1996-06-11 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda Packet (2)CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
June 11,1996
6:30 p.m. - City Council Chambers
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of May 14, 1996 Minutes
4, Mendakota Lights Task Force (Hollister)
5. NSP Substation (Hollister)
6, Regional Youth Baseball Tournament (Esser)
7. Summer Under the Sun Funding (Hollister)
8. Umpire Absence Reimbursement from 1995 Season (Esser)
9. Park Reservation Policy (Esser)
10, Updates
• MHAA Tournament Request
• Basketball Program Funding Consideration
• Wentworth Park Shelter(s)
• Valley View Park Half -Court Basketball
• St. Thomas Ski Course
• Ivy Falls Park
• Kensington Bid
• 5-Year CIP Plan
• Parks Report
• Police Report (available Tuesday)
11, Adjourn
Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request at least 120 hours in advance. If a notice of less than
120 hours is received, the City of Mendota Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids. This may not,
however, be possible on short notice. Please contact City Administration at 452-1850 with requests,
TO: Parks and Recreation Commissioners
FROM: Chris Esser, Recreation Programmer
RE: Regional Youth Baseball Tournament
DATE: June 7, 1996
John Norton, MHAA Baseball Commissioner, has been approached to host a district 12 year
Ad youth baseball tournament at Mendakota Park. The tournament is scheduled for June 21-
B. Sixteen teams will be registered for the tournament. Mr. Norton has stated that it is a
great honor to be approached to host a state district tournament. It will be a tremendous
opportunity to showcase the community and our great facility at Mendakota Park.
The issue I present; MHAA will be charging admission to the tournament. This raises rental
fee issues. In May, the Commission decided not to charge the MHAA for their summer
tournaments because they would be doing their own maintenance and not charging an
admission fee. This tournament will involve admission fees and possibly involve the Parks
Crew. Mr. Norton has agreed to negotiate with the City involving maintenance roles and
rental fees for fields. Since this is a major tournament, MHAA may want the Parks
Maintenance Crew to be on duty at the facility all weekend.
Mr. Norton will be present to describe the details and expectations of the tournament and the
City's involvement.
Review Mendota Heights Athletic Association Tournament request and make a
recommendation for rental and field maintenance fees.
TO: Parks and Recreation Commissioners
FROM: Chris Esser, Recreation ProgrammerZ!
RE: Park Reservation Concern
DATE: June �, 1996
The City received the attached letter addressed to the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Please review.
Parks and Recreation Committee
City of Mendota Heights
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights ,MN 55118
Dear Members of the Parks and Recreation Committee,
On May 31 I held a picnic at Rogers Lake Park which I reserved and paid a $100.00
deposit on. Upon arrival to the park I was surprised to see a large picnic already
going on. I approached them and showed them my reservation and asked them to
kindly move on. They moved on to the other side of the park along with some of
the picnic tables I planned on using. They were a very large group with about 25
children running through my picnic and trying to take my food and drink. It was a
very disturbing time and we eventually packed up our things and left early.
This was my 6th annual day care family picnic, and the first time I ever had to put a
deposit on the park, for which my initial reaction was bewilderment, but after
thinking about it I realized it was a good insurance policy to have for both myself
and the city. Imagine my surprise and disappointment to find the reservation and
deposit really does nothing for me however. My biggest concern is that this other
group could have damaged the park and in turn I would be blamed and charged for
it. I hope there will be an easy answer to this dilemma, such as a wooden board at
each site that says;
This Park is: Reserved or Open
Your consideration on this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerel ,
Mary K. isenburger
2350 le Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55120