1984-12-11 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
regular meeting of the Mendota Heights
Park and Recreation Commission was
called to
order by Chairperson Stein
Stein, Doffing, McMonigal,
were absent. Also present
at 7:30 o'clock
Singer and
were Terry
P.M. The following members were
Williams. Members Knittig and
Blum, Kevin Frazell and Dewey Selander.
APPROVAL OF Minutes of the November 13, 1984 meeting were approved as
MINUTES submitted.
RESPONSE TO PUBLICIZED The Commission was concerned about recently reported actions taken
REPORT OF THE CITY by the City Council regarding the status of the Recreation
COUNCIL'S ACTIONS Programs and the salary for the present Program Director. The
REGARDING RECREATION present program consists of those programs recommended by and
PROGRAM AND DIRECTOR'S for citizens and are implemented by non-professional staff.
SALARY This program has been under study for some time and will continue
with improvement to be solicited in "HighLites". The Commission
has been pleased with Mr. Selander's response to necessary changes
and will recommend that his salary extend beyond the three month
LEXINGTON AVENUE The updated cost estimate for the Lexington Avenue Bike Trail was
BIKE TRAIL reviewed by the Commission. After discussion, Doffing moved the
Park and Recreation Commission approve the plan and estimated
costs for the Lexington Avenue Bike Trail and that staff prepare
specifications for drawing up the contract. The motion was
seconded and approved unanimously.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
CURLEY ADDITION BIKE The Commission reviewed the memo from Public Works Director
TRAIL Danielson regarding the Curley Addition Bike Trail. Although the
construction of the bike trail has been authorized by the City
Council, there still remains the issue of screening the trail
from an adjoining residence. Upon further discussion, Williams
moved that a natural screen should not be financed by the City as
it would set a precedent for other park/trail land. The motion
was seconded and approved.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
MARIE/SUMMIT PARK The Commission reviewed a memo from Mr. Danielson concerning the
LAND SALE use of income from the sale of the lot at Marie Avenue and Summit
Lane. Citing the importance of not setting a precedent of using
park funds to provide plantings for the benefit of private
residences, the Commission deferred any recommendations for use of
income until the property is sold.
EASEMENT FOR ACCESS A request made by Thomas Dolan for the City to consider acquiring
TO IVY FALLS PARK an easement for access to Ivy Falls Park was discussed by the
Commission. Since a similar request was made by another party
sometime ago, the request was placed on the January agenda, when
more time could be devoted to it.
December 11, 1984 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes, Page Two
PARK ATTENDANTS Mr. Selander reported that eight rink attendants have been hired
and that stricter guidelines will be enforced this year than in
years past. Selander will attempt to visit the rinks each
night and the police department will also be patrolling each rink
area each night.
ICE RINK USEAGE Requests for use of ice rinks after regular hours must be made by
contacting Kim at City Hall. A confirmation letter will then be
sent to the interested party(s). Coachs and groups from Mendota
Heights interested in using the rinks during evening hours should
contact Dewey at home so the locations can be distributed and
scheduled in. Schools wanting to use rinks will continue to go
through the maintenance department.
SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB Due to the small response, interest in a Senior Citizens Club
from Mendota Heights will be advertised once again.
OUTDOOR RECREATION Due to increased demand, the Commission will recommend to the City
ADDITIONS Council the use of park funds for the construction of an outdoor
volleyball court at Rogers Lake and three outdoor basketball courts
with one rim each. Cost estimates should be finalized by the
February meeting so that bids may be let out in time for completion
by summer.
MAINTENANCE REPORT Terry Blum reported that flooding the ice rinks had their best
start i,n years. The back panels and wiring for the lights at each
of the rinks are still in poor condition and need repairs.
CROSS COUNTRY SKI A private individual has offered to groom both of the City's cross -
TRAIL GROOMER country ski trails for $135 each time. Since this was a reason-
able cost, Singer moved that the City Council allocate $270 for
the grooming of the two cross country ski trails. The motion was
seconded and approved.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
MISCELLANEOUS A meeting between two members of the Wachtler family and the Mayor,
City Administrator and Chairman of the Park Board will be set
sometime in January to discuss the status of the Wachtler property
and possible agreement to first right of refusal.
Mn/DOT has cooperated with the City in gaining easements along
35E for a future bike trail.
Use of revenue or equivalent services for the use of park land by
Lunda Construction will be placed on the April agenda.
Singer and Williams indicated a willingness to City Administrator
Frazell to serve another term on the Park and Recreation Commission.
Their terms expire January 31, 1985.
The meat
the Park
Recreation Commission will be
1985, at
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Commission,
the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Alan Singer, Secretary