1988-03-08 Parks and Rec Comm Minutes (2)CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and
Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, March 8, 1988, in
Room 214, City Hall. The following members were present:
Chairman Stein, Commissioners Huber, Katz, and Leffert. Also
present were MEAA Baseball Commissioner Chuck Mastel, City
Administrator Kevin Frazell, and Grant Engelmann.
APPROVAL Minutes of the February 9 meeting were
OF MINUTES approved as mailed.
RECREATION Administrator Frazell introduced the
PROGRAM recreation survey proposed by University
graduate student Doug Peterson (who will be
available at the April meeting for comments
and discussion).
T-BALL/BASE- Chuck Mastel reported on the structure of T-
BALL/ADULT ball, which will now become an evening
SOFTBALL activity, coached by adult volunteers.
Budget was also presented. Bob Leffert moved
"that the City subsidize the T-ball program
in the amount of $15 per child so that the
fee will be $10 per child + $12 MEAA family
membership". The motion was seconded by
Huber and passed unanimously.
Mastel also mentioned that the size -'
of enough fields continues to be a E n
for the baseball program. Grant Enc
who will coordinate adult softball, n
setting about organizing the season, n✓`-^"`.T_"`
Administrator Frazell said letters i
sent out to previous team captains.
work with Mastel and Engelmann to gi
program going.
TOT LOT/CURLEY Frank Pilney and Jill Mattson were presenic u
VALLEY VIEW request that Valley View Heights Neighborhood
NEIGHBORHOOD be given a tot lot - repeat of request to
rectify situation that has existed for many
years. The City owns an empty lot which
residents would like to see developed,,
Chairman Stein stated that according to n ed
study and previous study, Rogers Lake serves
that area and it would be dangerous precedent
to construct and maintain such a lot there,
because many neighborhoods are without such
facilities. Residents urged to deal with Mr.