2021-09-14 Park and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 The September meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. 1. Call to Order – Chair Steve Goldade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call – The following Commissioners were present: Chair Steve Goldade, Commissioners: Jaffrey Blanks, Patrick Cotter, Bob Klepperich, Dan Sherer and Amy Smith; absent: Commissioner Stephanie Meyer. Student Representative: Nico Hess. Staff present: Recreation Program Coordinator, Meredith Lawrence and Public Works Director, Ryan Ruzek. 3. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 4. Approval of Agenda Motion Klepperich/second Cotter, to approve the agenda AYES 6: NAYS 0 5.a Approval of Minutes from August 10, 2021 Regular Meeting Motion Cotter/second Blanks to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting. AYES 6: NAYS 0 6. Citizen Comment Period (for items not on the agenda) Craig Williams, 2259 Fieldstone Drive, spoke on the topic of the skatepark and recent developments. He thanked staff for the recent repaving and ramp improvement which increase safety. He stated that this is a critical time period as many communities constructed skateparks in the early 2000s therefore the lifespan of the parks is deteriorating. He stated that in almost every instance, each community decided that the demand is so great that enhancement and improvements were made to their skateparks. He hoped that as this moves forward, Mendota Heights keeps that in mind. He noted that enhancement and improvements can help to attract more users. He stated that a skateboard is the same price as a video game, and yet a skateboard will get someone outside and being active. Chair Goldade thanked Mr. Williams for his input and participation in the subcommittee. He recognized that the group is on a pause at this time. He hoped for more information on skateboard spot. Mr. Williams stated that there are varieties of investment in a skatepark. He stated that a “skate spot” is a smaller, localized park with lower cost and lesser features. He stated that most residents and skatepark users feel that the ramp at the skatepark is a necessary feature, but others like the more approachable features. Chair Goldade stated that recently they have been made aware of problems with trash and vandalism at the current skatepark in Mendota Heights. He asked if there are any ideas on how the City or users could tackle that problem. Mr. Williams commented that one of the big foundations of skatepark development and planning is policing and having that area open to police cruisers and contact with the general public, as any eyes are better than no eyes. He stated that vandalism is not unique to the skatepark, or other elements, but the majority of the users would like to keep the area clean. Commissioner Klepperich stated that he has enjoyed working on the subcommittee with Mr. Williams and all the knowledge he has to share. Mr. Williams stated that as a next step he would invite the subcommittee to get to know the users of the park better. He suggested placing a QR code at the skatepark which would link users to a survey to provide input. He also encouraged the City to have its plan ready to go as there are grant opportunities that can arise. Student Representative Hess agreed that the skatepark is a great spot for people to interact with others and get physical activity. He believed that this would be a good investment. Commissioner Smith asked if the skatepark is on the park tour in October. Chair Goldade stated that it is not currently included but could be. He noted that item will be on the agenda later tonight for discussion. He thanked Mr. Williams for his comments and continued contributions to the discussion related to the skatepark. 7. Acknowledgement of Reports Chair Goldade read the titles of the three updates (Par 3, Recreation, and Park Improvement Updates) and polled the Commissioners for questions. 7.a Par 3 Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence briefly reviewed the 2021 July Financial Report. She reported that the course was aerated the previous day. She noted that there was an underground pipe leak on the course earlier today that needed repair. She stated that this is one of the best years for the course that she has seen. She noted that Fall rates will begin later this week. Commissioner Smith asked if someone got a hole-in-one today as the pipe was being repaired. Ms. Lawrence confirmed that she was able to see the hole in one by a Mendota Heights resident when she was at the course with the contractor. Chair Goldade stated that he saw a resident with a new Par 3 hat out in the community. He noted that he spoke with the resident who stated that her son took lessons and enjoyed them, so she also began taking lessons. 7.b Recreation Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that a Park Celebration recap was provided in the update and provided a summary. She also provided an update on the Fishing Derby that was held at Rogers Lake and the “Tour de Rec” events that were held over the summer. She noted that the Tour De Rec program was very popular and will continue into the fall. She stated that the “Bogey with the Red and Blue” event was also hosted this past weekend. She noted that she is planning a “Pickleball with Public Safety” event for the future. Commissioner Smith asked when the Glow Dash Run will be held. Ms. Lawrence replied that will be held this Saturday, September 18th and provided details on the event which will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Registration can be done on the website or in person at the event. 7.c Parks Improvement Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence reviewed the update, noting that the benches are still on back order. She stated that the basketball relining project has been completed. She stated that the lights will be turned on for evening basketball and pickleball play at Marie Park beginning the following night. She asked the Commission to track any citizen input they receive on the pilot program. She noted that two members of the Commission contacted her with baseball related requests and advised that representatives from the athletic association will attend the October meeting to provide input and the Commission can then have a discussion. She stated that the Friendly Hills pickleball project is underway and the contractor hopes to have the project completed the following week. Commissioner Sherer referenced the field maintenance items and asked if there would be opportunity for Public Works staff to smooth out some of the dirt. Ms. Lawrence replied that the seasonal staff were done in early August which was earlier than anticipated and therefore they are back to their typical staff and was unsure there would be sufficient staffing to address that. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that it was his understanding that they were going to be starting some improvements this fall but was unsure of the timeframe. He stated that they purchased new equipment and are attempting to fine-tune it. Commissioner Cotter stated that the Commission has talked about wanting to be more collaborative with the athletic association and noted that perhaps an agenda could be developed to focus on that opportunity. Ms. Lawrence stated that the discussion with the athletic association was brought up in the planning with the Chair and Vice Chair and noted that there was a list of items provided to the association that they would like addressed and provided some examples. Chair Goldade stated that the vision was that they would meet with the association in between seasons and advised of some of the items they would like addressed. He stated that the leadership was open to the discussion and asked that it occur in October as they were not available for tonight’s meeting. Ms. Lawrence stated that City staff has attempted to be more proactive and open in communication with the athletic association and hoped that the Commission would be able to have more information for its discussions as well. Chair Goldade stated that a resident mentioned that they were having difficulty finding the organics recycling. Mr. Ruzek provided details on the location for the organics recycling which is in the northwest corner at Mendakota. Motion Klepperich/second Smith to acknowledge the staff reports. AYES 6: NAYS 0 8. New Business 8.a Swing Set Discussion Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that background information was provided in the packet. She noted that Commissioner Meyer contacted staff related to safety concerns with the swing set at Victoria Highlands and noted that staff has also received calls from residents. She stated that staff inspected the swing set, and it is safe. She noted that there will be repainting to improve the appearance and staff will continue to inspect the equipment. She stated that Commissioner Meyer asked if the special parks fund could be used for the expense of a swing set, if the equipment were upgraded to include a new feature such as a parent/child swing. She stated that staff does not feel that would be a justifiable expense as the infrastructure would not be improved. She noted that if a swing set is expanded from four swings to six or eight swings, a portion of that improvement could use the special parks fund. She stated that she will be providing a list of swing replacement, as swing sets are not replaced on the same schedule as playground equipment. Commissioner Klepperich stated that he believes the same situation exists at Ivy Hills. He noted that repainting could probably help to ease the mind of users. Commissioner Cotter stated that this interpretation of whether something is an improvement or maintenance is not a black or white issue. He stated that if the swings, how they function, and/or the size of swings is changed that could be an improvement rather than maintenance even though the overall infrastructure is not changed. He commented that improvement versus maintenance is definitely an issue of interpretation and will continue to come up with small projects and the related discussion on funding. Commissioner Sherer stated that if the swings are stable and it is just an issue of rust, would public works be able to sand down those spots and repaint. Ms. Lawrence confirmed that task is on the list for public works this fall. Commissioner Blanks asked if there would be room to expand the swing set in that area. Ms. Lawrence did not believe there was sufficient space to expand because of the required fall zone. Commissioner Sherer stated that the swing set at Kensington should also be included on the list. Ms. Lawrence stated that this is something the Commission should be mindful of when considering playground replacement. She noted that while not replacing a swing set may save funds when replacing the playground, it does result in this situation and therefore the Commission should keep that in mind. 9. Unfinished Business 9.a October Parks Tour Agenda Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that the parks tour has been set for Wednesday, October 6th and reviewed the draft list of parks for the tour. Commissioner Klepperich stated that four parks may be the limit because of the time of sunset. He suggested that the skatepark replace Ivy Hills on the list. He stated that he has had a chance to visit the skatepark, but other members have not, and he believed that would be very timely. Commissioner Smith stated that the skatepark could go after the dog park. Chair Goldade confirmed the agreement of the Commission to make that change. He invited Mr. Williams to join the Commission at the skatepark. 9.b Strategic Planning Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that the Commission participated in 12 hours of planning with the City Council in June to discuss the future of parks and recreation. She stated that in July the Commission held a worksession to discuss its 2022 budget priorities. She stated that staff brought forward those budget requests and the City Council considered approval of the preliminary budget the previous week. She stated that once adopted by the Council, the preliminary budget amount can only be decreased and cannot be increased prior to final adoption. She noted that not all of the budget requests from the Commission were approved. She stated that she will be providing a tracking report going forward for the Commission. She provided a summary of the requests from the Commission that were included in the preliminary budget along with a highlight of the budget items from the other departments. Commissioner Sherer referenced the skatepark design, noting that he believed that item had been put on pause. Ms. Lawrence stated that the Commission and staff recommended that as a 2022 project but did not move forward at that point. Staff stated that within the five-year CIP a number of items were moved to 2025 in anticipation of a referendum in 2024 which could provide financing. Commissioner Smith referenced the dugouts the Commission previously discussed. She noted that the Commission did not include Friendly Hills as a covered dugout but that appears in 2023. Ms. Lawrence noted that the document was created prior to the Commission’s discussion. She stated that the Mendakota dugout project has begun preparation work. She noted that when that item ultimately moves forward, staff will bring forward the additional three dugout recommendations that the Commission anticipated for spring. She explained that the CIP is a planning tool and items can move up or down. Chair Goldade asked for more information on the requests that have been moved to levy category. Ms. Lawrence stated that means those requests have passed the first round and have moved forward. Mr. Ruzek noted that the top items will be funded through underspending that the City did in 2020 and from the sale of the Village lots. Commissioner Sherer asked for more information on the differences in the cost estimates for the resurfacing of the tennis courts at Friendly Hills and Wentworth. Mr. Ruzek replied that a new surface is needed at Friendly Hills whereas Wentworth requires a new asphalt base. Commissioner Sherer asked for details on the Park and Rec Manager position and how that would be funded. Ms. Lawrence stated that Assistant City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson, who will soon become the new City Administrator, recommended this position. She stated that it is her understanding that the Recreation Program Coordinator would continue to do recreational programing whereas the Park and Rec Manager would oversee capital improvement projects and the Par 3. Mr. Ruzek stated that once the Council adopts the final budget, staff would create the job description. Commissioner Cotter understood that the CIP is more of a broader brush but noted that the Commission has worked on a park improvement list. He stated that it appears those have been pushed out until a future referendum and asked if the improvements prior to that time would be funded through the special parks fund. Ms. Lawrence stated that she is working to combine those documents into one. She confirmed that the hope would be that some projects could be funded prior to the referendum, as needed or upon Council direction. She recognized that a referendum would need to be approved by the Council and voters. Chair Goldade stated that it is exciting to have hope, but also cautions against false hope. He recognized that this is planning for 2022, but things can also change during a year. He stated that it is important to continue to prioritize and have clear communication with the City Council. He stated that the planning process was helpful to see a bigger picture of everything the City has for needs and the requests the Council receives. Commissioner Cotter thanked staff and agreed it was helpful to see the big picture. Ms. Lawrence stated it would be her hope that they can be more proactive and continue that communication with the Council moving forward. Commissioner Sherer asked if the Commission would review this again the next month as there are some items on the list that he does not recall prioritizing. Ms. Lawrence replied that some of the items were pulled from the capital asset management plan or brought forward from the parks department. She noted that the preliminary budget has been set. She stated that she will continue to work on the narrative to pull everything together. Commissioner Klepperich referenced the revenue summary and asked if there is a separate line item for the funds paid from MHAA. Ms. Lawrence replied that falls under charges for services, specifically under park use fees. She noted that should be categorized under field use and noted that she would follow up with finance. 10. Staff Announcements Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence shared the following announcements:  Recreation programs are in full gear for fall and registration can be found online  She hopes to keep the Par 3 open as long as possible  Winter positions should be posted by October 1st  Other events can be found on the city’s website 11. Student Representative Update Student Representative Hess commented that school has started so he has not been active in the parks. He noted that there appear to be slightly less people in the parks as school sports have begun. He advised that the skatepark continues to be busy and therefore funding and improvement of the skatepark is important. 12. Commission Comments and Park Updates Commissioner Smith  Excited about the pickleball courts at Friendly Hills and the landscaping looks great  There is a section of fence needing repair at Kensington Commissioner Cotter  The fishing tournament at Rogers Lake continues to be a great hit  The parks continue to see a lot of activity Commissioner Blanks  The basketball court has been well-used at Valley Park  Mendakota is a busy park with a variety of activities Commissioner Klepperich  Maintenance was repairing the dual-purpose net at Ivy Hills the previous day  Thank you to staff for the budget information  Impressed by the results of the Par 3  Congratulated City Administrator Mark McNeill on his upcoming retirement Commissioner Sherer  Market Square Park looks good  Basketball hoop supports need attention at Hagstrom King  The tarp that is used to cover the mound at Hagstrom King should be replaced Chair Goldade  Perhaps the Commission discuss Wentworth at the October meeting. He stated that if there is not going to be a warming house for 2022 perhaps, they look at a temporary structure or not open the rink at all  Thanks to City Administrator Mark McNeill for his work at the City and wished him well in his retirement  Congratulations on the success of the Par 3 13. Adjourn Motion Klepperich/Second Smith to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 PM AYES 6: NAYS 0 Minutes drafted by: Amanda Staple TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.