2021-01-05 Park and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING JANUARY 5, 2021 The January meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. 1. Call to Order – Chair Steve Goldade called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call – The following Commissioners were present: Chair Steve Goldade, Commissioners: Patrick Cotter, Pat Hinderscheid (arrived at 6:44pm), Bob Klepperich, Stephanie Meyer, Dan Sherer and Amy Smith; absent: none. Staff present: Recreation Program Coordinator, Meredith Lawrence, Assistant City Administrator, Cheryl Jacobson, Public Works Director, Ryan Ruzek, Natural Resource Technician, Krista Spreiter. 3. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 4. Approval of Agenda Motion Cotter/second Klepperich, to approve the agenda A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Hinderscheid absent Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Sherer aye Commissioner Meyer aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Chair Goldade aye Motion carried. 5.a Approval of Minutes from December 8, 2020 Regular Meeting Motion Klepperich/second Cotter to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2020 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting. A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Sherer aye Commissioner Meyer aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Chair Goldade aye Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Hinderscheid absent Motion carried. 6. Citizen Comment Period (for items not on the agenda) Chair Goldade read aloud an email received from a former Commission member who suggested cost effective options that could be added for winter amenities, such as shoveling a rink on Rogers Lake. 7. Acknowledgement of Reports Chair Goldade read the titles of the three updates (Par 3, Recreation, Park Improvement, and Natural Resources Updates) and polled the Commissioners for questions. 7.a Par 3 Update Recreation Program Coordinator, Meredith Lawrence, stated that an update was provided but the financial report was not available prior to tonight’s meeting. She stated that they have begun planning for the 2021 season. 7.b Recreation Update Ms. Lawrence reported that skating rinks are open for the season but warming houses have not been opened per the Governor’s most recent Executive Order. She stated that the lights for the rinks are set on timers and encouraged residents to call City staff if the lights are not operating correctly. She stated that the Governor is set to provide an update the following day and if things change, the City will continue to pivot to follow those guidelines. She stated that the Quarantine Cup is still underway and encouraged residents to continue to look for Facebook posts from the City. She stated that she has begun to plan for the summer of 2021, acknowledging that there are a lot of “what ifs” with COVID-19. Chair Goldade thanked the staff members who are working to flood the ice rinks. 7.c Parks Improvement Update Ms. Lawrence noted that the update was included in the packet and included information on the Marie Park RFP process. She stated that this project is one that staff would like to continue moving forward for 2021. She noted that there are nine proposals, and she would like the Playground Subcommittee, along with staff, to review those proposals in order to narrow it down to three. She stated that those three proposals would then be presented for public input. She stated that she will contact the members of the subcommittee to schedule that meeting. She recognized that Commissioner Hinderscheid will leave the Commission at the end of January, but she would like him to continue to be involved on the Subcommittee because of his experience with this process. 6:44pm- Commissioner Hinderscheid was able to connect to the meeting with audio after having technical difficulties. Commissioner Sherer asked if the funding for the Wentworth improvements is still held up related to funding and the use of park dedication fees. Ms. Lawrence confirmed that she met with the Finance Director and City staff leadership and will continue to review those projects. She stated that the Council will soon meet for a goal setting session at which time they will discuss funding. She stated that after receiving this input she will bring an update back to the Commission. She confirmed that the Wentworth project is at the top of the priority list because of the funds available through the DNR grant. Chair Goldade stated that the funding is an issue for Wentworth along with the increased cost of the anticipated structure due to increased material costs. He asked for an estimated timeline for Marie Park. Ms. Lawrence stated that part of the RFP was a 90-day window for a vendor to be selected, so the timeline will need to move quickly. She stated that she anticipates bringing this forward to the Council and Commission in February. Chair Goldade asked that the Commission be alerted to the date of the community meeting. Ms. Lawrence confirmed that the public meeting would be well publicized to the public and she would include the Commission. Commissioner Hinderscheid asked if there would be concerns related to Marie Park and it’s financing. Ms. Lawrence stated that staff believes there would be adequate funding to complete the project in 2021 but noted that it would need to be approved by the City Council. Commissioner Hinderscheid asked if there are any grant possibilities for that project. Ms. Lawrence noted that it would be difficult to apply for a grant within the 90-day window. She stated that she is comfortable with the prices received through the RFP. Commissioner Cotter stated that perhaps there be a priority for the Commission to learn more about its role in attempting to find other sources of revenue for parks at one of the upcoming meetings. He commented that the change in how funds can be allocated does not just impact the Wentworth project, but many projects moving forward. 8. New Business 8.a Valley Park Eagle Scout Service Project Presentation Chair Goldade thanked Wyatt Cook for his contribution to the parks. Wyatt Cook, local student, stated that part of being an Eagle Scout is giving back and provided different examples that his group participates in. He stated that he created this project, which took a little over one year to develop, plan and complete. He stated that the process began in November 2019 with discussions on potential projects and then was focused more on February towards a potential project in Valley Park. He stated that planning took place in July and August. He stated that on September 12th he met with Natural Resources Technician Spreiter to mark out areas and complete a demo tree together. He stated that he coordinated with his group to then dig the holes and plant the trees in Valley Park. He reviewed before and after pictures of the project. Chair Goldade congratulated Mr. Cook on earning his Eagle Cook badge. Commissioner Cotter thanked Mr. Cook for his efforts, noting that this is a good educational opportunity. He asked the number of trees planted. Mr. Cook replied that they planted nine trees. Commissioner Hinderscheid also thanked Mr. Cook. He asked how the trees were acquired. Mr. Cook replied that the trees and supplies were donated by the City. Chair Goldade asked if there is signage acknowledging Mr. Cook’s work and his group’s work. Mr. Cook replied that there was not signage. Chair Goldade stated that perhaps staff could develop signage as that is a nice way to remind residents and other groups that the City is interested in partnering in these opportunities. Natural Resources Technician Krista Spreiter thanked Mr. Cook. She stated that you never know how these projects will go but it was amazing to work with him and he did a great job. She stated that staff has discussed signage and noted that she will follow up with Mr. Cook. 7. Acknowledgement of Reports (Continued) 7.d Natural Resources Update Natural Resources Technician Krista Spreiter reviewed the natural resources update and highlighted ongoing and upcoming projects and programs. She provided an update on Emerald Ash Borer, noting that most ash trees in the City have been infected and the City will continue to remove diseased trees. She stated that the first phase of the Natural Resources Management Plan has been completed and a presentation will be provided to the Council at its February 2nd meeting. She reviewed upcoming events including the resident tree sale and the rain barrel and compost bin sale. Chair Goldade thanked Ms. Spreiter for her update and for the work she and her team complete. Commissioner Hinderscheid asked if there is something done following buckthorn removal to prevent it from growing back. Ms. Spreiter confirmed that they treat the area after cutting to prevent it from resprouting. Commissioner Hinderscheid stated that he heard there were about 10,000 ash trees in Mendota Heights and asked if that is correct. Ms. Spreiter replied that the number is closer to 13,000 and noted that there are about 1,300 municipal/public ash trees. She commented that it is a lot to manage. She noted that not all the trees are near roads and would not necessarily need to be removed at this point. Commissioner Hinderscheid commented that he would imagine that it would be difficult to lose that canopy, environmentally. Ms. Spreiter confirmed that the loss will be noticeable and could be similar to the removal of the Dutch Elm trees that were removed in the past. Commissioner Cotter thanked Ms. Spreiter for her presentation. He asked the likely timeline for the removal of the ash trees. Ms. Spreiter stated that the process typically ramps up in year four, which is where the City is. She commented that the loss will be significant and noticeable in the next three to four years. Commissioner Cotter asked what would be likely to grow in the place of ash trees. He commented that it would not be likely that the City would be able to plant 10,000 trees. Ms. Spreiter commented that they will encourage residents to plant trees, especially if they are losing trees on their private property. She stated that something will take the place of the trees within the natural areas and open space. She stated that some deliberate planting could occur in attempt to avoid invasive species. She stated that there is also an importance in planting diverse species to avoid a similar situation where too many of one type of tree are planted and a disease comes along that takes out that population. She stated that she does have a DNR- suggested replacement list that could be shared. Commissioner Hinderscheid asked if the treatment for EAB is a viable way to treat the tree and avoid further damage. Ms. Spreiter commented that treatment is good for mitigation but is more of a delay in order to allow people to save funds to remove the tree and replace it. She confirmed that the program is still available to residents. Chair Goldade asked if it would be possible to have someone from Great River Greening come to make a presentation. He stated that perhaps a Valley Park work group could be formed as a collaboration between this Commission and the Natural Resources Group. He asked if there could be a connection formalized between the Pilot Knob Task Force and the Commission/ School District. He commented that he would be happy to help form those connections. He commented that this amenity is a wonderful asset to both the community and the schools. Ms. Spreiter commented that those are great suggestions and agreed that the more connections the better. Motion Hinderscheid/second Klepperich to acknowledge the staff reports. A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Chair Goldade aye Commissioner Hinderscheid aye Commissioner Sherer aye Commissioner Meyer aye Motion carried. 8. New Business (Continued) 8.b Par 3 Vision Discussion Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated at the December meeting it was requested to continue this discussion on to the January agenda. She stated that she plans to bring forward the recommendations for the logo to the Council at its January meeting. She noted that once approved, the logo will be carried on to the Par 3 to refresh the brand. She welcomed any additional suggestions from the Commission. Chair Goldade welcomed any ideas from the Commission for the 2021 season of the Par 3. Commissioner Klepperich commented that there was a record year in 2020, even with COVID- 19 and the procedures that had to be in place. He believed that the influence of COVID-19 will continue into the 2021 season and therefore careful planning will need to continue. He stated that the rate structure is right, and the course is in wonderful condition. He stated that new equipment continues to be added and believes that the course is on the right path for success. Commissioner Hinderscheid stated that when he types in the Par 3 course, it brings him to the City website. Ms. Lawrence confirmed that the Par 3 does not have its own website and is instead part of the City website. She stated that most municipal golf courses do not have their own website and are part of the City website because it is managed by City staff. She agreed that the page for the Par 3 course could be updated. Commissioner Hinderscheid confirmed that he would support updating the Par 3 page on the City website. Commissioner Cotter stated that once the rebranding is completed, perhaps a proposed update for the Par 3 page could be brought forward to the Commission for review. Commissioner Smith stated that perhaps there could be a kickoff weekend with a scramble, noting that perhaps the season could end with a scramble as well. She asked commented on the yardage and placement of the tee boxes. Chair Goldade asked if there is a family special offered; a time of the week when families receive a special rate. Ms. Lawrence replied that they do not currently offer that. She stated that staff is looking into opportunities to engage families. She stated that currently they utilize the punch card, as that provides a reduced rate. She stated that the biggest problem was that they were so busy in 2020 that they could not always accommodate the crew that wanted to come out. She stated that they have done a kickoff event in the past, which has been packed. She stated that in 2020, once the Governor announced that golf courses could be open, it was difficult to find a tee time because the courses were packed. Chair Goldade suggested that perhaps on Sundays after 3 p.m. a child plays free with a paid adult. He stated that he received an idea to increase the number of electric carts from a resident. Commissioner Hinderscheid asked if the sign on Dodd Road would be replaced with the new logo. Ms. Lawrence stated that she plans to have a new sign on Dodd. She stated that she will not be replacing the tee markers as those do not have the logo and are in good shape. Commissioner Hinderscheid stated that perhaps solar lighting could be used for the sign, as that would catch the eye of passersby. 8.c Park Volunteer/Adopt-A-Park Program Discussion Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence stated that the Commission has discussed an adopt-a-park program for the past few years and residents and businesses have reached out wanting to contribute. She stated that staff began to research how an adopt-a-park or volunteer program could be established. She stated that she has spoken to staff from other cities to determine how a program of that nature has been implemented. She stated that Mendota Heights is smaller than many of the surrounding communities and in turn has less staff. She stated that there are a lot of residents that want to give back to the community and believes this would be a good time for the Commission to discuss that opportunity. She asked how this program could be made successful in the City. She stated that she can use the suggestions tonight to develop a program that could be brought back for consideration/adoption by the Commission. Chair Goldade asked if an adopt-a-park program is a national program under a larger umbrella or whether it is a term passed from city to city. Ms. Lawrence commented that every city has a different formal name for this type of program. She stated that there is not a formal nationwide program to follow. Chair Goldade asked how willing Eagan would be to share its program, noting that it is easier to start with something and then make it your own. Ms. Lawrence stated that the programs are public knowledge/information. She stated that she has researched programs from other communities, but they are all so different. She stated that she would like guidance on how the program would be most successful within Mendota Heights. Commissioner Klepperich asked if there would be liability issues. He stated that perhaps a few of the best practices for this type of program would be a helpful place to start. He asked if the plan would be to start this in 2021. Ms. Lawrence stated that in order to protect the City from liability, the groups would sign a waiver. She stated that there is recreational immunity that can be utilized through the League of Minnesota Cities. She stated that she would be estimating a start for the program of the end of 2021 or in 2022. She confirmed that she could provide some best practices, noting that she has started a document with how a program could be run in Mendota Heights. She stated that she will provide additional information at the next meeting, if desired, but would like feedback this evening to prepare. Commissioner Smith asked if the idea for an adopt-a-park program would be to utilize community groups to clean up litter and assist with other tasks. Ms. Lawrence stated that she is looking for input from the Commission on what that would be. She stated that many cities have groups that adopt a park and hold clean-up events three or four times per year and advise the City of improvements that may be needed. She stated that this is a large, broad opportunity noting that the intent would be to develop a program tailored to the desire of the Commission. Commissioner Sherer asked if this would be for local residents and businesses or whether it would expand to larger groups/businesses that may be outside the community. Commissioner Hinderscheid stated that perhaps public works would have suggestions on where the public could provide assistance. Ms. Lawrence confirmed that public works has been involved in the discussions and would continue to provide guidance. Motion Meyer/second Klepperich to continue to investigate and discuss a volunteer/adopt-a- park program. Further discussion: Commissioner Meyer stated that several community members have approached her on this topic, and this is a great way to get people involved. She noted that a lot of park projects focus on specific things, such as a playground or other amenity, and do not look at the park holistically or the areas around the edges. She stated that there is a lot of interest in Marie and that would be her suggestion to begin as a pilot. Chair Goldade stated that perhaps the program could be discussed more at the next meeting. A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Hinderscheid aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Commissioner Meyer aye Commissioner Sherer aye Commissioner Smith aye Chair Goldade aye Commissioner Cotter aye Motion carried. 9. Unfinished Business 9.a Skate Park Work Group Update Commissioner Klepperich stated that the group met on December 21st and will meet again on January 25th. The Committee has agreed to have Ms. Lawrence work with the State authorized contractor to complete a 3D rendering. He noted that the suggestion was made to create the concrete pad large enough to add additional features in the future. He stated that wood has been selected as a material for the features, while metal and concrete were also discussed. He noted that the renderings will be shared with the work group at its January meeting. He stated that several potential sites were reviewed by the group and highlighted some of the considerations that were taken into account for each site. He stated that if the park is moved from Rogers Lake, Mendakota was the other possible location, noting that the other locations reviewed were not favorable. He stated that once the recommendations of the work group are complete, it will come forward to the Commission for review and then the City Council. Commissioner Smith commented that two students were instrumental in creating the renderings. She stated that while the features would be wooden and quite simple, it would be an improvement from the current condition of the skate park. Commissioner Hinderscheid asked how the issue of funding would apply if the skate park were to stay at Rogers Lake compared to moving it to Mendakota. Ms. Lawrence replied that this new interpretation by the Attorney is continually reviewed and discussed. She stated that if the skate park stays at Rogers Lake it would need to be funded with maintenance funds. She stated that if the size were increased and moved to Mendakota, some special parks funds could be used. She stated that if the skate park were moved to Mendakota, but the size remained the same, it would not change the recreational offerings and therefore would need to be funded through maintenance funds. Chair Goldade thanked Commissioners Klepperich and Smith, Ms. Lawrence, and the other members of the work group for their continued contributions to this topic. 10. Staff Announcements Recreation Program Coordinator Meredith Lawrence shared the following announcements: • Staff awaits the announcement from the Governor the following day which could possibly increase the recreational opportunities that could be offered. • One Student Representative application has been received. She encouraged interested students to apply on the website. • Staff is researching new recreational opportunities, as suggested in the email shared during the open forum tonight. • Many applications were received for the Commission seat that will be vacant at the end of the month when Commissioner Hinderscheid’s term expires. A new member will be appointed and join the Commission in February. • She thanked Commissioner Hinderscheid for his contributions to the Commission and community. • Other events can be found on the city’s website 11. Student Representative Update None. 12. Commission Comments and Park Updates Commissioner Klepperich • Thanked Commissioner Hinderscheid for his work on the Commission • Mendakota Park had nicely cleaned paths • It has been a wonderful winter to get outside and use the trails Commissioner Smith • Thanked Commissioner Hinderscheid, as he helped her to learn as a new Commissioner • Friendly Hills has had people skating on the rink each night and the sledding hill is well used • The northeast side of the ice rink drains and hits the trail, which causes an icy spot on the trail Commissioner Meyer • Thanked Commissioner Hinderscheid for his help and for making her feel welcome as a Commissioner when she started • Marie Park is still very busy, and it is great to see people outside with the nice weather Commissioner Cotter • Thanked Commissioner Hinderscheid noting that he has a great sense of humor that helps to lift the mood. It is clear he has a lot of knowledge on the parks in Mendota Heights • He asked if the idea for Rogers Lake skating would be feasible Commissioner Sherer • The moderate winter weather has been great to let people get outside and enjoy the parks • Thanked Commissioner Hinderscheid noting that it has been a pleasure to work with him and the legacy that he leaves Chair Goldade • Wentworth and Valley parks are both doing great and great places to hike through • Thanked Commissioner Hinderscheid for the knowledge, expertise, and humor he has brought to the Commission Commissioner Hinderscheid • Thanked the Commission for the kind words. He stated that he has enjoyed working with Ms. Lawrence and commented that she does an excellent job. He stated that nine years is a long time, but this has been a rewarding experience. • Ivy Hills does not have a skating rink, but the sledding hill continues to be used • The dog park continues to have a lot of use 13. Adjourn Motion Klepperich/Second Hinderscheid to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 PM A roll call vote was performed: Commissioner Cotter aye Commissioner Meyer aye Chair Goldade aye Commissioner Hinderscheid aye Commissioner Smith aye Commissioner Klepperich aye Commissioner Sherer aye Motion carried. AYES 7: NAYS 0 Minutes drafted by: Amanda Staple TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.