1989-07-11 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES, JULY 11, 1989 (corrected) The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, July 11, 1989, in the City Hall Conference Room, 1101 Victoria Curve. Acting Chair Lachenmayer called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. The following members were present: Damberg, Huber, Katz, Lachenmayer and Spicer. Also present was Administrative Assistant Kevin Batchelder. APPROVAL OF Commissioner Katz made a motion to approve MINUTES the minutes from the last meeting of the commission on March 15. Commissioner Damberg seconded. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 ELECTION OF Acting Chair Lachenmayer preceded the NEW CHAIR AND discussion, nominations and elections of VICE CHAIR officers by stating that she wished to serve the remainder of her term as Vice Chair and did not wish to be nominated as Chair. She stated her term lasts another 2 1/2 years. Commissioner Damberg nominated John Huber to serve as Chair. Commissioner Katz seconded. Commissioner John Huber was unanimously approved as new chair for the Park and Recreation Commission with applause. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 WELCOME Mn New Commission Chair Huber extended a welcome NEW MEMBER to new Park and Recreation Commissioner Richard Spicer. Spicer was welcomed with a round of applause. Huber also stated that Commissioner Leffert had submitted a verbal resignation and that the City Council was considering an appointment to fill that spot at their July llth meeting. PARKS BOND Commission Chair Huber asked for a motion to REFERENDUM support the Parks Bond Referendum scheduled for August 15, 1989 that City Council had approved at their June 20, 1989 meeting. Commission Chair Huber explained that the purpose of this motion of support was to formally endorse the changes in the referendum that were made since the proposal was unanimously endorsed at the March meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission. Commission Chair Huber explained the changes that were made. He stated that the Trails system had been changed to remove a section of trails from the industrial park along Mendota Heights Road and add sections of trails to residential areas. He stated these areas are, 1) the Victoria Road loop from Lexington Avenue to Marie Avenue, 2) an off street section along Wachtler Avenue from Wentworth to Hwy. 13. He also stated that the Valley Park trail section would be gravel from Marie to Hwy. 110 and would be bituminous north of Marie Avenue. Commissioner Damberg inquired about the tie in to existing trail systems at the periphery of Mendota Heights. She expressed concern about the linkage of trails at Hwy. 13. She stated this was a dangerous section of road. She inquired about the possibility of running a section of trail through Econ-Labs property. Huber responded that thought had been given to approaching Econ-Labs and that they had a deep yard there. Administrative Assistant Batchelder explained the changes in the referendum concerning the neighborhood parks. Batchelder stated that more money had been put into this portion of the referendum since March. He stated this was mostly for improving the existing playing fields, the intention to bring them up to the highest possible quality whatever the size of the field and to replace old play equipment or add additional play equipment at most of the parks. A discussion ensued about the upcoming parks referendum. Items included geographical demographics for senior citizens, a property tax article in the Pioneer Press, the impact of property tax, the Sibley vandalism and the referendum. Commissioner Damberg moved to endorse the new changes in the design of the referendum and to approve a motion supporting the August 15, 1989 Parks Referendum. Commissioner Lachenmayer seconded. The motion was AYES: 5 approved unanimously. NAYS: 0 NAMING OF NEW PARK Commission Chair Huber opened the floor for AT KENSINGTON nominations for a name at the new park DEVELOPMENT created by the development dedication by Centex at the Kensington Development, Commission Chair Huber suggested Ann Bancroft Park, named after the woman who journeyed to the North Pole. $he stated that Ann Bancroft was born in Mendota Heights, grew up here and is an inspiration to children. Other names were suggested including Oak Ridge Park, South Oaks Park, Southfield Park and Mendota Heights Park. Commissioner Spicer suggested that the commission explore the heritage of the area and attempt to discover some appropriate name based on the history of the area. Commissioner Damberg stated she would like to know who the original owners of the land were. Commissioner Lachenmayer suggested that each member of the commission should come to the next meeting armed with two names and they could further consider it at that time. Commissioner Spicer suggested that the commission should also consider renaming the Civic Center ballfield. Commissioner Katz stated that the Parks and Recreation deserved a pat on the back for creating the new field at City Hall. She stated it is getting used and she sees neighbors out watching games and walkers stopping to observe. She stated that this is an appropriate use and that it is nice to see this activity at the Civic Center. Commissioner Spicer inquired about the fences for the players benches and when would they be installed. He also stated that he felt that two bleachers could be used instead of one. Commissioner Katz mentioned that the construction of the field came in under budget and that she felt more bleachers could be warranted. Action on naming the "Centex" park was tabled until the next meeting. PARKS REFERENDUM Discussion ensued about the upcoming parks referendum. Members coordinated efforts to support the promotion campaign. ADJOURN There being no further business, Commissioner Spicer moved to adjourn. Commissioner Katz seconded. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 8:45 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Batchelder Administrative Assistant