2022-04-25 Council Work Session Minutes CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Joint City Council—Parks Recreation Commission Work Session Held April 25, 2022 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session of the City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission,City of Mendota Heights,Minnesota was held at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Levine called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members Mazzitello and Paper were present. Councilors Duggan and Miller were absent. Parks and Recreation Commission members present included Commissioners Klepperich, Blanks, Cotter, Meyer, Sherer and Muller. Staff in attendance included Cheryl Jacobson, City Administrator, Kristen Schabacker, Finance Director, Ryan Ruzek, Public Works Director, Meredith Lawrence, Parks and Recreation Manager. Public in attendance included resident John Maczko. PARKS AND RECREATION BUDGET DISCUSSION Parks and Recreation Manager Meredith Lawrence stated that the purpose of the meeting was to follow up on prior strategic planning meetings and the identification of park projects through the capital improvement program. Manager Lawrence provided a review of the fiscal year 2023 budget timeline and discussed the types of budget needs that exist in the parks system including ongoing annual maintenance, scheduled improvements, repairs and replacements, and park enhancements. Finance Director Kristen Schabacker and Councilor Mazzitello provided an explanation and clarification of franchise fees as a potential parks project funding source. Manager Lawrence provided a summary of the city's financial investment in parks and stated that from 2009 to 2019 the city's Special Parks Fund was the primary source of funding. It was noted that the use of special parks funds was limited based on statutory definitions. Commissioner Meyer asked how the city may get back to using special parks funds for a majority of projects. Manager Lawrence reviewed the parks capital improvement plan for fiscal year 2022 and noted projects which have been approved and funding committed and those that have yet to be approved. The Council and Commission asked for a summary of the Wentworth warming house project. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that the bids were rejected due to bids being significantly over budget. The group speculated that higher than expected costs could be attributed to timing of the year that the project was bid, the war and COVID-19 supply chain issues. Councilor Mazzitello suggested the project be rebid in January of 2023. Commissioner Klepperich asked about remote light activation for pickleball and timer costs. Commissioner Muller noted that the lights are bright. Commissioner Sherer noted that the footprint of the lights is small. Manager Lawrence stated the timer would be added to the project list and considered in the budget process. Councilor Paper asked about the playground replacement at Valley Park and whether the replacement was based on need or is time based. Those in attendance discussed the process for replacing city park equipment. Audience member John Maczko spoke about his experience with asset management systems for condition rating to determine replacement. Manager Lawrence reviewed the remaining years capital improvement plans noting that proposed for fiscal year 2023 there is approximately $987,000 in needed parks projects and an additional $50,000 in desired improvements. Finance Director Kristen Schabacker provided an overview of the Par 3 bond payments and the final payment of approximately $175,000 which is included in the fiscal year 2022 budget. Director Schabacker also noted that the Special Parks Fund has a balance of approximately $503,000. Mayor Levine stated that the city's annual budget, which is levied, includes parks funding. She noted that given the needs identified in the capital improvement plan, that an annual stream of approximately $300,000 is identified. Manager Lawrence directed the group to consider ideas for fiscal year 2023 budget inclusion. The city's skatepark was discussed as a priority. Manager Lawrence noted that the commission will be conducting public engagement and suggested that the purpose of the engagement is to seek input on recreational programming across all ages and not to generate a facility wish list since one already exists. Mayor Levine highlighted the need for spaces where residents can gather and spend time in the city's parks. She noted that needs may be shade trees, or picnic tables. ADJOURN Mayor Levine adjourned the meeting at 8:25 pm. 12 /z Stephanie Levine, Mayor ATTEST Lorri Smith, City Clerk April 25,2022 Mendota Heights Council Workshop page 2