1991-05-14 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
MAY 14, 1991 - 7:00 P.M.
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of the April 9, 1991, Minutes.
4. Play Equipment - Mendakota Park
- Recommendation of Play Equipment Proposals
5. Adopt -A -Park
Recommendation on New Program
6. Sibley Field Use
Discussion Item
7. The Role of the Park Commission
Follow-up Discussion from Team Building Session
8. Lease of Mendakota Park Concession Building
9. Mendakota Park Sink Change Order
10. Mendakota Park Second Fountain
11. Police Bike Trail Patrol
12. Verbal Updates
a. Mayfield Heights Trail Progress Report
b. Mendakota Tennis Courts
c. Mendota School - Backstops and Benches
d. Sibley Construction Status
e. Neighborhood Parks and Trails Built in 1990 - Construction
f. Mendakota Park Progress
g. Need for "Adequate Size" Soccer Fields
13. Adjourn
APRIL 9I 1991
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation
Commission was held on Tuesday, April 9, 1991, in the City Hall
Expansion Room, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair John Huber called the
meeting to order at 7:15 o'clock P.M. The following members were
present: Huber, Hunter, Damberg and Spicer. Commissioners
Kleinglass, Lundeen and Katz were excused. Staff members present
were Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander and Administrative
Assistant Kevin Batchelder.
Commissioner Hunter moved approval of the March 12,
1991 Minutes.
Commissioner Spicer seconded the motion.
Chair John Huber introduced Commission and staff to
the Mayfield Heights residents in attendance for
this agenda item. Chair Huber summarized the
request for a trail by the neighborhood and the
work that the engineering staff has completed this
winter. Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander
explained the Feasibility Report to the audience.
He explained that the cost for connecting Mayfield
Heights trail had been estimated by the engineer's
department at between $14,000 to $24,000. Mr.
Kullander explained that the price range
differential was based on easement acquisitions
being friendly or the City pursuing condemnation.
He stated that Public Works Director Jim Danielson
had contacted the two homeowners, the Hoffman's and
the Nonnemacher's and that their response had been
that they were not interested in providing the City
with a trail easement through their property. Mr.
Kullander explained that City engineering staff had
examined other options to link Mayfield Heights
Lane with the City trail system. He explained
these other options would require more than two
easements as they would cross numerous properties
in order to get either to James Court, James Road
April 9, 1991
Page 3
Commissioner Damberg inquired if the apartment
building adjacent to the Mayfield Heights
neighborhood was in Lilydale. Mr. Kullander
responded that, yes it was, and that it would be
difficult to take the trail through the Lilydale
property as there would be a lot of mature trees
that would need to be taken down and a joint powers
agreement between the two Cities would be necessary
as well as the condominium association agreement.
Mr. Stu Steinman stated that he lives across the
road from Mr. Nonnemacher. He stated before Mr.
Nonnemacher developed that property there had been
a "for sale" sign on it and that it had been an
unsightly swamp. He stated that very little foot
traffic came through this empty lot because of
steep slopes. Mr. Steinman stated that the
Nonnemacher's have improved the lot with a
beautiful house and fixed what was blight on the
neighborhood. Mr. Steinman stated that he did not
want this trail and felt that it was dangerous for
him to back out of his driveway with bicycle and
foot traffic coming from this trail onto Douglas
Road. He stated that there will be motorcycles,
bicycles and skate boards using this trail and he
did not want this in his neighborhood. Mr. Hoffman
stated that there have been incidents of
motorcycles going through the woods on his lot.
Ms. Phillips stated that if the cost was too
expensive it was not necessary to have the trail be
bituminous. Mr. Kullander responded that a
bituminous trail is less costly for maintenance and
that the City liability requirements emphasize
maintainable hard surface for a trail.
Mr. Hoffman stated that he appreciates Mayfield
Heights concern, however, he felt that this was not
a reasonable solution to put a path through someone
else's yard. He stated that he chose to live in
the suburbs because of a desire for privacy.
Andrea Larson, 1666 Mayfield Heights Road
stated that the City of Mendota Heights should be
concerned about the well being of the value of
Mendota Heights as a community and the value of its
property. She stated that the only draw back to
the location of Mayfield Heights Road is a lack of
access to the rest of the community. She stated
that she cannot access any of the new parks with
her baby stroller. She stated that she currently
April 9, 1991
Page 5
two easements to acquire in this area and that it
is a short section of trail. Commissioner Spicer
suggested that the engineering staff check other
areas to link this neighborhood and perhaps the
Mayfield Heights neighborhood could talk to these
neighbors to see if they are willing to have a
trail easement through their property. Chair Huber
stated that he felt it was more appropriate that
the City approach property owners about trail
Mr. Nonnemacher stated that they chose this lot as
an area they wanted to live in and that they had
the foresight to buy a lot and a half to provide a
private yard for their house and now they
potentially will lose it. He stated that a trail
through his yard would open the area up to all
residents in the Lilydale condominiums and
apartments and that he is opposed to this extra
traffic coming through his property.
Chair Huber asked the Parks Commissioners to give
the neighborhood a direction or some indication of
a direction in which to pursue. Commissioner
Spicer stated that he has sympathy with the
Mayfield Heights residents and that is why they had
asked the City engineering staff to find a
reasonable way to link a trail system to their
neighborhood. He stated, however, there may not be
an alternative that is reasonable. Commissioner
Spicer stated that he would not recommend a
condemnation proceeding in order to acquire a trail
to Douglas Road from Mayfield Heights Road. He
stated that the best option would be to have staff
pursue other easement possibilities. Commissioner
Hunter agreed. Commissioner Hunter stated that
there may be other property owners who would want
the easement fee and not mind having a bike trail
through their property. He stated that he is also
reluctant to force a condemnation. Commissioner
Damberg stated that she thinks the best option is
to explore other routes for possible easements and
that she would recommend the engineering staff do
Chair Huber inquired that, if there were not any
other friendly easements available what would the
Parks and Recreation Commission like to tell the
people of the Mayfield Heights neighborhood. He
stated that he would be disinclined to force a
trail to provide a link up Mayfield Heights
April 9, 1991
Page 7
discussions with the Parks and Recreation
Commission. He stated that Keith Heaver had
presented an alternative to the City that would not
dedicate the lot, but would subdivide a twenty foot
(201) strip off of it leaving room to place the
tennis court between the newly created lot and the
high power line easement. He stated that this
location had been staked with the blue ribbons out
at the site and that maps had been provided showing
this location in tonight's memo. Administrative
Assistant Batchelder stated that the biggest
constraint in putting a tennis court in this
location would be the timing, the legal
arrangements necessary to work out construction
easements, the subdivision of the lot and the
agreement of the neighborhood to pay for the cost
of constructing the tennis court.
Commission Spicer moved that this item be continued
to the next the meeting in order to give staff time
to contact Mr. Heaver for a formal reply in writing
of the neighborhood's intention.
Commissioner Hunter seconded the motion and stated
that he is in favor of constructing the tennis
court if possible.
Parks Project Manager Kullander stated that the
City had received three responses from play
equipment vendors to provide the play equipment as
requested by the City in Mendakota Park. He stated
that these vendors are the Earl Anderson Company,
Value Recreation Company and Flannagan Sales
Company. He stated that each vendor is present
tonight to give a presentation on their company's
Mr. Mike Dorsey of Earl Anderson Company presented
his proposed play equipment bid. The bid included
handicapped access, decks, swings, toddler sand
area, rubberized safe decking and a pea gravel
surface. Mr. Dorsey explained the amenities that
would come with the play equipment he is proposing.
Mr. Dorsey also explained the materials that would
be used to construct the play equipment including
showing the Commission construction samples. The
April 9, 1991
Page 9
have some addresses forwarded to the Parks
Commission so they could visit the sites where
these play fields are in place.
Administrative Assistant Batchelder provided verbal
updates to the Parks and Recreation Commission on
the following items:
Correspondence from ISD #197 Access Project
"Mendakota Park"
Bid Award for Construction
St. Thomas Academy - Tennis
Trail Maps
Adopt -A- Park
Park Ordinance
Park Inventory
Sibley Maintenance Budget
Mendakota Park
Parks Project Manager Kullander provided verbal
updates on the Mendakota Park construction. Mr.
Kullander stated that the pay phone has been
installed at the Sibley Park site. Mr. Kullander
stated that washout areas and reseeding areas would
be fixed at Sibley, Victoria Highlands and
Hagstrom-King Parks. He stated that signs for the
new parks have been ordered. Mr. Kullander stated
that the tennis nets have been put up, the tennis
courts, and the basketball courts have been swept,
some of the trails have been swept and the parks
crews are busy painting the inside of the warming
Commissioner Spicer stated that the Mendota School
play fields are used extensively and that the City
should consider shared expenses for providing field
furniture for this site including benches,
backstops and other amenities. Mr. Kullander
stated that Terry Blum, Parks Leadperson, had
recommended that Friendly Hills Park not be played
on until June. Mr. Kullander stated that he had
complaints regarding the Wentworth tennis court and
the Hagstrom-King basketball court. Mr. Kullander
stated that the School District had informed the
City that there was an April 15th deadline for
requests to schedule fields at Sibley Park.
May 7, 1991
To: Parks and Recreation Commission �
From: Kevin Batchelder, Administrative Assista U
Subject: Play Equipment - Mendakota Park
Recommendation on Play Equipment Proposals
At the April 9th Parks and Recreation meeting, the Commission
received presentations from three play equipment vendors who had
submitted proposals to the City to construct the specified play
equipment at Mendakota Park. The vendors submitting bids were Mike
Dorsey, of Earl Anderson Co., Chris Haugen, of Value Recreation and
Play World Systems, and Brian Flanigan, of Flanigan Sales Co. and
Iron Mtn. Forge equipment.
At the meeting, the Commission directed Parks Project Manager
Guy Kullander to review the proposals and compare active play
stations (or events), compare the highlights and features, and to
list the differences of the equipment in materials, construction
and quality. Guy has prepared this comparison and his materials
are attached.
Discuss the comparisons and the bids that have been submitted
and make a recommendation to City Council on awarding a contract
based upon a proposal for the construction of the Mendakota Park
play equipment.
H licap Play Events
7 * (10)
Ha.,dicap Ramps -
Lin. Ft.
Tuf Turf
80 lin. ft.
113 sq. yd **
lin. ft.
sq. yd.
lin. ft.
lin. ft.)
sq. yd.
(wood fiber)
* Drawing shows more
equipment than is
in proposal
on drawing)
** Substitution of "Tuf-Turf" type product for wood carpet will reduce
some of the above listed items
The preceding comparison list only addresses quantity of product
proposed by the three suppliers. Questions of aesthetics, quality of
naterials, uniqueness or playability are subjective, and I will not address
these items.
As to durability, I feel that overall the Earl F. Anderson products
will need the least amount of maintenance. The components are manufactured
Locally and replacement parts are available within one days notice.
Select a supplier from the three proposals submitted and recommend the
ity Council to award the contract to provide and install play equipment in
the Mendakota Park.
May 7, 1991
To: Parks and Recreation Commission
From: Kevin Batchelder, Administrative Assista
Subject: Adopt -A -Park
New Program Proposal
At the April 9, 1991 meeting, staff mentioned that we had been
contacted by Gopher State One Call Service about the possibility of
adopting a park. Gopher State's intention was to commit to clean
up of a City park on a twice a year basis, similar to the MnDOT
Adopt -A -Highway program. The Parks Commission was enthusiastic
about this type of community service and requested that staff
pursue an Adopt -A -Park program.
Attached you
permit, terms and
program commits the
twice a year pickup
In return, the City
and a sign in the
publicity. The per
will find a copy of the proposed program's
conditions, and safety tips. Basically, the
group adopting a park, or trail section, to
We are encouraging a Spring and Fall cleanup,
provides trash bags, pickup of collected trash
park. We would also provide press release
mit also provides for a one time only pickup.
The cost for the City to implement this program would be
limited to the cost for purchasing an individual sign and for its
placement. A preliminary estimate is that each sign and its
construction would not exceed $100. If all our parks were adopted,
and some trail sections, an estimate for signs would be a maximum
of approximately $1,500,
I recommend that this program be recommended for City Council
approval and that it be funded out of the Special Parks Fund in its
initial year. Discussion of this as a General Fund budget item can
occur during the budget process for 1992,
Discuss this new program proposal and make an appropriate
recommendation to City Council.
NOTE: Gopher State One Call Service is interested in
adopting Rogers Lake Park and the trail along the lake.
They have scheduled a pickup for Saturday, May 18 and are
hoping for City approval of this program.
City of
Mendota Heights
(check one)
_ Adopt -a -Park The group agrees to pick up litter at least two times a year for a minimum of two years.
Pick -a -Park. The group agrees to pickup litter one time only.
We request permission to pick up litter on
for a total of miles.
The City of Mendota Heights reserves the right to refuse, cancel or revise this agreement if in its sole judgment the nature
of the group or its sign is political, controversial or in questionable taste, or if the group is not meeting the terms and con-
ditions of this agreement. By signing this agreement, the group acknowledges the hazardous nature of the work and agrees
to comply with the terms and conditions herewith to the satisfaction of the City of Mendota Heights.
Except for the negligent acts of the City, its agents and employees, the volunteers or their agents shall assume all liability.
for, and save the City, its agents and employees, harmless from, any and all claims for damages, actions or causes of action
arising out of the work to be done herein.
Any and all volunteers of the group or other persons while engaged in the performance of any work or service performed
under this agreement shall not be considered employees of the City, and any and all claims that may or might arise under
the Worker's Compensation Act of Minnesota on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and
all claims made by any thud party of the group's volunteers or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or ser-
vices to be rendered shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City.
Name of group
p ease pnn
Name of group representative
Phone (home) (work)
Special provisions
City Administrator
1101 Victoria Curve •Mendota Heights, MN • 55118 452.1850
1. The group shall review the safety tips
before each
pickup to
alert participants
to the precautions
and potential
2. Each participant should be:
a. Eighteen years of age or provided with adequate
supervision. Participants under ten years of age shall
have prior authorization in writing from the City
b. Mentally alert and possessing good common sense;
c. In good physical condition, including sight and hearing.
3. Assign work teams and leaders before you reach the site.
Distribute trash bags. Estimate the amount of time for your
pickup and agree on a meeting place when you're done.
4. Carpool to the site, if convenient. Use city park parking
5. Brinq along
an adequate
first aid kit.
Identify the nearest
hospital and
know now to
get there in
an emergency.
6. Don't
over exert yourself.
a supply
of drinking
and take breaks.
7. Work only during daylight hours during good weather.
8. Be aware of park users such as bicycle riders. Stay alert and
with your team and avoid dangerous horseplay on bike paths or
near roads and streets.
9. Do not crush collected trash to make more room in the bag;
broken or jagged objects could cause accidental injuries. Do
not put syringes or hypodermic needles in the trashbag as they
can easily puncture the bag and cause serious injury. Take
care to dispose of them properly and contact the City Park
Department for proper disposal.
10. What to avoid:
a. Stay away from construction sites, mowing activities,
open water, steep slopes, marsh areas, retaining walls or
areas that could be dangerous.
DO Stay away from poison ivy or other noxious weeds. Stay
away from recently applied herbicides.
May 7, 1991
To: Parks and Recreation Commission
From: Kevin Batchelder, Administrative Assist
Subject. Sibley Field Use - Discussion Item
Parks and Recreation Commission Chair John Huber desires to
discuss, as a Commission, the 1991 use of Sibley Park and its
fields given the conditions for play that exist, or will exist,
later this summer.
Sometime this summer the City will accept the project from the
contractor and make the final payment for the construction of
Sibley Park. The final punch list still has a few items such as
fence replacement, fill of erosion and gulching, etc. to be
completed. Slit seeding scheduled for this spring has not yet been
While the School District will be maintaining the fields and
coordinating the scheduling under the provisions of the Joint
Powers Agreement, the City will make the final determination of
when the field is playable and when use of the fields may begin.
This determination may be made some time after we have accepted the
project. The Parks Project Manager, the City Engineer and the City
Administrator will consult before the final determination is made.
Staff will be prepared to provide details on the condition of
the turf at the meeting Tuesday evening.
Discuss the use of Sibley fields and make any appropriate
May 7, 1991
To: Parks and Recreation Commission
From: Kevin Batchelder, Administrative Assistant
Subject: The Role of the Park Commission
Follow-up Discussion of the Team Building Session
At the recent City Council, Commissions and Staff Team
Building session there was discussion that focused on role clarity
and communications in order to enhance the teamwork at the City of
Mendota Heights. In the near future staff will be providing a
synopsis of the communications recommendations made that evening
and suggestions for implementing better communications.
The other piece, role clarity, is a carry over from the 1988
Team Building Session where each Commission, the City Council and
staff produced a written description of their roles and then ranked
the items. The attachment provides a description of the Role of
the Park Commission that was made at that time. The numbers in the
second column represent a degree of consensus on each item.
At the recent Team Building Session, it was suggested that
each Commission review the role descriptions for changes that have
occurred since 1988 and make any revisions, additions, subtractions
or modifications necessary.
Review the "Role
Parks Commission" for revisions and
make a recommendation
Council for formal adoption.
May 10, 1991
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Guy Kullander, Parks Project Manager
SUBJECT: Lease of Concession Building at Mendakota Park
I have received a request from Gene and Harriet Will (see
attached letter) to operate the concession building at the ball
fields. They live in the Copperfield area and have sons attending
Sibley High School,
The specific operation or use of the concession area has not
been fully discussed by this Commission. Any rental monies the
City receives could offset operating costs of the park.
Make a recommendation to the City Council regarding use of
this facility.
J. We will provide the City with a complete
listing of menu and other items for sale for
R. All merchandise and food provided will be
supplied by us.
L. We will be responsible for acquiring all
vending licenses and payment of Minnesota
sales taxes.
4. Experience
A. Both of us have been involved in the
management of food industry for 20+ years.
B. Involved in food service at Minnesota State
Fair for several years.
5. Reasons for our level of interest.
A. Lived in the City of Mendota Heights for the
past five years.
B. Very active in various community activities
during the past several years.
1) Volunteers at Mendota Elementary School.
2) Coach various baseball and T-ball teams.
3) Support our children in Mendota Heights
hockey and baseball programs.
C. Interested in providing our children and other
children their first opportunity to be
involved in their community.
We are dedicated to our community and believe we offer
the maturity and conscientiousness necessary to provide
Mendota Heights with a successful and respected concession
We look forward to the opportunity to discuss this
proposal with you, and we are confident that our working
relationship will be successful and prosperous for all
parties involved.
Harriet and Gene Will
May 6, 1991
May 9, 1991
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Guy Kullander, Parks Project Manager 4W
SUBJECT: Concession Building in Mendakota Park
The need for a concession building in all newly constructed
athletic field complexes was agreed upon by the Citizens Park
Review Committee, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City
Construction materials used in the concession area must meet
very strict State guidelines. At Sibley Park, a single NFS
approved stainless steel sink was allowed because the anticipated
use of the concession area would be intermittent and probably be
used by different groups or organizations which would not leave
equipment in the building when their event was concluded.
At Mendakota Park, the same single sink,- was specified for
bidding. If the future use of this concession area is different
from that described above, a three compartment NFS approved sink
would be necessary. This sink would require a change order with
the selected plumbing contractor. The plumber's cost for this
change item is $2,470. I have contacted a different supplier who
will provide the sink and faucets (no installation) for
approximately $900.
The factors that determine the need for a three compartment
sink, as described to me by the State Health Inspector, are as
1. need to clean utensils and equipment
2. storage of perishable food items
3. continuous operation on regular basis by an individual
or group
If the Commission desires to have the concession area operate
on a regular basis with the ability to sell more than canned pop,
wrapped candy and bagged chips, they should so direct me to seek
the lowest priced NFS approved three compartment sink, arrange for
installation and prepare the necessary change order documents to be
presented to the City Council for their approval.
May 9, 1991
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Guy Kullander, Parks Project Manager
SUBJECT: Mendakota Park Second Drinking Fountain
Provided in the design of the comfort station/concession
building was a drinking fountain on the outside of the building.
Also discussed was an additional drinking fountain that would be
located by the picnic pavilion which is approximately 450 feet
westerly of the comfort station. This second fountain would serve
people using the play equipment and picnic pavilion/band shell area
as well as providing a source of water for maintenance use.
Staff estimated that this second fountain would cost in the
$5,000 to $7,000 range. Early cost estimates for the park complex
were high, therefore this item was "cut" by the Parks and
Recreation Commission to lower the development costs.
To keep this option open for further consideration, the
installation of the copper line from the comfort building to the
pavilion was kept in the utility contract as a separate bid item
which could be easily omitted after the bid opening if the bids for
the complex came in "too high".
The bids came in low, the project is progressing at a rapid
pace, and the need to revisit the second fountain issue at the
April Parks and Recreation meeting was missed by me. The copper
line has been installed by the utility contractor and now a
decision must be made as to what should be done next.
There are three options:
1. Mark and burg. Leave copper line in place for
possible future utilization - (do nothing) -
Cost = .00
2. Install a small hydrant for maintenance department use.
Cost = Estimate $500
May 9, 1991
TO: Parks and Recreation Commission
FROM: Guy Kullander, Parks Project Manager Ale
SUBJECT: Police Department Request
Police Chief Dennis Delmont is concerned about adequate safety
and security along our expanded bituminous trail system. Chief
Delmont proposes the possible use of police officers on bikes for
patrolling the trails.
At present, funding constraints in the police department
preclude any possibility that the estimated $1,000 necessary to
purchase three bikes would be available.
Delmont has raised
of the
possibility of
the Parks
and Recreation being
This item is submitted for discussion purposes.