1992-03-10 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOZA HEIGHTS
MARCH 10, 1992
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation
Commission was held on Tuesday, March 10, 1992, in the City Hall
Large Conference Room, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called
to order at 7:05 p.m.. The following members were present: Huber,
Damberg, Lundeen, Kleinglass, Spicer and Hunter. Commissioner Katz
was excused. Also present were Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander
and Administrative Assistant Kevin Batchelder.
Chair John Huber requested that the original agenda
be revised to reflect three add -on items, one, a
request from ISD-197 for funding for the Summer
Adventure Program, two, a request from St. Thomas
Academy to reserve Friendly Hills and Rogers Lake
tennis courts for the 1992 Boys Tennis season, and
three, a request from Parks Superintendent Terry
Blum to pave a strip along the north edge of the
hockey rinks for better ice. Chair Huber also
requested that the Park Dedication Consideration
for Rottlund Homes be removed from the agenda for
consideration at a later date. The Commission
concurred with the agenda requests.
Commissioner Spicer moved approval of the February
11, 1992 minutes. Commissioner Lundeen seconded
the motion.
Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander presented the
final drawings of the Kensington Park buildings
prepared by Station 19 Architects at the direction
of the Parks Commission and the City Council.
Kullander stated that the City would serve as the
general contractor and would sub the work out to
sub -contractors based upon bids that would be
requested after Council approval of the final plans
and specifications. Kullander stated that the City
has saved approximately $10,000 per building using
this process at both Sibley and Mendakota.
Commissioner Hunter moved to recommend that City
Council approve the final plans and specifications
for the Kensington buildings and direct staff to
advertise for bids. Commissioner Spicer seconded
the motion.
Kullander inquired if the Commission would prefer
to see Kensington Park sodded or seeded. Kullander
stated that the sod would take faster thus enabling
earlier use of the fields. Kullander stated sod
would cost approximately $8,000 to $14,000 more
than seeding the site. Commissioner Spicer stated
that the City had always seeded the other parks.
Commissioner Spicer moved
fields be seeded for less
Dambera seconded the motion.
to recommend that the
cost. Commissioner
Kullander inquired if the Commission desired to see
the trail extension through the North Park be
constructed this summer. Kullander stated the
trail would be constructed along the east edge of
the park so as not to affect any future plans for
the use and development of this area. The
Commission inquired if there would be cost savings
by doing the trail construction this summer.
Kullander stated that the asphalt crews would be
mobilized and have the equipment on site to do the
trail. Kullander stated this would be towards the
end of the summer, if it was to be done this year.
Commissioner Spicer moved to recommend to City
Council that the trail extension through the North
Park be constructed this summer. Commissioner
Lundeen seconded the motion.
presented a
proposal by Earl
Company that
a play equipment
layout for Kensington Park. Kullander stated the
proposal incorporated all the Americans with
Disabilities Act requirements. Kullander displayed
the proposed events for people with disabilities.
Kullander stated that the budget for this play
equipment was $20,000 and that the proposal
provided would cost $25,000. Kullander stated that
the City would have to bid the project, but that
Earl Anderson had submitted a drawing based on
their past work with the City.
Commissioner Damberg inquired if this was an
equivalent amount of play equipment compared to
other parks. Kullander stated yes, and that if
Earl Anderson equipment was chosen it has a 5 year
guarantee for parts and installation. The
Commission discussed the individual play events.
Commissioner Spicer moved that the City Council
authorize staff to advertise for bids for the
Kensington Park play equipment at price not to
exceed $20,000.
Commissioner Damberg seconded the motion.
Kullander explained the proposal to address signage
at Sibley and Mendakota Parks. Kullander stated
that Sibley would need 1 informational sign on the
building, 6 field identification signs for the
backstops, 9 outfield distance signs, 4 no
motorized vehicles signs, and one "Park Rules"
Kullander stated that Civic Center Park would need
1 field identification sign and 3 outfield distance
Kullander stated that Mendakota Park would need 1
building sign, 6 "no motorized vehicles" signs, 2
drop off zone signs, 2 Playground rules signs, 2
kiosk bulletin boards, 2 "Park Rules" signs, 2
kiosk park map/address signs, 12 outfield distance
signs, 4 back to back field identification signs, 1
lights out policy sign, and 1 "rules" sign for the
observation deck.
Kullander estimated the cost of signs at $5,000 to
$7,000, as budgeted in the referendum. Kullander
inquired if the Commission preferred nicer sign
posts for those signs needing posts in Mendakota
Park. Kullander explained the options as metal
highway posts, decorative wood posts, or rounded
off metal posts. Kullander stated the wood posts
would cost approximately $10 to $12 per post as
compared to $5 for a metal post. Kullander stated
the wood posts would be 4 by 4's treated to last at
least 10 years.
Commissioner Spicer moved that City Council approve
the signs as proposed with the decorative wood
posts to be used in Mendakota Park. Commissioner
Damberg seconded the motion.
Kullander described the proposal for bleachers at
Sibley and Mendakota Parke Kullander stated that
Mendakota Park would need 8 sets of bleachers, each
with three rows and 21 feet long that would seat 42
people. Kullander stated that at $800 per unit,
the cost would be $6,400.
Kullander described a larger unit for Sibley that
would have 5 rows and be 21 feet in length to seat
70 people. Kullander stated Sibley would need 3 or
4 and that the estimated cost was $9,600 for four
units plus $500 for the portability unit.
Commissioner Spicer moved to recommend that City
Council approve the bleachers as proposed for
$6,400 at Mendakota Park and not to exceed $10,000
at Sibley Park.
Kullander stated that Terry Blum, Parks
Superintendent needed to purchase 10 six foot
picnic tables for the park system and that this
would be included in the bid for Mendakota picnic
tables to achieve a lower per unit price.
Kullander stated that this would be paid for out of
Park maintenance money, but that the 18 tables for
Mendakota Park would be paid for by the referendum.
Kullander described the tables proposed for
Mendakota Park as heavier eight foot long tables.
He stated that the tables would be located as
follows: six in the observation deck, eight in the
picnic shelter and four on the concrete picnic pads
adjacent to the shelter and play area.
Commissioner Hunter left the meeting at 7:45
o'clock p.m. for another meeting.
The Commission discussed a more expensive table
made out of redwood and decided that the regular
pine tables would be appropriate.
Commissioner Spicer moved to recommend that City
Council approve the purchase of picnic tables as
proposed, 10 six foot tables and 18 eight foot
tables. Commissioner Damberg seconded the motion.
Rullander stated that. Terry Blum had requested that
an eight foot strip of asphalt be placed along the
north side of the ice rinks and painted white to
alleviate the effect of the sun on the ice and the
ground's ability to frost. Rullander stated that
the park crews have a hard time maintaining ice
along the north edge of the rinks.
Chair Huber stated this did not appear to be cost
efficient. The Commission directed staff Co
explore all the options to address this problem.
Maintenance of the light poles at the hockey rinks
was discussed and staff was directed to get
estimates for their replacement.
Administrative Assistant Aevin Batchelder stated
that a grand opening ceremony for Mendakota Park
has been discussed among various city officials.
Batchelder stated that this park is considered the
"flagship or center piece" of the park system and
it might be appropriate to honor this park as a
symbol of the successful referendum. Batchelder
stated as such that he felt this should be a
community event planned by members of the community
and that he was asking for volunteers to help plan,
organize and staff the event, if it was felt to be
a good idea. Commissioners Spicer and Damberg
volunteered to be on the Planning Committee and
Commissioners Huber and Rleinglass volunteered to
help staff the event. Batchelder stated he would
be recruiting other volunteers and would be in
touch to begin planning for the event.
Batchelder stated that the City staff was still
receiving advice and proposals from vendors
regarding the possible Wildflowers Along Trailways
Batchelder described the progress of the Ivy Falls
Storm Sewer project and its possible impact on the
pond in Ivy Falls Park.
Batchelder stated an updated parks inventory would
be mailed to the Commissioners.
There being
business the Commission
adjourned at