1984-11-13 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 1984 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Stein. The following members were present: Stein, Doffing, Knittig, McMonigal, Schneeman and Singer. Williams was absent. Also present were Terry Blum, Jim Danielson and Dewey Selander. APPROVAL OF Minutes of the October 9, 1984 meeting were approved as MINUTES submitted. MEETING WITH Stein summarized the meeting he had with City Administrator RECREATION Frazell and Recreation Director Selander. Frazell will assist DIRECTOR Selander in the selection of rink attendants and the attendants chosen will be expected to abide by set guidelines. Violations will be disciplined accordingly. The Director is expected to visit the rinks at night as often as possible. The police force will be requested to make a stop at each rink each evening. ICE RINK GUIDELINES The Commission adopted the following guidelines for ice rink activities: 1. There will be no hockey on the pleasure rinks except for younger children if it does not interfere with pleasure skaters. 2. Hockey takes precedent over boot hockey on the hockey rinks. Enforcement of these guidelines will be at the discretion of the individual rink attendants. 3. The skating rinks at Wentworth and Ivy Falls will be divided in half like last year to accommodate various interests. 4. Organized groups wishing to reserve a rink may contact Kim at City Hall, where they will be scheduled and sent a confirmation letter. PARK MAINTENANCE Terry Blum reported that the ice rink surfaces have been leveled REPORT and are ready to go. Ice flooding will begin at 4:00 a.m., as last year. The wood duck boxes on "Joanie's Pond" were moved since the trees that they were attached to fell in the last severe storm. The electrical boxes in Ivy Falls, Friendly Hills and Marie Park need new back panels to prevent possible injury. Rink lights are ready as are the two ski trails. The tennis courts at Rogers Lake are splitting and will need resurfacing next spring. BIKE TRAIL The Commission reviewed the letter that they requested Mr. Danielson send to Mn/DOT indicating the change in the bike trail route. Since the route has been altered, the Commission Park and Recreation Commission Minutes, November 13, 1984 Page Two requested staff to update, by the next meeting, the cost estimates for the corridor between Marie Avenue and Mendota Reights Road. REQUEST FOR PLAY- Residents near Marie Park requested playground equipment for GROUND EQUIPMENT pre-school children. Since the Commission addressed this issue previously, the decision not to add this equipment to this or any other park stands as is. DOWNTOWN TASK FORCE McMonigal reported that the corridor for the proposed TH 14.9 will be left as open space east of Friendly Hills. Mendakota Country Club is considering the gale of their property at Dodd and TH 110, where a shopping center with specialty shops may be constructed. A future City Hall would be located north of TH 110 and east of Dodd Road, RECREATION REPORT Dewey Selander reported there are presently eight applicants for rink attendants. The meeting for beginning a Senior Citizens Club will be held November 21st. Couples Volleyball needs more participants or it will have to be cancelled. MISCELLANEOUS Singer read the letter he received from Dakota County Parks indicating they will be unable to groom the City cross country ski trails this winter. The next meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission will be on December 11, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Alan Singer, Secretary