1991-02-12 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
FEBRUARY 12, 1991
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and
Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, February 12, 1991 in the
City Hall Conference Room, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair John Huber
called the meeting to order at 7:03 o'clock p.m. The following
members were present: Huber, Spicer, Lundeen, Hunter and Katz.
Kleinglass and Damberg were excused. Staff members present were
Parks Leadperson Terry Blum, Parks Worker Mike Mackzo, Parks
Project Manager Guy Kullander and Administrative Assistant Kevin
Batchelder. Guests present were Mike Dorsey, Earl Anderson Co.,
Inc., Keith Sjoquist, Station 19 Architects, and Jim Kilburg,
MINUTES Commissioner Lundeen moved approval of the January
8, 1991 Parks and Recreation Commission minutes.
Commissioner Hunter seconded the motion.
OFFICERS Chair John Huber turned the meeting over to
Administrative Assistant Kevin Batchelder for
conducting the elections of officers. Batchelder
stated that every February the Commission elects
officers for the year and that these offices
consist of Chair, Vice -Chair and Secretary.
Batchelder stated that the Secretary does not have
to be a Commission member. Batchelder called for
Commissioner Spicer nominated John Huber for the
position of Chair of the Parks and Recreation
Commission for 1991. Commissioner Hunter seconded
the motion.
Commissioner Huber nominated Vicki Katz for the
position of Vice -Chair of the Parks and Recreation
Commission for 1991. Commissioner Lundeen seconded
the motion.
Commissioner Spicer nominated Kevin Batchelder for
the position of Secretary of the Parks and
Recreation Commission for 1991. Commissioner
Hunter seconded the motion.
FUND Batchelder reported on the status of the Special
Parks Fund, as requested at the January meeting.
Batchelder stated that the beginning 1990 fund
balance for the Parks Special Fund was $327,776 on
January 1, 1990. Batchelder stated that revenues
for the year amounted to $41,800 and expenditures
totaled $4,268 for an estimated year end balance of
$365,308 on December 31, 1990. Batchelder
explained that the revenues of $41,800 consisted of
park dedication fees of $19,800 and estimated
interest of $221000. He explained that
expenditures included administrative time for the
Treasurer and Accountant, Engineering time,
construction of the hockey fences and postage.
Batchelder stated that this fund is invested in the
same manner as all other City funds and receives a
blended rate of return that is a result of all City
fund investments. The 1990 park dedications were
received from Big Wheel/Rossi, Patrick subdivision
and Gesell subdivision.
Chair John Huber stated that the Parks and
Recreation Commission historically has been
reluctant to spend this money. Commissioner Hunter
stated that he was not against spending dedicated
funds on needed improvements but would not want to
see the fund spent down to zero. Huber stated that
this fund is dependent on park dedication fees from
subdivisions and that the City was 85 o developed
and would not be receiving many dedication fees in
the long term. Huber stated that in the future the
City would have to reconsider methods of funding if
park dedications quit and the money is expended.
Chair John Huber stated that Council had expressed
a concern with a Parks and Recreation Commission
recommendation regarding the Sibley Play Equipment.
Huber explained that the Commission had deferred
any action on the construction of play equipment at
Sibley Park, as provided for in the referendum.
Huber stated that Dean Verdoes, Athletic Director
of Sibley, and other individuals had expressed a
concern that the play equipment did not mix well at
a high school. Huber stated that the Commission
had also been concerned that there has not been a
demand from local residents to provide play
equipment in this area of town and that the site is
not easily accessible to neighborhood children.
Commissioner Spicer asked when Sibley Park would
come on line. Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander
stated that it would be mid to late summer. Spicer
stated that this would be after the Mend -Eagan
season and that it was reasonable to defer this
part of the project until it could be seen how the
Sibley Park was coming along. Spicer stated that
school officials had indicated to him that the play
equipment is inappropriate and would be an inviting
target for misuse and vandalism.
Commissioner Hunter inquired if there was an area
nearby that could serve this part of town where the
play equipment could be built instead. Kullander
stated that there was none that the City currently
owned, however land might be developed north of
Marie that could involve park dedications, or land
could be purchased from the Dodd Road highway
R.O.W. turnbacks in the North East corner of Dodd
and Hwy. 110. Commissioner Spicer stated that he
felt Mendakota Park would be the place for adults,
with families, to play softball and that Sibley no
longer has the demand for play equipment now that
Mendakota Park is the premier softball site. He
stated Sibley would be more youth oriented field
use. Spicer stated that should it be determined
that Sibley needs the play equipment it could
always be built in the future, that the site
accommodates it and the money has been set aside.
Commissioner Lundeen
inquired about
houses in the area
and if there
a lot
children in the area. Kullander stated there were
18 houses within a quarter mile. Spicer stated his
opinion would be different if Sibley was the only
site we had, but now that Mendakota was being
developed it might not be necessary to put play
equipment at Sibley. Chair John Huber stated that
the kids will be at Sibley whether it is youth or
adult oriented.
Chair John Huber stated that he senses the
Commission wishes to stick with their original
recommendation. He stated this recommendation was
to defer the play equipment project because the
Sibley Park was not on line yet, and wouldn't be
until the Mend -Eagan season was over, that
Mendakota would be a primary site, that a need for
the equipment should established, that the School
District was averse to it, and that the density and
accessibility to neighborhood children was not
great. He stated that by deferring it for one
year, until Sibley Park was established, was not
saying no to the project.
Commissioner Spicer moved to recommend that the
Sibley Park play equipment be deferred until the
park is established and the need can be better
understood. Commissioner Lundeen seconded the
Commissioner Katz arrived at 7:35 o'clock p.m.
Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander outlined the
final plans and specifications for Mendakota
Community Park that City Council had approved for
bidding at their February 5, 1991 meeting. He
described the changes that had occurred since the
Parks Commission had reviewed the preliminary
plans. He stated the changes were the observation
deck on the comfort station, the combining of the
picnic shelter/band shell, the addition of an
entrance kiosk, the addition of lighting in the
parking lot and the area adjacent to the pavilion,
the internal loop walking trail, the enlarged
community size handicap accessible play structure
and an enlarged parking lot. Kullander described
the hub area of the softball fields and the
landscape plan.
Kullander described the estimated development costs
that had been presented to City Council as:
Construct Fields, Etc. .................
Utilities: $30,000 divided by 2
Sewer and Watermain...................
Play Structures... 0 .......
Buildings: Comfort Station.
Picnic/Shell ...............
Entrance Kiosk ............
Bleachers ........ 6 a a ......................
Consultant and Architect Fees .............
Staff and Overhead ........................
Est. Total
Kullander requested that the Commission consider
the amount for the play equipment and consider what
type of equipment they desire, now much and at what
cost. Kullander stated that when this was
determined he would draft specifications and that
the City would go out for competitive bids.
Kullander described the handicapped accessible
element envisioned for this park.
Kullander stated that he feels the estimate might
be high for bleachers. If the City provides the
type of bleachers similar to the Civic Center
ballfield, Kullander stated that eight similar
bleachers would cost approximately $6,000. The
Commission concurred that this was the appropriate
type of bleachers to provide.
Kullander stated that the plan shows one main play
equipment area for the handicapped accessible play
equipment and one area for neighborhood tykes.
Kullander introduced Mike Dorsey, of Earl Anderson
Co., Inc whose firm supplied the play equipment
installed in seven city parks last summer.
Mr. Dorsey explained how the area designated for
play equipment by Barton-Aschman's plans could be
used to accommodate handicapped accessible play
equipment and able bodied play equipment. Mr.
Dorsey stressed that the handicapped accessible
equipment could be used by all children, that they
don't distinguish or even notice they are using
handicapped equipment. Mr. Dorsey stated anyone
interested in seeing the type of equipment he was
describing could visit Veterans Memorial Park at
64th and Portland Ave. in Richfield.
The Commission discussed the various pieces of play
equipment. The Commission considered the
feasibility of having two separate sites for play
equipment in the same park. After a lengthy
discussion, the Commission concurred that only one
main area should be provided for play equipment and
it should be full service for all ages and
abilities. The Commission felt that dollars could
be saved by compressing it into one main area, and
that this would provide a nicer main facility.
The Commission discussed the estimated cost of
$70,000 for play equipment. Commissioner Katz
noted this amount was significantly higher than
other parks. Commissioner Lundeen stated that if
the two play equipment areas are combined and if
Mendakota was the premier city park site that
$70,000 would provide an excellent play structure
for the whole City. Kullander stated that this
amount was reviewed by City Council when they
approved the final plans and specifications for the
park. Kullander explained the competitive bid
Commissioner Lundeen moved Co recommend that
$70,000 be allocated for the Mendakota Community
Park play equipment structure, in one combined
site. Commissioner Hunter seconded the motion.
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STATION Mr. Keith Sjoquist, of Station 19 Architects,
appeared to present the schematic designs for the
three buildings in Mendakota Community Park - the
comfort station, the picnic shelter/pavilion and
the kiosk. Mr. Sjoquist showed the floor plan and
exterior material drawings. He stated that all the
buildings are of similar materials and roof lines.
He stated they were designed to match City Hall
with cedar shakes and white cedar fascia and
soffits. The masonry would be a terra Gotta
colored rock faced block. He stated the colored
masonry would add about $1,000 to the whole project
versus the cost of painting and maintaining non -
colored block. He stated the railings on the
observation deck would be metal.
Mr. Sjoquist gave a preliminary estimate of
$110,000 for all three buildings. He stated that
he would structure the bidding for alternates on
the shingles, the soffits, and the trusses. He
stated one of the biggest cost items was the wood
shingles, which are approximately three times the
cost of asphalt shingles.
Mr. Sjoquist stated that he would like to keep the
pitches of all the roofs the same as a uniform
appearance would be more aesthetic. He stated he
felt that the picnic shelter would be too squat
with 4:12 pitch roof similar to the City Hall
building, and therefore he is proposing all the
buildings to have 8:12 pitch. Commissioner Lundeen
stated that he felt the lower pitch would not fit
the shape of the comfort station and stated that
the City Hall is a much longer and wider building
and therefore the 4:12 pitch roof was the only
Mr. Sjoquist discussed the internal layout of the
comfort station. Mr. Sjoquist explained the colors
as white for soffit and fascia, terra Gotta for the
masonry and darker grey for the horizontal railings
and doors. Kullander explained that there would be
a telephone
line for a pay phone
and one
future use
should this comfort
leased, or a private line needed. The Commission
discussed the railings, the grading of the picnic
shelter, the cost of the shingles and the bathroom
fixtures. It was suggested that asphalt shingle
could be bid as a deduct.
Kullander stated that if the Commission felt
comfortable with the schematics, then the building
plans would proceed with the intention of having
working drawings and specifications by the end of
the month, at which time he would seek bidders.
Commissioner Hunter moved to recommend that all
three buildings have the same 8:12 pitch to the
roof, and that the architect should proceed to
complete the final plans and specifications based
upon the presented schematics which are acceptable.
Commissioner Lundeen seconded the motion.
Guy Kullander stated that staff had begun calling
the park "Mendakota Community Park". He stated
that last year the Commission had named the park
"Mendakota Park", but now that the scope of the
park had changed and the community focus had been
emphasized by the Commission and Council that this
seemed an appropriate name for the park. The
Commission discussed possible names and decided
there was no preference now and that this should be
Kullander described the two alternatives for light
standards in the parking lot and picnic area. He
described them as 13' high, with one alternative
being a round globe and the other a shoe box design
similar to parking lot lights used at City Hall.
After discussion the Commission felt the round
globe light was appropriate on a 2-1-1 vote.
Kullander stated that a water line to the picnic
shelter for a drinking fountain would cost $5,000.
The Commission felt this was not a priority and
should be a bid alternate.
Batchelder stated
that the
recent state budget
decisions had
affected the
to the tune of
$44,000 in cuts
for the first
of 1991 and that
the Recreation
item is being
examined for any excess or unused funding.
Batchelder stated that the proposal was to take out
$2,500 from this item and the remaining amount
would allow us to pay for After School Program, T-
Ball, Mens Softball and the Trail Map, but that
would use up the fund for the fiscal year 1991.
Commissioner Lundeen directed a maintenance request
to Terry Blum on pruning around trails. Chair
Huber questioned Blum on when rink use ends and why
the hockey nets were removed early this year. Blum
responed the weather had forced the closing of the
ice rinks for the year. Chair Huber stated he had
received a complaint from a group that wanted to
use the ice rink for broom ball which doesn't need
perfect ice.
There being no further business, the Commission
adjourned at 9:10 o'clock p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kevirt atchelder
Administrative Assistant