NOVEMBER 9, 2021
The November meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on
Tuesday, November 9, 2021, at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve.
1. Call to Order – Chair Steve Goldade called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m.
2. Roll Call – The following Commissioners were present: Chair Steve Goldade,
Commissioners: Jaffrey Blanks, Patrick Cotter, Bob Klepperich, Stephanie Meyer, Dan Sherer
and Amy Smith; absent: none. Student Representative: Nico Hess. Staff present: Recreation
Program Coordinator, Meredith Lawrence and Assistant City Administrator, Kelly Dumais.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
4. Approval of Agenda
Motion Klepperich/second Blanks, to approve the agenda. AYES 7: NAYS 0
5.a Approval of Minutes from October 6, 2021 Worksession Meeting
Motion Blanks/second Klepperich to approve the minutes of the October 6, 2021 Parks and
Recreation Commission Worksession Meeting. AYES 7: NAYS 0
5.b Approval of Minutes from October 12, 2021 Regular Meeting
Motion Cotter/second Smith to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2021 Parks and
Recreation Commission Regular Meeting. AYES 7: NAYS 0
6. Citizen Comment Period (for items not on the agenda)
Adam Crepeau, a Douglas Road resident, and Tom Stevens, of 837 Cheri Lane, stated that
they are members of the Mendota Athletic Association (MHAA) Board who attended the last
meeting to share requests for field improvements. He stated that they are present to determine
if there are follow up questions and to determine if there has been any progress or decisions
made since that time.
Tom Stevens stated that one of their big takeaways from the last meeting was their desire to
book Mendakota for weekends in advance.
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that she does not have any updates
to provide at this time. She stated that dugouts for all four fields at Mendakota is still in
progress, but they have not yet had the ability to receive three quotes, which is recommended
by City’s Procurement Policy. She stated that if three quotes cannot be obtained, staff would
still bring the item back to the Council, but she would prefer to receive three quotes. She stated
that there is not sufficient budget to level and surface all the fields in 2021 but noted that
Mendakota was completed. She stated that she is in the process of obtaining quotes for the
mop sink and handwashing sink. She noted that the mound request for Victoria Highlands is on
the agenda tonight and will move forward to the City Council. She stated that many of the
requests received from the association require City Council approval and were not budgeted for
2022. She stated that now that those items are on the radar, they can include them in future
budgeting discussions. She referenced the field and facility use policy amendment requested
and noted that item is on the agenda tonight and noted that she hopes to bring that forward to
the City Council as well. She noted that the request to be able to book weekends at Mendakota
in January was included in the staff report.
Chair Goldade asked when the Council would be reviewing the field and facility use policy.
Ms. Lawrence stated that staff is working to schedule a worksession for Monday, November
15th. She noted that agenda has not yet been finalized. She noted that the item would go
before the City Council prior to the end of the year.
Commissioner Klepperich asked if the Commission would be able to make a recommendation
on that item tonight.
Ms. Lawrence confirmed that would be part of the agenda item.
Commissioner Sherer asked if the dugout requests for the three other fields would be
considered tonight.
Ms. Lawrence noted that would come before the group at a future meeting as it was not
included on the agenda. She noted that item would be included on the December agenda.
Commissioner Cotter commented that he would assume something more specific has been
provided related to the request for the ability to book weekends at Mendakota.
Ms. Lawrence asked for clarification on what would have been provided to who.
Commissioner Cotter commented that it is his understanding that these two gentleman are
present tonight primarily to address the request for more weekend tournament options. He
stated that he heard a comment that a list of things was sent. He asked if something specific
was provided from the association.
Mr. Stevens stated that they have a list of the specific weekends they would like to book but
have waited to submit the request until they knew if earlier booking would be allowed.
Commissioner Cotter commented that it was his understanding that specific tournaments have
an earlier deadline for requests and confirmed that the association has those dates available.
Chair Goldade asked for input on the potential timeline and whether that would align for the
Ms. Lawrence stated that if the item is included on the November 15th worksession, it would
then follow at the December 7th regular Council meeting for first review.
Mr. Stevens stated that if they can market the tournaments in January that would be sufficient.
Chair Goldade stated that he was pleased to see the agenda items tonight that relate to the
input received from the association at the last meeting.
7. Acknowledgement of Reports
Chair Goldade read the titles of the three updates (Par 3, Recreation, and Park Improvement
Updates) and polled the Commissioners for questions.
7.a Par 3 Update
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence briefly reviewed the report. She stated
that over 15,000 rounds of golf were played this season which is the most rounds she is aware
of in her time with the City. She reported that the course officially closed today, November 9, for
the 2021 season. She stated that there has been some discussion related to the equipment she
requested, noting that the Council approved the preliminary purchase of the equipment. She
stated that golf course equipment, like many things, is in demand and hard to get your hands
on. She stated that she has been able to order the equipment and final approval would occur
with the final adoption of the 2022 budget by the Council. She noted that two pieces of
equipment would be fully funded by the golf course account and explained that her goal is to
eventually have the course fund itself entirely.
Student Representative Hess asked if the rounds of golf were tracked by age group, specifically
between adults and youth.
Ms. Lawrence stated that she can provide that information at the next meeting.
Chair Goldade congratulated staff on the historically high number of rounds this season. He
welcomed the new staff member.
Assistant City Administrator Kelly Dumais introduced herself.
7.b Recreation Update
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence provided a summary of the report including
Tour de Rec. She stated that the Superhero Masquerade event has been canceled. She
recapped the Trick or Teeing event, which was overwhelmingly successful. She noted that they
planned for 150 to 200 people attending the event but estimated about 1,200 people attended
the event. She provided an update on the bonfire that was hosted by the Fire Department and
noted that they are working to finalize the programming for 2022.
Commissioner Sherer commented that pickleball has been very popular and asked if that has
been a consideration for programming.
Ms. Lawrence confirmed that there would be a ribbon cutting at Friendly Hills in the spring. She
stated that they are also planning to host an event and would like to offer lessons.
Commissioner Meyer commented that the Trick or Teeing event was incredible and
congratulated staff on the success. She commented that the nice weather may have
contributed to the number of people that participated.
7.c Parks Improvement Update
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that the pickleball courts at Friendly
Hills have been very well received. She stated that they have received requests to turn the
lights on at Friendly Hills. She stated that the nets would remain at Friendly Hills and Marie
Park until it snows. She stated that they are awaiting information from the architect to bid the
Wentworth warming house project. She stated that Mendakota grading has been completed
and staff is still waiting to finalize the dugout project as previously mentioned. She recognized
that the Ivy Hills project is a little behind, therefore trails will not be completed until the spring.
She stated that no changes have been made to the project, it is just running behind.
Commissioner Sherer asked if there is an update to the miscellaneous field repairs he had
previously mentioned earlier this summer.
Ms. Lawrence commented that the work has not been completed as staff has been busy. She
stated that they are hoping to place the fields on a rotating plan for maintenance, rather than
expending large amounts of money at once. She stated that the grading at Mendakota was
$20,000 for four fields, so about $5,000 per field.
Student Representative Hess asked if there has been any change with the lighting of the
pickleball courts.
Ms. Lawrence noted that item is on the agenda tonight and she has received positive feedback
thus far. She stated that the Commission will be asked to make a recommendation tonight.
Commissioner Cotter stated that the Commission previously wanted to make a recommendation
on the dugouts for Mendakota and the other three fields. He asked if it will continue to be
presented that the Commission recommends the work be done on all the fields recommended
and not just Mendakota.
Ms. Lawrence noted that it is her understanding that the fields recommended by the
Commission are the not same priority given by MHAA, therefore she wants the Commission to
review and discuss that before making that presentation to the Council.
Motion Klepperich/second Meyer to acknowledge the staff reports. AYES 7: NAYS 0
8. New Business
8.a Mound Request for Victoria Highlands
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that at the October meeting, MHAA
presented an overview of their spring and summer programs along with a list of desired
improvements. She noted that one request was to add a pitching mound to Victoria Highlands.
She stated that the field has been used for softball and baseball and is also used for other
sports such as kickball. She stated that the City currently has two fields with pitching mounds.
She stated that in speaking with City staff and neighboring communities there are some things
that should be considered. She stated that once a mound is installed, it takes the field offline for
softball use. She noted that baseball can utilize portable mounds, which are provided by the
association and not the City. She stated that although a mound would make that field a premier
location for baseball, it would remove it as an option for softball. She stated that once a mound
is installed, it is very difficult to remove. She stated that fields with infield turf tend to be more
suitable for a field with a mound. She stated that staff estimates a cost of $4,500 to install a
mound, which would include a “fluff and buff” of the infield of that site. She stated that the
request was not included in the 2022 budget and MHAA has not volunteered to contribute the
funds. She stated that in speaking with the City Administrator, because of the scope of the
project, the maintenance fund would need to be used and the Special Parks Fund could not be
used. She asked the Commission to review the request and provide a recommendation.
Commissioner Sherer stated that to his knowledge the request originated in August. He noted
that some of the parents and coaches for the travel baseball teams use Hagstrom, where there
is a mound, and that age group next moves to Victoria Highlands, without a mound, and then to
Civic Center, which has a mound. He stated that his son plays travel baseball and in visiting
other communities, Mendota Heights is behind the curve in its amenities compared to the level
at which the teams compete. He stated that to his knowledge the mound at Hagstrom was
made by parents and the same offer was made by MHAA to have parents made the mound at
Victoria Highlands, but the City preferred to use a contractor. He confirmed that portable
mounds are used at fields without a permanent mound, but those are effectively permanent for
the season.
Chair Goldade stated that it would seem to make sense to have the younger children start at
Victoria Highlands, where there is not a mound and then transition to the fields that have
Commissioner Sherer commented that it has to due with field dimensions. It was noted that
Hagstrom King is a smaller field.
Commissioner Blanks asked the proportion of use for the field between softball and baseball.
Ms. Lawrence stated that based on the invoices from this past season, there were 223 baseball
athletes, 128 travel baseball athletes and 101 softball athletes.
Commissioner Sherer stated that to his knowledge Victoria Highlands was not used by softball
and did not believe there were plans to do so.
Tom Stevens, MHAA, confirmed that softball does not use that field as it is primarily used for
baseball. He stated that MHAA uses certain fields for baseball and certain fields for baseball.
Commissioner Sherer stated that softball prefers shorter outfields and has different base
Ms. Lawrence stated that base locations can be changed based on the user. She stated that
adult softball only uses Mendakota. She stated that the numbers she provided are only for
MHAA athletes for all of the fields they reserve.
Mr. Stevens provided details on the anticipated field use between softball and baseball. He
stated that if Victoria Highlands were made a baseball field, they would still have equity in the
other fields to support the use of baseball and softball.
Commissioner Klepperich commented that he has visited fields in other communities where
portable mounds are kept on the side and wheeled out for the game and removed after the
Commissioner Sherer confirmed that there are more portable mounds available and MHAA is
discussing the potential to upgrade equipment. He noted that there is still effort to get the
equipment on the field, balance, and level the mound.
Commissioner Meyer stated that she appreciates the coaches that help out with MHAA. She
stated that it is a lot of work to be a coach and then it is additional work to setup a mound. She
stated that there is a lot of work MHAA does that she considers above and beyond for an
organization run by parents. She stated that she supports the request, and the City should be
willing to make contributions as well.
Chair Goldade asked if this request were changed from this field to a field at Mendakota.
Ms. Lawrence stated that could be an option to discuss but that would limit the ability to host
softball tournaments on all four fields and would also limit adult softball.
Commissioner Blanks commented that it would appear easier to place the mound at Victoria
Highlands then in order to avoid softball use at Mendakota. He asked if MHAA would be willing
to contribute towards the cost for this improvement.
Ms. Lawrence stated that she has not been made aware of that option.
Mr. Stevens commented that they would be willing to participate in the cost.
Chair Goldade stated that the Commission could include that as part of the motion, perhaps a
suggestion for a matching cost between the City and MHAA.
Commissioner Klepperich stated that once a mound is built, it needs to be maintained on a
regular basis and would need a tarp.
Commissioner Sherer commented that Mendakota has flexibility to host baseball, softball, and
different age ranges. He confirmed that he would prefer the mound at Victoria Highlands rather
than Mendakota.
Motion Sherer/second Meyer to recommend approval of the installation of a pitcher’s mound at
Victoria Highlands.
Further discussion: Commissioner Cotter stated that he would request that the motion be
amended to include a monetary contribution from MHAA and that there be a commitment by
MHAA to maintain the mound including the tarp that would be necessary.
Ms. Lawrence asked that the contribution be clarified.
Commissioner Cotter stated that he would ask that MHAA provide half the cost, so that the
improvement cost is split between the City and MHAA.
Commissioner Sherer suggested that MHAA provide the materials.
Ms. Lawrence stated that staff would recommend the cost be paid as a contractor would be paid
for that work and materials.
Commissioner Sherer stated that seems like a lot of money for a small six-inch mound.
Chair Goldade asked if Commissioner Sherer would accept the amendment.
Commissioners Sherer and Meyer accepted the amendment to the motion.
Commissioner Smith asked if MHAA maintains the mounds at Hagstrom and Civic Center.
Ms. Lawrence replied that for the most part MHAA maintains those mounds.
8.b Review of Marie Park Light Trial Program
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that the packet included
background information on the pilot program for fall light use to allow nighttime pickleball play at
Marie Park. She stated that the program ran through September and October in the trial format
agreed upon by the Commission and City Council. She stated that she received five comments
in support of continuing the program. She stated that throughout the entire program she did not
receive any complaints about the lights. She asked the Commission to review the program and
determine if they would like to continue a program for 2022. She stated that if the Commission
would like to implement a similar program at Friendly Hills, she would recommend following a
similar process to engage the residents adjacent to the park.
Commissioner Sherer asked if the hockey rink lights turn off at 8:00 p.m. during the winter
Ms. Lawrence replied that hockey lights are on until 9:00 p.m. with the exception of Sundays
when lights turn off at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Sherer asked if there are complaints about the hockey lights.
Ms. Lawrence replied that she is not aware of any such complaints.
Commissioner Klepperich asked if there were any complaints related to lighting of the basketball
Ms. Lawrence replied that she was not aware of any complaints and actually received positive
input from youth users on the ability to use the courts later.
Chair Goldade stated that it has been referenced that Council members stated that Marie Park
was busier. He noted that some citizens are concerned with the amount of use at Marie Park in
Ms. Lawrence commented that some residents are concerned with the amount of traffic at Marie
Park. She commented that there are a lot of new facilities at Marie Park and people tend to go
where things are new. She stated that there are also only two parks with pickleball courts in the
Chair Goldade asked if the discussion should focus on Marie Park and whether a trial could be
discussed for Friendly Hills in the spring.
Ms. Lawrence stated that if a trial is going to be done at Friendly Hills, she would recommend
following the same process they did for Marie Park, first engaging residents within 500 feet.
She stated that community engagement is very important and therefore she would want to
continue to follow that format. She stated that if the Commission is interested, she would like
the recommendation on that tonight in order to bring that forward to the Council and begin
engaging residents. She commented that this is a hot topic, and she has received calls from
residents, mostly related to Marie Park.
Chair Goldade asked if Commissioner Sherer was suggesting a shift from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
or whether that was just something he was asking.
Commissioner Sherer confirmed that if there have been no issues for hockey, he would suggest
the same time for pickleball.
Commissioner Smith stated that in reviewing sunset times, that would only be an additional hour
after sunset in April and May.
Commissioner Blanks stated that he would support continuing the program with the hours of
5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Ms. Lawrence noted that in the trial program the lights were on seven days per week.
Student Representative Hess asked if the program would include lighting of the pickleball and
basketball court areas. He asked if the same would be done if the program is expanded to
Friendly Hills.
Ms. Lawrence confirmed that the Commission would need to make that determination for Marie
Park. She was unsure that the lighting would assist in basketball at Friendly Hills because of
the location of the lights.
Chair Goldade suggested removing the specific date for the springtime and instead using the
stipulation of when the ice and snow is gone, allowing lights to remain on until 9:00 p.m. He
stated that would end on June 14th and the program would begin again September 15th until
there is an accumulation of snow. He asked for input from staff on that suggestion.
Ms. Lawrence stated that there could be snow in October as well. She stated that she is fine
with that language as it provides flexibility. She stated that she would also like the authority for
staff to make the decision on when the program would end.
Commissioner Sherer asked if it would be fair to say that the nets are not installed until the
snow and ice has melted and therefore perhaps the lights could occur with net installation.
Commissioner Meyer commented that it seems there is support from residents to keep the lights
on until 9 p.m.
Commissioner Blanks noted that staff would also have discretion.
Motion Cotter/second Blanks to recommend to the City Council that the same process used for
Marie Park be used for Friendly Hills to determine if a pilot light project should be completed for
the pickleball courts. AYES 7: NAYS 0
Motion Goldade/second Blanks to recommend to the City Council that the pilot light program at
Marie Park continue in the spring to align with net installation and remain on until 9:00 p.m. until
sunset surpasses that time in the summer months and commence again in the fall until the nets
are removed. AYES 7: NAYS 0
8.c Winter Fest Ideas
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that based on input from the
Commission and City Council, staff is planning for a Winter Fest event. She stated that the
preliminary budget includes an expenditure of $5,000 and if adopted as the final budget, staff
would proceed with plans to host the event in early 2022. She asked for input from the
Commission as to what it envisioned the event to consist of. She stated that locations should
also be suggested with a thought to available parking. She reviewed activities included in winter
events hosted by other communities.
Commissioner Meyer stated that she likes the idea of a snow sculpture contest. She also
suggested Mendakota because of the available parking and space for sculptures. She stated
that perhaps a “maker fair” concept could be incorporated where people could sell arts and
crafts. She stated that perhaps food trucks and cocoa could be available.
Commissioner Smith stated that an ice-skating loop could be made around the fields at
Commissioner Blanks noted that there is also a sledding hill, so that would be a great location.
Kickball was also suggested.
Commissioner Klepperich cautioned against staging events that would require plowing fields as
that can cause significant damage. He did not believe there were heated structures, therefore
all events would truly be outdoors. He stated that perhaps a cross country ski event could be
hosted at the golf course. He stated that in the past he has been involved in car racing on a
lake but did not believe Rogers Lake would be an appropriate location and noted that event is
heavily dependent on cold weather.
Commissioner Smith stated that perhaps there could be an ice fishing contest on Rogers Lake
but was unsure how the aerator would impact the thickness of the ice.
Commissioner Cotter stated that perhaps there could be music at the bandshell at Mendakota.
Ms. Lawrence asked if any of the Commissioners would be interested in joining a
Commissioners Meyer and Smith volunteered.
Ms. Lawrence stated that she is aiming to hold the event in February.
9. Unfinished Business
9.a Field and Facility Use Policy/Fee Review
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence provided the annual field and facility use
policy and fee review. She reviewed the tennis courts policy and related fees, noting that the
2021 changes to rentals have been well received by the community. She highlighted the
tournament schedule and related fees including waivers that MHAA was awarded in past years
for traveling tournaments. She reviewed the staffing that is allocated and duties that are
performed for tournament weekends. She noted that MHAA was present at the last meeting to
provide input and made a request to allow tournament dates to be secured in January. She
stated that staff will bring forward that request to the City Council at an upcoming worksession
and if supported, would be implemented for 2022. She suggested that the Commission provide
a vote that she can bring forward to the City Council.
Chair Goldade asked if changing the deadline for application submittal from February to January
would meet the request of MHAA. He also suggested that all tennis court reservations be
Ms. Lawrence stated that staff is requesting an additional staff person for 2022, and part of that
discussion is when that person would be added. She stated that reviewing permit requests is
time consuming. She stated that at a minimum she would be asking that they find a way for
MHAA to get what they need for Mendakota tournaments for 2022. She stated that it would
appear that the Commission would support the change for tournament applications. She stated
that the tennis court reservation process went well for 2021 but acknowledged that it is a lot of
work for her to supervise the courts and some residents are not happy to find a court reserved.
Chair Goldade stated that his suggestion is based on access for all in terms of tennis courts and
pickleball courts. He commented that residents should be able to use those facilities without
having to pay money. He stated that perhaps there can be expectations related to sharing of
the courts.
Commissioner Smith asked how many times user groups are paying fees for applications.
Ms. Lawrence replied that the application fee is paid when the application is submitted to the
City at a cost of $25. She stated that if a date is modified within the application timeframe,
another fee is not charged. She stated that application fees are charged per application cycle.
Commissioner Sherer asked for background on the $5 fee for the tennis courts, noting that it
appears to be more work for City staff than it is worth.
Ms. Lawrence replied that the fee was instituted in lieu of a $25 application fee for the entire
permit period. She explained that under the previous method, coaches were reserving courts
for private lessons for a cost of $25 for the entire season which prevented residents from having
use. She stated that the change in fee ensured that the reservations were adequately being
charged for use.
Commissioner Sherer stated that there are people on the pickleball courts every day when he
drives past the park, but he has not noticed anyone on the tennis courts.
Ms. Lawrence replied that the only courts that were reserved for 2021 were at Marie Park,
because they are the nicest courts. She stated that they do plan to resurface the Friendly Hills
tennis courts in 2022.
Commissioner Blanks asked if there has been negative feedback on the $5 fee.
Ms. Lawrence replied that she has not received negative feedback related to the $5 fee by the
users, but she has received negative feedback from residents that go to a court only to find out
it is reserved and believe they should have access.
Commissioner Sherer asked if the public has access to the courts at Two Rivers High School.
Chair Goldade stated that it would depend on who is asked and what time of day.
Student Representative Hess stated that he is unsure if they can be reserved, but he has
noticed people other than students using the courts.
Commissioner Meyer asked if removing Section L, related to tennis courts, would impact the
ability of the City to provide tennis lessons.
Ms. Lawrence replied that the City has the ability to reserve its own facilities.
Commissioner Blanks asked if removing the fee would have an impact on the budget.
Ms. Lawrence replied that the City is not making money on those rental fees. She stated that if
an additional staff person is added for 2022, she believed staff could handle the reservations for
the courts but acknowledged it would be more work if that person is not added.
Commissioner Klepperich asked how an instructor would be impacted that wants to make
money off the use of the court if the reservation system and fee is eliminated.
Ms. Lawrence stated that technically when the Council wrote this policy, it stated that it did not
want to allow tennis courts for private lessons, but that is difficult to enforce. She stated that the
coaches that have tried to reserve courts have not been able to do so but are still using the
courts. She stated that she has had to go to the courts to referee use.
Commissioner Sherer asked if there is a sign at Marie Park that says no private lessons. He
stated that perhaps that would encourage those users to go elsewhere.
Commissioner Blanks asked if it has been considered to add a time limit on a sign.
Ms. Lawrence stated that if the Commission wants to ban that activity, it could pursue signage.
She stated that time limits are great when multiple people want to use the courts, but when
there are not other users it would make sense to allow people to continue to play.
Commissioner Meyer noted that there is quite a bit to talk about and would like to move from
tennis. She suggested that Section L be eliminated and instead signage be used asking users
to limit playtime when others are waiting.
Commissioner Klepperich suggested that the action be to eliminate the section at this time and
signage could be discussed at a later date.
Motion Meyer/second Goldade to eliminate Section L. AYES 7: NAYS 0
Commissioner Meyer referenced the application deadlines and asked if it would be helpful for
staff to split out permit requests for Mendakota and leave the deadline for the other permits.
Ms. Lawrence agreed that could be a good way to start the conversation with the Council. She
stated that there are other user groups that use Mendakota during the year, typically on
weekdays, therefore she would want to ensure all applications for that facility are received.
Commissioner Blanks asked if input is necessary in terms of fee reduction requests or whether
that was just information sharing.
Ms. Lawrence noted that was simply provided for information. She stated that the Council did
not want the fee schedule to be amended based on the waivers issued. She stated that she is
currently working with Dakota County related to recycling and solid waste that may need to be
incorporated into the policy.
Commissioner Sherer asked if January would be an appropriate date for tournaments.
Commissioner Blanks noted that this will not be considered by the Council until December, so
January would be the first available date.
Motion Meyer/second Blanks to recommend that tournament permit requests for use of
Mendakota for March through July should be due the first business day in January.
Further discussion: Commissioner Sherer asked if that would work for MHAA.
Mr. Stevens replied that they would also need approval in January.
Commissioner Sherer suggested that language be added that approvals be granted by staff
within seven to ten days to ensure users have adequate time to market tournaments.
Mr. Stevens stated that the leagues ask for tournament requests at this time and therefore
MHAA is submitting those at risk.
Commissioner Blanks stated that in the future December would be ideal but recognized that
January is the best they can do this year.
Ms. Lawrence stated that she is the only staff person that can do this work, therefore the seven-
to-ten-day deadline makes her nervous in the case she is out of the office.
Commissioner Meyer agreed that the amendment is reasonable and noted that staff can provide
additional information to the Council.
Commissioner Sherer stated that it would make sense for the date to be the first business day in
January for 2022, but in the future the date should be the first business day in December.
Commissioner Blanks recognized that the change cannot be effective at the desired date for this
year, but perhaps the annual review is done earlier in the year next year to allow the change to
be made. He suggested only making a recommendation for 2022 at this time.
Commissioner Meyer recapped her motion.
Commissioner Sherer suggested an amendment to recommend staff review of requests within
14 days.
Commissioners Meyer and Blanks accepted the amendment.
Chair Goldade asked that the policy be reviewed in September of 2022 in order to make
necessary changes for the 2023 season.
Commissioner Klepperich referenced page 50 and language included related to the control of
conduct and suggested a grammatical change.
Commissioner Sherer stated that he would be interested in discussing fees. He asked why fees
are charged at all to MHAA, which is the de facto provider of youth sports and programing in the
community. He noted that the t-ball program shifted from being run by the City to MHAA. He
noted that MHAA is predominantly run by parents. He stated that when fees are charged for the
fields, that burden falls to the families. He stated that his son played on a metro team this past
year and the statement was made that the team does not play in Mendota Heights because it
charges for field use. He stated that there are kids that do not sign up for sports because the
registration fees are too high.
Commissioner Blanks referenced the staff report which shows the cost breakdowns, including
the waiver amount for MHAA. He asked if the City could afford to take that structure away or
whether the cost structure supports the use of City staff.
Commissioner Cotter stated that he has heard the same comments as Commissioner Sherer.
He stated that he wants the children in the community to have as much opportunity for the fields
and facilities. He recognized that there is a balance that needs to happen to address
maintenance and future parks needs. He asked if there has been a comparison to what other
communities charge and whether the City’s fees are in line with what other communities are
Ms. Lawrence stated that there were fees since 1990, but they were never assessed, and
Mendota Heights began charging in 2018. She stated that it is very typical for metro cities to
charge for field use. She believed that Mendota Heights is actually below the average rate
charged by other municipalities. She noted that some cities and school districts charge per
hour, per field. She stated that user groups were solicited and preferred that they be charged
per played rather than per hour or per field. She stated that the goal for field use fees is not to
generate revenue, but to cover the associated costs to ensure that is not a burden supported by
the overall community that does not use the fields. She stated that the fees are meant to
address needed maintenance. She stated that in 2018 an additional public works employee
was added for the purpose of field and facilities at a cost of about $80,000 and the goal was to
reimburse about $30,000. She stated that in 2018, $8,000 was reimbursed through fees. She
stated that there was a large discussion in 2018 related to the policy.
Commissioner Sherer stated that he would view for-profit club sports differently than a non-profit
youth sports organization that provides service to the youth in community. He stated that while
$7 per player does not seem like a lot, there are other factors.
Chair Goldade stated that the process in 2018 took a long time in order to move from fees that
were not collected to fees that were collected. He stated that perhaps that issue be studied for
2023 if desired. He stated that his children benefited from the time fees were not collected and
noted that he would be interested to know the price difference from MHAA comparing that time
to now.
Commissioner Smith stated that she has an issue with non-profit community-based
organizations, as club sports have community members as well and already pay a higher rate.
Ms. Lawrence noted that some of the clubs are also non-profits.
Motion Sherer/second Blanks to extend previously approved reductions to MHAA for 2022 and
study reductions or eliminations of fees for certain user groups during 2022.
Further discussion: Commissioner Meyer stated that she is not clear on the reductions specified
in the motion.
Ms. Lawrence stated that she would read that motion to be that the maximum a tournament
could be charged for MHAA would be $498, noting that the motion would make a change to that
fee structure. She reviewed the current tournament fees charged.
AYES 6: NAYS 1 (Klepperich)
9.b Review Senior Golf Pass
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that the senior golf pass was
offered in 2021 and asked if the Commission would like to continue to offer the pass in 2022.
She stated that she is not recommending changes to the golf course fees for 2022. She
reviewed the number of punchcards sold in 2021 and provided an overview of the senior golf
pass program which began in June of 2021. She stated that she did not sell any senior passes
in 2021 nor did she receive any inquiries therefore it would be hard to determine any budget
impacts if there were changes. She asked if the Commission is interested in continuing the
program for 2022 and if so, what the parameters would be.
Motion Goldade/second Meyer to continue the Senior Golf Pass program in 2022 at a cost of
$200 for the full golf season with the same parameters as the previous year.
Commissioner Smith asked where seniors could find information on the golf pass.
Ms. Lawrence reviewed the marketing that was done for the program.
Chair Goldade commented that he believes it was a great idea but started late in the season,
therefore people chose to continue with the punchcards. He believed that starting the program
to run for the full season would provide more accurate information.
Commissioner Blanks stated that the statement was made that the price of $200 was chosen
because of the shorter season and asked staff for input.
Ms. Lawrence explained how the rate was charged. She commented that $200 is very
inexpensive compared to annual passes for other courses.
Commissioner Blanks asked if there would be a negative impact to not charging enough for the
Ms. Lawrence commented that $200 would equate to two punchcards, which is 20 rounds of
9.c Strategic Planning Update
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that an update was provided within
the packet and provided a brief overview. She stated that this will be discussed at an upcoming
Council worksession and noted that she will bring a draft back to the Commission at its
December meeting. She stated that staff is working to get the volunteer program moving.
Commissioner Sherer asked for details on the budget process.
Ms. Lawrence provided an overview of the budget process. She noted that many of the items
desired by the Commission were not included in the preliminary budget.
9.d Approval of 2022 Meeting Calendar
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that a proposed calendar of 2022
meeting dates was included in the packet, highlighting three changes from the typical schedule;
related to other conflicts.
Motion Klepperich/second Meyer to approve the 2022 meeting calendar. AYES 7: NAYS 0
10. Staff Announcements
Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence shared the following announcements:
• The City is looking for warming house staff.
• A bonding request meeting was held today with legislators, and she highlighted the next
steps in that process.
• Other events can be found on the City’s website
11. Student Representative Update
12. Commission Comments and Park Updates
Commissioner Sherer
• Fall weather has been conducive to extended park activity
• The greenspace at Hagstrom King continues to be used for many activities
Commissioner Meyer
• Agreed that the parks are busy with the nicer weather
Commissioner Klepperich
• A tennis net was missing, and one was set at a volleyball height at Ivy Hills
• The portable restroom at Civic Center has been removed for the season
• The improvements at Mendakota are great and the recent project was successful
• Thanks to Ms. Lawrence for her continued great work
Commissioner Blanks
• Kudos to staff for the signage alerting the community to bowhunting activity
• The basketball court is heavily utilized
Commissioner Cotter
• Nothing additional to add
Commissioner Smith
• Trail repairs were completed at Friendly Hills
Chair Goldade
• Wished that the City would keep portable restrooms out during the winter months for
walkers and runners
• Thanked residents near Marie Park for their cooperation during the pilot light program
which was successful
• Perhaps the Commission should think of updates that could be done to the marsh near
McDonalds to improve that as an amenity with another apartment building being
13. Adjourn
Motion Klepperich/Second Meyer to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 PM
Minutes drafted by:
Amanda Staple
TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.