1985-02-12 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES, FEBRUARY 12, 1985 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission was called to order by Comissioner McMonigal at 7:30 P.M. The following members were present: McMonigal, Doffing, Knittig, Schneeman and Singer. Absent were Stein and Williams. Also present were Terry Blum and Thomas Doland, 1043 Brompton Place. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the January 8, 1985 meeting were approved as submitted. TRAIL EASEMENT ON DOLAN PROPERTY Thomas Dolan came before the Commission to present the history and present status of the potential need for a trail easement through his property. According to Mr. Dolan, the contractor developing the adjacent lot did not remove excess soil as agreed upon. Consequently, the final grade where the trail would be located is not yet determined. Since final grading can not be done until May, he will notify the Commission when the grading will take place. Then members can inspect the lot for deter- mining if a trail easement is needed and how to construct it. PARK MAINTENANCE Terry Blum reported that the rink at Ivy Falls still continues to heave. He recommended that the Commission contact City Staff for possible installation of drain tile. The maintenance crew will continue to flood the rinks at a rate of two per day, weather, permitting. RECREATION PROGRAM Dewey Selander reported that he has not received any complaints regarding the ice rinks the past month. Although shovellingl.the rinks is part of the job description for the rink attendants, there have been instances where the rinks need shovelling during the weekends. Scrapers are available for others to assist the attendant, but the attendants are responsible for clearing the ice. After some discussion regarding rink hours, Doffing moved that the rink hours be extended by two hours on Saturday with the starting time changed from 12 noon to 10:00 A.M. Schneeman seconded the motion. The new hours will be noted on the November calendar for scheduling in 1985-1986. Ayes: 5 Nayes: 0 REPORT ON DOWN- McMonigal reported on the status of the "Downtown" Task TOWN TASK FORCE Force. During the last joint meeting between the City Council, Planning Commission and Park and Recreation Commission, the Council requested that the City Planner Park and Recreation Minutes, Page Two February 12, 1985 and Staff outline subsequent steps for further analysis of the recommendations. The Council will then attempt to determine necessary steps for this analysis. SPECIAL PARK The Commission reviewed the memo from City Treasurer, FUND BALANCE Larry Shaughnessy, regarding the Special Park Fund. The estimated balance as of December 31, 1984 is $247,500. The Commission will, however, request that City Staff include more detail on the increments of in- come as they accrue. SKATING AT The Commission reviewed the memo from Public Works Director, ROGER'S LAKE Jim Danielson, regarding ice skating on Roger's Lake. The Commission concurred with the potential problems and precedents and accepted the conclusion not to proceed with skating on Roger's Lake. PARK AND RECREATION The Commission reviewed the initial draft of the Park and SURVEY Recreation Survey that will be sent to each resident of Mendota Heights, citing the need for a different intro- duction, deletion of questions and terms and questions of layout. Singer will meet with City Staff to deter- mine a more acceptable working draft. MISCELLANEOUS Knittig will make a new calendar for Commission members outlining a schedule of month to month needs. Doffing will attend the next City Council meeting. ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Alan Singer, Secretary