003 $67,512 2/1/2027 2014 $69,566 $74,551 $79,150 2/1/2035 2015 Refunding $139,794 $136,434 $138,324 2/1/2028 2015 $48,836 $48,818 $48,800 2/1/2036 2016 $80,543 $80,267 $79,823 2/1/2037 2017 $91,632 $90,999 $95,616 2/1/2030 2018 $109,447 $106,357 $103,267 2/1/2030 FIRE STATION $624,173 $624,173 $623,543 2/1/2035 2019 $351,455 $313,134 $269,631 2/1/2031 2020 $194,048 $196,448 $174,538 2/1/2032 2021 $0 $0 $203,146 2/1/2034 TOTAL $1,902,260 $1,849,127 $1,883,350 TAX ABATEMENT BONDS 2021 LEVY 2022 LEVY 2023 LEVY END DATE 2020 TAX ABATEMENT BONDS $0 $171,145 $173,615 2/1/2032 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 2021 LEVY 2022 LEVY 2023 LEVY END DATE DUMP TRUCK $28,114 $27,707 $27,300 2/1/2025 FIRE TRUCK $0 $0 $132,195 2/1/2034 PAR THREE BONDS 2021 LEVY 2022 LEVY 2023 LEVY END DATE PAR THREE $245,175 $178,745 $0 2/1/2023 GRAND TOTAL $2,175,549 $2,226,724 $2,216,460 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 106 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 107 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT 30 2020 2021 2021 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE FIRE 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR/ADMIN $48,078 $49,318 $79,802 $82,995 4.00% 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR/FIREFIGHTERS $188,425 $192,358 $185,797 $193,229 4.00% 4131 INSURANCE $4,820 $4,926 $5,190 $5,445 4.91% 4132 INSURANCE-LONG TERM DISABILITY $2,801 $2,977 $3,000 $3,000 0.00% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $60,023 $60,777 $58,150 $61,060 5.00% 4134 PERA/ADMIN $3,595 $3,684 $3,782 $3,933 3.99% 4135 FICA/ADMIN $3,665 $3,760 $6,105 $6,349 4.00% 4135 FICA/FIREFIGHTERS $3,635 $5,512 $2,694 $2,802 4.01% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $315,044 $323,312 $344,520 $358,813 4.15% 4200 RENTALS AND LEASES $1,113 $38 $100 $1,000 900.00% 4210 TELEPHONE $3,797 $4,312 $5,000 $8,100 62.00% 4211 ELECTRICAL SERVICE $13,283 $15,530 $10,000 $11,000 10.00% 4212 GAS SERVICE $8,013 $11,747 $10,000 $18,000 80.00% 4213 SOLAR LEASE $1,983 $2,971 $2,172 $4,200 93.37% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4220 LOGIS - IT SERVICES $22,655 $0 $4,000 $7,000 75.00% 4220 AUDIT $7,475 $7,675 $7,750 $8,500 9.68% 4220 LEGAL $1,262 $462 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% 4220 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $15 $594 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% 4240 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS $0 $0 $500 $750 50.00% 4244 MEDICAL EXAMS $5,849 $4,284 $8,000 $10,000 25.00% 4268 SNOWPLOW FIREFIGHTER DRIVEWAYS $4,320 $6,430 $11,000 $11,000 0.00% 4268 DEPARTMENT REPORT PRINTING $3,361 $3,338 $3,500 $4,500 28.57% 4268 STATIC TESTING $4,624 $7,419 $9,000 $10,500 16.67% 4275 DCC FEE $26,008 $16,797 $9,108 $8,800 -3.38% 4280 RUBBISH COLLECTION $1,834 $2,364 $2,000 $2,500 25.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $105,592 $83,962 $85,630 $109,350 27.70% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,889 $1,804 $1,500 $1,800 20.00% 4301 COMPUTER SOFTWARE $4,947 $12,613 $4,700 $4,700 0.00% 4301 COMPUTER HARDWARE $32,448 $0 $5,500 $8,800 60.00% 4305 OPERATING SUPPLIES BOOTS/BUNKERPANTS/COATS $18,477 $3,334 $22,000 $25,000 13.64% HOSE/NOZZELS/FITTINGS $1,478 $1,751 $9,000 $10,000 11.11% MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING SUPPLIES $19,337 $12,217 $17,000 $18,000 5.88% FIRE PREVENTION $0 $7,000 $7,500 7.14% 4318 POSTAGE $106 $251 $150 $150 0.00% 4320 GAS AND OIL $4,788 $6,331 $6,000 $8,000 33.33% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIR COPIER MAINTENANCE $2,473 $549 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% RADIO REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $3,582 $3,053 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% APPARATUS REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $12,955 $24,277 $25,000 $27,000 8.00% SCBA SERVICE $0 $1,350 $1,000 $1,250 25.00% OTHER REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $12,439 $14,751 $2,000 $5,000 150.00% 4331 MISC FURNOTURE/EQUIPMENT $0 $802 $0 $0 0.00% 4335 BUILDING MAINTENANCE $13,553 $21,752 $24,500 $28,000 14.29% TOTAL COMMODITIES $128,472 $104,834 $127,350 $147,200 15.59% CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 108 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT 30 4400 TRAINING $3,836 $20,177 $17,500 $18,000 2.86% 4402 BOOKS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS $1,147 $1,000 $1,500 $1,750 16.67% 4403 TRAINING EXPENSES TRAINING $6,383 $4,744 $5,000 $5,500 10.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $2,042 $1,100 $1,750 $2,000 14.29% 4410 UNIFORMS $5,365 $2,797 $7,000 $7,500 7.14% 4415 MILEAGE $0 $0 $250 $250 0.00% 4425 WATER SERVICE $1,667 $3,531 $2,500 $3,000 20.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $565 $297 $500 $500 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $21,004 $33,645 $36,000 $38,500 6.94% 4630 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $570,112 $545,753 $593,500 $653,863 10.17% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED POWER TOOL UPGRADE $21,000 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 109 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 110 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 111 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 112 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 113 POLICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT 20 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE POLICE 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR/PATROL $1,448,519 $1,369,186 $1,395,422 $1,451,441 4.01% 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR/ADMINISTRATION $639,780 $769,487 $834,978 $856,248 2.55% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME/PATROL $36,467 $40,449 $80,946 $80,946 0.00% 4130 SALARIES-TEMPORARY $1,206 $5,659 $10,400 $10,400 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $489,613 $507,079 $619,680 $655,440 5.77% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $173,484 $175,860 $168,265 $176,680 5.00% 4134 PERA/PATROL $261,023 $242,454 $261,317 $271,232 3.79% 4134 PERA/ADMINISTRATION $95,701 $118,070 $134,614 $137,852 2.41% 4135 FICA/PATROL $25,637 $23,184 $22,203 $23,015 3.66% 4135 FICA/ADMINISTRATION $16,229 $18,195 $20,116 $20,746 3.13% 4138 UNEMPLOYMENT $740 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $3,188,399 $3,269,625 $3,547,941 $3,684,000 3.83% 4200 RENTALS AND LEASES $60,907 $74,186 $74,000 $133,000 79.73% 4209 CITY HALL RENT $76,803 $76,803 $76,803 $76,803 0.00% 4210 TELEPHONE $12,863 $12,190 $21,000 $30,100 43.33% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/LICENSES/FEES $14,830 $29,885 $50,900 $12,920 -74.62% 4222 PROSECUTIONS $68,398 $70,692 $71,000 $75,000 5.63% 4225 ANIMAL IMPOUNDING FEES $912 $2,588 $1,000 $2,500 150.00% 4223 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $139,371 $133,480 $137,091 $169,900 23.93% 4275 DCC ANNUAL FEE $241,720 $262,277 $286,175 $278,200 -2.79% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $615,803 $662,102 $717,969 $778,423 8.42% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $3,881 $3,730 $5,500 $6,000 9.09% 4301 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/HARDWARE $18,239 $30,725 $25,000 $30,000 20.00% 4305 OPERATING SUPPLIES $31,269 $20,178 $40,000 $40,000 0.00% 4305 POLICE RESERVES $0 $3,854 $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 4306 RECRUITMENT COSTS $8,112 $9,741 $15,000 $15,000 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $454 $238 $1,000 $2,000 100.00% 4320 GAS AND OIL $34,263 $44,781 $45,000 $80,000 77.78% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIR/GENERAL $33,893 $46,029 $25,000 $30,000 20.00% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIR/CAR SET UP $42,592 $27,888 $45,000 $45,000 0.00% 4331 MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE/EQUIP $5,874 $4,185 $11,000 $11,000 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $178,578 $191,348 $216,500 $263,000 21.48% 4400 TRAINING $26,441 $42,334 $40,000 $45,000 12.50% 4402 BOOKS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS $473 $111 $500 $500 0.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $10,983 $13,092 $17,500 $55,050 214.57% 4410 CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT $28,663 $21,781 $20,000 $20,000 0.00% 4430 CAR WASHES $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $880 $2,168 $5,100 $5,000 -1.96% 4490 SHREDDING $847 $0 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $68,287 $79,486 $85,100 $127,550 49.88% 4610 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $25,322 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $25,322 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,051,067 $4,227,883 $4,567,510 $4,852,973 6.25% CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 114 POLICE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT 20 CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 115 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUND 7 DEPARTMENT 0 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4130 SALARIES-TEMPORARY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4134 PERA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4135 FICA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4138 UNEMPLOYMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4211 ELECTRIC SERVICE $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $0 $0 $7,000 $7,000 0.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 $7,000 $7,000 0.00% 4305 OPERATING SUPPLIES $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% 4330 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE SIREN MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT $3,178 $2,974 $5,000 $5,000 0.00% N95 MASK TESTING $0 $0 $700 $0 -100.00% PHSYICALS $0 $0 $3,000 $3,000 0.00% DAKOTA COUNTY SPECIAL OPS $5,720 $0 $3,000 $3,000 0.00% EOC SUPPLIES $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $8,898 $2,974 $14,200 $13,500 -4.93% 4400 AMEM ANNUAL CONFERENCE $0 $0 $1,200 $1,200 0.00% 4400 TRAINING $0 $3,666 $5,000 $0 -100.00% 4400 CONTINGENCY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4400 DAKOTA COUNTY EMER. PREP. CMTE. $3,678 $5,863 $4,000 $9,000 125.00% 4400 DRILL CONSULTANT/EXPENSES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $1,998 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $5,676 $9,529 $10,200 $10,200 0.00% 4620 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $12,200 $12,000 -1.64% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $12,200 $12,000 -1.64% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $14,574 $12,503 $43,600 $42,700 -2.06% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED SIREN ESCROW $12,000 CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 116 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 117 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 10 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE ADMINISTRATION 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $652,922 $670,486 $639,032 $669,989 4.84% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $0 $40 $0 $0 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $107,397 $103,252 $142,206 $149,193 4.91% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $14,046 $14,223 $13,610 $14,290 5.00% 4134 PERA $46,142 $48,273 $47,927 $50,249 4.84% 4135 FICA $48,707 $51,951 $48,886 $51,254 4.84% 4137 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM $1,795 $1,795 $1,800 $1,800 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $871,010 $890,019 $893,461 $936,775 4.85% 4200 RENTALS AND LEASES $2,288 $2,313 $2,000 $0 -100.00% 4209 CITY HALL RENT $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 0.00% 4210 TELEPHONE $2,192 $1,224 $2,500 $2,500 0.00% 4220 CITY ATTORNEY $13,203 $14,793 $12,000 $27,000 125.00% 4220 AUDITOR $24,134 $28,900 $26,000 $27,000 3.85% 4220 CODIFIER-LINK TO CITY CODE $500 $500 $500 $500 0.00% 4220 CODIFICATION SERVICES $1,757 $2,325 $1,700 $5,000 194.12% 4220 PROF SERVICES - HR COMP $0 $0 $1,000 $17,500 1650.00% 4220 SAFETY TRAINING $0 $1,981 $6,500 $7,000 7.69% 4220 HR TESTING $0 $0 $0 $1,000 100.00% 4220 COUNCIL RECORDING SERVICES $5,002 $5,993 $5,500 $6,000 9.09% 4220 MISCELLANEOUS $28,211 $20,069 $18,000 $21,000 16.67% 4221 RETAINER-CITY ATTORNEY $10,565 $11,938 $14,000 $0 -100.00% 4240 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS $2,031 $2,144 $2,200 $2,200 0.00% 4250 LIABILITY AND AUTO INSURANCE $132,328 $119,307 $146,000 $146,000 0.00% 4268 NEWSLETTER $16,093 $13,063 $18,000 $21,500 19.44% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $303,304 $289,551 $320,900 $349,200 8.82% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $9,672 $6,622 $10,000 $8,000 -20.00% 4306 RECRUITMENT COSTS $15 $1,251 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $2,008 $1,717 $2,500 $2,500 0.00% 4320 FUEL $1,176 $2,015 $1,500 $2,500 66.67% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIR $1,289 $6,013 $5,000 $3,000 -40.00% 4331 MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE/EQUIP $0 $291 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $14,161 $17,908 $22,000 $19,000 -13.64% 4400 TRAINING $696 $889 $7,500 $7,500 0.00% 4402 BOOKS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS $0 $0 $3,000 $1,000 -66.67% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $16,304 $17,445 $17,500 $21,500 22.86% 4415 MILEAGE AND AUTO ALLOWANCE $57 $803 $3,500 $3,800 8.57% 4437 CREDIT CARD FEES $5,260 $9,499 $6,500 $1,000 -84.62% 4480 CONTINGENCY $93,436 $55,802 $20,000 $20,000 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $7,403 $3,914 $5,000 $5,000 0.00% 4490 ARC PER DIEM $150 $1,100 $1,000 $1,050 5.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $123,305 $89,452 $64,000 $60,850 -4.92% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 118 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT 10 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,311,780 $1,286,930 $1,300,361 $1,365,825 5.03% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 119 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 14 2020 2020 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE IT 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4110 IT STAFF POSITION $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4134 PERA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4135 FICA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4210 TELEPHONE $24,647 $25,848 $15,800 $22,905 44.97% 4220 WEBSITE COSTS $1,960 $0 $3,000 $0 -100.00% LOGIS SUPPORT $35,056 $36,852 $30,000 $35,000 16.67% WEB SERVICES $0 $1,560 $2,000 $8,846 342.30% STATE OF MN LINE FEES (FIBER FEE) $1,247 $1,247 $3,000 $3,000 0.00% SERVER HOSTING $29,734 $36,898 $40,685 $42,530 4.53% DAKOTA BROADBAND (DBB)$12,512 $13,245 $17,500 $18,375 5.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $105,156 $115,650 $111,985 $130,656 16.67% 4301 COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE MICROSOFT LICENSES & CALS $21,121 $21,081 $21,150 $7,170 -66.10% COMPUTER REPLACEMENT $20,869 $0 $15,000 $9,975 -33.50% MMD SYSTEM $34,179 $0 $7,000 $0 -100.00% MISC HARDWARE & SOFTWARE $4,956 $3,750 $5,000 $5,384 7.68% LASERFICHE MAINTENANCE $10,044 $11,256 $11,000 $11,500 4.55% ADDITIONAL LASERFICHE LICENSES $0 $2,707 $2,700 $2,700 0.00% SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE/RENEWALS $4,560 $5,993 $35,000 $35,227 0.65% SERVER REPLACEMENT AND MAINTENAN $0 $0 $5,000 $8,000 60.00% FIREWALL $0 $0 $5,000 $10,213 104.26% DOOR ACCESS SYSTEM MAINTENANCE $1,849 $1,920 $3,825 $4,000 4.58% TOTAL COMMODITIES $97,577 $46,707 $110,675 $94,169 -14.91% 4400 TRAINING $0 $525 $750 $750 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $0 $682 $0 $900 100.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $0 $1,207 $750 $1,650 120.00% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $202,734 $163,564 $223,410 $226,475 1.37% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED M365 $42,500 Video Surveilance $10,000 CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 120 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 121 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 122 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 123 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 124 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 125 CITY COUNCIL DEPARTMENT 9 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE CITY COUNCIL 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $22,275 $22,592 $22,500 $22,500 0.00% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $192 $194 $185 $185 0.00% 4135 FICA $1,704 $1,728 $1,721 $1,721 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $24,170 $24,515 $24,406 $24,406 0.00% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $0 $1,353 $1,000 $2,500 150.00% 4400 TRAINING $0 $270 $1,000 $1,000 0.00% 4490 TELEPHONE $0 $0 $0 $500 100.00% 4490 HALLOWEEN BONFIRE $0 $761 $1,000 $500 -50.00% 4490 FIREWORKS $0 $16,225 $15,000 $15,000 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $9,508 $4,491 $6,000 $6,000 0.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $9,508 $23,100 $24,000 $25,500 6.25% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $33,679 $47,615 $48,406 $49,906 3.10% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS APPROVED CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 126 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 127 ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT 12 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE ELECTIONS 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $28,913 $29,073 $29,753 $28,983 -2.59% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $9,145 $0 $8,000 $0 -100.00% 4125 SALARIES-ELECTION JUDGES $41,646 $0 $36,000 $0 -100.00% 4131 INSURANCE $4,893 $4,954 $7,266 $7,623 4.91% 4134 PERA $2,848 $2,175 $2,831 $2,174 -23.21% 4135 FICA $4,268 $2,168 $2,888 $2,217 -23.23% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $91,712 $38,369 $86,738 $40,997 -52.73% 4220 CONSULTING FEES $149 $0 $150 $0 -100.00% 4240 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS $358 $0 $375 $0 -100.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $506 $0 $525 $0 -100.00% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $5,741 $0 $4,000 $0 -100.00% 4318 POSTAGE $9,972 $0 $7,500 $0 -100.00% 4330 BALLOT COUNTER MAINTENANCE $3,431 $0 $3,500 $0 -100.00% 4330 ELECTRONIC POLL BOOKS $2,286 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4330 ELECTRONIC POLL BOOK MAINTENANC $0 $1,142 $1,100 $1,500 36.36% TOTAL COMMODITIES $21,430 $1,142 $16,100 $1,500 -90.68% 4415 MILEAGE AND AUTO ALLOWANCE $350 $0 $350 $0 -100.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $4,683 $0 $4,700 $0 -100.00% 4490 10 NEW VOTING BOOTHS $362 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4490 IPADS, SECURE BALLOT BOXES $0 $0 $4,000 $0 -100.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $5,395 $0 $9,050 $0 -100.00% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $119,043 $39,511 $112,413 $42,497 -62.20% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS APPROVED CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 128 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 129 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 80 2020 2021 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $111,996 $118,929 $122,614 $127,519 4.00% 4131 INSURANCE $20,160 $20,160 $20,760 $21,780 4.91% 4134 PERA $8,400 $8,920 $9,196 $9,564 4.00% 4135 FICA $8,117 $8,495 $9,380 $9,755 4.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $148,673 $156,503 $161,950 $168,618 4.12% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSULTING PLANNER $0 $0 $60,000 $10,000 -83.33% COMP PLAN $9,949 $11,253 $1,500 $500 -66.67% CITY ATTORNEY $12,128 $21,016 $15,000 $20,000 33.33% OPEN TO BUSINESS - DAKOTA COUNTY $0 $2,500 $2,500 $3,000 20.00% DAKOTA COUNTY CHAMBER DIRECTORIES $0 $1,295 $1,000 $0 -100.00% PLANNING COMMISSION-MINUTES $5,702 $3,036 $3,000 $3,500 16.67% RESOLUTION FILING WITH COUNTY $0 $1,715 $1,500 $2,000 33.33% OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $0 $0 $500 $500 0.00% 4222 PROSECUTIONS $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% 4240 LEGAL PUBLICATIONS $1,543 $1,030 $2,000 $2,000 0.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $29,321 $41,844 $89,000 $43,500 -51.12% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $256 $475 $2,500 $2,500 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $1,049 $531 $1,500 $1,500 0.00% 4330 EQUIPMENT REPAIR - VEHICLE MNTCE $0 $0 $500 $0 -100.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $1,305 $1,006 $4,500 $4,000 -11.11% 4400 TRAINING $267 -$267 $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 4402 BOOKS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS $0 $224 $100 $500 400.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $784 $118 $500 $750 50.00% 4415 MILEAGE AND AUTO ALLOWANCES $28 $41 $300 $100 -66.67% 4490 PLANNING COMMISSION PER DIEM $1,975 $1,725 $2,500 $3,000 20.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $816 $738 $500 $1,000 100.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $3,869 $2,579 $7,900 $9,350 18.35% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $183,169 $201,932 $263,350 $225,468 -14.38% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 130 CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 40 2020 2020 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE BUILDING OFFICIAL 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4133 INSURANCE-WORKERS COMPENSATION $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4134 PERA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4135 FICA $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4209 CITY HALL RENT $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 0.00% 4210 TELEPHONE $3,858 $3,623 $5,500 $5,500 0.00% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $550 $500 $500 0.00% CITY ATTORNEY $0 $2,805 $1,500 $2,000 33.33% CITY ENGINEER/GOPHER ONE $0 $631 $0 $500 100.00% 4231 CONTRACTED INSPECTIONS $92,014 $97,103 $97,850 $101,764 4.00% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $108,422 $116,162 $117,350 $122,264 4.19% 4300 OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,254 $308 $1,250 $1,250 0.00% 4305 OPERATING SUPPLIES $1,622 $1,382 $500 $500 0.00% 4318 POSTAGE $1,541 $1,587 $1,000 $1,500 50.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $4,417 $3,277 $2,750 $3,250 18.18% 4400 TRAINING $0 $0 $500 $500 0.00% 4402 BOOKS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS $0 $0 $250 $250 0.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $0 $0 $125 $125 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $30 $0 $500 $500 0.00% 4490 CREDIT CARD FEES $0 $0 $0 $8,500 100.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $30 $0 $1,375 $9,875 618.18% 4620 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $112,869 $119,439 $121,475 $135,389 11.45% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED CAT OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 131 CITY HALL FUND 8 DEPARTMENT 0 2019 2020 2022 2023 % ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET Preliminary CHANGE CITY HALL 4110 SALARIES-REGULAR $69,896 $68,293 $70,824 $73,657 4.00% 4115 SALARIES-OVERTIME $1,795 $1,906 $0 $0 0.00% 4131 INSURANCE $19,149 $19,211 $20,760 $21,780 4.91% 4133 WORKERS COMPENSATION $7,507 $8,052 $8,170 $8,580 5.02% 4134 PERA $5,183 $5,320 $5,312 $5,524 3.99% 4135 FICA $5,946 $6,040 $5,418 $5,635 4.01% 4139 OPEB -$1,239 $221 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES $108,237 $109,043 $110,484 $115,176 4.25% 4211 ELECTRIC SERVICE $22,927 $22,664 $25,000 $25,000 0.00% 4212 GAS SERVICE $5,494 $7,110 $7,500 $9,750 30.00% 4213 SOLAR LEASE $4,013 $4,192 $4,348 $4,542 4.46% 4220 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $0 $0 $1,000 $2,000 100.00% 4240 LEGAL PUBLICATION $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 4250 LIABILITY AND AUTO INSURANCE $6,891 $5,759 $7,000 $7,000 0.00% 4280 RUBBISH SERVICE $3,128 $3,733 $3,500 $4,500 28.57% TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $42,452 $43,459 $48,348 $52,792 9.19% 4331 FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $1,800 $1,800 0.00% 4335 BUILDING MAINTENANCE $43,313 $36,375 $46,500 $46,500 0.00% TOTAL COMMODITIES $43,313 $36,375 $48,300 $48,300 0.00% 4404 MEMBERSHIP DUES $0 $0 $50 $50 0.00% 4415 MILEAGE $0 $0 $100 $100 0.00% 4425 WATER SERVICE $4,717 $4,967 $4,500 $5,000 11.11% 4480 CONTINGENCY/RESERVE $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 0.00% 4490 MISCELLANEOUS $0 $19 $250 $250 0.00% 4491 DEPRECIATION $36,506 $36,506 $80,000 $40,000 -50.00% TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $41,223 $41,492 $94,900 $55,400 -41.62% 4600 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 $0 $0 0.00% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $235,224 $230,368 $302,032 $271,668 -10.05% CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS REQUESTED APPROVED BOILER REPLACEMENT $63,000 T+A1A1:H OBJ DESCRIPTION Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 132 Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 133 FY2023 BUDGET IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE (BIP) REQUEST Project/Item Name: Department: Prepared by: Department Priority Rank: # of SECTION 1. GENERAL REQUEST INFORMATION The Request is for: Equipment Program/Service Study or Plan Staff Other: Request Description: Describe what is being requested? Budget Request Amount: $ SECTION 2. REQUEST PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION Does the request satisfy a City Council strategic priority? Yes No Unsure Enhance City Governance and Services Create a Vision for City Development and Redevelopment Areas Conserve, Protect and Enhance Natural Resources Maintain and Improve City Infrastructure and Assets Encourage and Support Park Opportunities and Improvements Is the project required under Local, State or Federal laws and/or regulations? Yes No Is the request critical to the function of the requesting department? Yes No If yes, how and why is it critical? If the request is NOT approved, what will be the impact on the health, safety and/or betterment of the city or its residents? Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 134 Are there alternatives that have been considered? Yes No If yes, provide an explanation of the available alternatives and why they were not selected. SECTION 3. COSTS AND PROCUREMENT Capital Project Costs Fiscal Year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Expected useful life: (years) Operational & Maintenance Costs Fiscal year 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Known costs beyond Year 5? (estimate) Does it require the addition of staff? Yes No Unsure If yes, briefly describe the additional staff needed (e.g. full-time, part-time, etc.) Does it require building space -employee cubicle/office space, storage space? Yes No Unsure If yes, please briefly describe the additional space needed. Preferred implementation date/timeline? Budget Review Results: City Administrator: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: Contribution to Equipment Reserve Fund is recommended: Yes No City Council: Recommended: Yes No Funding Source Recommendation: X Proposed Budget FY2023 Page 135