1990-01-09 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
JANUARY 9, 1990
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and
Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, January 9, 1990,
in the City Hall Conference Room, 1101 Victoria Curve.
Chairman John Huber called the meeting to order at 7:00
o'clock P.M. The following members were present: Hunter,
Huber, Lundeen, Kleinglass and Damberg. Spicer and Katz were
excused. Staff members present were Administrative Assistant
Batchelder, Parks Project Manager Kullander and Park
Leadperson Terry Blum and City Administrator Tom Lawell.
APPROVAL OF Commissioner Damberg moved to approve the
MINUTES minutes of December 12, 1989.
Commissioner Kleinglass seconded the motion.
INTRODUCTION OF Chairman Huber introduced and welcomed new
NEW MEMBER member Stephen Hunter to the Park and
Recreation Commission. He was welcomed
aboard by the members.
VERBAL UPDATE Administrative Assistant Batchelder stated
that the staff had met with Dick Putnam, Tom
Boyce and Kevin Clark, developers of the
Kensington Project. Batchelder stated that
they were interested in moving forward on
their PUD approval for their proposed project
and that if approval was granted the park
dedication would move forward. Batchelder
described the project and the 27 acre park
dedication that would be made.
Batchelder stated that the three developers
desired a meeting with the Park and
Recreation Commission in order to discuss the
PUD and its park issues. They had hoped for
a special meeting on the fifth Tuesday of the
month, January 30th. The Parks Commission
was unable to have a quorum for this date and
stated their intention to meet with the
developers at their regularly scheduled
meeting of February 13th.
Parks Project Manager, Guy Kullander, stated
that the City has received a draft agreement
from Independent School District 197
regarding the joint use of the Sibley site.
He stated that negotiations have begun in
earnest and that the major sticking points
are ironing out a maintenance agreement. The
Parks Commission inquired about who was on
the negotiating team for Independent School
District 197 and the City of Mendota Heights.
Administrative Assistant Batchelder responded
that ISD #197's negotiating team consisted of
James Nikolai, Bob Doffing, John Niemeyer,
Bruce Anderson and Lois Rockney. Batchelder
stated that the City of Mendota Heights'
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negotiating team included Councilmember Jann
Blesener, James Danielson and Tom Lawell.
Parks Project Manager Kullander stated that
C.G. Rein had been reviewing our appraisal of
their land and offer for the Mendakota site.
He also stated that C.G. Rein had requested
the City's appraiser to look at a comparable
piece of land. The appraiser will be
ammending his report, but stated that the
original amount of $585,000 would not be
significantly changed.
Parks Project Manager Kullander discussed his
meetings with the County and the State
regarding off road bike trails along County
and State roads. Kullander explained that
because of grades and steepness in topography
that it was fairly cost prohibitive to do off
road trails on the sections of Delaware
between Huber Drive and Highway 110.
Kullander stated that after discussing this
issue with the County the likely outcome was
a six foot (61) wide expansion of the
shoulder for the bike trail on both sides of
the road. The County will pay for all costs
on the Sunfish Lake side of Delaware Avenue.
He stated that this would be cost effective.
Kullander stated that $40,000.00 had been
budgeted for this section of trail and that
we would be under budget with the on road
shoulder expansion. He estimated it would
cost substantially more than $40,000.00 for
an off road trail along Delaware between
Huber and Highway 110 because land and
easements had to be purchased and damages
paid to landowners.
Commissioner Damberg asked if motorists honor
the white line for on road trails. Kullander
responded that Dodd Road currently works very
well in this manner and that the traffic
volumns are lower on Delaware. Commissioner
Lundeen stated that it was likely that
motorists would honor it but bike riders tend
to be not as careful. Kullander responded
that six foot (61) expansion of the shoulder
is based on traffic volumes that if there was
more traffic the County would require an
eight foot (81) shoulder. Kullander stated
that this might be the best we can do given
the constraints in topography of this section
of trail. The Commission decided that they
would proceed with this approach.
Parks Project Manager Kullander explained
that the portion of trail along Lexington
Avenue between Marie and Douglas was also in
the same situation. However, he felt a
separated trail may be warranted in this case
because there is a lot of foot traffic along
this section of trail. The off road trail is
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expensive but we can afford it because this
is a short section. The Commission agreed
with him.
Parks Project Manager Kullander explained
that the bike trail scheduled for Victoria
Avenue was tight on land because of the
Highway right-of-way on one side the City
would only be able to build a trail on one
side. Because of this they are exploring the
possibility of a ten foot (101) wide
shoulder. Kullander stated that staff was
also exploring trail options through the
adjacent neighborhood to avoid the curve on
Victoria and the Highway fence. Kullander
stated this would be a temporary solution
because eventually Victoria Avenue will be
turned back to the City from the County. it
would then be eligible for M.S.A. money if
the City designates it as an M.S.A. street.
At this point M.S.A. funding would pay for a
trail. Kullander stated that this would
likely be five to ten years down the road.
Parks Project Manager Kullander stated that
there were no problems with the State of
Minnesota as far as the trail system went.
He stated that in one portion of the Valley
Park trail, the trail will go over State
right-of-way but this has been worked out
with the State. Kullander also stated that
when the Mendota Bridge interchange and
highway upgrade for Highway 55 is done that
highway funds will pay for most of the bike
trails at the bridge and at the interchange.
He stated that these extensions were
anticipated and included in the original city
wide trail system proposed inthe referendum.
Kullander stated that the benefit of this
link would be to hook up the trails in Eagan
to the Mendota Bridge and across to the
regional park facilities across the river.
Parks Leadperson Terry Blum was present to
discuss maintenance policies with the Parks
Commission. Blum explained how the shakes on
the pavilions will be replaced this summer
and that the warming houses will be
reshingled. Blum stated that the siding on
these structures is now wood and is scheduled
to be painted this summer. He stated that a
more neutral earth tone color would be the
best for the repainting. Blum stated that
all of these improvements are budgeted out of
the park maintenance budget. He stated that
City staff would be able to complete these
improvements because the new mower that was
budgeted for 1990 will free up park
maintenance time allowing them to take care
of the task of painting and reshingling the
structures in the parks.
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Park Leadperson Blum discussed the warming
house policies with the Commission. He
stated that warming houses are closed only on
New Year's Day and Christmas Day. After a
discussion on warming house policy, Blum
stated that he would examine the policy to
see if it was possible to have the warming
houses open on New Year's Day next year.
Commissioner Damberg stated she felt the
colors of the new paint should be coordinated
with the rest of the new park facilities that
will be constructed this summer. Blum stated
that he would bring in color samples for
Commission review at the next meeting.
Commissioner Damberg inquired about the trail
and the plowing policies in the winter for
the trails. Blum stated that when it snows
we get out as soon as we can so the snow
doesn't get packed and icy. Parks Project
Manager Kullander explained that trails have
a higher maintenance responsibility than
streets. He stated that once a policy is
established on how to maintain the trails,
the policy will be posted and followed
closely because of liability reasons.
FRIENDLY HILLS Chairman Huber presented an update and status
TOT LOT PRO- of this issue. He stated that on January
CEEDS 16th the City Council would be holding a
public hearing with the residents of the
Friendly Hills neighborhood to discuss the
divestment of the tot lot area. Chairman
Huber stated that the Council had ordered the
removal of play equipment and proceeded with
this public hearing on the basis of the Parks
and Recreation's recommendation to remove the
play equipment and divest the tot lot.
Parks Project Manager Kullander stated that
the original referendum includes $40,000.00
worth of improvements to Friendly Hills Park.
In addition to this, $50,000.00 had been
budgeted to improve ballfields in four parks.
Kullander stated that it had not been
determined at this point how much of that
$50,000.00 would be apportioned to the
ballfield at Friendly Hills.
Chairman Huber stated that the City Council
had requested that the Parks and Recreation
Commission come up with a list of
improvements that could be made to the
Friendly Hills Park if the Council were to
move forward with divesting the tot lots.
Parks Project Manager Kullander stated that
from the wish list that the Parks and
Recreation Commission had developed at the
December meeting, that the storm sewer
improvements to Friendly Hills ballfield
would cost in the range of $12,000 to
$15,000. He stated that bike trail hookups
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to the bike trail system in Friendly Hills
Park would cost approximately $15,000.
Kullander stated that neither of these
improvements are included in referendum money
unless they came out of the contingency
funds. Kullander stated that both of these
items could come out of the proceeds from a
divestment of the tot lot.
Kullander stated that the following
improvements could be considered:
1. Picnic Shelter - $4,000 - $40,000
2. Improvement of Light Poles - $8,000 -
3. Comfort Station - $50,000 - $60,000
4. Several Small Picnic Areas -
Commissioner Lundeen moved to recommend to
the Council priorities for improvements to
Friendly Hills Park from the tot lot
proceeds with the following priorities:
1. Friendly Hills storm sewer improvements.
2. Trail system hookups.
3. Picnic facilities.
Commissioner Hunter seconded the motion.
PLAY EQUIPMENT Parks Project Manager Kullander explained how
the City had received proposals from five
play equipment contractors. The Commission,
at their December 12, 1989, meeting, selected
Earl Anderson as their first choise and
directed Kullander to further negotiate their
Parks Project Manager Kullander demonstrated
the features of the play equipment that Earl
Anderson Company was offering. Kullander
stated that Earl Anderson had improved their
original proposal by including one bench and
one trash receptacle at each park as part of
their proposal. He stated that we would
blacktop the entrance to the play equipment
area and locate the trash receptacle and the
bench there. Parks Project Manager Kullander
inquired if the Commission felt that more
benches or bike racks would be needed. He
stated that he felt these items could come
out of the contingency fund if they were
determined that they were needed after other
facilities were built. The Commission felt
that these items could wait until such point
as most of the facilities had been developed
and there was a better grip on how much
contingency money was available.
Commissioner Damberg
the Council that they
Company's proposal to
at the seven existing
Commissioner Lundeen
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moved to recommend to
accept Earl Anderson
install play equipment
seconded the motion.
PARK NAME SIGNS Parks Project Manager Kullander stated that
at the last Commission meeting they had
approved the landscape design around the
signs. Kullander stated that the signs are
in different diverse locations with plants
and rocks around them. This places
constraints on the landscape design and some
of the signs may have to be moved he stated.
Kullander stated that it is beneficial to the
parks to relocate these signs that have
landscape constraints in order to place them
in a more open and visible location and to
allow for the new landscaping. Kullander
also stated it was necessary to place a
second sign at Ivy Hills Park. The Parks and
Recreation Commission decided that they would
visit the signs to review them.
MENDOTA HTS Parks Project Manager Kullander stated that
GARDEN CLUB he had received a message from Lori
Matusoff regarding the Mendota Heights
Garden Club's intent to donate a tree to
Marie Park. Chairman Huber stated that he
would contact Lori Matusoff about this.
Chairman Huber also stated that the Parks and
Recreation Commission was very grateful to
receive such a donation from the Mendota
Heights Garden Club and that we should
schedule a ceremony to accept this donation.
SIGNAGE Parks Project Manager Kullander stated that
POLICY Earl Anderson Company has experience in
placing a comprehensive sign design for a
trail system in other municipalities in the
metro area. They had requested an
opportunity to give a presentation to the
Parks and Recreation Commission about these
signs. Parks Project Manager Kullander
stated that such a complete sign system for
the bike trails could cost in the
neighborhood of $20,000. He stated that this
item would have to be paid for from the
contingency in the referendum or would have
to come out of regular park funds.
Commissioner Lundeen stated that he felt the
City should keep its options open on a sign
policy such as this. He stated that such a
sign system would be a benefit to the trail
system. The Commission directed Kullander to
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arrange for a presentation from Earl Anderson
Company at their March meeting. They
requested that Earl Anderson Company be
prepared to discuss a range of options
regarding a sign system.
ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the Parks and
Recreation Commission adjourned their meeting
until February 13, 1990 at 7:00 'clock P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Batchelder
Administrative Assistant