1985-01-08 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission
was called to order by Chairperson Stein at 7:30 P.M. The following members were
present: Stein, Doffing, Knittig, McMonigal, Schneeman, Singer and Williams.
Also present were Jim Danielson, Terry Blum and Andy Dolan, 1043 Brompton Place.
MINUTES Minutes of the December 11, 1984 meeting were approved as
TRAIL EASEMENT ON Andy Dolan, representing his father Thomas, came before the
DOLAN PROPERTY Commission to discuss the need for a trail easement through a
portion of their property to gain access to Ivy Falls Park.
Previously, area residents used an adjacent lot for a "trail"
but now the lot has a house on it. The Dolan's and several
commission members concur that there is a definite problem.
Therefore, the Commission directed that city staff contact the
two landowners about acquiring an easement and what the sub-
sequent costs would be for the sale and development.
OUTDOOR VOLLEY- Having reviewed and discussed the memo from Mr. Danielson
BALL COURT regarding the costs for an outdoor volleyball court, Williams
moved that an outdoor volleyball court be constructed at Roger's
Lake and that permanent posts be installed at Marie Park.
McMonigal seconded the motion.
Ayes: 7
Nays: 0
The motion was unanimously passed and will be recommended to the
City Council for approval.
OUTDOOR BASKET- Having reviewed and discussed the memo from Mr. Danielson
BALL COURTS regarding the costs for outdoor basketball half courts, Schneeman
moved that an outdoor basketball half court be constructed at
each municipal park for a total of five (5) half courts.
Doffing seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 2, Singer, Knittig
The motion passed and will be recommended to the City Council for
MEETING WITH REP. Stein and City Administrator Frazell met with State Representative
ART SEABERG Art Seaberg and Stein reported that Mr. Seaberg is very supportive
of the backbone trail system currently under development.
Seaberg will be meeting with Richard Braun, Mn/DOT Commissioner,
to lobby for state funding of the trail through the capital
improvements bill. It was also hoped that there would be
funding for the Minnesota DNR to clear a trail from the I-494
bridge to Fort Snelling.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes, Page Two January 8. 1985
Stein reported that he and a number of other people had applied
for a vacancy on the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Committee.
There had been a group interview and the results would be
known later in the week.
The Commission.reviewed the estimated costs for the bike trail
on Lexington Avenue between Marie Avenue and TH 110. The new
cost estimate reflected the additional costs for a trail that was
not adjacent to Lexington Avenue, but separate from it. There
would have to be a few variances due to the pond at the corner
of Marie and an existing culvert, but Mr. Danielson felt there
would be few other problems.
Doffing moved that the Commission direct the City staff to
prepare the necessary plans and specifications for the separate
trail on Lexington Avenue.between Marie Avenue and TH 110 for
submission to the City Council. Singer seconded the motion, and
the motion passed unanimously.
Ayes: 7
Nays: 0
Terry Blum reported that the ice rink continues to heave at Ivy
Falls and that they will try to move the location of the rink
next year. He will check on the possibility of using the small
pond at Roger's Lake as another ice rink.
The back panels on the light boxes are now repaired at all of
the ice rinks.
RECREATION PROGRAM Director Selander has not had any complaints concerning the
rinks or the rink attendants. T-ball changes will be noted in
the next Heights Hilites. Knittig and Singer will contact
Selander in regard to a user survey to be published in the next
edition of the Hilites.
MISCELLANEOUS McMonigal will chair the February meeting due to Chairperson
Stein's scheduled absence.
Jim Danielson will discuss the status of researching other
recreation programs with City Administrator Frazell.
Schneeman will attend the next City Council meeting.
The next
of the Park
Recreation Commission will be
12, 1985,
at 7:30
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Commission,
the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Alan Singer, Secretary