1989-08-08 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES, AUGUST 8, 1989 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, August 8, 1989 in the City Hall Conference Room, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair John Huber called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The following members were present: Damberg, Huber, Katz, Lachenmayer, Lundeen, and Spicer. Owens was excused. Staff members present were Administrative Assistant Batchelder and Parks Leadworker Terry Blum. APPROVAL OF Commissioner Katz moved to approve the MINUTES minutes of the July 11, 1989 Parks Commission meeting. Commissioner Damberg made a correction to the minutes. Commissioner Katz accepted the amendment to her motion and Commissioner Lachenmayer seconded the motion. AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 WELCOME TO Commission Chair Huber welcomed new NEW MEMBER Commissioner Michael Lundeen to his first Parks Commission meeting. Members and staff each gave a brief introduction and welcomed Commissioner Lundeen aboard. IVY HILLS PARK Chair Huber introduced Mary -Louise Clary, of 1179 Ivy Hill Drive, and asked Administrative Assistant Batchelder to outline the Parks referendum as it pertains to Ivy Hills Park. Batchelder briefly discussed the proposed improvements to Ivy Hills Park. Mary -Louis Clary asked about the $5,000 that was earmarked for additions to the current play equipment at Ivy Hills Park. Ms. Clary wondered why the other parks were earmarked for $20,000 of play equipment and Ivy Hills Park was only getting some additions. Ms. Clary presented her views on the existing situation of the park and the demographics of its neighborhood. She stated there is no toddler equipment there, only equipment for older children. She stated the neighborhood was changing and that a lot of families with children were moving into the neighborhood. She presented a petition of her neighbors requesting that Ivy Hills Park receive the same amount of play equipment in the referendum as the other parks. She stated that families were car pooling to other parks to let their children play. She also stated that there are children who are in attendance at organized athletic games who have no play equipment to use while their brothers and sisters participate in Mend -Eagan. She presented pictures of the play equipment at Ivy Hills Park. Commissioner Lachenmayer explained the process of the Citizens Parks Review Committee that crafted the referendum. She apologized for not recognizing the need for play equipment at Ivy Hills Park. Commissioner Damberg stated that the Neighborhood Parks sub -committee had wanted all the parks to receive equal treatment. Commissioner Katz stated that there is a motion to the effect that all parks should be treated consistently and that it is on the record. Commissioner Lachenmayer questioned if the petitioners would support the Parks Referendum if Ivy Hills Park was to receive a full complement of play equipment. Ms. Clary responded that she would contact the petitioners. Chair Huber outlined the options the Parks Commission had if they felt they should rectify this situation. He stated the money could be earmarked from the contingency built into the neighborhood parks portion of the referendum or that the Parks Commission could recommend that the money come from the Special Fund for Parks. Commissioner Katz stated this was a referendum issue and it should be paid for from the referendum, not the Parks Fund. Commissioner Spicer made a motion to recommend that City Council approve earmarking $15,000 from the contingency line item of the Neighborhood Parks portion of the Parks Referendum, to bring Ivy Hills Park up to $20,000 for Play Equipment, so it would receive similar play equipment as the other parks in the referendum. Commissioner Lachenmayer seconded the motion. AYES: NAYS: REVIEW OF PARKS Chair Huber reviewed the major objectives of DEPT. BUDGET the Parks Department Budget for 1990 with the other commissioners and staff. Park Leadworker Terry Blum was present to answer questions about the budget. Chair Huber asked why trail maintenance was not included, or listed, as an objective and asked if litter, sweeping and snow removal was scheduled on a regular basis. Blum responded that the parks crew regularly maintains the trails and that this also involves cutting branches and grooming for cross country skiing. Chair Huber stated that if the referendum passes that maintenance of trails would be a visible thing that people would notice and was something that could be moved forward on after the referendum. Other Commissioners stated their concerns about the increase in maintenance if the new referendum passes and if the 1990 budget would cover this increased maintenance. Blum responded that the 1990 budget request includes additional dollars for seasonal workers and that the new maintenance worker is scheduled for half time in Parks. He stated this essentially gives the Parks department two more workers for maintenance. Blum stated that if the referendum passes, 1990 will be a construction year and that the 1990 budget as proposed would handle any additional maintenance. The Parks Commission requested a staff report on the numbers in the Work Measures and Goals and on Line Item 4500 - Recreation Management Contingency. Chair Huber stated that the Parks Commission should consider, as a policy question, the funding of T-ball as a subsidy to Mend -Eagan. He stated that the City funds Mend -Eagan $15 for every T-ball player but that the City does not fund other programs such as soccer or hockey. He stated the commission needed to consider whether they wanted to wean T- ball off the subsidy or face the eventuality that other programs should also be subsidized. He stated that Mend -Eagan parents join and support the hockey program, so why not T-ball. Commissioner Katz responded that the City funded T-ball in the past and that is why they continue to subsidize it. Commissioner Damberg stated that she would not like to establish the precedence that other programs should be subsidized. Chair Huber stated that this was an issue that the Parks Commission would have to reconsider. Commissioner Damberg made a motion to endorse the proposed Parks Department Budget for 1990. Commissioner Spicer seconded the motion. AYES: 6 NAYS: 0 PARK DEDICATION The Parks Commission acknowledged the park dedication that would be paid as part of the Patrick Subdivision proposed for the property just west of the Kensington Development on Mendota Heights Road. KENSINGTON PARK After much deliberation and four votes, Commissioner Lachenmayer made a motion to recommend that City Council name the "Centex" park dedication as "Kensington Park". Commissioner Spicer seconded the recommendation. AYES: 4 NAYS: 2 (the nay votes preferred South Hills Park) OTHER BUSINESS Commissioner Lachenmayer felt the Parks Commission should take it upon themselves to throw a celebration party assuming the parks referendum is successfully passed. Chair Huber felt that an Appreciation Party was in order to thank the many people who have dedicated time and efforts to help on the referendum. Commissioners Lachenmayer and Katz stated that the City should consider a Caution or Drive Slow sign along Victoria Curve by the new Civic Center ball field site. They stated that children are running across the road after balls and there is a danger with traffic. ADJOURN There being no further business, the Parks Commission adjourned at 9:15 o'clock P.M. Kevin Batchelder