1973-10-02 Parks and Rec Comm Minutes11111age of Melydota Aetylfft BANK BUILDING 750 SOUTH PLAZA DRIVE • MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 55120 TELEPHONE (612) 4524850 Parks & Recreation Commission October 2, 1973 Mr. Edward Stringer Chairman Mendota Heights Planning Commission Subject: Pending request for subdivision variance -- Sheldon property - Lot 3, Block 1, Ridgewood Park Addition The subject subdivision was reviewed by the Park Commission at the September 26, 1973 meeting. The Park Commission has strong concerns in this matter as follows: 1. The Commission quickly noted that this piece of property contains a vital and very active surface water channel, namely a creek, which has been and will undoubtedly continue to be an important element in carrying water from as far south as Roger's Lake, through Friendly Hills, the shopping center and the contiguous residential areas. The Commission recommends that any proposal concerning the Sheldon subdivision, or any other related subdivision, should demand a thorough study of the impact and problems that future development would necessarily have and create relative to the disturbance or modification to this vital drainage pattern. The Commission recognizes that this factor has little bearing on the subdivision per se; however, because development naturally follows subdivision, we feel that development of at least a major portion of the northern section of this lot would require a significant modification to this important Village surface water drainage link. 2. The Commission promptly noted that this subdivision and subsequent development has a direct problematical impact on the Commission's commitment to the Village residents to provide a corridor for access from south of proposed Marie Avenue (along 35E) thence crossing under Marie Avenue to the Mr. Edward Stringer. -2- October 2, 1973 large Interstate Park site, thence northward to Highway 13. After much careful deliberation, the Park Commission (with the expertise of 1of-h the Village Engineer and Park Consultant) had decided some time ago to provide an underpass at Marie Avenue, such an underpass being a reaL.uiial.le distance from the 35E bridge and consisteni.c•:iC.li the unusual topographies of both the existing land forms and the proposed Marie Avenue road bed. The subdivision and devel.opment of the northwest sectiun of Sheldon's lot could then easily crea.Lte a roadblock to the park plans. 3. The Co��mmission .i.s concerned thaC i:he, d�:��elohmcnf: following the subdivision will have a dec-id(�d adverse impact on the environmental. and ecological make-up of this piece or. property. At.. Leas'-_ 50<. ca' this lot (primarily the northern ha Lf which ahu'.a Marie Avenue) is lowland -- it contains met slit ri;: easily visible and constant water table, arid i.t F:,_ease is substantially peat. Moreover, it l�«rbcrs and fosters a great deal of intei:est:i.ng wi.ld.1 if,_ . TL:e Commission evaluates that in the f ixiil.d.1;J4 several l:iomes there, the environment ar,d ecu.ag,wo...d be altered to destruction, much to the detriment. of the prospective homeowners on th:Ls property, the homeowners on surrounding properties, and tli12 environmental and ecological i.ntereste• of not only. the Park Commission but of many Village resicluai_s who are and who will be enjoying the naturalof '-.log Interstate Park. land. The Park Cornmissi.on �_iryes t:he Ylanniny Coimtu.:arson to care full.Y deliberate on these points as vital iacto?'s i.n your dec.i.sion-making process. Purther, we ask that you convey our concerns; to Mr. Sheldon and all parties concerned. Sincerely, Jose 1 telanit" Ch,u.rman cc: Orvi.l J. Johnson