1989-02-14 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
The Parks and Recreation Commission meeting began at 7:05
P.M. on Monday February 14, 1989 in the Conference Room at City
The following members were present: Iiuber, Katz,
Lackenmayer, Leffert, Owens and Stein. Absent: Damberg.
MINUTES The minutes of the last meeting were approved
without change.
DISCUSSION Civic Center Softball Site - City Administrator
Frazell provided an update to the Commission on
the Ballfield Subcommittee's and the Citizens
Parks Review Committee's work and recommendations
on this site as an official sized softball field.
Frazell outlined the history of this site as a
field and the improvements that could be made.
Chuck Mastel, of Mend -Eagan, testified about the
needs and requirements of an official sized
softball field. They are:
1. A 100 ft. infield that would accommodate base
paths for both adult softball and youth baseball.
2. The best grade of dirt, or wreck rock, available
n order to minimize grading and maintenance. A
couple yards of extra dirt for fill purposes
should be left behind.
3. For dugouts, a concrete slab and bench with the
fence in front of it for protection.
4. A permanent home plate.
5. A 3 ft.
8 ft. lockbox directly
behind the
store rakes, shovels, bases
and balls.
6. Possibly a sign and a manually operated
Other items discussed were bleachers, lights,
fencing, volunteer help to keep construction costs
down, timing of construction, access to watering
facilities, and sodding vs. seeding.
City Administrator Frazell outlined the projected
costs at $36,000 plus 10%. it would be less with
a cheaper fence.
Robert Leffert made a motion for City Council to
spend $40,000 to upgrade and improve the Civic
Center Site. Vicki Katz seconded and it was
approved 6-0.
Summer Recreation Program - Chuck Mastel, of Mend -
Eagan, gave a presentation of the Summer
Recreation Program which included a wrap-up of the
1988 program and a projection of the 1989 program.
T-ball Mastel described the program. In 1988 there were
230 kids involved at a cost of $24.73 per player.
The City subsidized $15 and the player paid $10.
Each kid received a t-shirt, hat and patch as well
as Super Saturday festivities which includes a
trophy for every child.
In 1989 the cost of the program will go up $3.00
per player as caps, shirts and tees are more
City Administrator Frazell:stated that $13,300 was
budgeted for Recreation programs. The issue of
who should pay the extra $3.00 cost was discussed.
This discussion included balancing the idea of
phasing out the city subsidy so that a users fee
paid. for T-ball with the idea that this is an
appropriate area for the City to subsidize.
A motion was made by Bob Leffert to keep the level
of subsidy the same as last year, which was $15
per registrant. Bev Lackenmayer seconded the
motion which was approved 6-0 with kudos going to
Chuck Mastel and Mend -Eagan for the fine job they
have done with the T-ball program.
Mens Softball City Administrator Frazell provided a report on
the Mens Softball program. Diane Ward, Public
Works Secretary, is coordinating this years
softball program on a voluntary basis. She will
organize the rosters, records, rainouts and
umpires. There are eight (8) teams who each pay
$185 per team to play a May 4th to July 22nd
schedule at Henry Sibley High School. This fee
pays for the program. The City provides bases and
balls. The umpires are non -sanctioned.
Chairman Stein pointed out it was a shame that
there was no women's program. City Administrator
Frazell highlighted the needs in the City for
softball based on the current discussions in the
Ballfields Sub -Committee of the Citizens Parks
Review committee. A general discussion ensued
about the needs of softball and the constraints of
the neighborhood parks.
Art in the The program and cost of Art in the Park was
Park discussed and the Commission recommended that the
School District should be asked to provide this
Process of Referendum - The Commission wanted to
know the likely process of the referendum for the
Parks system. There was discussion on the merits
of the timing and what the school district was
MARCH MEETING The Commission confirmed its March meeting for the
14th to look at Civic Center plans and the
watering issues for the field.
ADJOURN There being no further business the meeting was
adjourned at 8:05 P.M.
Kevin Batchelder
Administrative Assistant