1996-10-08 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
October 8,1996
6:30 p.m. -Large Conference Room
Call to Order
2. Roll Call
Approval of September 10, 1996 Minutes
Park Reservation Policy Revision
5. Updates
• Administrative Assistant Appointment
• Recycling
• Parks Report
• Police Report (Available Tuesday)
Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities are available upon request at least 120 hours in
advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota Heights will
make every attempt to provide the aids. This may not, however, be possible on short
notice. Please contact City Administration at 452-1850 with requests.
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Chris Esser, Recreation Programmer
RE: Full Time Recreation Programmer
DATE: November 5, 1996
Parks and Recreation provides a wide range of benefits that display a city government's
investment in their community. Recreation opportunities improve the quality of life for residents
and promote a sense of community.
Leisure pursuits encourage a healthy, holistic lifestyle. People come together as a
community to recreate. Picnics, leagues and neighborhood parks help to bring neighbors
together. People coming together builds a sense of community and neighborhood trust.
Community pride and trust reflects a good, healthy government. People live in and move to
communities because of amenities, not low taxes. Residents look for and demand good
community services like schools, police and fire, recreation opportunities and a nice park system.
A community that cares about itself and its amenities demonstrates that it possesses resident pride
and that people enjoy living there.
A full time Recreation Programmer will create a vital parks and recreation system. The
aim of this position is not to create a large department, but one that is energetic, community
dynamic and responsive.
The other half of the Recreation Programmer position will provide numerous benefits to
the City of Mendota Heights. The two main benefits can be broken down into two categories:
I. Additional programs and II. City Service.
I. Additional Programs
A. With only a half time programmer, we are greatly restricting the recreation
opportunities for the residents of Mendota Heights. Currently, virtually every segment of the
population of Mendota Heights are under -served through the lack of City sponsored programs
and opportunities. A full time programmer would have the time and flexibility to create new
programs to serve every possible segment of the community.
B. Full time would also provide the flexibility to create or expand collaborative
programs with other Cities, Community Education, Mendota Heights Athletic
Association, and private groups. The Recreation Programmer's task is to tap into
surrounding resources through collaborative efforts, not to duplicate or compete with
existing programs. Collaborative programs save everyone involved time and money,
resulting in rewarding outcomes for the community.
C. List of potential programs not currently being offered that would be possible with
personnel expansion to one full time position:
1. Pre -School Programs
a. Nature Quest
b. Field Trips
c. Day Camp
d. Half -Pint Safety Camp
2. Youth Programs
a. Holiday youth programs
Valentine's Day
Spring (Easter, Passover)
Winter (Christmas, Chanukkah)
b. More, year-round youth Field Trips
c. Collaborative Summer Camps
d. Collaborative after -school weekday programs
3. Teen Programs
a. Drop -in programs
b. Field Trips
4. Adult Programs
a. Open Gyms
b. Leagues
Touch Football
5. Senior Programs
a. Collaborative Trips
b. Clubs, social gatherings, parties
6. People with Disabilities Programs
a. Special Olympics
b. Expanded S.P.I.R.I.T (Special People Incorporating Recreation In
Togetherness) involvement.
7. Family Events
a. Field Trips
b. Parent/child athletics and activities
The potential of these programs are difficult to predict. Recreation programs created year to date
have increased annual participant numbers from 581 in 1994 to over 1,000 in 1996. Based on the
above list of programs, we can project that these programs potentially will raise resident
participation to over 2,000 people per year as a result of staffing a full time programmer. That
will serve close to 20% of the residents in Mendota Heights annually.
II. City Service and Other Benefits
A. A full time Recreation Programmer would greatly improve customer service to the
community. Currently, the half time Recreation Programmer is only available at certain times
throughout the week. The schedule is irregular to the point where people have complained about
not being able to reach the Programmer regarding urgent business. Still others have voiced
dissatisfaction about having to wait a day to get a return phone call if the Programmer has left for
the day. A full time Programmer will be there a greater majority of the time to answer questions,
take registrations, reserve parks, etc.
B. A full time Recreation Programmer will be better able to coordinate tasks that need
very detailed attention. Creative scheduling of ballfields, coordinating activities with other
agencies and planning Celebrate Mendota Heights Parks! are just a few examples of programs and
activities that require a greater amount of attention than they are currently receiving. A full time
Programmer will have the time and flexibility to give these programs the attention they deserve.
C. A full time Recreation Programmer will be able to optimize use of existing
facilities throughout the community. Mendota Heights has a wonderful parks and trail system that
is well maintained throughout the year. The tax payer investment of maintenance of our parks
should be complimented by programs that put residents in the parks. Many residents are not
aware of the recreation opportunities they have through their own community parks and
recreation system. Expanded programming and education will help people of all recreation
abilities and interests to be aware of our amenities. Awareness will lead to active participation in
local programs and/or passive participation during leisure time pursuits.