2021-02-09 Park and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 2021 The February meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, via WebEx. 1. Call to Order – Chair Steve Goldade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call – The following Commissioners were present: Chair Steve Goldade, Commissioners: Jaffrey Blanks, Patrick Cotter, Bob Klepperich, Stephanie Meyer, Dan Sherer and Amy Smith; absent: none. Staff present: Recreation Program Coordinator, Meredith Lawrence, Assistant City Administrator, Cheryl Jacobson and Public Works Director, Ryan Ruzek. 2.a Introduction of New Commissioner Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence introduced the newest member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, Jaffrey Blanks. The members of the Commission introduced themselves. 3. Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence noted that each February the Commission elects a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for the next 12-month period. She reviewed the duties of each position and opened the floor for nominations for the Chairperson position. Motion Klepperich/second Blanks to nominate and elect Steve Goldade as Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission for 2021. A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Blanks aye Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Sherer aye Commissioner Meyer aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Chair Goldade aye Motion carried. Ms. Lawrence opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chairperson. Motion Cotter/second Meyer to elect Bob Klepperich as Vice-Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission for 2021. A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Sherer aye Commissioner Meyer aye Commissioner Klepperich abstain Chair Goldade aye Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Blanks aye Commissioner Cotter aye Motion carried. 4. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 5. Approval of Agenda Motion Klepperich/second Sherer, to approve the agenda. A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Blanks aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Chair Goldade aye Commissioner Sherer aye Commissioner Meyer aye Motion carried. 6.a Approval of Minutes from January 5, 2021 Regular Meeting Motion Klepperich/second Cotter to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting. Further discussion: Commissioner Meyer asked if these items could be accepted by consensus in order to avoid roll call votes. Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence noted that State Statute requires a roll call vote for hybrid and virtual meeting formats. A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Blanks aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Commissioner Meyer aye Commission Sherer aye Commissioner Smith aye Chair Goldade aye Commissioner Cotter aye Motion carried. 7. Citizen Comment Period (for items not on the agenda) None. 8. Acknowledgement of Reports Chair Goldade read the titles of the two updates (Par 3 and Recreation Updates) and polled the Commissioners for questions. 8.a Par 3 Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence briefly reviewed the update noting that staff is preparing for the 2021 season. She stated that the course had a very good season noting that the numbers included in the Financial Report are pending approval through the audit and provided a brief summary. She stated that staff is happy with the numbers and continues to discuss ideas for the 2021 season. She stated that the rebranding ideas were approved by the Council at its last meeting and the new logo has begun to be used. She advised of the policies she is working to update and noted that the seasonal staff positions for the course have been released for recruitment. Commissioner Smith asked if there would be golf camps this summer. Ms. Lawrence replied that staff is planning to have camps, leagues, and tournaments. She stated that they are keeping registration capacities low and COVID-19 plans will be necessary, noting that registration begins on March 9th. Commissioner Sherer stated that he has seen promotions from other courses offering early passes and asked if the City has considered that option. Ms. Lawrence replied that she does not have staff at the course at this time but is something staff could look into for 2022. She stated that staffing duties are at capacity for 2021 as she still needs to direct time towards COVID-19. She stated that she would be interested in discussing options for 2022. Commissioner Cotter asked if a page will be added to the City website specifically for the Par 3 course. Ms. Lawrence stated that is on the list for the Communications Coordinator to complete. She stated that there are some constraints to the website and therefore the Council is discussing options for that in the near future. She confirmed that the page will be updated. Chair Goldade asked if the Council selected the logo recommended by the Commission. Ms. Lawrence confirmed that the navy logo recommended by the Commission was approved by the Council. 8.b Recreation Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence reported that warming houses are now open at Friendly Hills and Marie Parks. She stated that ice rinks have been well-used this season. She stated that recreation registration opens on March 9th at 9:00 a.m. on the website or in-person at City Hall. She noted that all programs will have COVID-19 plans as required and will be updated based on guidance from the Governor. She stated that, as directed by the Commission, she met with the regular user groups for field and facility use to answer any questions those groups may have, advise them of deadlines and process, and receive feedback. Chair Goldade thanked staff for meeting with the user groups as requested. He hoped that helped to get the groups off to a positive start. Commissioner Sherer asked if it would be possible to receive an update on the requests received and the schedule for granting permits. Ms. Lawrence replied that requests were due February 1st, but she has not yet had a chance to review those. She stated that the typical users have all submitted requests. She noted that she will meet with maintenance staff the following week to determine capacity and hopes to have the allocations completed by the end of the month or early in March. Motion Cotter/second Blanks to acknowledge the staff reports. A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Meyer aye Chair Goldade aye Commissioner Blanks aye Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Commissioner Sherer aye Motion carried. 9. New Business 9.a Rules of Order Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that she provides the rules of order each February as required in the bylaws and provided a brief overview. Chair Goldade asked for information on attendance and how members should report an absence. Ms. Lawrence noted that a Commission member is allowed to have up to four excused absences within one year. She stated that if a Commission member is not able to attend, they should alert both herself and Chair Goldade by 4 p.m. the day before the meeting. Commissioner Cotter commented that perhaps staff should review Section 1.3 to determine if additional language should be added related to virtual meetings because of the current situation. Chair Goldade stated that he and Commissioner Klepperich have begun meeting with Ms. Lawrence one week prior to the meeting date in order to set the agenda in attempt to make the process efficient and more productive. He welcomed any input from Commissioners prior to that time if they have an item they would like to appear on an agenda. 9.b Assign Commissioner Parks Chair Goldade stated that historically each Commission member has been assigned two parks with the task to visit the parks between meetings and express any comments or concerns. He asked that members of the Commission choose their parks for the year. Commissioner Blanks chose Valley Park and Mendakota Park. Commissioner Sherer offered to swap park choices with Commissioner Smith as they live near each other. Commissioner Smith agreed and her assigned parks are now Friendly Hills and Kensington parks. Commissioner Sherer agreed to Hagstrom King and Market Square parks. Commissioner Cotter agreed to take the Dog park and Rogers Lake park. Commissioner Klepperich agreed to take Civic Center and Ivy Hills parks. He reminded the Commissioners to report any safety issues to Ms. Lawrence immediately to ensure that can be addressed by Public Works. Commissioner Meyer agreed to keep Marie and Victoria Highlands parks. Chair Goldade agree to take Valley View Heights and Wentworth parks. 9.c Marie Park Playground Recommendation Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that information was included in the packet related to the Marie Park playground remodel. She stated that the subcommittee worked with her heavily on this task. She stated that the RFP was approved by the City Council in October and reviewed the items which were approved be included in the RFP. She stated that the budget was $125,000 and each of the nine proposals met that budget. She stated that the subcommittee reviewed the proposals and narrowed down the proposals to three, which were then made available for public input and review tonight as options A (Finnegan), B (Midwest Playscapes), and C (Northwest Recreation). She stated that each proposal has a similar cost and is at the allowed budget. She stated that a virtual open house was hosted on January 26th with five residents participating and preferences for options B or C. She stated that an in person open house was also hosted on January 28th with the majority of those residents choosing options C and A. She stated that a survey was also posted on the community’s engagement platform, as well as other platforms, noting that those results were included in the packet with option C gaining the most support. She stated that option C has a very large container, which almost doubles the size of the current playground, and does not fit within the topography of the map included in the RFP. She stated that staff met with the contractor and felt comfortable that they could keep the same equipment in a different arrangement to better fit the space and address any safety concerns. She stated that updated layout was included in the packet and still encroaches further into the baseball field than planned. She asked the Commission to consider that as there is not a fence for the outfield. She asked the Commission for a recommendation as this will move forward to the Council next week in order to meet the timelines within the RFP and installation. Chair Goldade provided clarification on the business representing each brand of play equipment as outlined in each option. Commissioner Cotter stated that he reviewed the applicable contracts and compared those to the RFP, noting that he has concerns with the contract language. Commissioner Klepperich asked for information on warranties and installation. Ms. Lawrence replied that necessary documents for each company’s warranty were included in the RFP as required, which appear to be standard. Commissioner Sherer stated that he reviewed the options with his children, who selected option C as did the majority of the community that provided input. He asked for input from staff related to the encroachment of the outfield, noting there could be a conflict depending upon the user. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek replied that there is a marker post of 180 feet in right field from home plate, and in left field the marker is 200 feet. He stated that staff would not want to encroach further than that marker. Commissioner Blanks asked how viable option C would be, noting that the footprint, features, and cost caught his eye. He asked if that additional cost could be supported. Ms. Lawrence clarified that option C had a bid alternate and stated that without the shade structures the total would be $125,000 and with the shade structures the cost would be $133,004. She provided background information noting that the City submitted the RFP before it found out about the change in how special parks fund dollars could be used. She stated that depending upon the size, some special parks fund dollar could be used but the majority would need to be funded in another manner, and therefore the budget would be tight at $125,000. Commissioner Cotter commented that in reviewing the RFP it states the contractor shall pay sales tax and each vendor has stated that is not their responsibility and that the taxes would be billed separately. He stated that sales tax would be a significant cost that increases the cost above the budgeted amount. He stated that there are other issues as to who would be responsible for different items in the process that would also need to be addressed. Ms. Lawrence stated that the City is a tax-exempt entity and does not pay sales tax on items purchased, with the exception of the golf course. She stated that she could look into that further to gather additional information before this moves to the Council. Chair Goldade asked if site prep would be funded through the $125,000 or whether there are other options for that. Ms. Lawrence noted that the site prep, demolition, and disposal were included in the RFP and the only expense the City will pay for outside of the RFP was the tree and stump removal. Commissioner Klepperich stated that option C includes a note that it has been assumed that the site will be prepared, which would then seem to place that burden on the City. Commissioner Cotter stated that the contract does include demolition and site work, but the remaining language is not consistent with that and provided examples. He stated that language would need to be addressed. Chair Goldade confirmed that those issues could be worked out with staff prior to the City Council meeting. Commissioner Meyer commented that there are a few things she is concerned with. She stated that when these were presented to the public, she was unsure that it was clear the giant tree will be removed, as that is a source of shade, and the public would most likely want to see some option for shade included. She stated that when presented to the public, the layout for option C was different, noting that there were concerns with the layout. She stated that the rearrangement that has been done is great, but it now encroaches on the outfield which would appear to make that not a valid option. She stated that residents have asked about getting around the pond and that was not discussed in relation to the footprint. She stated that they are putting effort into keeping the walkway and slab, but on the other side there would be further encroachment towards the pond that would further disturb the wildlife in that area. She noted that option B is fairly close to the pond and was unsure how important it is to keep the walkway and cement slab and whether there would be an option to shift to the southeast. She stated that if the layout for option C, with the encroachment, is not viable it should simply be removed from the table for consideration. Mr. Ruzek commented that a buffer around a pond is not necessarily for wildlife and nesting but is meant to help filter runoff. He stated that the City does not fertilize the park and therefore the surface water runoff would not contain a high amount of nutrients. He stated that he has not selected a planned trail layout between the trail and park and therefore the buffer could be increased to the playground container and/or a fence could be added to further buffer the areas. He did not believe the entire asphalt path needs to remain in place, but he would prefer more than one ingress into the park. He believed that trail could be shorted by 20 or 30 feet. He stated that the concrete pad is only one or two years old and did not believe that would need to move. He stated that the playground could shift only slightly without impacting additional trees or encountering additional challenges with topography. Chair Goldade asked if the Commission could recommend option C with a smaller container. He asked the type of flexibility the Commission would have. Ms. Lawrence stated that staff feels comfortable with the way the RFP was written and that the features could be moved around as residents provided input on features and not necessarily where the features are located. She stated that the City received a good response from bidders because some municipalities have chosen not to move forward with CIP projects. She stated that she would like a recommendation from the Commission tonight in order to move forward with the timeline for installation this year. Commissioner Smith commented that when the subcommittee chose the three vendors, these were chosen because of the equipment that was included noting that each had a unique piece of equipment with a good distribution of equipment for both older and younger children. She stated that it is unfortunate that option C encroaches into the field as fields are in high demand. She stated that options A and B have similar features and provide a lot as well. She recognized that shade was a concern but noted that trees will grow and eventually provide additional shade. Commissioner Klepperich commented that option B specifically says that no site restoration and extra material left on the site will be the responsibility of the City to remove, which also conflicts with the RFP. Commissioner Cotter agreed that there are inconsistencies in each of the contract and noted that there would need to be additional negotiation on the terms of whichever option is selected. He asked for input from Commissioner Smith and Meyer as to whether the footprint issue can be fixed without substantially changing what the playground will look like. He also asked if the Commissioners would be comfortable moving forward without the shade option. He noted that option C seems to jump out at everyone as the number one choice for amenities and therefore if the footprint and shade could be addressed it would seem to solve the issues. Commissioner Meyer agreed that if the footprint issue and shade could be solved, C would be the clear winner as that was the preferred choice by the public. She stated that if there are no other options for the footprint, she does not believe that option could move forward. Commissioner Blanks commented that he feels that the shade aspect is also important in the summer months. He stated that it is easy to appear as the number one choice when you do not meet all the requirements such as size, shade, and cost. Ms. Lawrence stated that C did follow the requirements as the RFP allowed for a bid alternate, which is what that vendor did with the shade. She agreed that the shape would not follow topography, but the shade was allowed to be an alternate. Chair Goldade asked if there is a possible solution to the encroachment of the baseball field. Mr. Ruzek stated that the container would be slightly outside of the baseball field, with the biggest fear being that playground users would find the area unsafe for their children if a ball comes near the playground area. He stated that perhaps there would be a way to configure the container and alignment, removing the walkway and shifting to the west, to better utilize that space. He noted that perhaps the size could even be increased slightly to the east to pull further away from the baseball field. He stated that as long as the features are included, reorganizing the layout would not violate the RFP. Commissioner Cotter asked if the Commission could provisionally approve that option with the direction for staff to attempt to configure the container size and contract language. He stated that if that could not be done to acceptance, perhaps the item come back before the Commission. Commissioner Klepperich stated that a recommendation needs to be done tonight in order to meet the timing and completion for this upcoming season. He stated that the Commission could make a recommendation of C as the preferred choice, contingent upon those items being completed and provided a backup suggestion if those contingencies could not be met. He stated that he would not want the playground and baseball activities to overlap. Commissioner Sherer stated that there was a discussion on whether to use Marie or Friendly Hills for 9- or 10-year-olds. He asked if the traveling team puts up their own fence for use. Ms. Lawrence stated that a playground has a typical life of 15 years and therefore field use within that time could change and it would not just be used by 9- and 10-year-olds. She stated that she does plan to clarify the contract language for whichever choice is made, along with assistance from the City Attorney. She confirmed that the RFP has a deadline of which the City must take action on in order for that to remain valid. She stated that this is scheduled to go to the City Council next week. She agreed that a fallback option would be helpful in the case that the contingencies could not be worked out for option C. Chair Goldade provided background on the temporary fencing, noting that it was not installed at Marie in 2020. He stated that there could be a motion that states that the playground does not impact the baseball field. He stated that two motions could be made identifying options one and two. Motion Cotter to recommend to the City Council playground C for Marie Park, if the footprint is able to be reconfigured to not encroach on the baseball field as is and in a manner that does not cause a safety concern for playground or baseball field users. Further discussion: Commissioner Blanks asked if the shade option would also be addressed. Ms. Lawrence asked for clarification on whether the bid alternate in the amount of $8,004 is meant to be included in the recommendation or whether the recommendation was to move forward with the bid price of $125,000. Chair Goldade asked if Commissioner Cotter would consider including the bid alternate for the shade. Commissioner Cotter confirmed that he would accept that with the motion as follows. Motion Cotter/second Blanks to recommend to the City Council playground C for Marie Park, if the footprint is able to be reconfigured to not encroach on the baseball field as is and in a manner that does not cause a safety concern for playground or baseball field users, and to include the bid alternate option for shade with a total price of $133,004. Further discussion: Commissioner Sherer stated that it would need to be decided as to what would encroach on the baseball field. Ms. Lawrence stated that staff measured the foul ball post near the playground, which was measured at 180 feet, while the post on the other side of the field was marked at 200 feet. She stated therefore there was already slightly an encroachment on that side of the field because of the existing container. Chair Goldade stated that perhaps the language should state that the marker for right field not be less than 180 feet. Commissioner Meyer asked if all the plans go past the 180-foot marker. She asked if the Commission is asking that this plan be reduced by 20 feet. She noted that all the plans encroach into that area to some extent. Ms. Lawrence provided additional explanation on the containers proposed for the different options, noting that option C would encroach. Mr. Ruzek clarified that he would not want to see the container closer than the 200-foot mark. He stated that closest point for the existing container is 199 feet. Chair Goldade suggested that the additional language be added that the container never be less than 180 feet for the distance as measured for right field rather than using as is. He confirmed agreement with the motion maker and seconder to amend the motion as stated: Motion Cotter/second Blanks to recommend to the City Council playground C for Marie Park, if the footprint is able to be reconfigured to not encroach on the baseball field as is with right field measured at 180 feet, and in a manner that does not cause a safety concern for playground or baseball field users, and to include the bid alternate option for shade with a total price of $133,004. A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Meyer aye Commissioner Sherer aye Chair Goldade nay Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Blanks aye Commissioner Klepperich nay Motion carried. Chair Goldade asked if there is interest in putting forth a second recommendation in the case that the contingencies for option C cannot be met. Motion Smith/second Blanks to recommend to the City Council playground B for Marie Park as the secondary recommendation. Further discussion: Commissioner Blanks commented that he sees this as a great option as it meets all the needs and includes the option for shade. He stated that the majority of discussion focused on option C, but option B is a great option. Commissioner Meyer asked if there would be an issue with the distance from the container to the pond, as she received input from residents concerned about decreasing that distance. She noted that the option for a trail around the pond would not be an option if the playground encroaches too far in that direction. Mr. Ruzek stated that the eastern border of the boundary would have been a minimum of 25 feet from the waterline and he would like a minimum of 25 feet for the buffer from the waterline. Commissioner Meyer asked if the area that currently has cattails would be filled. Mr. Ruzek replied that he will majorly destroy the pond before a buffer is installed. He stated that he would most likely dig the pond out and then install a buffer around the edges in one or two years. He confirmed that he would be comfortable with this plan as well. Commissioner Klepperich asked and received confirmation that option B would take the same footprint of the existing playground. A roll call vote was performed: Chair Goldade nay Commissioner Klepperich aye Commissioner Meyer aye Commissioner Sherer aye Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Blanks aye Commissioner Smith aye Motion carried. Chair Goldade thanked staff and everyone that participated in this process. 9.d Dakota County Big Rivers Regional Trail Improvement Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated that Dakota County operates the Big Rivers Regional Trailhead, located at the end of Mendota Heights Road to the west of Highway 13. He stated that there are historical features within the park and the County is looking to make upgrades to the park. He reviewed the proposed improvements that are anticipated, noting that the project will tie into the City’s sewer and water utilities. He also provided details on the intention of the State to turnback Old Sibley Highway to the City of Mendota Heights in the near future. He provided details on the proposed structure which would include a restroom and picnic area. He confirmed that this item is simply informational and does not require action from the Commission as this is a County project. He stated that the City would be able to display materials in one side of the new kiosk. Chair Goldade thanked staff for teaming with the County, noting that this is a well visited park and he looks forward to the additional trail connections. 10. Unfinished Business 10.a Park Volunteer Program Concept Chair Goldade asked if Items A and D could be moved to the March meeting. Recreation Program Coordinator Lawrence stated that she would like to gain input on this item tonight but stated that if time is a constraint, she could push that item back. She provided background information stating that there have been a lot of requests from residents, the Commission, and other groups for a park volunteer program. She stated that other departments within the City have shown interest in partnering on this type of program and therefore staff would like input on the vision for this program to determine how the strengths of different departments could be used to create a successful program for the City. Chair Goldade welcomed input from the Commission tonight to allow staff to continue to move forward. He asked if there are specific questions from staff or whether the intent is for general feedback. Ms. Lawrence stated that she used the plans of other cities in order to develop a model program. Assistant City Administrator Cheryl Jacobson commented that in putting this concept together staff attempted to keep it broad in order to get the best of all worlds and not exclude different groups that would want to sponsor an event for a park. She stated that in hearing input from the Natural Resource Technician there are different volunteer opportunities from that department, along with the Police Department. She stated that the attempt would be to create a unique program for the City that is broad enough to allow for different opportunities. She asked if the Commission agrees with keeping this broad to allow for more opportunities or whether it would like to be more focused on an adopt a park type program. Commissioner Cotter stated that he likes the broad concept as it is more inviting. He stated that the point is to engage people in the parks. He stated that it could even be broadened to be a parks and trails program. Chair Goldade agreed that he likes the broad concept noting that it could become more specific as time goes on if desired. He stated that volunteer programs do require staff time and therefore that should be acknowledged as well. He believed that the benefits would outweigh that additional staff time that would be needed. Commissioner Smith asked if the City does any events in conjunction with Earth Day, such as a clean-up event as that could be used to introduce the program and increase awareness. Ms. Jacobson stated that the Natural Resources Technician has spearheaded Earth Day events in the past and she could follow-up with her to discuss that opportunity. Commissioner Klepperich asked if there is a volunteer coordinator staff position. Ms. Jacobson stated that there is a staff person that designates a few hours per week towards that duty, noting that employee has previous experience as a volunteer coordinator. Ms. Lawrence welcomed any additional input Commissioners may have in the next few days prior to the staff meeting. Chair Goldade asked that the City be purposeful in how Commissioners could be involved in the program. 10.b Student Representative Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that an update was included in the packet. She stated that three applications were received, and staff is working with the Council to review the applications and bring a Student Representative on board. She stated that they are looking at the possibility to have three representatives rather than one. 10.c Skate Park Work Group Update Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that a memorandum was provided in the packet as an update. Commissioner Klepperich stated that that subcommittee is made up of five individuals that have interest in the park along with he and Commissioner Smith. He reviewed the report he provided in January and noted that the renderings, as directed, were presented to the subcommittee at its last meeting with the intention of the next step to be presenting those renderings at a presentation to the Commission, then Council with hopefully construction to occur this year. He noted that some subcommittee members have changed direction and want to use a different vendor and exceed the allotted budget, therefore the group has come to a stalemate. He hoped that additional discussion and consensus could be gained at the group’s February meeting. Commissioner Smith commented that there were two other vendors added to the contract and a few of the subcommittee members wanted to ensure that the group looks at all options. She hoped that a presentation could still be made to the Commission in the near future. Ms. Lawrence confirmed that she would have final renderings available for the subcommittee to review at its February meeting with the intention to present to the Commission at its March meeting. Chair Goldade thanked all members of the subcommittee and Ms. Lawrence for their continued work on this matter. 10.d Funding of Projects - CIP Chair Goldade asked if this item could begin the March meeting agenda. Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that she shared the information that she had as a baseline in preparation for the next budget year. She stated that this item will appear on the March agenda. 11. Staff Announcements Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence shared the following announcements: • Commissioner training is scheduled for February 24th at 7:00 p.m. in conjunction with the City Council • Programming registration opens on March 9th at 9:00 a.m. • Golf and tennis positions have been posted of the City website • Other events can be found on the city’s website 12. Commission Comments and Park Updates Commissioner Meyer • Marie Park continues to be popular and she looks forward to the new playground improvements Commissioner Smith • Friendly Hills continues to be well used during the winter months • Market Square has not had much use with the cold weather Commissioner Cotter • No report Commissioner Sherer • It has been fun to see outdoor winter activities, such as hockey and ice skating Commissioner Klepperich • Marie Park has seen use from ice skaters Commissioner Blanks • He looks forward to being a contributing member of the team Chair Goldade • Congratulated the City for the wonderful news story on winter pickleball at Marie Park • Kids are skating at Wentworth and he continues to be impressed with the beauty of that park • Valley Park continues to be well used during the winter months 13. Adjourn Motion Klepperich/Second Sherer to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 PM A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Blanks aye Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Sherer aye Commissioner Meyer aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Chair Goldade aye Motion carried. Minutes drafted by: Amanda Staple TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.