1987-07-14 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
The regular meeting of the Park and Recreation
Commission was held on Tuesday, July 14. Chairman Stein
called the meeting to order at 7:00 P,M, The following
members were present: Stein, Lachenmayer, Knittig, Damberg,
Katz, and recently appointed Bill Owens. Absent was Leffert.
Also present were Councilmember Liz Witt, City Administrator
Kevin Frazell and Dick Putnam.
RILEY SITE Mr. Dick Putnam, from Tandem Corporation,
showed Tandem's concept development
changes including proposed athletic
complex at that site. Park facilities
shown in new configuration along Freeway
JOINT POWERS Potential opposition exists to Sibley
AGREEMENT site on the basis of ownership and
perpetuity, lighting impact on adjacent
properties, and actual costs. School
Board and City Council will be meeting in
the near future - have 90 day time frame.
Commissioner Knittig suggested we "think
big" and possibly acquire more property.
HAMPSHIRE ESTATES Commissioner Damberg moved that the park
PARK in the Hampshire Estates development be
named "Hagstrom-King Park", subject to
the family's approval. This request was
made by the children of the former owners
of the property, who are long-standing
members of the community. The motion was
discussed and carried.
VICE -CHAIR Commissioner Knittig accepted the
nomination for vice -chair and was
unanimously elected.
DISCUSSION OF The following subjects were discussed:
Friendly Hills Tot Lot.
Request to reopen Rogers Lake Beach.
Recreation program in general, including
T-ball, softball, and arts and crafts.
No action was taken concerning the above