1973-06-27 Parks and Rec Comm Minutesf�1 C. D. VILLAGE OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes June 27, 1973 Present Absent Finn Starr Howe Lundeen Stefani Meierotto Berg Murphy Franzmeier Shipman Approval of Minutes -- May 30, 1973 -- motion passed unanimously to approve Water Level Effect on Rogers Lake Development -- Starr reported that further study indicated that the ponds at Rogers Lake would dry up if the 872.2 level is approved. He suggested alternatives ranging from elimination of canoe channel/lagoon to complete dredging of channel and pond. -- Decision -- Based on proposed Rogers Lake elevation of 872.2, Finn moved to as Council to approve additional expenditure up to $1,500 for the purpose of modifying the canoe lagoon concept which would consist of dredging, addition of mounding and culverts and trail relocation with credit applied for the elimination of one foot bridge and approximately 6" of crushed rock surfacing on the access road. Development Priorities -- The Commission directed Starr to suggest to the contractor the following order for development: Wentworth and Marie Avenue, Interstate, Friendly Hills and Rogers Lake. Miscellaneous -- Starr asked that we check wood chips source and amount. He will estimate quantities needed and G. Murphy will coordinate acquisition and temporary storage. -- Shipman asked that copies of contractor's monthly bills and estimate sheets be given to Meierotto and Shipman. Minutes -2- June 27, 1973 -- Stefan requested that Johnson be asked for a copy of List of Claims. -- Meierotto suggested an exchange of minutes between Parks and Planning Commissions. -- Meierotto and Stefan designated as members of Surface Water Drainage Study being conducted in Village. E. Tennis Courts -- Meierotto moved that bicycle barriers be used in place of gates on the tennis courts. Seconded by Finn. Motion passed. -- Starr announced that he and Johnson had decided on using one cloth and one metal net at each court site. F. Next Meetings -- July 2, 1973 -- 8:00, Village Hall, Budget Meeting -- July 18, 1973 -- 7:00, West St. Paul, Confederated Park Commissioners -- July 19, 1973 -- 8:00, Village Hall